Proficiency in Baldur's Gate 3 refers to the positive modifier applied to checks. The Proficiency Bonus is added to the Character's d20 rolls providing higher success chance in certain checks (and work somewhat similarly to Ability modifiers).
Proficiency Bonus
This bonus gets added to the following dice rolls: attacks, spell attacks, skills and saving throws you are proficient in.
Proficiency Bonus represents a character's skill and expertise in various aspects of the game. The bonus starts at +2 for low-level characters and increases as they gain experience, reflecting their growing competence.
- Level 1-4: +2
- Level 5-8: +3
- Level 9-12: +4
The dice roll modifier is the same for all characters at the same level, regardless of Class or Race, but its application varies as follow:
- Attack rolls using Weapons you are proficient with.
- Attack rolls with Spells you can cast.
- Ability checks using Skills you are proficient with.
- Ability checks using Tools you are proficient with.
- Saving Throws you are proficient in.
- Saving throws DC for Spells you cast.
Note that the Proficiency Bonus is not added to damage rolls.
Skill Proficiency
Characters can acquire Skill Proficiencies which determine how good the character is at executing and passing certain tasks, each linked to a particular Ability. When performing the task, if a player is Proficient with the appropriate Skill, the bonus will be added to the d20 roll in order to beat the Difficulty Check.
Listed below are Skill Proficiencies found in Baldur's Gate 3, They are first determined by the Character's Race and Background, then selected among those available to their Class, finally additional proficiencies can also be acquired through a selection of Features and Feats.
Equipment Proficiency
Some Weapons, Armor or Tools require Proficiency to be used effectively. These proficiencies are Features that allow a Character's to use certain equipment pieces both without penalties and the Proficiency Bonus. Equipment Proficiencies are determined by the character's Class, Race and Feats.
Any Character can still try to use any type of equipment, but if they lack the Proficiency they will suffer from certain penalties (for instance, using a non-proficient shield will hinder attack rolls, disabling any other attack proficiencies, despite providing the extra AC).
Weapon Proficiency
A creature can be proficient in entire categories of Weapons (Martial or Simple), or it can be proficient in specific weapon types such as Longswords, Longbows, etc. These proficiencies can be granted by the creature's Race, Class, or Feats chosen when leveling up.
When a creature is proficient in a wielded weapon, they add their Proficiency Bonus to Attack Rolls with that weapon. When the weapon is equipped in the main hand, it also enables special properties and actions of that weapon type, such as Tenacity, Piercing Strike, Flourish, Lacerate, Pommel Strike, and so on.
Weapon Proficiencies granted by Race and Class | |
Racial Weapon Proficiencies | |
Drow | Rapiers, Shortswords, Hand Crossbows |
Dwarf | Battleaxes, Handaxes, Light Hammers, Warhammers |
Elf | Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, Shortbows |
Githyanki | Greatswords, Longswords, Shortswords |
Class Weapon Proficiencies | |
Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger | Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons |
Bard, Rogue | Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords |
Cleric, Warlock | Simple Weapons |
Druid | Clubs, Daggers, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaves, Scimitars, Sickles, Spears |
Sorcerer, Wizard | Daggers, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows |
Armor Proficiency
A creature may have Proficiency in Light Armour, Medium Armour, and/or Heavy Armour. Some Helmets, Gloves, and Boots also require Proficiency in a certain type of armour.
Wearing armour without Proficiency in that armour type will impose Disadvantage on all of your Ability Checks, Saving Throws, and Attack Rolls, and prevent you from casting Spells.
Shield Proficiency
Shields are a piece of equipment wielded in the offhand weapon slot. Shield Proficiency typically comes paired with Medium Armour Proficiency.
Wielding a shield without Proficiency in Shields will impose Disadvantage on all of your Ability Checks, Saving Throws, and Attack Rolls, and prevent you from casting Spells.
All Proficiencies and how to acquire them
You can search by Name, Type, Effect or Requirements. Just type into the search box what you are looking for.
