Ranger |
![]() |
Subclasses |
Beast Master |
Ranger Initial Features |
Ranger is a Class in Baldur's Gate 3. The Ranger's primary is Dexterity, their Saving Throw proficiencies are Strength & Dexterity and they have a Hit Dice of 1d10. They have proficiency with Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Shields, Light Armour, and Medium Armour.
The Ranger class is a classic character from Dungeons & Dragons and has been a part of Baldur's Gate 3 since Early Access. Today, Rangers continue to explore the world of Faerun with their superior hunting skills and natural ability to thrive in the harshest, wildest climates, amidst the flora and the fauna.
Rangers are traditionally regarded as simple characters able to traverse the wilds with their timeless weapon of choice - the bow and arrow. In Baldur's Gate 3, Rangers are able to take a step further, mastering their control over wild beasts, completing their skills of the hunt, and even tempering themselves in the darkest environments, eventually learning how to go beyond the material and cast specialized Spells.
Rangers have their own list of Spells and Features accessible to them through leveling up the character. They have the option to choose their path to undertake once they reach Level 3.
Rangers are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.
BG3 Ranger Class Features
- Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 6 + Constitution modifier
- Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
- Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
- Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
- Skills: Choose any 3 Skills from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival
- Half Spellcasters: Gains spellcasting at level 2. Unlocks new spell level every 4 Ranger levels starting at level 2, up to level 3 spells.
- Cantrips: From selected Favoured Enemy only.
- Spell Save DC: 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
- Spell Attack Modifier: your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
- Known Spells: 1 + your Wisdom modifier + half your Ranger level (rounded down)
- Spell List: Known Casters. Cannot change equiped spells freely. Can only swap equiped spells on level up.
Ritual Casting: No (except Find Familiar for Beast Tamer Natural Explorer)
Unique Class Feature
- Favoured Enemy:
- Bounty Hunter
- Keeper of the Veil
- Mage Breaker
- Ranger Knight
- Sanctified Stalker
- Natural Explorer:
- Beast Tamer
- Urban Tracker
- Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
- Wasteland Wanderer: Fire
- Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
BG3 Ranger Class Progression
- Level 1
- Choose 1 Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
- Choose 1 Natural Explorer Environment (Class Feature)
- Level 2
- Level 1 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
- Choose a Fighting Style (Archery, Defence, Duelling or Two-Weapon Fighting) (Class Feature)
- Level 3
- Choose one Ranger Subclass (Beast Master, Gloom Stalker, or Hunter)
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 2 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
- Extra Attack (Class Feature)
- Level 6
- Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
- Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer environment (Class Feature)
- Level 7
- Subclass Feature
- Level 8
- Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (Class Feature)
- Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 9
- Level 3 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
- Level 10
- Hide in Plain Sight (Action)
- Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
- Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer environment (Class Feature)
- Level 11
- Subclass Feature
- Level 12
BG3 Ranger Subclass Features
- Hunter's Prey (Pick 1):
- Colossus Slayer: Once per turn, your weapon attack deals an extra 1d8 Physical damage if the target is below its hit point maximum.
- Giant Killer: If a Large or bigger creature attacks you, you can use your reaction to retaliate with a melee attack. Prerequisite: You must be able to see the creature, and it must be within 1.5 m / 5 ft of you.
- Horde Breaker: Target two creatures standing close to each other, attacking them in quick succession.
- Prey's Scent: Your swarm deals additional damage to creatures marked by Hunter's Mark.
- Gathered Swarm: Choose the swarm of nature spirits you've formed a bond with. You can change your swarm whenever you level up.
- Writhing Currents resources, used to cast Writhing Tide. Replenished on a Long Rest.
- Writhing Tide: Condense part of your swarm into a mass that lifts you up. Gain a flying speed of 9 m / 30 ft and become unaffected by surface effects. (Recharge: Per turn.)
- Subclass Spells: Mage Hand, Faerie Fire, Web, Gaseous Form
- Mighty Swarm: Your swarm has grown stronger. The swarm's regular attack now deals 1d8 damage, its special attack has one additional feature, and teleporting with your swarm now also increases your Armour Class for the rest of the round.
BG3 Ranger Spell Slots
Level | I | II | III |
Level 1 Ranger | - | - | - |
Level 2 Ranger | 2 | - | - |
Level 3 Ranger | 3 | - | - |
Level 4 Ranger | 3 | - | - |
Level 5 Ranger | 4 | 2 | - |
Level 6 Ranger | 4 | 2 | - |
Level 7 Ranger | 4 | 3 | - |
Level 8 Ranger | 4 | 3 | - |
Level 9 Ranger | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Level 10 Ranger | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Level 11 Ranger | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Level 12 Ranger | 4 | 3 | 3 |
BG3 Ranger Tips & Builds
- NEW SUBCLASS, Swarmkeeper, will be added in Patch 8.
