Scrolls in Baldur's Gate 3 are consumable items that can be used one time and do not have any requirements, meaning a fighter can use a mage scroll in battle. As a wizard, you can permanently learn a new spell by right-clicking a scroll. It does cost gold though. (Note: After Patch 9, you can't learn spells that are not for your class.)
Scrolls Information
You can search by Name, or Effect. Just type into the search box what you are looking for.
Quick Search of All Scrolls
Name |
Effects |
Fire shoots from your outstretched fingers. It ignites anything flammable and deals 3d6 Fire. On successfull save, targets only take half damage. |
Create a sound-proof sphere. Creatures and objets within are Silenced and immune to Thunder damage. |
Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 hit point. |
Surround a creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class increases by 3. Prerequisite: not wearing armour. |
Hurl a mote of fire that deals 1d6 Fire and creates a flammable surface. |
Infuse your hands with putreflying energy that deals 3d10 Necrotic. |
Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them. |
A beam of enervating energy springs from your fingers. The target deals half damage with weapon attacks using Strength. |
Protect a creature against aberrations, celestial, elementals, fey, The Fiends, and undead. The target can't be Charmed, Frightened, or possessed by them, and when these creatures attacks it, they do so with disadvantage. |
Call forth a beam of light. deals 4d6 Radiant and grants advantage on the next attack agains the target. |
Lightning springs from your hand. It deal 1d8 Lightning and prevents the target from taking reactions. |
Cover the ground in grease. It becomes difficult terrain and creatures within can fall Prone. |
Create three darts of magical force, each dealing 1d4+1 Force to its target. |
Put creatures up to a combined 24 hit points into a magical slumber. Sleeping creatures awaken if they take damege. |
Shoot a green arrow that bursts in a spray of acid. Deals 4d4 Acid immdiatly and 2d4 Acid at the end of the target's turn. On succesful save, the target only takes ahlf the initial damage. |
Paralyze a humanoid creature. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can try to free itself. |
Cover an area in thick, flammeble webbing that can Enweb creatures within. An Enwebbed creature or ally can use its action to try and tear away the webs. |
Bolster yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life to gain 5 temporary hit points. |
Summon a quasit from the Lower Planes. |
Magically change all aspect of your appearance. |
A creature you can see regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. |
A blinded creature can try to shake off the effect at the end of each turn. |
Magically bolstera creature's defenses. It receives a d4 bonus to saving throws. |
Bless up to 3 creatures. They receive a d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws. |
Charm a beast and convince it you mean no harm. |
Create a dazzling array of flashing, coloured lights that Blinds creatures up to a combined 33 hit points. |
Your body becomes blurred. Attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. |
A spectral frost covers you. Gain 5 temporary hit points and deal 5 Cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack. |
Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve. Heals and increases the hit point maximum by 5. |
A creature you touch regains hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. |
Slow the rate of descent of allied creatures. Grants immunity to Falling damage. |
Call forth of sickening energy. Deals 2d8 Poison damage and possibly Poisons the target. |
Touch a creature to turn it Invisible. The spell ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell. |
Vines sprout from the ground, turning it into difficult terrain and possibly Ensnaring creatures within. Ensnared creatures take [1] at the start of each turn. The creature or an ally can use its action to try and tear away the vines. |
Call forth a frigid beam of blue-white light. Deals 1d8 Cold and reduces the target's speed by 3m |
Allow a corpse that still has a mouth and is not an undead to answer 5 questions to the caster. |
Assail a creature with the chill of the grave. It takes 1d8 Necrotic and cannot regain hit points. Undead creatures also get disadvantage on attack rolls. |
Surrounded by black mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. |
Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself to distract attackers. Each one increases your AC by 3. Whenever you successfully evade an attack one of the duplicates disappears. |
Touch a creature to neutralise all poisons affecting it, to grant it advantage on saving throws against being Poisoned, and to grant it resistance to Poison damage. |
Touch a willing creature to toughen its skin and increase its Armor Class up to 16. |
Call down a silvery beam of pale light. Any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light, takes 2d10 Radiant Damage. On a successful save, targets still take half damage. You can use your action to move the beam 18m. |
Conjure four magical berries for youself or a companion. Creatures who eat a berry regain 1d4 hit points. The berries appear in the targeted creature's inventory and disappear after a long rest. |
Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 1d4 Piercing damage for every 1.5m it moves. |
Conjure a flaming scimitar in your hand that deals 3d6 Fire damage. It sheds bright light in a 3m radius and dim light in a 6m radius. The blade can be unequipped and equipped again, but has to stay on the spellcaster's person. |
Summon a flaming sphere that deals 2d6 Fire damage to nearby enemies and objets. It also sheds bright ligh in a 6m radius, and dim light for an additional 6m. On a successful save, enemy creatures still take half damage. The sphere is immune to damage. |