Quick Search of All Proficiencies
Name |
Type |
Effects |
Requirements |
Heavily Armored | Feat | Gain proficiency with Heavy Armor and increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. | |
Lightly Armored | Feat | Gain proficiency with Light Armor and increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. |
Moderately Armored | Feat | You have proficiency with Medium Armor and Shields, and your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. | |
Skilled | Feat | You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills of your choice. |
Weapon Master | Feat | Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20, and gain proficiency with four weapons of your choice. |
Wisdom Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom saving throws | |
Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Charisma saving throws. | |
Light Armour Proficiency | Feature | Wearing Light Armour will not impose disadvantage on your attacks or prevent the casting of Spells | |
Medium Armour Proficiency | Feature | Wearing Medium Armour will not impose disadvantage on your attacks or prevent the casting of Spells. |
Shield Proficiency | Feature | Wielding a shield will not impose disadvantage on your attacks or prevent the casting of Spells. | |
Simple Weapon Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Simple Weapons. | |
Heavy Armour Proficiency | Feature | Wearing Heavy Armour will not impose disadvantage on your attacks or prevent the casting of Spells. |
Strength Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Strength saving throws. | |
Constitution Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws. | |
Martial Weapon Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Martial Weapons. | |
Dexterity Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Dexterity saving throws. | |
Intelligence Saving Throw Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to Intelligence saving throws. | |
Hand Crossbow Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Hand Crossbows. | |
Longsword Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Longswords. | |
Rapier Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Rapiers. | |
Shortsword Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Shortswords. | |
Quarterstaff Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Quarterstaff. | |
Dagger Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Daggers. | |
Dart Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with darts. |
Sling Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with slings. |
Light Crossbow Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Light Crossbows. | |
Keen Senses | Feature | You have proficiency in the Perception skill. | |
Longbow Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Longbows. | |
Shortbow Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Shortbows. | |
Mask of the Wild | Trait | You were raised to blend into your natural surroundings. You gain proficiency in Stealth. |
Greatsword Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Greatswords. | |
Battleaxe Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Battleaxes. | |
Handaxe Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Handaxes. | |
Light Hammer Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Light Hammers. | |
Warhammer Proficiency | Feature | Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls (your chance to hit a target) with Warhammers. | |
Naturally Stealthy | Trait | Your nimble nature makes you skilled at concealment. You have proficiency in Stealth checks. |
Beguiling Influence | Feature | You invoke your patron's bewitching charm. You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion Skills. One of the nine Eldritch Invocations available at Warlock level 2. |
Bounty Hunter | Feature | Gain Proficiency in Investigation and learn the Thieves' Cant passive. Creatures you Restrain have a harder time escaping. One of the five Favored Enemy features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Keeper of the Veil | Feature | You specialise in hunting creatures from other planes of existance. You gain proficiency in Arcana, and can cast Protection from Evil and Good. One of the five Favored Enemy features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Mage Breaker | Feature | You have a history of battling spellcasters. Gain proficiency with Arcana and the True Strike cantrip., which gives you advantage on attack rolls against a creature. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. One of the five Favored Enemy features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Ranger Knight | Feature | You have sworn to serve a crown or nation and seek to bring its foes to ruin. Gain proficiency with History and Heavy Armour. One of the five Favored Enemy features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Sanctified Stalker | Feature | You swore to hunt the Enemies of a holy or druidic order. Gain proficiency in Religion and the Sacred Flame cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. One of the five Favored Enemy features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Urban Tracker | Feature | An expert at navigating the wild within the city, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and thieves' tools. One of the five Natural Explorer features available at Ranger Lvl 1 |
Musical Instrument Proficiency | Feature | You know how to play a variety of musical instruments and are able to entertain a crowd with them. Bards get this as a starting feature. |
- Anonymous
Beguiling Influence gives Deception and Persuasion
Actor Feat gives +1 cha, Deception and Performance
Level 3 College of Lore Bard gives Arcana, Intimidation, and Sleight of Hand
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The +2 to hit doesn't show up anywhere in the game afaik. I was using a crossbow with my spore druid thinking the only thing I was missing was those 2 extra abilities that come with every weapon.