Companion Approval in Baldur's Gate 3 are the opinions your Companions make based on the choices you make throughout the game. Players can forge deep connections with the various Companions they encounter to have a positive or a negative opinion, these choices can range from acts of heroism to acts of cruelty, and each decision is met with a corresponding reaction from your Companions. There are various outcomes that could happen with your Companions such as Romancing, and being abandoned or killed by your Companion

This page contains a play-by-play per dialogue line that provides approval/disapproval. Extremely detailed spoilers after this point.


Companion Approval Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Approval Information


Baldur's Gate 3 features a companion approval system that adds depth and complexity to the game's narrative and character interactions. As players progress, you will recruit a diverse cast of characters to join your party, each with their own unique personalities, motivations, and backstories. These companions not only provide valuable assistance during combat encounters but also play a crucial role in shaping the overarching story.

The companion approval system is based on the concept of approval and disapproval, with each character being constantly influenced by the player's actions and choices. How players handle certain situations, interact with NPCs, or resolve conflicts will directly impact their companions' perception of them.

It is important to note that the companion approval system in Baldur's Gate 3 goes beyond a simple binary "good or bad" metric. Each companion has their own unique set of values and morals, and what one companion might see as a positive trait, another may see as negative. This adds a layer of complexity and depth to the choices players make, forcing them to carefully consider the consequences and potential impact on their companions' opinions

Baldur's Gate 3 Romance Explained



Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Approval Guide

High vs Low Companion Approval in BG3

High companion approval often leads to improved relationships, resulting in companions becoming more loyal, supportive, and effective in combat or other relevant tasks. Increased approval ratings might unlock new quests, dialog options, or even romantic relationships, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Low companion approval could lead to dissatisfaction, conflicts, or even abandonment from the Companion, potentially removing important allies or reducing certain quest opportunities. Negative actions or decisions might impact the player's reputation in the game, affecting interactions with other NPCs.

Increasing Companion Approval in BG3

Players will need to act in line with the companions' values, beliefs, and aspirations. Pay attention to their personal quests, back stories, and dialogs to understand their preferences better. Frequently engaging in conversations with Companions, asking about their opinions, thoughts, and experiences will help deepen the relationship and gain insights to their likes and dislikes. Make choices in their personal quests or missions, showing genuine interest and investment in their stories and goals.

Players can also offer gifts or complete favors for your companions to improve approval ratings, paying attention to their specific interests or desires for more effective gift giving.

Conflicting Companion Approvals in BG3

In some cases, players might experience having multiple companions whose approval choices conflict with one another, balancing these conflict approvals can be tricky wince decisions that please one companion may upset another. 

Consider the consequences of your actions and make choices based on your own values or the long-term goals of your playthrough. Utilizing dialog options and actions that aim to find compromises, pacify tensions, or even resolve conflicts.



Companion Character Development in Baldur's Gate 3

As you progress further, due to player choices the companions themselves will start to develop. Larian has painstakingly put a tremendous effort of branching companion morality.

For example Gale can have his morality twisted. If you choose to side with the goblins and unlike Karlach and Wyll, he will not leave your party automatically. Talking to him during the Goblin Party where he will threaten to leave for participating in the massacre of the Refugees. You can convince him to change his morality by justifying his participation was because of his need for survival and effectively stopping him from leaving the party and at the same time twisting his moral compass.

Max Companion Approval in Baldur's Gate 3

When you max out Companion Approval to Exceptional, you will stop gaining Approval Notifications.

It should therefore be noted post Act 1, if you follow the guide then you most likely maxed your preferred companion Approval. Thus there would be situations or choices that may improve your approval but the game does not show.

Distance and Approval in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Companions have a certain distance they need to be in earshot in order to gain approval. Be too far and the Companion will not gain approval.
  • If you leave a companion in camp and out of party, they would also not be able to gain approval or disapproval. The same idea can be said about acts in the Camp (Volo's Surgery)




Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
By Companion


Baldur's Gate 3 Dialog Scenarios Quick Navigation

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Underdark ♦
Grymforge ♦


Ravaged Beach/ Nautiloid Crash site

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Open Shadowhearts' pod while on the Nautiloid


Shadowheart + None Dead Mindflayer, Shadowheart Nautiloid Ship- On the way to the Helm, you will encounter a screaming Shadowheart trapped in a mindflayer pod. On the 2nd room of the Tutorial
Tell Astarion "Apology Accepted, I would have done the same"


  • A dialogue line when you meet/try to recruit Astarion

Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +

Gale - Astarion Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Crash Site - In the far west of the Ravaged Beach. From the area you wake up, you have to go through the Nautiloid.
Tell Astarion "You'd better have more to offer than apologies"


  • A dialogue line when you meet/try to recruit Astarion
Gale + Shadowheart -  Astarion Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Crash Site - In the far west of the Ravaged Beach. From the area you wake up, you have to go through the Nautiloid.
Calm the Scared Pig that Astarion scared. (May need Speak with Animals)


  • The boar only shows up after Astarion scares it during this Cutscene, so talk to Astarion and the Boar will appear.

Gale +
Karlach +
Shadowheart  +
Wyll +

 None Scared Boar Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Crash Site - Directly South of where you find Astarion.
Persuade the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down


  • First option of persuading the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down.
  • This however will lead to a situation where you have a choice between helping Lae'zel kill the Tieflings or Help the Tieflings Kill Lae'zel
Shadowheart  + None NymessaDamaysLae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley. 
After persuading the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down, Betray the Tieflings


  • After persuading the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down, Betray the Tieflings and start a fight. 
  • YOU DO NOT NEED TO KILL THEM. As the non-lethal combat passive tutorial shows up here.
  • Lae'zel is not a member of your party in this fight and will kill the Tieflings if she lands the last hit.
Astarion  + Gale - NymessaDamaysLae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley.
After persuading the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down, Betray Lae'zel


  • After persuading the Tieflings to let Lae'zel down, Betray Lae'zel and join the Tieflings of killing her
Shadowheart+ None NymessaDamays, Lae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley.
Deceive the Tieflings to make them leave


  • First option of deceiving the Tieflings to leave Lae'zel, which allows you to free her without a fight.
  • The Bard option exaggerates the Nautiloid Ship as scout of an entire invasion force
  • Drow have the option to intimidate the Tieflings into leaving (DC 5)
Gale + None NymessaDamays, Lae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley. 
Tell Lae'zel to say "Please"


  • Requires you to choose the deceit option with the Tieflings and making them leave.

Astarion +
Shadowheart +

None Lae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley. 
Recruit Lae'zel


  • After either killing, knocking out or making the Tieflings leave. You can now talk to Lae'zel and recruit her into the party.
Gale + Shadowheart - Lae'zel Ravaged Beach/Nautiloid Ship - Directly North of the Teleport point where you find Gale. It will be small valley. 
Cast Speak to Dead on the Abducted Nobleman, do the class specific option


  • Requires Speak with Dead Spell. The fastest way is to gain the spell is to have the The Amulet of Lost Voices that can be looted from the Dank Crypt
  • The Cleric option will ask the dead man if he wants a proper burial
  • The Bard option ask the dead man if he wants a song written for him
Karlach  + None Abducted Nobleman's Body Crashed Nautiloid Ship - Will be in the middle of the Ship area where you fight the Intellect Devourers. Will be highlighted if you have the Speak with Dead Spell

Convince the Bandits/Adventurers to leave


  • Win any of the Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion Check to convince the armed group to leave.
  • There seems to be a bug that if you activate the Cutscene from the side entrance rather than the Chapel main entrance the approval will not proc.
Gale + 
Shadowheart +
 Karlach - Gimblebock and his group. Dank Crypt/Chapel - Directly North-East of the Ravaged Beach. Hard to miss as it is a big structure.