A flickering flame appears in your hand. It sheds bright light in a 3m radius and deals 1d8 Fire damage when thrown. Throwing the flame immediately after you conjure it does not cost an action. Extinguishing or throwing it on subsequent turns costs an action. |
Remove one disease or condition afflictiong a creature. |
Release a wave of thunderous force. It deals 2d8 Thunder damage and pushes away creatures and objects. On a successful save, creatures only take half damage. |
Inflicts Bane Target up to 3 creatures. They receive a 1d4 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. |
Create a cloud of dense fog to Heavily Obscure and Blind creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of the fog. |
Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its AC by 2. |
Call down a silvery beam of pale light. Any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light, takes 2d10 Radiant Damage. On a successful save, targets still take half damage. You can use your action to move the beam 18m. |
All allied creatures you can see each regain Hit Points equal to 2d8 + your Spellcasting Ability Modifier. |
Call forth a beam of crackling, purple energy. Deals 1d12 Lightning and links you to the target through an arc of lightning. Each turn, you can activate the arc to automatically deal 1d12 Lightning. |
Magically charm a humanoid that you can see. |
Scroll of Shatter |
Generate a painfully intense ringing noise that deals 3d8 Thunder damage to all nearby creatures and objects. |
Scroll of Cromatic Orb |
Hurl a sphere of energy. It deals 3d8 Thunder damage, or deals 2d8 Acid, Cold, Fire Lightning, or Poison damage and creates a surface. |
Scroll of Tasha's Hideous Laughter |
Inflict acreature with fits of laughter, leaving it Prone without the ability to get up. |
Scroll of Remove Curse |
Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses affecting it. |
Scroll of Glyph of Warding |
Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground that trigger a magical effect when stepped on by enemy. |
Scroll of Bestow Curse |
Curse a creature with your touch. |
Scroll of Scorching Ray |
Hurl 3 Rays of fire. Each ray deals 2d6 Fire damage. |
Scroll of Stinking Cloud |
Create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions. |
Scroll of Vampiric Touch |
Touch an enemy to syphon their life force. You regain half as many hit points as the damage they take. |
Scroll of Animate Dead |
Animate a corpse to create an undead servant while not in combat. |
Scroll of Haste |
Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened: Gain an action, become faster and harder to hit. |
Scroll of Conjure Elemental |
Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you. |
Baldur's Gate 3 Light Armor Gallery
- Anonymous
Has anyone found a scroll of Inflict Wounds? need it for my necromancer
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I need call lightning scroll so Gale can learn it and I can farm lightning charges without spending spell slot.
Yes Witch Bolt works too but the hit chance feels like dogwater and no AOE
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Mentioned my findings while testing with scrolls in a reply below, but just wanted to post them up here for clarity too:
Just did some testing; any class with spells baked into their class (full casters, half-casters like Rangers and sort-of Warlock) use their respective spellcasting modifier for scroll attack rolls and save DCs. So, Wisdom for Rangers, Cha for Warlocks, Int for Wizards, etc. For non-caster classes, they use the modifier they'd use for casting on their "spellcaster" subclass, even if they aren't playing as that subclass. So, Int for Fighter and Rogue, and Wisdom for Monk. For Barb, they've strangely been assigned Charisma. I'd have thought Wisdom would be more archetypal, but I guess they just wanted to diversify the martial spell modifiers?
So, while this is a bit frustrating for any non-monk martials who built for wisdom as their auxillary stat for the better saves, it at least gives these less "optimal" stats some use on those classes!
- Anonymous
Scroll of Sunbeam and Scroll of Chain Lightning can be purchased in Act 3 from the vendor in The Lodge(Society of Brilliance)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
no scroll of flame strike? i mean yes fireball is technically better later on but i like flame strike
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Could we possibly get a "Cost to learn" underneath each one of the scrolls for folks playing Wizards? It'd be nice to have.
- Anonymous
in act 3 there is a book that gave me a scroll called the art of war and with the magician you can learn. Summons 6 Master Tacticians deal 8-18 Force Damage Lv 5 Evocation
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Had all my scrolls in a pouch. Loaded my game and all my scrolls are gone. Why? :(
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This drastically needs an update, but I understand that even though this probably hasn't been edited since v9, it's more logical to wait for the release in a few months. That being said, some of these could just be updated by community members as a form of wikipedia.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Scroll of Shatter, Scroll of Thunderwave, Scroll of Acid Arrow, Scroll of Armor of Agathys, Scroll of Acid Arrow, Scroll of Bane, Scroll of Fire Bolt, Scroll of Ray of Frost, Scroll of Flaming Blade, Scroll of Shield of Faith, Scroll of Silence can be found at the Roah Moonglow (Halfling merchant close priest of Gut inside on left side upper stairs)
- Anonymous
There is also a scroll for Shield of Faith and Bane, can confirm that Wizards can learn both
- Anonymous
huh? what is this list?^^ here are only like 10 % of the scrolls and a lot of them from this list arent even in the game anymore.
This website was so good, it always had every information you needed but it only get worse and worse probably bcs only concentrating on youtube