- Beast Master summons is limited to Bear, Boar, Dire Raven, Wolf, or Wolf Spider.
- Choose Beastmaster for a summoned animal companion or Gloomstalker for enhanced mobility and bonus damage on your first turn.
- After obtaining Extra Attack at Ranger Level 5, it may be best to invest further levels into another class, as Ranger is notoriously weak at later levels. A good secondary class for Ranger would be Fighter for the addition of a a self heal through Second Wind, an additional set of Actions through Action Surge, and a list of benefits through the Champion subclass.
- Other Notes, Tips, and other Trivia for the Ranger class go here.
All Ranger Spells in Baldurs Gate 3
You can search by Name, Level, School and Casting Time. Just type into the search box what you are looking for.
Quick Search of All Spells
Name | Level | School | Casting time | Description |
Cantrip | Evocation | ![]() Action |
![]() Conjure a flame-like radiance that deals 1d8 Radiant. ![]() ![]() |
Cantrip | Divination | ![]() Action |
Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll. |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Protect a creature from attacks: increase its Armour Class up to 16.![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.![]() ![]() |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Cure a creature from disease, poison, paralysis or blindness.![]() |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Call forth a veil of shadows and silence that gives you and all nearby companions a +10 bonus to Stealth Checks. |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Touch a creature to grant it protection against poisonous influences. You neutralise all poisons affecting it, grant it Advantage on Saving Throws against being Poisoned, and grant it Resistance to Poison damage. ![]() ![]() |
Lv 2 | Illusion | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and Immune to Thunder damage. |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 2 Spell Slot |
2~8 Damage
Lv 3 | Evocation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 3 Spell Slot |
Enchant an item to shine like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that dispels all darkness around it.![]() ![]() |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 3 Spell Slot |
Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered.![]() ![]() |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 3 Spell Slot |
Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage.![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
4~16 Healing
Lv 1 | Conjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Conjuration |
Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare your target. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
![]() ![]() Heal a creature you can touch. ![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
![]() Convince a beast not to attack you. ![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Conjuration |
Lv 1 | Divination | ![]() Bonus Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
1~6 Damage![]() ![]() Mark a creature as your quarry to deal an additional 1d6 Slashing Damage whenever you hit it with a weapon attacks. If the target dies before the spell ends, you can mark a new creature without expending a Spell Slot. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
Triple a creature's jumping distance.![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
Touch a creature to increase its Movement Speed by 3m.![]() ![]() |
Lv 1 | Divination | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
Gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts.![]() |
Lv 1 | Illusion | ![]() Action ![]() Level 1 Spell Slot |
Magically change all aspects of your appearance. |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | ![]() Action ![]() Level 3 Spell Slot |
Channel your weapons essence into a destructive, widespread volley.
Lv 3 | Transmutation | ![]() Action ![]() Level 3 Spell Slot |
6~48 Damage
All Ranger Spells Gallery
Lvl 1 Ranger Spells
Lvl 2 Ranger Spells
Lvl 3 Ranger Spells
In Other Languages
- Choose Archery for ranged attacks or Two-Weapon Fighting for dual-wielding melee weapons, adapting to your weapon preference
- Español (España): Explorador
- Anonymous
Its a fighter with less bonk and feat, but have spells and elemental resistance, the stalker is the best sub for extra dmg and more spells.
- Anonymous
sorry but the whole ranger class should only able to use special arrows!!! it would be a great advantage to choose this class
just like how should only rogue use bombs!!!
beast master is the true intution of this class' exist and the rest just ''spoooky'' -_-
hunter could get a +1d4 bonus if use special arrows
gloom stalker could even use better hides like get +1d8 if attack from stealth (just like any rogue should get this)
Note for potential Ranger builds: WIS doesn't need to be 16+ unless you intend to rely on spells your target gets a save against, or you wish to multiclass to Cleric or Druid. Ranger spells with enemy saves include: Sacred Flame Cantrip, Animal Friendship, Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns, Conjure Barrage and Lightning Arrow. Even with low WIS you can still make effective use of Fog Cloud, Hunter's Mark, Silence and Plant Growth. High CON helps with concentration.
WIS of 12-14 is good for skill checks and WIS saves and allows you to do something like 12-17-14-8-14-10, or 12-17-16-8-12-8 (float the left-over point wherever you have a plan for it). Strength Rangers could do 16-14-16-8-12-8 or dump WIS to 10 for 17 STR.