Attack the Bandits/Adventurers


  • Straight up try to Murder them
  • There seems to be a bug that if you activate the Cutscene from the side entrance rather than the Chapel main entrance the approval will not proc.

Astarion  +
Lae'zel  +
Karlach  +
Wyll +

None Gimblebock  and his group. Dank Crypt/Chapel - Directly North-East of the Ravaged Beach. Hard to miss as it is a big structure.

Read the Book of Dead Gods


  • Successfully pass the second check (Religion) while reading the Book of Dead Gods
  • This will also trigger the "Divinity Undone" inspiration for Shadowheart
Shadowheart + None None Westernmost room of the Dank Crypt (X:-317 Y:-272)


Druid's Grove

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Persuade/Intimidate Aradin and Zevlor to calm down


  • Is a Persuasion or Intimidation Skill Check. Not the first persuasion Bard Check. 

Gale +
Shadowheart +



Entrance to the Druid's Gold - Just enter the stone gate after defeating the Goblin Raid.
Punch Aradin or Zevlor


  • Could be an Athletics or Melee Attack Skill roll. Opurtunities may differ depending where the conversation go or if you fail the automatic Insight Check. 

Lae'zel  +

None AradinZevlor  Entrance to the Druid's Gold - Just enter the stone gate after defeating the Goblin Raid.
Refuse to Help Zevlor.


  • Pretty Straightforward. Talk to Zevlor either after calming everyone down, punching Aradin or waking Zevlor after knocking him out.

Astarion +

None Zevlor Entrance to the Druid's Gold - Just enter the stone gate after defeating the Goblin Raid.
Agree to Help Zevlor


  • Pretty Straightforward. Talk to Zevlor either after calming everyone down, punching Aradin or waking Zevlor after knocking him out.
  • If you refuse at first during the first talk with Zevlor post Goblin raid, you can accept the quest at a later date by going to the Secluded Sanctum, talking to Zevlor and then agreeing to help the refugees allowing you to farm Approval
Gale  Karlach  + Wyll  + Astarion Lae'zel  -

Entrance to the Druid's Grove - Just enter the stone gate after defeating the Goblin Raid.


Secluded Sanctum - Zevlor own's room within the grove. It is near Dammon and the Couple that is talking about cats

Side with Meli by telling Barth to not lay a hand on that child and then pass the Persuasion check


  • Save Aradin and his adventurers, assuring Barth and Meli to survive.
Gale +
Wyll +
  Barth and Meli

Druid Grove - The two adventurers that came with Aradin would be hanging out in the Area.

Tell Elegis "You're scared of a few goblins? Pathetic"


  • Simply talk to Elegis after the Goblin Raid
Astarion  +
Lae'zel +
Karlach - Elegis Druid Grove - Directly above the Stone Gate. Overlooking the gate,
Deceive/Intimidate Nadira to get the Soul Coin


  • After the Goblin Raid, there will still be some stranglers.
  • In order to have this conversation, Nadira has to be alive. You have to save Nadira from the Bugbear and make sure she is alive.
  • It is recommended to approach from the Goblin Gate Rooftop as approaching it from the Squirrel/Elevator are can trigger the bugbear attack and get Nadira Killed.
  • After Saving Nadira, simply Intimdate or Deceive her into giving the Soul Coin with Shadowheart
Shadowheart+  None Nadira  Druid Grove - Directly above the Stone Gate.  There is a hilltop on the far east of side of the Gate.
Tell Rolan, Lia and Cal to "GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN"


  • The Trio of Rolan, Lia and Cal will be having a conversation weather to stay and fight wit the refugees or run for Baldur's Gate
Shadowheart+ None RolanLia and Cal  Druid Grove - Right next to the Druid trader.
Convince Rolan to Stay and fight for the Tieflings


  • The Trio of Rolan, Lia and Cal will be having a conversation weather to stay and fight wit the refugees or run for Baldur's Gate
Karlach +
 None RolanLia and Cal  Druid Grove - Right next to the Druid trader.
Talk to Rolan with Gale and arrange for a meeting with Lorroakan


  • Requires RolanLia and Cal to stay and fight
  • Requires Gale to be in Party while talking to Rolan.
Wyll +
  None RolanLia and Cal Druid Grove - Campfire in front of the Auntie Ethel and the lady feeding the Camp.

When Recruiting Wyll, say you will join his crusade


None Lae'zel - Wyll Druid Grove - Wyll in the Training Area

Finish Recruiting Wyll


Gale + None  Wyll Druid Grove - Wyll in the Training Area

Stand between Arka's Crossbow and Sazza


  • First Choice in the Interaction to the event.
Gale + None SazzaArka  Druid Grove - Makeshift Prison, far end in the North Westerten part of the Druid Grove, Tiefling Area.

Let Arka Kill Sazza


  • Let her shoot the Goblin
Astarion  + Lae'zel  +
Wyll +
Karlach - SazzaArka Druid Grove - Makeshift Prison, far end in the North Westerten part of the Druid Grove, Tiefling Area.

Convince Arka not to Kill Sazza


  • Win the Persuasion, Intimidation or any way to stop her from shooting.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Shadowheart +
Lae'zel -
Wyll -
SazzaArka Druid Grove - Makeshift Prison, far end in the North Westerten part of the Druid Grove, Tiefling Area.

Agree to break Sazza out.


  • Pretty Straightforward
Karlach  + Lae'zel -
Wyll -
Sazza Druid Grove - Makeshift Prison, far end in the North Westerten part of the Druid Grove, Tiefling Area.

After saving Findal from the Band of Goblins, inform him that "Don't thank me yet. I'm here to finish what they started"


  • Pretty Straightforward
Astarion + Gale - Findal Druid GroveUnderground Passage - Can be accessed by a small platforming/jumping route from the the makeshift prison in Tiefling Area/Hollow or from a locked door from the Emerald Grove

Tell Auntie Ethel about the Tadpole in the Tiefling Camp


Astarion  + Lae'zel - 
Shadowheart -
Auntie Ethel Druid Grove - Tiefling Market area. Near Dammon and the Canteen

When Asharak ask you to say something, "Bad news kids, You are all going to die."


  • Asharak the trainer will ask the heroes of the Goblin Raid to say a few things to training children
Astarion +
Gale -
Karlach -
Asharak and group children Tiefling Druid Grove - Makeshift training area in the middle of the Tiefling Camp. Very Noisy and hard to miss.

