Wild Magic (Feature) |
Unruly magic sparks and fizzes through your veins. For sorcerers, each time you cast a spell of Level 1 or higher, your magic might surge and trigger a random magical effect. For barbarians, each time you rage, a random magical effect will trigger. |
Wild Magic (Feature) is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level.
Wild Magic (Feature) Information
Unruly magic sparks and fizzes through your veins. For sorcerers, each time you cast a spell of Level 1 or higher, your magic might surge and trigger a random magical effect. For barbarians, each time you rage, a random magical effect will trigger.
When casting a spell of 1st-level or higher, there's a chance for a random effect to occur in addition to the effects of the spell. Depending on the effect, and the situation in which it occurs, the result could be helpful, harmful, or both.
Whenever Wild Magic (Feature) takes effect, a message will pop-up announcing the random effect that is taking place. The following are some of the possible effects that could take place:
- At the start of each turn, trigger a random magical effect.
- Summon a mephit that is hostile to everyone in the vicinity.
- Switch positions with a target each time you cast a spell or Cantrip.
- Until the end of your next turn, you can use a Bonus action to teleport up to 9m.
- Create a dense cloud of fog, centered on yourself. The fog Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within.
- Each creature within 9m becomes Blurred.
- Your spells of level 1 and higher heal all creatures in a 3m radius for 1d4 hit points per Spell Slot level.
- Set fire to everyone around caster for 5 turns.
- Enhances Weapon with +1d4 Force Damage. Hits will always deal Critical Damage.
- Spawns water puddle around caster.
- Turns the floor in a 6m range into thorns.
- Cast Enlarge/Reduce to everyone in the vicinity.
- Polymorph into a Sheep
How to unlock Wild Magic (Feature)
Wild Magic (Feature) can be acquired by
- Wild Magic Lvl 1 (Sorcerer Subclass)
- Wild Magic Lv 3 (Barbarian Subclass)
Wild Magic (Feature) Tips & Notes
- You roll a D20 without any bonuses against a DC of 20, meaning you have a ~5% to trigger a Wild Magic Surge when casting a Level 1 Spell or higher.
- After using Tides of Chaos, the DC drops to 11 for your next Level 1 or higher Spell cast. This increases your chances of triggering a Wild Magic Surge to 50% after using Tides of Chaos.
- Make sure to set your Tides of Chaos Reaction to "Ask" by pressing "L" on the keyboard, and ticking both boxes for it.
- Divine Smite cannot trigger a Wild Magic Surge, even though it consumes a Spell Slot
- Anonymous
"DC drops to 11 for 45% chance"
That's 50%
Get your math right.
- Anonymous
Does it trigger on healing spells and other cleric buffs and stuff ?
- Anonymous
does this stack? as in, if I am running a level 1 wild magic sorcerer and proceed to level up to 3 in a barbarian, can I cast until I get a random magical effect/spell surge & then rage to get another random effect? I want to have as much random dumb **** in my party as posssible
- Anonymous
It would have been ordered if there were no limits on triggering. And the dice were thrown only for the effect. It's not boring or useless.
- Anonymous
What a tiny wild magic table.
10 times more in baldurs gate 1.
- Anonymous
You roll a d20 without any bonuses against a dc of 20. After using tides of chaos, the dc drops to 11 for 1 spellcast. You have a 5% chance for each leveled spell cast. Once per short rest you have a 45% chance for 1 spell. If you compare this to the permanent bonuses from draconic bloodline or the fly ability after every leveled spellcast from storm, im sorry but wild magic is trash. Pick this if you want tides of chaos, since wild magic surges on lower levels will aproximately procc once per long rest. Dissappointing.
- Anonymous
Does the chance for it to proc stay a d20 the entire time? I multiclassed a paladin into this in hopes it would just be crazy fun, but the proc jus doesn't seem much at all
- Anonymous
I just turned myself and my team to dogs with backpack that could only use an action to move farther
- Anonymous
Are we getting more added to the table when the full release comes?
- Anonymous
I love wild magic in 5e, but I must say the given examples do not look very good. Most will hurt the player and/or team mates in some way or other.
- Anonymous
Does this proc on any classes spell over level one or just sorcerer ones?
I really do hope there is a really big number of these effects and that they are as memorable as the ones in BG2. I'm so looking forward to playing a Wild Magic Sorcerer as my first character.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It doesn't say if it resets Tides of Chaos like it should, can someone confirm this please?
Does it proc only on caster? Or if there's an area you cast aoe, it'll spawn on that?