Traits and Features In Baldur's Gate 3, refer to the unique actions and attributes that a character can perform and obtain depending on their Class and Race or Subrace. The Traits are acquired only by specific Races while Features are available to any character and are determined by their Class. Each Class also has several Subclasses that players can select after gaining sufficient XP. In the list below, we combined the full Traits and Features in one table that will allow players to compare actions and attributes.


How do I acquire Traits and Features in BG3?

In Baldur's Gate 3, Traits are acquired by characters through their Race which gives them a unique attribute that cannot be obtained by other means. Some races also have subraces that will give them another attribute different from other subraces while retaining the attributes from their original race. Once players have chosen their character's race, it can no longer be changed.

On the other hand, Features can be obtained by any character, and are determined by their Class. Classes also have subclasses that players can choose after gaining the required experience. Players can choose to respec their class if they wish to do so and the Full Launch of Baldur's Gate 3 will now introduce Multiclassing.

Can I Change my Class to get other Features in Baldur's Gate 3?

Players are encouraged to try different combinations and Classes to find a Build that best suits them to create a fun and enjoyable experience. This is done through the same NPC that is met in early act 1 who will have a few helpful abilities including the ability to restart your Build with new starting proficiencies, attributes, spells, and cantrips.

For concerns about balancing a party composition, you don't have to worry about choosing the right class for your character when it comes to party composition as all Companions can be respecced to any other class. So you actually have the freedom of choosing your preferred class without worrying about whether it would synergize well with your companions.

Do note that respeccing your companion's class will not affect them in any way in terms of story, origin, or lore. For example, if you have Wyll as a companion and you decided to respecc and change him into a different class, he will still be a Warlock story-wise. 

Are Features Different from Feats in Baldur's Gate 3?

Feats in Baldur's Gate 3 are special talents or areas of expertise that provide special capabilities to characters. Each Feat is unique, giving you an extra passive or active skill that you would not have gotten otherwise through your chosen Class or Background. These Feats can range from increases in Ability Scores, to proficiencies that give you an edge in battle, to skill bonuses that are best suited for out-of-combat scenarios. 

You can take any Feat regardless of your Class or Race, so long as you meet its required prerequisite. If you ever lose a Feat’s prerequisite, you can’t use that Feat until you regain the prerequisite. An example the game and the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook gives is regarding the Grappler feat.

This Feat requires you to have a Strength of 13 or higher. If your Strength is reduced below 13 by any means —perhaps by a withering curse— you can’t benefit from the Grappler feat until your Strength is restored back to the prerequisite of 13.

Multiclassing in BG3 and How Does it Work?

Multiclassing is a feature that will be implemented in the full release of Baldur's Gate 3. This is the ability to switch to another Class and can be done in-game. In order to allow all your wildest dream class combinations, Larian removed Ability Score Prerequisites. So there's no more need to get your Charisma up to a pesky 13 if you decide to make a soul pact with a playful Archfey or dangerous Fiend. You can Multiclass into anything your roleplay and build desires demand. In short, this means Warriors will be able to wield arcane spells, Rogues can master divine magic, Spellcasters may dabble in martial prowess, and you’ll have the freedom to build the exact class that you want. While Multiclassing can be powerful, it may also spread your character's ability thin, so it's best that you plan and prepare ahead when you consider multiclassing.