An example build could be pure Hunter who uses spells for buffs and control while shooting things until they stop moving. No need for WIS as you won't be often using the spells I listed above. A possible exception could be Ensnaring Strike, which the enemy will have a disadvantage to save against if you've selected the Bounty Hunter Favoured Enemy, which is the only useful choice besides Ranger Knight so you'll probably have it by level 6 if you didn't pick it to start.
- Anonymous
Level 1
Choose 1 Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
Choose 1 Natural Explorer Environment (Class Feature)
Level 2
Level 1 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
Gain 2 Spells
Choose a Fighting Style (Archery, Defence, Duelling or Two-Weapon Fighting) (Class Feature)
Level 3
Gain 1 Spell
Choose one Ranger Subclass (Beast Master, Gloom Stalker, or Hunter)
Replace 1 Spell
Level 4
Replace 1 Spell
Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
Level 5
Level 2 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
Extra Attack (Class Feature)
Level 6
Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer environment (Class Feature)
Replace 1 Spell
Level 7
Level 2 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
Choose 1 Defensive Tactics [Escape te Horde, Steel Will, Multiattack Defense] (Class Feature)
Replace 1 Spell
Level 8
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (Class Feature)
Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
Replace 1 Spell
Level 9
Level 3 Ranger Spellcasting (Class Feature)
Choose 1 Spell
Replace 1 Spell
Level 10
Hide in Plain Sight (Action)
Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy (Class Feature)
Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer environment (Class Feature)
Replace 1 Spell
Level 11
Gain a Spell
Weapon Action: Volley (Melee, Ranged)
Replace 1 Spell
Level 12
Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
Replace 1 Spell
- Anonymous
This wiki needs to be edited again to remove the Tips portion about Beastmaster being superior to Hunter. It is entirely subjective and based purely in opinion, there are vastly viable builds regarding Hunter.
Not only that, a full Ranger is often the most powerful martial class available, beating out most other classes in DPS and mobility. Combine that with the versatility of a fighter, for instance, and a Mostly-Ranger will out-DPS any class. For instance, Ensnaring Strike + Volley + Hail of Thorns + Horde Breaker can easily grow to massive damage on a battlefield that includes many enemies.
- Anonymous
I have not played a D&D type game in many years, so if the answers to my questions seem obvious to you, please forgive me ;-)
I am thinking of making my first character a Ranger and going the Beast Master path. As such, do I need to pick "Find Familiar" for this subclass? Or can I skip this spell all together and not worry about it? In other words, use my first spell choices on other spells?
If I were to choose "Hunter's Mark" this gives a benefit to slashing. Do I need to be the one doing the slashing to get that extra damage? Or can it be anyone in my group?
Thanks for any feedback and any tips that you might have ;-)
Ayrmoon, Ranger
- Anonymous
after try to build Ranger many times I found this class really disappoint
Pure Hunter are similar with Pure Fighter but more survivability, btw Fighter have more benefits from more feats and 3rd extra attack as same level that make Hunter look bad when reach high level
8 Hunter/4 fighter or rouge aren't bad but playstyle it too simply all you can do is just Hunting mark and smash target
Beastmaster is good but need to play Pure for maximum benefits from pets also Beastmaster only focus on Pets and don't have anything improve you character
Gloomstalker is good for multi class, but Pure Gloom outperformance by rogue multiclass
- Anonymous
Apparently Hide in plain Sight does not break invis when jumping lol
- Anonymous
Larian has homebrewed the ability to hold a shield and use a 2-handed ranged weapon at the same time, which is nuts. Right when you enter the Grove, you can grab Dammons breastplate +1, with Dex 17 and a shield, you have 19 AC right at start.
- Anonymous
Why is SHORTBOW worse than LIGHT CROSSBOW? That is, there should be differences, but if there are disadvantages, where is the advantage.
- Anonymous
If close combat, and you have not strength but dexterity. Is there any use for a staff, or is it better just a sword?
- Anonymous
I want to like this, I really do, but ranger is still the weakest martial character class in bg 3( which doesn’t mean they are bad, just not as strong as other options). They suffer due to a couple reasons, they are stuck with DEX proficiency instead of CON (dex saves really aren’t that common, and failing a dex save just causes elemental damage usually, it’s so easy to get resistances in this game from items that I never worry about fireballs. They get element resist which is crazy easy to get from items anyway. And they just don’t have as good of damage boosts as fighter, paladin, or barbarian. And finally they have a really bad spell list, the worst in the game. Currently hunter and gloom stalker are just ok, not bad, not great. Beast master is easily the strongest option for a pure ranger, but even trying to get maximum value from it I still always find other classes to do better damage and be more well rounded. I really wanted to like it but I tried it on minsc and ended up just making him a paladin instead.