Help Guex with his Swordfighting


  • You can help him multiple ways. 
  • By using an Athletics Roll
  • By using an Insight Roll
  • Or if you have Detect Thoughts which unlocks a secret dialogue
Lae'zel  +
Gale +
Wyll   +
Karlach  +
 None Guex Druid Grove - Makeshift training area in the middle of the Tiefling Camp. Very Noisy and hard to miss.

Tell Guex to not shout his moves


  • Straight forward choice after helping Guex. No need to roll. Pretty hard to mixx
Lae'zel  +
Wyll  +
None Guex Druid Grove - Makeshift training area in the middle of the Tiefling Camp. Very Noisy and hard to miss.

Tell Zorru to Follow Lae'zel's orders


  • Just follow Lae'zel's leads in the conversation
Lae'zel  +
Astarion  +
Shadowheart -
Karlach -
Zorru Druid Grove - Area between the Makeshift Prison And  Tiefling common area/Training Area. Usuallly but Zorru Moves around alot and I saw him sometimes next to the stone door to the Secluded Sanctum.

Compliment Lae'zel interrogation of Zorru


  • Talk to Lae'zel after the interrogation.
Lae'zel  +
Astarion  +
Shadowheart -
Karlach -
Zorru Druid Grove - Area between the Makeshift Prison And  Tiefling common area/Training Area. Usuallly but Zorru Moves around alot and I saw him sometimes next to the stone door to the Secluded Sanctum.

Take Mattis ring


  • Mattis, the Child Tiefling and scammer will offer you a ring during his performance trick. 
  • Keep the ring no matter how much he begs
Astarion  + Karlach - Mattis Druid Grove - The small cave like passage between the Druid area and Tiefling Area. Impossible to miss.

Detect Silfy's pickpocket with a perception check and let her go in the nicest way.


  • Actually extremely hard to pull, as you require someone with enough Wisdom or Perception bonus strong enough to pass the Perception Check
  • The Perception Check is automatic, so Inspiration Rerolls are not allowed.
  • You need to stay long enough for Silfy to try her pickpocket. Open Mattis store is enough for this.
  • If your main character sucks at Wisdom, use Shadowheart. She does not have an approval in this scene and she is built for Wisdom due to being a Cleric. 
  • You need to talk to Mattis to start the scene and happens right after you leave his conversation.
  • After passing the Perception Check, you need to choose the nicest option of letting Silfy go. The one that does not have a skill check
Gale +
Karlach  +
Wyll  +
Astarion -
Lae'zel -
Silfy Druid Grove - The small cave like passage between the Druid area and Tiefling Area. Impossible to miss.

After dealing with Kagha, agree to help deal with the Goblins for Zevlor and the Tieflings


  • Can be done after exposing Kagha's Conspiracy. 
  • It might be possible to do this if you kill Kagha or Bring back Halsin but have not Personally confirmed
Karlach  +
Wyll  +
Astarion - Zevlor Druid Grove, Secluded Sanctum - Just enter the stone door in the Hollow/Tiefling area

After dealing with Kagha, telll Zevlor you don't care about his other problem


  • Can be done after exposing Kagha's Conspiracy. 
  • It might be possible to do this if you kill Kagha or Bring back Halsin but have not Personally confirmed
Shadowheart  + Wyll -
Karlach -
Zevlor Druid Grove, Secluded Sanctum - Just enter the stone door in the Hollow/Tiefling area

Offer to Heal Pandirna without pay (Bard/Paladin/Relevant Classes)


  • First win the Skill roll to pacify her when she catches you.
  • Do not take the Intimidation Skill check as she will just be shaken in fear to engage in conversation.
  • Pandirna is paralysed and needs Lesser Restoration to be healed
  • I have seen clerics with this option as well but have not tested for every spell caster
  • Paladins confirmed to have this option as well
Karlach  +
Wyll +
?? Pandirna  Druid Grove, The Storeroom - Pandirna is stuck inside the Storeroom, a locked roon in front of the Trainning area.

Can be accessed from the behind in the area near the door leading to the Underground Passage, skipping the risky lockpicking.

Offer to Heal Pandirna with pay (Bard/Paladin/Cleric) and then pocket the money and leave.


  • First win the Skill roll to pacify her when she catches you.
  • Do not take the Intimidation Skill check as she will just be shaken in fear to engage in conversation.
  • Pandirna is paralysed and needs lesser restoration to be healed
  • I have seen clerics with this option as well but have not tested for every spell caster
  • Paladins confirmed to have this option as well
Astarion + ?? Pandirna Druid Grove, The Storeroom - Pandirna is stuck inside the Storeroom, a locked roon in front of the Trainning area.

Can be accessed from the behind in the area near the door leading to the Underground Passage, skipping the risky lockpicking.

Give in to the urge to Break Pandirna's Leg which leads to her death


  • Dark Urge Character
  • First win the Skill roll to pacify her when she catches you.
Astarion +   Pandirna Druid Grove, The Storeroom - Pandirna is stuck inside the Storeroom, a locked roon in front of the Trainning area.

Can be accessed from the behind in the area near the door leading to the Underground Passage, skipping the risky lockpicking.

When you find Pandirna, Intimidate her to silence


  • First win the Skill roll to pacify her when she catches you.
Lae'zel +    Pandirna  Druid Grove, The Storeroom - Pandirna is stuck inside the Storeroom, a locked roon in front of the Trainning area.

Can be accessed from the behind in the area near the door leading to the Underground Passage, skipping the risky lockpicking.
While talking to Arabella's Parents , Blame them for Arabella's situation


  • Hard not to encounter as they will have a cutscene with the Druid's guarding area.
  • You have to talk to them before resolving Arabella's situation with Kagha for obvious reasons to get this dialogue
None Karlach - Locke and Komira Druid's Grove - The Stone steps entering into the Druid area.
While talking to Arabella's Parents , promise to help


  • Hard not to encounter as they will have a cutscene with the Druid's guarding area.
  • You have to talk to them before resolving Arabella's situation with Kagha for obvious reasons to get this dialogue
Gale +
Karlach  +
Wyll  +
Astarion - Locke and Komira Druid Grove - The Stone steps entering into the Druid area.
Use the Deceit option with Topaz the Bird


  • Pretty straightforward. Win the Deceit Roll
  Topaz Druid Grove - The little nest on the ground next to the elevator.
Use the bard option with Topaz the Bird


  • Might be class restricted. A lot of class specific dialogue have their own equivalent, but this has only been tested with a Bard Character.
Karlach  +
Astarion  +
None Topaz Druid Grove - The little nest on the ground next to the elevator.
Use the Intimidate option with Topaz the Bird


  • Pretty straightforward. Win the Intimidate Roll
Karlach  +
Astarion  +
None Topaz

Druid Grove - The little nest on the ground next to the elevator.

