Freecast |
Effect |
You have discovered a marvelous adaption within yourself. Spell slots, charges, and similar resource costs for your next action or spell are removed. Refreshes after a short or long rest. |
Requirements |
Freecast is a Toggleable Passive Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities that are inherent to a Character's Race, Class, Background selected. These may vary greatly, from allowing you to equip certain Weapons or pieces of Armor with Proficiency, to add your Proficiency Bonus to certain Saving Throws.
Baldurs Gate 3 Freecast Information
You have discovered a marvelous adaption within yourself. Spell slots, charges, and similar resource costs for your next action or spell are removed. Refreshes after a short or long rest.
How to unlock Freecast Baldurs Gate 3
Freecast can be acquired by:
Tadpole Locations for Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Each parasite consumed unlocks one new Illithid Power within a skill tree of 25 powerful mind-flayer-inspired abilities, completely separate to the options you have when you level up in a traditional sense. These are divided into five branches themed around manipulation, health restoration, psionics, and abilities that can inflict immense damage and torment enemies to gradually weaken them over time. Some abilities can be used to control those around you, pushing them to say things in dialogue they would otherwise not. Others endow you with the power to push and pull enemies like ragdolls during battle.
Tadpoles locations in Baldur's Gate 3
You can collect additional Mind Flayer tadpoles to advance your Illithid Powers, here is a list of where you can find more tadpoles:
Tadpoles in Act 1
- One can be found on the dead True Soul in Forest (X139, Y444), do not resist the tadpole to acquire.
- One can be found by defeating Flind, the Gnoll Warlord (X33, Y594) (Quest Find the Missing Shipment).
- One can be found in the Druid Grove (X445, Y-17), it would be on a table in Halsin's/Nettie's Secret Research Lab next to the Dissected Drow body.
- One can be found by defeating True Soul Gut (X297, Y-12).
- One can be found by defeating Minthara.
- One can be found by defeating Dror Ragzlin.
- One can be found by defeating True Soul Nere.
- If you side with the Absolute, you can get as many Illithid Powers as "Gift by the Absolute" as you missed by not killing the true soul bosses.
- If you play nice with True Soul Nere until his second conversation ends and he gives you a Gift of the Absolute, you can then kill him for a bonus Tadpole.
Tadpoles in Act 2
- One can be found by defeating Fist Marcus.
- Three can be found in the Infirmary of Crèche Y'llek, next to the Zaith'isk.
- One can be found on Linsella, in the Moonrise Towers kitchen.
- Two at Moonrise Towers' docks, inside the cylindrical Zhentarim Shipping Crate (X70, Y187). Destroy the crate to access them.
- One on a body named Zealot Krizt in Oubliette (X:628, Y: -92).
- Three at the front entrance of Moonrise Towers from Disciple Z'Rell, Zealot Malik, and Adept Merim.
- One in a brine pool (X678, Y45) in the Mind Flayer Colony (requires passing perception check).
- One special tadpole (Astral-Touched Tadpole) can be acquired after you helped the Dream Visitor before reaching Baldur's gate.
Tadpoles in Act 3
- Another special item that gives a charge is the fresh mindflayer's brain in the Abandoned Windmill in Rivington. (X44, Y-38)
- One on a beach northwest of Rivington, on a barrel next to the Stone Lord thugs about to fight the Guild members. (Near X-225, Y108)
- A further two on the ship the Stone Lord thugs arrived in, in the big 'Storage' unit. (Near X-212, Y129)
- One from killing Avery Sonshal at Felogyr's Fireworks, Baldur's Gate Lower City.
- Two can be found on Enver Gortash's Parents, the Flymms (X-30, Y-116), Baldur's Gate Lower City.
- One can be found in High Security Safe n6 (near X-715, Y882) in the high-security vault of Counting House.
- One can be found sitting on a table on the ground floor of Sorcerous Sundries (X-8, Y-91).
- One can be found on the second floor of The Lodge. (X-207, Y-87)
- One on a table in the Sanguine Laboratory, entered from Baldur's Gate's Lower City down a hatch (X-92, Y-91)
- Six can be found on a ship protected by Steel Watchers, in front of the Steel Watch Foundry. (X-202 Y-125)
- One additional one can be found on the body of Churg Elvek, who is preaching next to this ship.
- One can be found in Iron Throne, on the table near Omeluum. (x-45, Y17)
- One can be found on a desk in the Steel Watch Foundry - Lab Level. (X-1940, Y447)
- One can be acquired from Manip Edenosa in Bloomridge Park.
- One can be found in the basement of the Blushing Mermaid. (X-2336, Y-120)
- One can be found in a locked chest in Gortash's office, on the roof of Wyrm's Rock Fortress.
Freecast Baldurs Gate 3 Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
free(!) freecast bug seems to still work as of hotfix #10, patch #4 PC. freecast responsibly
- Anonymous
Does the freecast glitch still work after patch3 hotfix 1 on PS5? Asking for a friend.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does this negate the one use only for Divine Intervention? Anyone tried yet?
- Anonymous
i'm on patch 2 hotfix 1, now seems to work correctly (that is, once per Long Rest).
- Anonymous
yes it is broken right now, but you dont have to use exploit. simple
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
With the latest patch freecast still resets after one turn, still broken
After the patch, it remains greyed out on my bar after a long rest. The only way to get it to 'reactivate' is by changing your equipment somehow. Unequipping a ring or necklace for example will make it usable properly, and then you can just reequip the gear.
- Anonymous
Patch fixed bonus action resetting free action, but I've already found another way. Already sent it to the devs and plan to abuse it myself .
Does this also work on scrolls and does it still consume the scroll? Would be insane if it didn't.
- Anonymous
This is very broken right now, permanent unlimited lv 6 spells :( Super game breaking and makes achievement of beating tactician mode feel worthless, even if I personally dont make use of the bug
- Anonymous
It indeed is bugged. As sorcerer I can create spell slots and spell points freely how many times I want. After 90SP and six lvl 5 slots I kinda lost interest. Totally game breaking.
- Anonymous
Yeah I think this is bugged right now.
I personally get this skill refreshed a lot.
So first turn throw any spell you like ex fireball / chain lightning, second turn fight normal with spell cost, third turn you can throw spell again at not cost.
- Anonymous
seems to refresh after each action when i have it on the bar, alot of spells, very strong spells (V4.1.1.3624901)
In our playthrough we got an unlimited freecast by accident when we found it got triggered by some auras (namely the dryad's nature's step and paladin's aura of protection); these auras reset freecast on any turn just by stepping out of their range and then stepping back in. Enjoy!