All Baldur's Gate 3 Traits and Features


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Spell Slots Unlocked Feature Casting Spells consumes spell slots.
  • Lvl 1: You gain 2 level 1 spell slots, which are restored on a long rest.
  • Lvl 2: You gain 1 level 1 spell slots, which are restored on a long rest.
  • Lvl 3: You gain 1 level 1 spell slot, which are restored on a long rest.
              You gain 2 level 2 spell slots, which are restored on a long rest.
Wisdom Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom saving throws
Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Charisma saving throws.
Light Armour Proficiency Feature Wearing Light Armour will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent the casting of Spells.
Medium Armour Proficiency Feature Wearing Medium Armour will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent the casting of Spells.
Shield Proficiency Feature Wielding a Shield will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent the casting of Spells.
Simple Weapon Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Simple Weapons.
Heavy Armour Proficiency Feature Wearing Heavy Armour will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent you from casting Spells.
Disciple of Life Feature Your devotion empowers your healing Spells. When casting a healing spell, the target regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level.
Domain Spells Feature You gain spells from your domain. They are always prepared.
Warding Flare Feature Shield yourself with divine light. Use your reaction to impose Disadvantage on an attacker, possibly causing their attack to miss. 
Strength Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Strength saving throws.
Constitution Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws.
Martial Weapon Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Martial Weapons.
Dexterity Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
Intelligence Saving Throw Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to Intelligence saving throws.
Hand Crossbow Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Hand Crossbows.
Longsword Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Longswords.
Rapier Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with  Rapiers.
Shortsword Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Shortswords.
Warlock Spell Slots Feature You gain Warlock Spell Slots.
Dark One's Blessing Feature When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, this gift from your patron grants you Charisma Modifier+Level hit points.
Quarterstaff Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Quarterstaff.
Dagger Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Daggers.
Dart Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Darts.
Sling Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Slings.
Light Crossbow Proficiency Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Light Crossbows.
Keen Senses Feature You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Fey Ancestry Feature The Feywild casts a veil over your mind. You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Longbow Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Longbows.
Shortbow Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Shortbows.
Darkvision Feature This creature can see in the dark within 12m.
Base Racial Speed Trait The distance you can move per turn is 9m.
Gold Dwarves, Shield Dwarves, Lightfoot Halflings and Strongheart Halflings move 7.5 m per turn.
Wood Half-Elves move 10.5 m per turn.
Fleet of Foot Trait Your base walking speed is 10.5m.
Mask of the Wild Trait You were raised to blend into your natural surroundings. You gain proficiency in Stealth.
Hellish Resistance Feature Your blood protects you from flame, abyssal or otherwise. You have resistance to Fire and take only half damage from it.
Superior Darkvision Feature This creature can see in the dark within 24m.
Greatsword Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Greatswords.
Dwarven Resilience Feature You have advantage on saving throws against Poison, and you have resistance against Poison damage.
Battleaxe Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Battleaxes.
Handaxe Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Handaxes.
Light Hammer Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Light Hammers.
Warhammer Proficiency Feature Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Warhammers.
Dwarven Toughness Trait Your Hit Point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again every time you gain a level.
Naturally Stealthy Trait Your nimble nature makes you skilled at concealment. You have proficiency in Stealth checks.
Strongheart Resilience Trait You have advantage on saving throws against Poison and resistance to Poison damage.
Channel Divinity Charges Feature  You gain the ability to channel divine energy, starting with two effects: Turn Undead and an effect determined by your domain. Replenished by short or long rest.
Lucky Feature When you roll a 1 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Superiority Dice Feature Your Superiority Dice are d8s. You have 4. At Fighter level 10, these dice become d10s. They fuel your Battle Master manoeuvres and are expended upon use. You regain expended Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.
Colossus Slayer Feature Once per turn, your weapon attack deals an extra 1d8 damage if the target is below its hit point maximum. One of the three Features available to choose for Hunter's Prey
Giant Killer Feature If a Large or bigger creature attacks you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack. One of the three Features available to choose for Hunter's Prey
Horde Breaker Feature Target two creatures standing close to each other, attacking them in quick succession. One of the three Features available to choose for Hunter's Prey
Mage Hand Legerdemain Feature When you cast Mage Hand, the spectral hand is invisible and can carry out additional tasks
Fast Hands Feature Gain an additional bonus action
Second-Story Work Feature You've mastered the art of falling and gain resistance to Falling damage.
Improved Warlock Spell Slot Feature Warlock spell slots are all always of the highest available level. Used spell slots recharge on short rest
Eldritch Invocations Feature In your study of occult lore, you have uearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability.
Agonizing Blast Feature When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals, unless it is negative. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Armour of Shadows Feature You can cast Mage Armour on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Beast Speech Feature You can cast Speak with Animals at will, without expending a spell slot. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Beguiling Influence Feature You invoke your patron's bewitching charm.  You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion Skills. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Devil's Sight Feature You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 18 m. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Fiendish Vigor Feature You can cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level Spell, without expending a spell slot. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
Mask of Many Faces Feature You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. One of the  nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2.
One with Shadows Feature Vanish into the darkness and become Invisible.
Sign of Ill Omen Feature Gives you Bestow Curse spell.
Repelling Blast Feature When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast, you can push the creature up to 4.5 m away from you. 
Thief of Five Fates Feature Once per long rest, you can cast Bane using a Warlock spell slot.
Pact of the Chain Feature Gain the service of a familiar, a fey spirit that takes a form you choose. This can be an animal, imp or quasit  
Arcane Ward Feature The residual magic of your spells forms a ward around you that protects you from harm.
Sculpt Spells Feature Create pockets of safety within your Evocation Spells. Allied creatures automatically succeed their saving throws and take no damage from them
Bounty Hunter Passive Feature Gain Proficiency in Investigation. Creatures you hit with Ensnaring Strike (either Ranged or Melee) have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw.
Keeper of the Veil Passive Feature You specialise in hunting creatures from other planes of existance. You gain Proficiency in Arcana, and can cast Protection from Evil and Good.
Mage Breaker Passive Feature You have a history of battling spellcasters. You gain Proficiency in Arcana and can cast True Strike.
Ranger Knight Passive Feature You have sworn to serve a crown or nation and seek to bring its foes to ruin. Gain Skill Proficiency in History and Armour Proficiency with Heavy Armour
Sanctified Stalker Passive Feature You swore to hunt the Enemies of a holy or druidic order. You gain Proficiency in Religion and can cast Sacred Flame.
Beast Tamer Passive Feature You have cultivated a strong bond with animals. You can cast Find Familiar without expending a Spell Slot.
Urban Tracker Passive Feature An expert at navigating the wild within the city, you gain Proficiency in Sleight of Hand.
Wasteland Wanderer: Cold Passive Feature You have spent endless days surviving desolate tundras. You gain Resistance to Cold damage.
Wasteland Wanderer: Fire Passive Feature You have spend endless days surviving forbidden deserts. You gain Resistance to Fire damage.
Wasteland Wanderer: Poison Passive Feature You have spent endless days surviving fetid swamps. You gain Resistance to Poison damage.
Archery Class Passive You gain a +2 bonus to Ranged Weapon Attacks.
Defense Class Passive You gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class while wearing armour.
Duelling Class Passive When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon.
Two-Weapon Fighting Class Passive When you make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you can add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.
Great Weapon Fighting Class Passive When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
Protection Class Passive When you have a shield, impose Disadvantage on an attack against your allies when you are within 1.5m. You must be able to see the attacker.
Menacing Attack Class Passive Spend a superiority die to deal 1d6+3+1d8 Piercing and possibly Frighten the target.
Pushing Attack Class Passive Spend a superiority die to deal 1d6+3+1d8 Piercing and possibly push the target back 4.5 m. 
Rally Class Passive Expend a superiority die to bolster the resolve of a friendly creature. It gains an additional 8 hit points.
Riposte Class Passive When a creature misses you with a melee attack, expend a superiority die to retaliate and deal 1d6+3+1d8 Piercing.
Warlock Spell Slot Gained Feature You gain a warlock spell slot that recharges on short rest. 
Combat Wild Shape Feature As an Bonus action, you can assuume the form of a beast. You may transform twice per shot rest.
Wild Shape Feature As an action, you can assume the form of a beast. You may transform twice per Short Rest.
Arctic Druid Spell Circle Gain Hold Person, which paralyzez a humanoid creature, and Spike Growth, which transforms the ground and deals 1d4 Piercing damage to creatures walking on the spikes.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Mirror Image, which improves your Armor Class, and Misty Step, which allows you to teleport a short distance.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Blur, which imposes disadvantage on creatures attacking you, and Silence, which creates a sound-proff sphere that silences creatures and grants them immunity to Thunder damage.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Barkskin, which increases your Armor Class to 16, and Hold Person, which paralyzes a humanoid creature.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Invisibility, which turns a creature invisible, and Pass without Trace, which gives you and nearby companions a +10 to Stealth checks.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Mirror Image, which improves your Armor Class, and Spike Growth, which transforms the ground and deals 1d4 Piercing damage to creatures walking on the spikes.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Acid Arrow, which deals 6d4 Acid damage, and Darkness, wich creates a cloud of darkness that Obscures and Blinds creatures within.