Help Alfira finish her song


  • This is a unique chance to get a character to be able to learn how to play a musical instrument
Gale + 
Wyll  +
None Alfira Druid Grove - After going down the stone steps towards the ritual area. Near Volo's interview area with the bear is a pathway. The road leading north that leads to the beach area and the other path leading south where Alfira is trying to finish her song.
Persuade Kagha to free Arabella


  • Automatic cutscenes when you enter the Emerald Grove.
  • Simply win one of the many multiple Skill Check rolls to stop Kagha from harming Arabella.
  • If you use the Detect Thoughts method, Astarion will not disapprove but Lae'zel will still do so.
Gale +
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
Lae'zel -
Astarion -
Kagha Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
Tell Kagha she is a monster in the dialogue after the Arabella event


  • Whether Arabella dies or not, most of the dialogue will be the same.
Wyll  +
Gale  +
Karlach  +
None Kagha Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
Tell Kagha you enjoyed her show after she asks if you think she's a monster.


  • Whether Arabella dies or not, most of the dialogue will be the same.
Astarion  + Wyll - Kagha Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
Tell Kagha "She was just protecting her own." after the Arabella event


  • Whether Arabella dies or not, most of the dialogue will be the same.
Lae'zel  +
Karlach - 
Wyll -
Kagha Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
Tell Kagha "I wanted to see what happen" after the Arabella event


  • One of the few Dialogue different depending on what happens with Arabella
 ?? Karlach - 
Wyll -
  Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
After letting Arabella die, lie to Komira and Locke that she is fine.


  • Lie to the worried couple about the death of their child
Lae'zel +
?? Locke and Komira Druid Grove, - Stone steps entering the Druid Ritual Area.
Prod the bird to death


  • Force the bird to talk, causing it to die
Astarion  +

Karlach - Gale -
Wyll -

?? Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Nettie's work space where she is tending to the bird and wheer you first meet her.
Let Silver the Wolf smell you


  • With Speak with Animals, talk to Silver the Wolf and just let him acquire your scent
  • Shadowheart will have special dialogue after this scene explaining how she has a phobia wth Wolves (Explained further during her Flashback)
Karlach + 
Wyll +
Gale +
  Silver Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Meeting Area where Kagha and Rath hangout.
Swear to take Nettie Poison


  • Agree to her terms
Lae'zel  +
Shadowheart +
Astarion -
Karlach -
Nettie Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Nettie/Halsin's secret research area. Just follow Nettie
Tell Kagha you will kill her for Zevlor


  • Will start a war between the druids and tieflings
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
Astarion  +
   Kagha Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
After Exposing Kagha's Conspiracy, choose to fight Kagha


  • Requires you to find the letter of Kagha implicating her with the Shadow Druids. Can be found in the Sunlit Wetlands coast/port within the Large Dead tree
  • The Investigation can be started by finding Kagha's secret Stash. It is hidden behind a wall but easily accessible from 2nd room in the Emerald Grove.
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
Astarion  +
none Kagha
Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.
After Exposing Kagha's Conspiracy, convince Kagha to side against the Shadow Druids


  • Requires you to find the letter of Kagha implicating her with the Shadow Druids. Can be found in the Sunlit Wetlands coast/port within the Large Dead tree
  • The Investigation can be started by finding, Kagha's secret stash. It is hidden behind a wall but easily accessible from 2nd room in the Emerald Grove.
Wyll  +
Gale +
Astarion  - Kagha
Druid GroveEmerald Grove - Special Area where the Druid Leadership are. Can be accessed by a door next to the Ritual Area.

Use the Sleight of Hand dialogue when you talk to Mirkon.


  • Rescue Mirkon from the Harpies
Shadowheart +
Wyll - Mirkon Druid Grove, Secluded Grove


Forest/Owlbear Nest

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Tell Edowin Siblings to leave


  • After encountering the dying Edowin and his siblings. Do not reveal that you are not a member of the cult of the absolute.
Shadowheart  + None Edowin
Area between Blighted Village and Druid Grove/The Forest - Before the bridge and river seperating the Blighted Village and Druid Grove. Facing the bridge, take the road to the right.

Tell Edowin Siblings, "I'm a survivor of that crash"


  • After encountering the dying Edowin and his siblings. Do not reveal that you are not a member of the cult of the Absolute.
Lae'zel  + None Edowin
Area between Blighted Village and Druid Grove/The Forest - Before the bridge and river seperating the Blighted Village and Druid Grove. Facing the bridge, take the road to the right.

Tell Edowin Siblings to fight Owlbear


  • After encountering the dying Edowin and his siblings. Do not reveal that you are not a member of the cult of the Absolute.
Lae'zel  +
Astarion  +
None Edowin
Area between Blighted Village and Druid Grove/The Forest - Before the bridge and river seperating the Blighted Village and Druid Grove. Facing the bridge, take the road to the right.

Leave Selûnite Treasure Untouched


  • If Shadowheart is in the party, she tells you not to take any of the treasure in the enchanted chest by the shrine. Allowing her to talk you out of it receives her approval (+5).
  • Successfully Persuading/Intimidating her allows you to take the treasure without approval penalty. Failing to do so earns disapproval (-5).
  • Agreeing not to take the treasure and then attempting to do so will prompt a Sleight of Hand roll. Failing the check earns (-2) approval, still netting a (+3) overall.
  • If you agree to leave the treasure, then return without Shadowheart in your party, you can take the treasure without consequence.
 Shadowheart + Astarion -
Lae'zel -
  Owlbear Nest - Shrine of Selûne, lower falls area

Convince the Owlbear to let you go


  • You can still end up in a fight with the Owlbear if you come too close. If you want to loot the cave, you will have to kill the fully grown Owlbear
  • Any Method works as long as the result is the Owlbear backs off.
Gale  +
Shadowheart  +
Karlach  +
Lae'zel - Owlbear Cub
Owlbear Nest - Far end of the Cave
Let Owlbear Cub live


  • You can still end up in a fight with the Owlbear if you come too close even after convincing it to let you go. If you want to loot the cave, you will have to kill the Fully grown Owlbear
Gale +
Shadowheart  +
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
None Owlbear Cub
Owlbear Nest - Far end of the Cave

Kill the Owlbear Cub, Dialogue choice


  • You can still end up in a fight with the Owlbear if you come too close even after convincing it to let you go. If you want to loot the cave, you will have to kill the Fully grown Owlbear
Lae'zel  + Shadowheart -
Gale -
Karlach -
Owlbear Cub
Owlbear Nest - Far end of the Cave

Inviting Scratch to your camp if his friend does not wake up.


  • Convince Scratch you are friendly
 Shadowheart  +
Karlach  +
none Scratch Forest - North Forest Areat near the entrance to the Blighted village. Directly West of the Owlbear Cave entrance



Blighted Village

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Convince the Goblin Ambushers to let you pass


  • There are multiple skills that can be used which includes Persuasion, Intimidate and/or Illithid. Just pass one to get the instance
Shadowheart + None Goblin Ambushers Blighted Village - You start the encounter with the goblin ambushers as soon as you enter the Village

Attack the Goblin Ambushers


  • Choose to attack the Goblin Ambushers
Astarion  + None Goblin Ambushers Blighted Village - You start the encounter with the goblin ambushers as soon as you enter the Village

Convince Fezzerk to not Fight you


  • Simply win the Skill role to convince him to stand down
Karlach  +
Gale +
None Fezzerk Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road till you see the Windmill
Attack Fezzerk first chance you get


  • Choose to attack Fezzerk and his gang the first chance you get.
Wyll  +
Lae'zel  +
Shadowheart - Fezzerk Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road till you see the Windmill

Execute Fezzerk after surrender


  • For this encounter to happen, you need to make Fezzerk surrender. That will require to kill at least one goblin that is not Fezzerk and getting Fezzerk to below 30% without killing him. (Be careful with high damage or just use non-lethal damage)
Wyll  +
Lae'zel  +
Karlach - Fezzerk Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road till you see the Windmill

Let Fezzerk go when he surrenders


  • For this encounter to happen, you need to make Fezzerk surrender. That will require to kill at least one goblin that is not Fezzerk and getting Fezzerk to below 30% without killing him. (Be careful with high damage or just use non-lethal damage)
None Shadowheart -
Wyll -
Astarion -
Fezzerk Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road till you see the Windmill

Tell the Deep Gnome Barcus Wroot you want compensation


  • Choose to not kill Barcus by pulling the brake lever on the windmill and talking to Barcus right after freeing him.
Astarion   +
Wyll - Barcus Wroot Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road till you see the Windmill

Tell the Deep Gnome, Barcus Wroot, "You owe me nothing."


