Mage ArmourLevel 1 Abjuration Spell Protect a target from attacks: increase its Armour Class to 13 + its Dexterity modifier. Until Long Rest The target can't be wearing any armour. Melee |
Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
Mage Armour is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Mage Armour is a Lvl 1 Spell from the Abjuration School. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
Baldur's Gate 3 Mage Armour Information
- Description: Surround a creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class is set to 13 + it's Dexterity modifier.
- Target can't be wearing armour.
- Level: Lvl 1 spell
- School: Abjuration School
- Casting Time: Action
- Range: Melee
- Requires Concentration: No
- Saving Throw: None
How to Acquire Mage Armour in BG 3
Mage Armour can be acquired by the following classes:
Mage Armour can be cast by using the following Items: ??
Mage Armour Tips & Notes for BG 3
- For any non-summon spell that lasts until Long Rest, the caster does not need to be in your party once you leave camp as long as the spell does not require concentration. Therefore, you can easily cast this spell on any party members you plan to use while leaving the caster back in camp.
- If the caster of this spell removes it from their prepared spells list, the spell's effect will end immediately.
- Anonymous
So hear me out, Halfling for small size, 1 level in sorcerer- Dragon Bloodline for armor bonus while unarmored, plus mage armor for the same bonus, plus 1 level of monk for Wis bonus to AC while unarmored PLUS 1 level in barbarian for CON bonus to AC while unarmored!
... I mean... none of it stacks... but, you can pretend you're playing 3rd edition where builds make a difference.
- Anonymous
Use a party member you don't plan to take with you at camp to buff you, then replace them with a different person. You will keep Mage Armor until long rest despite the caster not being in party.
- Anonymous
The article needs to be updated. In the current version Mage Armour and Unarmoured Defense at least the Barbarian one doesn't stack. I can see why, when reading the description of the spell but items like the Bracers of Defense are functional with Mage Armour or Unarmoured Defense so it gets a little confusing.
- Anonymous
It's very confusing, it doesn't set your armour class to 13, as even if you're clothless, you still have a base AC of 10.
It adds a "mage armour" which does +3 on AC, and mage armour removes any unarmoured passives, so it counts as a type of armour, but it isn't considered an "armour" like light med heavy armor, thus it doesn't gain any armour passives (Like fighter passives).
No matter having mage armour or not, dex will always be added to your AC if you're not on heavy armour. So the dex modifier is always there anywhere.
Resulting mage armour is "only helpful" if your passives are lower than +3 on AC, meaning that this spell will be useless on monks.
- Anonymous
Would a barbarian bonus to AC from con apply too if unarmed?
- Anonymous
This last untill long rest if anyone is wandering. (at least it usually is in dnd)
- Anonymous
useless for draconic bloodline sorcerer, it's not a +3, it set at 13. It applies but changes nothing.
- Anonymous
Is there a way to find out how long a spell lasts without already casting it? Or are all exact enough to just go to d&d beyond?
- Anonymous
Currently broken for eldritch knights: when equipped with a shield, you can still be the target of mage armor and receive the buff, but it doesn't add to your AC.
Here's hoping it's fixed so we can have 20 AC naked halflings. (13+5dex+2shield)
- Anonymous
Lasts until a long rest, Gloves and Boots don't seem to affect this so magic boots and gloves are great. Would love to know if there are clothes to wear that don't count as armour.
- Anonymous
If anybody determines how long this lasts, that would be a useful comment.
So unless your constitution modifier is lower than 3 this would actually weaken a barbarian with unarmored defense ?