Druid Spell Circle Gain Web, which creates flammable webbing that can Enweb creatures, and Misty Step, which allows you to teleport a shor distance.

Club Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Clubs.

Javelin Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Javelins.

Mace Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Maces.

Scimitar Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Scimitars.

Sickle Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Sickles.

Spear Proficiency

Feature Add your Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with Spears.

Metamagic: Distant Spell

Feature Increase the range of spells by 50%. Spells with a range of 1.5m are increased to 9m.

Metamagic: Careful Spell

Feature Allies automatically succeed Saving Throws against spells that require them.

Metamagic: Extended Spell

Feature Double the duration of Conditions, summons, and surfaces caused by spells.

Metamagic: Quickened Spell

Feature Spells that take an Action take a Bonus Action Instead.

Metamagic: Subtle Spell

Feature You can cast spells while Silenced.

Metamagic: Heightened Spell

Feature Targets of spells that require Saving Throws have Disadvantage on their first Saving Throw.

Metamagic: Twinned Spell

Feature Spells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature.

Tides of Chaos

Feature Activate to gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw.

Increased chance of Wild Magic surge afterwards.

Wild Magic (Feature)

Feature Wild magic stems from the forces of chaos. It churns within the sorcerers that wield it, waiting to burst free.
Draconic Ancestry: Black (Acid) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Acid damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Acid damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Lightning damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Lightning damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Fire damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Fire damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Copper (Acid) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Acid damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Acid damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Lightning damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Lightning damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Fire damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Fire damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Green (Poison) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Poison  damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Poison damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Fire damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Fire damage.
Draconic Ancestry: Silver (Cold) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Cold damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Cold damage.
Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold) Passive Feature At Level 6, spells that deal Cold damage are more powerful, and you can become resistant to Cold damage.
Draconic Resilience: Armour Class Feature Dragon-like scales cover parts of your skin. When you aren't wearing armour, your base Armour Class is 13.
Draconic Resilience: Hit Points Feature Your Hit Point maximum increase by 1 for each Sorcerer level.
Hunter's Prey Feature (Ranger Class) You get to choose one of three abilities: Horde Breaker, Giant Killer or Colossus Slayer
  • Hunter (Ranger Subclass lvl3)
Favored Enemy Feature Pick one of the following features to have an effect against a chosen Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter, Keeper of the Veil, Mage Breaker, Ranger Knight and Sanctified Stalker.
Bear Heart Feature While raging, you can use Unrelenting Ferocity, and have Resistance to all damage except psychic damage.
Eagle Heart Feature

While raging, you can use Diving Strike.

Foes also have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you, and you can use Dash as a bonus action.