  • Choose to not kill Barcus by pulling the brake lever on the windmill and talking to Barcus right after freeing him.
Gale +
Karlach +
Wyll +
 Astarion - Barcus Wroot Blighted Village - Windmill Area, follow the sound of a screaming Deep Gnome. From the main entrance of the Village coming from the Druid Grove. Simply follow the main road until you see the Windmill.

Convince the ogres to side with you


  • First you have to win the Deceit Roll to be able to open the possibility of hiring them
  • Win any of the skill roles needed to hire the Ogres.
Karlach  +
None Lump the Enlightened Blighted Village - The last house before the South Entrance of the Village. The building is the former school and hard to miss.

Successfully Intimidate the Talking Magic Mirror in the Necromancer Lair by saying you will burn it to the ground


  • Win the Indimidation DC Check.
Astarion +     Blighted Village - Basement laboratory under the Alchemist's shop

Open the Door to the Barn where the Bugbear and Ogre are having a private moment



  • This approval instance is a bit Inconsistent.
  • During Early Access, this event always gave approval but after full release not all instances report approval.
  • Some users during Full release has reported having a unique Astarion dialogue if the barn instance is started without Shadowheart.
 Astarion +      Blighted Village - Barn in the northern part of the Blighted Village.


Sunlit Wetlands (Putrid Bog)

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Tell Johl and Demir that you will save Mayrina


  • Choose the option that exposes Ethel but not kill the brothers. 
  • This dialogue choice becomes available after Auntie Ethel disappears
Karlach  +
Gale +
Wyll  +
Shadowheart -
Lae'zel -
Auntie Ethel, Johl and Demir Sunlit Wetlands - Hard to miss if you use the road as they are right in the entrance into the Sunlit Wetlands from the Blighted Village
Tell Johl and Demir that they are on their own


  • Choose the option that exposes Ethel but not kill the brothers. 
  • This dialogue choice becomes available after Auntie Ethel disappears
Astarion  +
Wyll - Auntie EthelJohl and Demir Sunlit Wetlands - Hard to miss if you use the road as they are right in the entrance into the Sunlit Wetlands from the Blighted Village
Say Baa to the Redcap


  • Requires breaking the Illusion in the swamp to see the Redcaps. 
  • To break the Illusion, either win the DC 20 Perception check or Talk to the Addled Frog. There may be other methods to break the Illusions
  • Can be repeated once with another redcap. The approval stacks
Astarion  +
Karlach  +
None Any Redcap or Redcap Blood Sage Sunlit Wetlands - In the middle of the Sunlit Wetlands next to the waypoint. If you do not break the Illusion they will appear to be sheep and respond with Baaah even if you try to talk to them with Speak with Animals
To Gandrel without Astarion, say Astarion is under my protection


  • Do not bring Astarion when you meet Gandrel
  • After convincing Gandrel to share his mission, say this line.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Lae'zel - Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him.
To Gandrel without Astarion, tell him to back off in hunting Astarion


  • Do not bring Astarion when you meet Gandrel
  • After convincing Gandrel to share his mission, say this line. Comes after the dialogue line of saying Astarion is under protection. Can stack approval with the previous line.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Lae'zel - Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him.
To Gandrel without Astarion, tell him camp location so he can kidnap Astarion


  • Do not bring Astarion when you meet Gandrel
  • After convincing Gandrel to share his mission, say this line.
Lae'zel  + Gale -
Karlach -
Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him.
Talking Gandrel with Astarion, kill Gandrel


Astarion  + Karlach -
Lae'zel -
Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him. If Astarion has not yet revealed himself as a vampire spawn to you, he will kill Gandrel on his own, and you will not receive any approval changes.
Talking to Gandrel with Astarion, do not kill Gandrel


Shadowheart+ Astarion - Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him.
To Gandrel with Astarion, reveal Astarion


Lae'zel  + Astarion -
Gale -
Karlach -
Gandrel Sunlit Wetlands - The Hill next to the Waypoint, just climb up the steps and find him.
Drink from the well outside of Auntie Ethel's teahouse (well coords -35, 251) Gale  + 
Lae'zel  +

Riverside Teahouse - Slightly southeast of frontdoor entrance to teahouse

NOTE: Not tested for all companions. Party of Gale/Karlack/Shadowheart only gave approval to Gale.

Receive Mayrina's Locket

  • Save Mayrina


  • You need to let Mayrina know Ethel killed her brothers. This can only be triggered the first time you encounter Mayrina when Ethel is forcing her to eat Hag Food.
  • When you kill Ethel / Ask Ethel to save Mayrina at the Overgrown Tunnel, you can talk to her after the battle and pick the Third Option when she wants to give you something
Shadowheart +
  Auntie Ethel Mayrina

Sunlit Wetlands - Auntie Ethel's Teahouse. Cutscene will play when you meet her at the door.

Overgrown Tunnel - Very end boss area where you fight Ethel again

Keep Asking about Mayrina when talking to Ethel


  • Just keep asking about Mayrina.
  • Technically only needs the last dialogue line that will start a fight, but Ethel will try to steer the conversation away from her so this is the easiest way to gain this Dialogue.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Wyll  +
Astarion - Auntie Ethel Mayrina Sunlit Wetlands - Auntie Ethel's Teahouse. Cutscene will play when you meet her at the door.
Let Mayrina Know that her brothers are dead.


  • Mayrina's brothers need to be dead.
  • Either kill them in the initial encounter, or do not kill them but say you will help them so they will die in the swamp.
Gale +
Wyll +
Karlach +
 Astarion  -  Auntie Ethel  Sunlit Wetlands - Auntie Ethel's Teahouse. Cutscene will play when you meet her at the door.
 Agree to Ethel's deal


  • When Auntie Ethel offer to remove the tadpole, take it. 
None Lae'zel -
Shadowheart -
Wyll -
Auntie Ethel Sunlit Wetlands - Auntie Ethel's Teahouse. Cutscene will play when you meet her at the door.
Agree to Ethel's deal and give her an eye


  • When Auntie Ethel offer to remove the tadpole, take it. She will fail but you get an Intimidation buff and Perception debuff in exchange.
None Lae'zel -
Wyll -
Auntie Ethel Sunlit Wetlands - Auntie Ethel's Teahouse. Cutscene will play when you meet her at the door.
Pretend to be a Mindflayer and roar at Lorin


  • Roar and pretend to be a mindflayer to scare the poor Elf.
Lae'zel  +
Astarion  +
Wyll - Lorin Overgrown Tunnel - He is next to the talking door
Successfully Intimidate the door to open and allow you in.