- Anonymous
This reads as someone who refuses to accept Ranger is useful in the ttrpg so they don't think it can be useful in this game. Both are wrong as it is to the player and DM in ttrpg to work together for how well it works, and in case of a video game like this just on the player.
- Anonymous
If anyone's as confused as I am, it looks like this Wiki is just a straight rip from the D&D 5E rulebook and doesn't actually account for any of the changes Larian made during BG3's development, so as an actual BG3 wiki it's almost worthless.
- Anonymous
You can absolutely play Ranger with 8 STR/8 DEX if you pick Ranger Knight and then Magic Initiate: Druid with Shillelagh. Combine this with the Act 2 followers magic Scimitar that lets you use your spellcasting stat instead of Str/Dex for your weapon and you can dual wield a Shillelagh torch (1d8+1d4+WIS) with the Magic Scim. (1d6+WIS+1) for a pretty decent build. The main downside is the torch produces light, so it's not great on Gloomstalker, but works fantastically on Beast Master (Haven't tried Hunter cause it's boring in comparison)
This wouldn't work (at least not well) in 5e due to Heavy Armor having soft cap Strength requirements unless you play as a dwarf. Other than the fact that Ranger Knight doesn't exist in 5e :P
- Anonymous
Why is speak with animals and hunter's mark not on the spell list?
- Anonymous
Ranger do not have heavy armor proficiency. You only get it if you choose Ranger Knight as favored enemy.
- Anonymous
If you multi into Ranger, do you gain the Martial Weapon Prof.?
- Anonymous
Thinking about going into ranger beast master for 5 levels as a monk starting after level 4. I somehow expect that, overall, it'll be fine and achieve the goal of being able to talk to all animals and have a reasonable amount of damage from the companion.
- Anonymous
A ranged build on Ranger Gloom Stalker seems quite powerful. Focusing on Stealth so you can attack with advantage, extra attack and access to pass without trace. Impossible to spot. Hits for days.
I've mostly gathered thru discussion with several people that my wanting to play a STR based melee beastmaster ranger should be fine to do, but IF I wanted to multi-class dip 1-2 levels into something like a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer or Warlock mainly for some added RP/dialogue options and a few cantrips would this be doable w/o overall hurting the Beastmaster's abilities later on in levels? Due to the Animal Companion I've mostly gotten the consensus I should dedicate the bulk of if not all of my levels into Ranger to maximize it's effectiveness but I'm not sure if 1-2 levels into one of those specific classes for multi-classing would hurt it enough to be noticeable in game. And if so outside of just class/dialogue flavor would Sorcerer or Warlock be better than the other to use or would it just be a matter of personal preference and whether I wanted Eldritch blast or not?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I chose Ranger Knight but didn't get the Heavy Armor Proficiency.
- Anonymous
Changed it so it shows that it shows that Creatures hit with an Ensnaring Strike have disadvantage against the save when you choose bounty hunter.
- Anonymous
I made a 15 Strength , 16 Dexterity, 10 Wisdom build. Heavy armor and Shield on a Wood Elf that uses a rapier. At Level 4 I plan to take Shield Master or Defensive Duelist. Fighting style is Defense for +1 AC. Low Wisdom does not matter because I do not use spells that target the enemy.
- Anonymous
Why does it say that Ranger has a hit dice of d10, but then it subclasses have all d8?
- Anonymous
Note, probably for the tipps section: Although the game tells you that dexterity is the rangers main stat, that does not have to be the case. I am currently playing a strength based ranger and it works perfectly fine...
- Anonymous
Is there a reason that the dev team decided to go with the original ranger over the revised ranger?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The "best" beast choices,if BG3 used same rules as 5e, are: (in 4 tiers) #1: Pteranodon & Velociraptor #2: Giant Poisonous Snake & Giant Wolf Spider #3: Giant Frog & Wolf #4: Panther & Giant Badger
honestly hunter outshine the beast master and stalker! very highly...
at lvl11 get AoE melee and ranged weapon attack and even can use with EXTRA ATTACK!!!
actually an unit destroyer! and fact by that subclass the lightning arrow and conjure barrage become useless and pointless...
lightning arrow at medium 24 while normal bow attack 36 at medium with sharphooter feat and master gauntlet... even without hunter they are useless spells!!! even if they are wet still what 48 damage while used a lvl3 spell and a lvl1 rain spell or at best skip an attack cause throwed water bottle???? -_-''
lightning arrow should be like conjure barrage aka bow weapon damage + 4d8+2d8lightning.... then it would have point oh and also no save! but attack roll...
beast master and stalker still goods but at lvl11+ hunter get more shine...