Elk Heart Feature While raging, you can use Primal Stampede, and you Movement Speed increases by 4.5m.
Tiger Heart Feature While Raging, you can use Tiger's Bloodlust, and your jump distance increases by 4.5m.
Wolf Heart Feature While Raging, you can use Inciting Howl, and your allies have Advantage on melee Attack Rolls against enemies within 2m of you.
Artificer's Lore Trait Add twice your proficiency bonus to History checks.
Gnome Cunning Trait You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.
Stone Camouflage Trait You have advantage on Stealth checks.
Musical Instrument Proficiency Feature You know how to play a variety of musical instruments and are able to entertain a crowd with them
Expertise Feature Your Proficiency Bonus is doubles for any ability check that uses either of your chosen Proficiencies
Jack of All Trades Feature Your vast experiences make you more likely to succeed in any undertaking. Add half of your Proficiency Bonus  (rounded down) to Ability checks that you are not Proficient in.
Bestial Heart Feature Allows you to choose between 5 different options, based on animals.
Unarmoured Defence Feature Barbarian: While not wearing armour, you add your Constitution Modifier to your Armour Class. Wearing Heavy Armour impedes your Rage.
Monk: Your reflexes are as effective as any armour. While not wearing armour, you add your Wisdom Modifier to your Armour Class.
Danger Sense Feature You sense when things aren't as they should be.
You have Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws against traps, spells and surfaces.
To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded or Incapacitated.
Extra Attack Feature Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack
Fast Movement Feature Your Movement Speed increases by 5 while not wearing Heavy Armour.
Companion's Bond Subclass Feature The Bond between you and your companion gros stronger. Your Proficiency Bonus is added to its Armour Class and damage rolls.
Uncanny Dodge Class Feature Use your lightning-quick reflexes to protect yourself. When an attack hits you, you only take half the usual damage.
Destroy Undead Class Feature When you successfully Turn an undead creature, it also takes 4d6 Radiant Damage.
Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked Class Feature Casting spells consumes spell slots. You gain 2 level 3 spell slot(s), wich are restored on a Long Rest.
Evocation Savant Subclass Feature Learning Evocation spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Tempestuous Magic Subclass Feature After you cast a Level 1 spell or higher you can Fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving Opporunity Attacks.
Abjuration Savant Subclass Feature Learning Abjuration spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Divine Health Feature The divine magic flowing within you prevents disease from affecting you.
Sign of III Omen Feature You learn how to cast Bestow Curse
Font of Inspiration Class Feature You regain all your Bardic Inspiration after a short or long rest.
Improved Bardic Inspiration Class Feature The bonus gained from Bardic Inspiration increases to +1d8.
Psionic Fortitude Racial Trait You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed or stunned condition on yourself.
Draconic Ancestry Racial Trait You have draconic ancestry. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry table. Your breath weapon and damage resistance are determined by the dragon type.
Relentless Endurance Racial Trait When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Savage Attacks Racial Trait When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Menacing Racial Trait You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Channel Oath Charges Class Feature

You gain the ability to channel the power contained in your Paladin Oath, which you can use to fuel certain actions.

Replenished by Short or Long Rest.

Oath of the Ancients Tenets Subclass Feature Oath of the Ancients paladins abide by the following tenets:

Kindle the Light. Through acts of kindness, enkindle the light of hope in the bleakest hollows of despair.
Shelter the Light. Where love blooms, stand against the devilry that would snip its stem.
Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in culture and small joys to preserve the light in your own heart.
Oath of Devotion Tenets Subclass Feature Oath of Devotion paladins abide by the following tenets:

Courage. Stride dauntlessly into action.
Compassion. Show clemency when prudent, and lend your arm to those in need.
Duty. Tend your responsibilities, obey just laws, and support those entrusted to your care.
Oath of Vengeance Tenets Subclass Feature Oath of Vengeance paladins abide by the following tenets:

Fight the Greater Evil. Excrting your wisdom, identify the higher morality in any given instance, and fight for it.
No Mercy for the Wicked. Chasten those who dole out their villainy by wiping their blight from the world forever.
Ki Class Feature Ki is the magic that flows through all living beings. You can use it to exceed your body's physical capabilities.
Martial Arts: Dextrous Attacks Class Feature Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks scale with your Dexterity instead of your Strength if your Dexterity is higher.
Martial Arts: Deft Strikes Class Feature Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks deal 1~4 Bludgeoning damage, unless their normal damage is higher.
Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike Class Feature After making an attack with a Monk Weapon or while unarmed, you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Acolyte of Nature Subclass Feature You learn a druid Cantrip, and become Proficient in Animal Handling. Nature, or Survival.
Wrath of the Storm Subclass Feature Strike back an an attacking creature, potencially dealing 2~16 Lightning damage. On a failed Saving Throw you deal halk of a 2~16 Thunder damage roll.
War Priest Subclass Feature When you make an unarmed or weapon attack, you can spend a War Priest Charge to make an additional attack as a bonus action.
Additional Rage Charge Subclass Feature You can now Rage more times per Long Rest.
Projected Ward Subclass Feature When a nearby ally takes damage and you have an active Arcane Ward, you can sacrifice your ward to reduce the damage they take.
Potent Cantrip Subclass Feature

Your Cantrips become hard to evade entirely.

When a creature succeeds its Saving Throw against one of your Cantrips, it still takes half the cantrip's damage, but suffers no additional effects. 