 Astarion  +   Talking door Overgrown Tunnel - Talking door blocking the way
Convince a Surrendered Hag Ethel to let Mayrina go and give you power


  • In order to make Ethel surrender, you need to damage her enough without killing her. The cutscenes usually procs at around 10-15% health and activates when it is her turn.
  • It is advised to keep your high Charisma character to be close to Ethel at the fight, as she would initiate conversation with the nearest player character and because you would need to pass a DC 20 Deceit or Intimidate Check to get succeed in this dialogue line
Karlach  +
Astarion  +
Lae'zel  +

Auntie Ethel , Mayrina

Overgrown Tunnel - Very end boss area where you fight Ethel again
With a Surrendered Hag Ethel choose Mayrina's Freedom


  • In order to make Ethel surrender, you need to damage her enough without killing her. The cutscenes usually procs at around 10-15% health and activates when it is her turn.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Shadowheart -
Astarion -
Lae'zel -
Auntie Ethel ,Mayrina Overgrown Tunnel - Very end boss area where you fight Ethel again
With a Surrendered Hag Ethel choose to execute Ethel


  • In order to make Ethel surrender, you need to damage her enough without killing her. The cutscenes usually procs at around 10-15% health and activates when it is her turn.
  • Auntie Ethel already mentions she has a revive method, so she will still appear in Act 3 even if you kill her.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Wyll  +
Lae'zel  +
Astarion - Auntie EthelMayrina Overgrown Tunnel - Very end boss area where you fight Ethel again
With a Surrendered Hag Ethel choose the gift of power and let her take Mayrina


  • In order to make Ethel surrender, you need to damage her enough without killing her. The cutscenes usually procs at around 10-15% health and activates when it is her turn.
Astarion  +
Gale -
Karlach -
Wyll -
Auntie EthelMayrina Overgrown Tunnel - Very end boss area where you fight Ethel again
Give the Second Marriage Wand and Zombie Connor to Mayrina


  • Mayrina need to be freed by Ethel or Ethel being dead
  • Require picking up the Second Marriage Wand in Ethel's loot room
Gale +
Wyll +
None Mayrina Sunlit Wetlands - Next to the Teahouse and in Front of Connor's Casket. If you use the Mushroom Portal, impossible to miss.
Attack the Zombie Connor


  • Mayrina need to be freed by Ethel or Ethel being dead
  • Require picking up the Second Marriage Wand in Ethel's loot room
Gale + None Mayrina Sunlit Wetlands - Next to the Teahouse and in Front of Connor's Casket. If you use the Mushroom Portal, impossible to miss.
Keep the Second Marriage Wand and Zombie Connor


  • Mayrina need to be freed by Ethel or Ethel being dead
  • Require picking up the Second Marriage Wand in Ethel's loot room
None Wyll - Mayrina Sunlit Wetlands - Next to the Teahouse and in Front of Connor's Casket. If you use the Mushroom Portal, impossible to miss.


Risen Road (Waukeen's Rest and Mountain Pass)

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
With Wyll when meeting Karlach, tell Wyll to kill Karlach


  • Will activate if you first meet Karlach with Wyll in the party.
  • This encounter will happen in Camp if you recruit Karlach without Wyll in the party.
Wyll  + None Karlach

Risen Road - Far Right Side/South West of the Area by the river. Indicated by Wyll's Quest. 


Camp - Long Rest with Karlach and Wyll recruited

Wyll when meeting Karlach, tell Wyll that Karlach is no danger


  • Will activate if you first meet Karlach with Wyll in the party.
  • This encounter will happen in Camp if you recruit Karlach without Wyll in the party. The dialogue will proc if Karlach and Wyll is recruited and long rest for the evening
  • It is recomended to do this scene in Camp as every companion will approve if you defend Karlach., including Wyll and Karlach
Wyll  +
Gale +
Lae'zel  +
Astarion  +
Karlach  +
None Karlach

Risen Road - Far Right Side/South West of the Area by the river. Indicated by Wyll's Quest. 


Camp - Long Rest with Karlach and Wyll recruited

Use the (Cleric) option to bless the sick Hyena you encounter in the Risen Road


  • Be clearic when you meet the Dying Hyenas in the Risen Road.
Karlach +
None Hyena about to turn into a Gnoll

Risen Road - The location where the dead bodies and sick hyena is. Close by the Bridge entering the Risen Road and directly to its East

Use Illithid powers on Flind to force her to attack her pack


  • The dialogue will proc during Flind's 2nd turn after moving or attacking when combat starts.
  • The Player Character Flind will talk to would be the closest party member.
  • It is recommended to have a character that has a high Wisdom like Shadowheart or a Wisdom build character as this will be a difficult wisdom roll.
Gale +
Astarion  +
Karlach - Flind The Risen Road - Cave Entrance in the middle of the Risen Road. Follow the blood and trail of Dead bodies.
Use Illithid powers on The Head Gnoll to attack Rugan and Olly


  • The dialogue will proc during Flind's 2nd turn after moving or attacking when combat starts.
  • The Player Character Flind will talk to would be the closest party member.
  • It is recommended to have a character that has a high Wisdom like Shadowheart or a Wisdom build character as this will be a difficult wisdom roll.
Astarion  + None Flind The Risen Road - Cave Entrance in the middle of the Risen Road. Follow the blood and trail of Dead bodies.
Conjure the mewlings of easy prey into The Head Gnoll's mind, causing her to attack Rugan and Olly. [Bard]
  • Find the Missing Shipment


  • This option is only available to Bards and requires a Performance check.
  • The dialogue will start during combat as soon as Flind is in close range of a character.
Astarion  + None Flind The Risen Road - Cave Entrance in the middle of the Risen Road. Follow the blood and trail of Dead bodies.
After Battle with the Gnoll Tribe and if you managed to Mind Control and she survives the battle, Convince the Flind to eat herself


  • Flind must be convinced to attack her pack
  • Has two Wisdom DC rolls with an extremely high DC (15)
  • The Player Character Flind will talk to would be the closest party member.
  • It is recommended to have a character that has a high Wisdom like Shadowheart or a Wisdom build character as this will be a difficult wisdom roll.
Gale +
Astarion  +
Karlach - Flind The Risen Road - Cave Entrance in the middle of the Risen Road. Follow the blood and trail of Dead bodies.
Convince Rugan to give you the Chest


  • Straight up Persuasion Roll
  • If you go to the Zhentarim Hideout right after, Olly will be dead and Rugan tortures as the Zhentarim will know they were betrayed
Shadowheart  +
Karlach  +
Gale +
None Rugan

The Risen Road - Cave Entrance in the middle of the Risen Road. Follow the blood and trail of Dead bodies.