Necromancy Savant Subclass Feature Learning Necromancy spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Grim Harvest Subclass Feature Once per turn, if you kill a creature with a spell, you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used - thrice if it's a Necromancy spell. Undead and Constructs are unaffected.
Undead Thralls: Additional Undead Subclass Feature When you use Animate Dead, you can raise an additional corpse.
Undead Thralls: Better Summons Subclass Feature Creatures created with Animate Dead have additional hit points equal to your wizard level, and your Proficiency Bonus is added to their damage.
Conjuration Savant Subclass Feature Learning Conjuration spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Enchantment Savant Subclass Feature Learning Enchantmenmt spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Instinctive Charm Subclass Feature Charm an enemy attacking you. They will attack a new target if possible as a Reaction.
Divination Savant Subclass Feature Learning Divination spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Portent Subclass Feature

Your dreams grant you a glimpse that let you influence the future.

After each Long Rest, you gain two random Portent Dice. During the day, you can use your reaction to change the die of any Attack Roll or Saving Throw rolled near you to one of your Portent Dice.

Each Portent Die can only be used once, and you lose your unused Portent Dice at the end of the day.

Expert Divination Subclass Feature You have an additional Portent Die. When taking a Short Rest you regain any spent Portent Dice
Illusion Savant Subclass Feature Learning Illusion spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Transmutation Savant Subclass Feature Learning Transmutation spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level.
Experimental Alchemy Subclass Feature You can brew two alchemical solutions instead of one when combining extracts, if you succeed a DC 15 Medicine check
Wild Strike Class Feature You can make an additional attack after making an unarmed strike while in wildshape.
Primal Strike Subclass Feature While in beast form, your attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming Resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage.
Thought Shield: Psychic Resistance Subclass Feature An elder brain shields your brain. You gain Resistance to Psychic damage.
Thought Shield: Psychic Reflection Subclass Feature Your patron doesn't appreciate attempts to attack your mind. When you take Psychic damage, your attacker takes the same damage.
Dark One's Own Luck Subclass Feature Call on your patron to change your fate and add a 1d10 to an Ability Check.
Misty Escape Subclass Feature Upon taking damage, become invisible. On your next turn, you can cast Misty Step, though this will break your invisibility.
Beguiling Defences Subclass Feature You have built stoic barriers in your heart and mind, and cannot be charmed.
Mire the Mind Class Feature You can cast Slow with a Warlock Spell Slot
Sign of Ill Omen Class Feature You can cast Bestow Curse with a Warlock Spell Slot
Book of Ancient Secrets Class Feature

You can inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows.

Gain the Ray of Sickness, Chromatic Orb, and Silence spells. You can cast these spells once per Long Rest, and they don't expend any spell slots when cast.

Dreadful Word Class Feature You can cast Confusion with a Warlock Spell Slot
Sculptor of Flesh Class Feature You can cast Polymorph with a Warlock Spell Slot
Otherworldly Leap Class Feature You can cast the Enhance Leap spell
Whispers of the Grave Class Feature You can cast Speak with Dead without expending a Spell Slot
Athlete: Standing Up Class Feature When you are Prone, standing up uses only 1.5m of your Movement Speed.
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank Class Feature When you make crossbow attacks within melee range, the Attack Rolls do not have Disadvantage.
Crossbow Expert: Wounding Class Feature Your Piercing Shot inflicts Gaping Wounds for twice as long.
Defensive Duelist Class Feature When attacked while wielding a Finesse Weapon you're Proficient with, you can use a reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your Armour Class, possibly causing the attack to miss.
Dual Wielder: Bonus Armour Class Class Feature You have a +1 bonus to Armour Class while wielding a melee weapon in each hand.
Dual Wielder (Feature) Class Feature You can use Two-Weapon Fighting even if the weapons you are wielding aren't Light. You cannot dual-wield Heavy weapons.
Dungeon Delver: Resist Traps Class Feature You have Advantage on Saving Throws made to avoid traps and Resistance to trap damage.
Dungeon Delver: Perception Class Feature You have Advantage on Perception Checks made to detect hidden objects.
Elemental Adept: Acid Class Feature Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Acid damage. In addition, when you deal Acid damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1.
Elemental Adept: Cold Class Feature Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Cold damage. In addition, when you deal Cold damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1.
Elemental Adept: Fire Class Feature Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Fire damage. In addition, when you deal Fire damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1.
Elemental Adept: Lightning Class Feature Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Fire damage. In addition, when you deal Fire damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1.
Elemental Adept: Thunder Class Feature Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Thunder damage. In addition, when you deal Thunder damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1.
Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack Class Feature When you land a Critical Hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack, you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn.
Melee Attack Bonus: -5 Class Feature You take a -5 penalty to Attack Rolls you make with Heavy melee weapons.
Melee Damage Bonus +10 Class Feature You have a +10 bonus to damage rolls you make with Heavy melee weapons.
Elemental Affinity: Damage Subclass Feature When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you add your Charisma Modifier to the damage.
Elemental Affinity: Resistance Subclass Feature When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you can spend 1 Sorcery point to gain Resistance to that damage type.
Mage Slayer: Saving Throw Advantage Class Feature You have Advantage on Saving Throws against spells cast by creatures within 1.5m of you.
Mage Slayer: Attack Caster Class Feature You can use a reaction to make an attack against an enemy after it casts a spell within 1.5m of you.
Mage Slayer: Break Concentration Class Feature Enemies you hit have Disadvantage when making Saving Throws to maintain their Concentration.
Magic Initiate: Bard (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the bard spell list.
Magic Initiate: Cleric (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the cleric spell list.
Magic Initiate: Druid (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the druid spell list.
Magic Initiate: Sorcerer (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the sorcerer spell list.
Magic Initiate: Warlock (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the warlock spell list.
Magic Initiate: Wizard (Feature) Class Feature You have learnt 2 Cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the wizard spell list.
Reliable Talent Class Feature When you make an Ability Check with a Skill you are Proficient with it, the lowest result you can roll on the die is 10.
Commander's Strike Passive Feature Spend an action and a reaction to direct an ally to strike a foe. The ally immediately uses their reaction to make a weapon attack. 
Disarming Attack Passive Feature Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional Ids damage and possibly forces the target to drop the weapons they are holding.
Distracting Strike Passive Feature Distract your target, giving your allies Advantage on their next Attack Roll against the target.
Evasive Footwork Passive Feature You can evade attacks by imposing Disadvantage on melee attacks against you for a round.
Feinting Attack Passive Feature You can use both your action and bonus action on a turn to attack a target with Advantage and deal an additional 1d8 damage.
Goading Attack Passive Feature Deal an additional 1d8 and attempt to goad the target into attacking you. Target receives Disadvantage on attacking any other creature.
Manoeuvring Attack Passive Feature Deal an additional 1d8 and attempt to goad the target into attacking you. Target receives Disadvantage on attacking any other creature.
Menacing Attack Passive Feature Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly Frightens the target.
Precision Attack Passive Feature You can spend a Superiority Die to add it to the result to an Attack Roll.
Pushing Attack Passive Feature Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly pushes the target back 4.5m.
Rally (Feature) Passive Feature Expend a superiority die to grant an ally 8 temporary hit points, bolstering their resolve.
Riposte Passive Feature When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, expend a superiority die to retaliate with a powerful strike that deals an additional 1d8 damage.
Sweeping Attack Passive Feature Swing your weapon in a rapid, sweeping arc to attack multiple enemies at once. Roll your superiority die for damage.
Trip Attack Passive Feature Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly knocks the target Prone. The target must be Large or smaller.
Improved Abjuration Subclass Feature Each time you take a Short Rest, the intensity of your Arcane Ward increases by an amount equal to your Wizard level.
Empowered Evocation Subclass Feature Your grasp of Evocation magic has tightened, and you can add your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls with any Evocation spells.
Inured to Undeath Subclass Feature You have steeped yourself so completely in death that you are Resistant to Necrotic damage, and moreover your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
Focused Conjuration Subclass Feature Damage taken while you are Concentrating on a Conjuration spell will not break your Concentration
Split Enchantment Subclass Feature You know your enchantments inside and out. You can target 2 creatures with Enchantment spells that would normally only target 1 Creature.
Illusory Self Subclass Feature You can magically fashion an illusory duplicate of yourself when attacked, causing your foe to automatically miss that attack.
Speed Increased Class Feature The distance you can move per turn is increased by 3m.
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack Class Feature If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain Class Feature When you Dash, Difficult Terrain doesn‘t slow you down.
Polearm Master: Opportunity Attack Passive Feature When wielding a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range.
Polearm Master: Bonus Attack Passive Feature When attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt ofyour weapon and deal 1~4 Bludgeoning damage.
Resilient: Strength Passive Feature Increase your Strength by 1 and gain Proficiency in Strength Saving Throws.
Resilient: Dexterity Passive Feature Increase your Dexterity by 1 and gain Proficiency in Dexterity Saving Throws.
Resilient: Constitution Passive Feature Increase your Constitution by 1 and gain Proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws.
Resilient: Intelligence Passive Feature Increase your Intelligence by 1 and gain Proficiency in Intelligence Saving Throws.
Resilient: Wisdom Passive Feature Increase your Wisdom by l and gain Proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws.
Resilient: Charisma Passive Feature Increase your Charisma by l and gain Proficiency in Charisma Saving Throws.
Sentinel: Vengeance Class Feature When an enemy within melee range attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy.
Sentinel: Snare Class Feature When you hit a creature with an Opportunity Attack, it can no longer move for the rest ofits turn.
Sentinel: Opportunity Advantage Class Feature You have Advantage on Opportunity Attacks.
Sharpshooter: All In Class Feature Ranged weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient With have a «5 penalty to their Attack Roll, but deal an additional 10 damage.
Sharpshooter: Low Ground Class Feature Your ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground Rules.
Dexterity Saving Throw Bonus: +2 Class Feature You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws while wielding a shield.
Shield Master: Block Class Feature

If a spell forces you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, you can use a reaction to shield yourself.

On a failed Saving Throw, you only take halfdamage. On a successful Saving Throw, you don't take any damage.

Skilled Class Feature

You gain Proficiency in 3 Skills of your choice.