Refuse to help search for Duke Ravenguard


  • If you long rest after activating the Burning Inn event, the Flaming Fist will break the door and rescue the Counsellor without your help and you will miss this instance
Astarion  + Wyll -
Karlach -
Counsellor Florrick
Gauntlet Yeva

The Risen Road - From the Broken Bridge coming from the direction of the Blighted Village, just head generally west and you will encounter Waukeen's Rest Inn Burning.

Agree to help search for Duke Ravenguard


  • If you long rest after activating the Burning Inn event, the Flaming Fist will break the door and rescue the Counsellor without your help and you will miss this instance
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
Gale +
Astarion - Counsellor Florrick
Gauntlet Yeva

The Risen Road - From the Broken Bridge coming from the direction of the Blighted Village, just head generally west and you will encounter Waukeen's Rest Inn Burning.

Help Benryn, stuck in the fire in the Inn.


  • When you break a pathway into Benryn's room, there would be small explosion of the wall in between him and the burning room starting the spread of fire into the room where he is stuck.
  • If you long rest after activating the Burning Inn event, the fire will probably spread enough and kill Benryn thus making this dialogue missable.
Wyll  +
Karlach  +
Gale +
None Benryn

The Risen Road - From the Broken Bridge coming from the direction of the Blighted Village, just head generally west and you will encounter Waukeen's Rest Inn Burning.

Give Benryn the Dowry


  • After rescuing Benryn and after finding the Dowry
Wyll +
Astarion -  Benryn The Risen Road - From the Broken Bridge coming from the direction of the Blighted Village, just head generally west and you will encounter Waukeen's Rest Inn Burning.

Persuade the Zhentarim to let you in. 


  • Can only be done if Rugan has not arrived.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Shadowheart +
None Zherys The Risen RoadZhentarim Basement - In Waukeen's Rest Barn/Basement. Go to the farm area and go through the Doorway blocked by boxes, get through the guard and get to the Hideout

Kill Rugan in the Zhentarim Hideout


  • If you Persuade Rugan to hand over the chest to you, Zherys will find out.
  • Once you end up in the Hideout, Rugan will be strapped to a chair tortured and Olly will be dead.
  • You can run a Skill Check (Persuade/Intimidate) in order to convince Zherys to allow you to live and finish the job but you have to kill Rugan.
Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Karlach - Zherys The Risen RoadZhentarim Basement - In Waukeen's Rest Barn/Basement. Go to the farm area and go through the Doorway blocked by boxes, get through the guard and get to the Hideout

Intimidate Brem for a discount on Oskar's Freedom


  • Pass the high intimidation roll to force Brem for a discount.
Gale +
Karlach +
Shadowheart +
Wyll +
Lae'zel +
None BremOskar The Risen RoadZhentarim Basement - In Waukeen's Rest Barn/Basement. Go to the farm area and go through the Doorway blocked by boxes, get through the guard and get to the Hideout

Buy Oskar's Freedom


  • Spend the money. 1000 gold without the discount, 600 if you managed to get a discount.
Gale +
Karlach +
Wyll +
Astarion -
Lae'zel -
BremOskar The Risen RoadZhentarim Basement - In Waukeen's Rest Barn/Basement. Go to the farm area and go through the Doorway blocked by boxes, get through the guard and get to the Hideout

Give Oskar some money for the journey home.


  • Give 200 gold to Oskar when he asks for it.
Gale +
Karlach +
Wyll +
Shadowheart -
Astarion -
Oskar The Risen RoadZhentarim Basement - In Waukeen's Rest Barn/Basement. Go to the farm area and go through the Doorway blocked by boxes, get through the guard and get to the Hideout

Disguised as a Gith and then talk to Ellyka and say "Relax, it's just a disguise" and then "no you are safe"


  • Use Disguise Self spell as a Githyanki and scare Ellyka
Lae'zel +
Karlach +
Gale +
None Ellyka The Risen Road, Mountain Pass leading to the Creche - Far West area of the Risen Road.

Encounter the Gith Patrol With Lae'zel, Let Lae'zel lead the conversation with Kith'rak Voss


  • Requires Lae'zel in the party.
Lae'zel +
Karlach +
None Kith'rak Voss The Risen Road, Mountain Pass leading to the Creche - Far West area of the Risen Road

The Gith Patrol With Lae'zel leading the conversation, win the Persuasion Check and Lae'zel wins her Deceit Check in the convo with Kith'rak Voss


  • After letting Lae'zel lead the conversation, there will be a prompt of a Persuasion Skill check to hide the artifact
  • Lae'zel as a character with her stats has to roll this deception. Either use Enhance Ability or respec her to have more than her default charisma to win her automatic Deception Roll 
Lae'zel +
Gale +
Astarion + 
Shadowheart +
None Kith'rak Voss The Risen Road, Mountain Pass leading to the Creche - Far West area of the Risen Road

The Gith Patrol with Lae'zel leading, Tell Kith'rak Voss you have the Artifact


  • Requires Lae'zel in the Party
None Lae'zel -
Shadowheart -
Astarion -
Kith'rak Voss The Risen Road, Mountain Pass leading to the Creche - Far West area of the Risen Road

Gith Patrol Without Lae'zel, convince Kith'rak Voss to leave you peacefully


  • If you do not want to fight:
  • You have to pass the first Skill check, an Arcana Check, then a Wisdom check and then a last Charisma Check with a total 4 Skill checks. 1 purely Charisma, 2 Wisdom  based Checks and the first one with multiple pathways. 
Gale + None Kith'rak Voss The Risen Road, Mountain Pass leading to the Creche - Far West area of the Risen Road


Goblin Camp (Outdoor Area and Shattered Sanctum)

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Smear the Poo on your face.


  • Requires to pass the Deceit or Nature Check for dialogue to pass.
Gale +
Karlach  +
Lae'zel -
Astarion -
Wyll -
Sentinel Olak

Goblin Camp - The Goblin Guard post in front of the bridge.

Throw Poo on multiple guards, not the Athletics Check throwing it does not provide approval


  • Requires to pass the Deceit or Nature Check for dialogue to pass.
  • This is not the Athletics Check. This dialogue choice requires you to pick up the dog poo and throwing it to multiple guards
Lae'zel +
Astarion +
Wyll +
Karlach  +
None Sentinel Olak

Goblin Camp - The Goblin Guard post in front of the bridge.

Boo Volo during his performance


  • Talk to him during his performance and give a really scathing review
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Karlach - Volo

Goblin Camp - The central party area. Volo will be in the middle of the Camp performing.