Spell Sniper Class Feature

The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with a spell is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

Tavern Brawler Class Feature

When you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or throw something, your Strength Modifier is added twice to the damage and Attack Rolls.

Hit Point Increase Class Feature

Your hit point maximum is increased by 2 for every level you have gained.

War Caster: Concentration Class Feature

You have Advantage on Saving Throws to maintain Concentration on a spell.

War Caster: Opportunity Spell Class Feature You can use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.
Weapon Master Class Feature You have gained Proficiency with four weapons of your choice.
Companion's Bond Subclass Feature The Bond between you and your companion grows stronger. Your Proficiency Bonus is added to its Armour Class and damage rolls.
Exceptional Training Subclass Feature Your animal companion can Dash, Disengage, and Help as a bonus action.
Dread Ambusher Subclass Feature

You specialise in taking out foes swiftly and ruthlessly
You gain a +3 bonus to initiative.
On the first turn of combat, your movement speed increases by 3m, and you can make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damge.

Bestial Fury Subclass Feature

Your bond with your companion has deepened, unlocking their inner strength and giving them an Extra Attack.

Iron Mind Subclass Feature You have honed your ability to resist the mind-altering powers of your prey. You gain Proficiency in Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws.
Stalker's Flurry Subclass Feature You are swift enough to turn a miss into a new strike. When you miss with a weapon attack, you can make another waepon attack for free.
Assassinate: Initiative Subclass Feature You are deadliest against unprepared enemies. In combat, you have Advantage on Attack Rolls against creatures that haven‘t taken a turn yet.
Assassinate: Ambush Subclass Feature Any successful Attack Roll against a Surprised creature is a Critical Hit.
Assassin‘s Alacrity Subclass Feature Quick as an alley cat in a rain-dark city, you immediately restore your Action and Bonus Action at the start of combat.
Mindless Rage Subclass Feature

Your rage becomes all-consuming, repelling outside influence.
While Frenzied, you cant be Charmed or Frightened, and Calm Emotions no longer ends your rage.

Brutal Critical Class Feature You've trained to strike swift and true. When you land a Critical Hit, you roll an extra damage die as well as the normal additional critical dice.
Unstable Backlash Subclass Feature While enraged, when you take damage or fail a saving throw, you trigger another Wild Magic effect that replaces the current one.
Lay on Hands Charge Class Feature Gain an additional Lay on Hands Charge to heal yourself or your allies.
Additional Proficiencies Subclass Feature Gain Proficiency in Arcana, Intimidation anti Sleight of Hand.
Cutting Words (Feature) Subclass Feature Use your wit to distract a creature and sap its confidence.
Destructive Wrath Subclass Feature When you roll Thunder or Lightning damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead.
Additional Ki Point Class Feature You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.
Unarmoured Movement Class Feature Your movement speed increases by 3m while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
Deflect Missiles Class Feature Use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1d10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your monk level.
If the damage is reduced to 0, you use a Ki Point to Deflect the Missile.
Slow Fall Class Feature When you fall, you can use your reaction to gain Resistance to Falling damage.
Sorcery Points Class Feature Sorcery Points can be used to alter your Spells or create extra Spell Slots. Regain Sorcery Points by taking a Long Rest.
Improved Unarmoured Movement Class Feature Your movement speed increases by 4.5m while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
Ki-Empowered Strikes Class Feature Your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies' Resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage.
Favourable Beginnings Feature The first Attack Roll or Ability Check you make against any target gains a bonus equal to your Proficiency bonus.
Luck of the Far Realms Feature When you make a successful Attack Roll against a foe, you can change that hit into a Critical Hit.
Displace Feature

Creatures suffering Falling damage because of your actions take an additional 1~8 Psychic damage.

Cull the Weak Feature When you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved illithid powers, it dies and all nearby creatures take 1-4 Psychic damage.
Psionic Backlash Feature When an enemy within 9m casts a spell, you can use your reaction to inflict ld4 Psychic damage to the caster per the spell's level.
Ability Drain Feature Once per turn, when you make an Attack Roll, the attack reduces that target's corresponding Ability by 1.
The Ability that is reduced is the same as the one used to make the Attack Roll.
For melee weapons, this is usually Strength, for ranged weapons usually Dexterity, and for spells usually your Spellcasting Ability.
recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxPer turn
Psionic Dominance Feature When an enemy within 18m targets you with a spell of a Level that is lower than or equal to your Proficiency Bonus, you can use your reaction to nullify the spell.
Black Hole Feature You are part of a greater whole. Concentrate on your connection to teleport to another tadpole-infected creature.  
Illithid Expertise Feature You have deepened your sense of self, gaining Expertise in Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation Checks.
Freecast Feature You have discovered a marvelous adaption within yourself. Spell slots, charges, and similar resource costs for your next action or spell are removed. Refreshes after a Short or Long rest.  
Bend Luck Feature When a creature you can see makes an Attack Roll, Ability Check, or a Saving Throw, you can use your reaction and spend 2 Sorcery Points to roll 1d4, applying the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll.
Fly Feature

Fly to a target position.

range icon bg3 wiki guideRange: 18m movement speed action icon baldurs gate3 guide 24pxMovement Speed

Adamantine Skin Passive Feature

Made Entirely from adamantine, this mass is about as heavy as a dragon, and nearly as indestructible. Only intense heat can soften the metal enough to be shaped.

Advanced Unarmoured Movement Passive Feature

Difficult Terrain doesn't slow you down and you can Jump (Bonus Action) an additional 6 m / 20 ft while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.

Agile Chassis Passive Feature

The lightweight build of this Steel Watcher grants it Advantage on Dexterity saving throw and an additional 9 m movement speed.

  • Steel Watchers
Alert Passive Feature

You gain +5 to Initiative and can no longer be surprised.

  • Grant by feat.
Astral Knowledge Racial Feature

Gain Proficiency in all Skills of a chosen Ability.

Aura of Protection Passive Feature

You and nearby allies gain a bonus to Saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier.

Aversion of Fire Passive Feature

If this entity takes Fire damage, it receives Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks until the end of its next turn.

  • Flesh (Enemy)
Berserk Passive Feature

This entity will go Berserk if its health diminishes.

  • Flesh (Enemy)
Awakened Passive Feature

You can use all of your Illithid Powers as a Bonus Action. Your resistance to the zaith'isk in the githyanki infirmary awakened this power.

  • Succeed on all three Saving Throws when interacting with the Zaith'isk in Crèche Y'llek.
Brand of the Absolute Passive Feature

Unique dialogue options and can use Absolute items. ( There are no mechanical or story drawbacks to becoming branded, beyond a one-time disapproval for some Companions.)

  • By Gut 
Brave Racial Feature

You have Advantage on Saving Throws against Frightened.

  • Halflings
Fear of Wolves Passive Feature

Shadowheart's scalp prickles with fear when she encounters wolves. If she steps within 30ft/9m of a lupine creature, she must make a Wisdom Saving throw or become Frightened.

Forbidden Knowledge Passive Feature

From partially deciphering the Necromancy of Thay, you gain a +1 bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws and Ability Checks.

  • Granted by turning three pages while reading the Necromancy of Thay
Githyanki Parry Passive Feature

Parry unarmed and weapon attacks to reduce their damage by 10.

You must be wielding a Greatsword, see the attacker, and you can't be Incapacitated or Restrained.

  • Githyanki NPCs
Githyanki War Magic Passive Feature

After the githyanki casts a spell or cantrip, they can make a weapon attack using a bonus action.

  • Githyanki NPCs
Heart Ablaze Passive Feature

Infernal iron has anchored the war machine that is Karlach's heart.

She can touch others without burning them, and can no longer be Charmed.

  • Bring an Infernal Iron to Dammon in the Last Light Inn
Heart of Iron Passive Feature

The infernal engine that is Karlach's heart is burning more evenly.

She has Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed.

  • Bring an Infernal Iron to Dammon in Act 1
Permanently Armed Passive Feature

Creature can't be disarmed. (Prevent you gets NPC weapons.)

  • Bosses
  • Summonings
Vampire Ascendant Passive Feature

Gives Astarion the two class actions Ascendant Bite and Misty Escape (Vampire Ascendant), as well as a bonus 1d10 Necrotic damage to weapon and unarmed attacks.

  • Astarion after becoming an ascendant vampire.
Unstable Blood Passive Feature

Your blood is now highly flammable and will explode when in contact with fire.

  • Agree to help Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers and in the Lower City.
Mantle of Inspiration Subclass Feature

Bestow your allies with 5 temporary hit points.

Mantle of Majesty Subclass Feature

Bestow your allies with 5 temporary hit points.

Giant's Rage Passive Subclass Feature

Grow in strength and size, allowing you to deal additional damage with Throw attacks.

Starry Forms Subclass Feature

Choose a form and gain the power of one of the three constellations of the Archer, Chalice, or Dragon.

  • Constellation of the Archer: deal radiant damage with astral arrows
  • Constellation of the Chalice: restore hitpoints to you and others nearby
  • Constellation of the Dragon: deal damage with an added bonus to constitution rolls
Righteous Clarity Subclass Feature

Guide your companions in battle by taunting enemies with strategic interrupts.

Divine Allegiance Subclass Feature

Absorb the damage of your party while restoring their health.

Intoxicating Strike Subclass Feature

Share a bottle with your enemies and generate a buff towards your Armour Class and your Chance to hit Drunk targets.

Sobering Realisation Subclass Feature

Sobers up drunk targets, dealing physical and Psychic damage.

Cloud of Jellyfish Subclass Feature

Call a bloom of Jellyfish that deals extra lightning damage - potentially shocking your enemy.

Flurry of Moths Subclass Feature

A swarm of moths deals Psychic damage, giving you the potential to Blind your enemy.

Legion of Bees Subclass Feature

Call a drift of bees deals piercing damage and forces the enemy to make a strength-saving throw or be knocked back 15ft.

Fancy Footwork Passive Subclass Feature

While meleeing your enemy, ensure they can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Shadow Walk Subclass Feature

Travel between places of dim light or darkness.

Hound of Ill Omen Subclass Feature

Summon a perfectly homebrewed shadow companion to assist in combat.

Strength of the Grave Subclass Feature

A Shadow Magic feature that prevents you from being downed.

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