With Tracker Grikka tell "I can get info out of the prisoner"


  • Nothing special, just tell the dialogue line to Grikka
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Karlach -
Gale -
Wyll -
Tracker Grikka Goblin Camp - In the Humanoird Barbecue pit in front of the entrance towards the Shattered Sanctum.
With Tracker Klagga, convince him to give the Poem. (Not Illithid Powers)


  • Simply use any convincing method to get him to hand the documents. 
  • The illithid powers/True Soul option does not give approval however
Shadowheart +
Gale +
None Tracker Klagga Goblin Camp - In the Humanoird Barbecue pit in front of the entrance towards the Shattered Sanctum.
Convince the Owlbear Cub to start killing the goblins


  • Simply convince the Owlbear either using Animal Handling or with Speak with animals and a Persuasion Skill Check
  • Can only be done during and or after a round of Chicken Chase
  • Will cause the Cub to go hostile against the entire camp.
Astarion +
Karlach  +
None Owlbear Cub Goblin Camp - In the Chicken Chase arena and surrounding areas.
Convince the Owlbear Cub to help win Chicken Chase


  • Can only be done with Speak with Animals and a Persuasion Skill Check
  • Can only be done during a round of Chicken Chase
Shadowheart +
Karlach  +
Gale +
None Owlbear Cub Goblin Camp - In the Chicken Chase arena and surrounding areas.
Use Illithid to force Krolla to give your winnings


  • Becomes available after winning a round of Chicken Chase and talking to Krolla
Shadowheart +
Karlach  +
Gale +
Astarion +
None Krolla Goblin Camp - In the Chicken Chase arena and surrounding areas.
Ask the Owlbear to go to your camp


  • Pretty straightforward, ask the Owlbear
  • Can only be done after one round of Chicken Chase.
Shadowheart +
Wyll +
Gale +
None Owlbear Cub Goblin Camp - In the Chicken Chase arena and surrounding areas.
Tell the Goblin Child Eight "Sorry for your loss"


  • Eight (the Goblin child) and his friends will be beating a dead human corpse in the nearby campfire.
Karlach  +
Gale +
Shadowheart +
Astarion -
Lae'zel -
Eight Goblin Camp - To the side of Novice Crusher's Stage where the wall is broken. There would be a small campfire where the goblin Children is hanging out.
Win the first Intimidation Check with Novice Crusher


  • None
Shadowheart +
Lae'zel +
Karlach  +
Gale +
Wyll +
None Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
Convince Novice Crusher to kiss your foot


  • Requires winning the Intimidation roll to shake his confidence.
  • After the 1st Intimidation success check, just win one of the many DC check to force him to kiss your foot.
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Gale +
Wyll +
Shadowheart +
None Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
Steal the ring by kissing the foot of Novice Crusher


  • Sleight of Hand Skill Check
Shadowheart +
Astarion +
Karlach +
None Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
Say I'd sooner spit at you and double down to start a fight with Novice Crusher


  • Starts Combat
Lae'zel  +
Gale +
None Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
Kiss Novice Crusher Foot


  • Say I'd sooner spit and then drop down to your knees.
  • Allow you to lick the foot after kissing it.
Shadowheart + Lae'zel -
Gale -
Wyll -
Karlach -
Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
Lick Novice Crusher's Foot


  • Say I'd sooner spit and then drop down to your knees.
  • Will start a fight with Novice's Gang 
Astarion +
Karlach +
Lae'zel -
Shadowheart -
Wyll -
Gale -
Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
After beating Novice Crusher in a fight, force him to kiss foot


  • Say I'd sooner spit and then drop down to your knees.
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Karlach +
Gale +
None Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
After beating Novice Crusher in a fight, try to kill him


  • Say I'd sooner spit and then drop down to your knees.
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Wyll +
Shadowheart +
Karlach - Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
After beating Novice Crusher in a fight, help him up


  • Say I'd sooner spit and then drop down to your knees.
Karlach + Lae'zel -
Shadowheart -
Wyll -
Novice Crusher Goblin Camp - The stage next to the waypoint of the goblin camp.
State you want to torture Liam


  • Just Choose this option when given the chance in the Dialogue with Spike
Lae'zel +
Astarion +
Wyll -
Karlach -
Gale -
Torturer Spike
Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - As you enter, turn right and keep going that direction to meet Liam and Spike
Every instance of Successful Torture on Liam, repeatable.


  • You only get approval if your torture method is effective.
  • Ineffective Torture methods like the Stretching choice or insults does not give approval/disapprova
Lae'zel +
Astarion +
Wyll -
Karlach -
Gale -
Torturer Spike
Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - As you enter, turn right and keep going that direction to meet Liam and Spike
Tell Liam "Keep trying...." when he asks to be released


  • You need Spike to to have left the room or dead. It is easy to kill Spike and not be detected in this part of the Sanctum
  • If Liam is successfully tortured, he will need a health potion to get back.
Shadowheart +
Astarion +
Wyll -
Karlach -
Gale -
Torturer Spike
Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - As you enter, turn right and keep going that direction to meet Liam and Spike

When speaking to Minthara and her talking about the prisoner (Liam), say you can be very persuasive


  • In order for this dialogue to exist,  you must have not tortured Liam yet.

Shadowheart +

Lae'zel +

Karlach -
Gale -
Minthara Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - North Eastern part of the Sanctum, Minthara's Room. 

Say "You do not need the prisoner" and then win the Intelligence roll to obfuscate the location of the Druid Grove to Minthara


  • In order for this dialogue to exist,  you must have not tortured Liam yet.
Karlach +
Gale +
Wyll +
None Minthara Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - North Eastern part of the Sanctum, Minthara's Room.

Say "You do not need the prisoner" and then win the Intelligence roll to obfuscate the location of the Druid Grove to Minthara


  • In order for this dialogue to be availaible: Liam must have been tortured successfully and/or Liam has already escaped.
  • You can torture Liam successfully, Help Liam escape and prevent Spike from telling Minthara the Intel. 

    Just do it in this order;
    1. Talk to Minthara about the Prisoner, get the Intelligence skill check
    2. Torture Liam successfully
    3. Kill Spike before he can tell Minthara the location
    4.  Talk to Minthara
  • If you do the the above method, Minthara will ask about the location of the grove twice.
  • First when you say, Liam was tortured sucessfully.
  • Second when you tell Minthara that Liam escaped.
  • Both instances give the Deceit roll which you can farm.
Karlach +
Gale +
Wyll +
?? Minthara Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - North Eastern part of the Sanctum, Minthara's Room.

Defend Sazza from Minthara's accusation and say "Sazza didn't know"


  • Rescue Sazza from the Makeshift Prison and escort her back to the Goblin Camp
Karlach +

Lae'zel -
Astarion -
Wyll -

Minthara Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - North Eastern part of the Sanctum, Minthara's Room.

Participate in the Loviatar Ritual


  • In order for this dialogue to be availaible: Liam must have been tortured successfully and/or Liam has already escaped.
Shadowheart +
Astarion +
?? Abdirak Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - Abdirak's Room will be inbetween the Spike's Torture room and Volo's Cell.

Inform Roah if you wiped out the Zhenterim Hideout


  • If you ever end up killing the entire Zhenatrim Hideout, either due to opening the stolen chest or choosing to not kill Rugan or just wiping them out murder hobo style.
Astarion +
Lae'zel +
Karlach +
?? Roah Moonglow Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - Trader in he Lower Left/South- West Side of Area.

If you saved Sazza from the prison, tell Minthara "She is too stupid to understand"


  • ??
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Astarion +
Wyll +
Karlach - Sazza 
Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - North Eastern part of the Sanctum, Minthara's Room.

Tell the Goblin Children throwing rocks at the bear to use sharper rocks.


  • ??
 Astarion +     Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - Worg Pens, Far eastern door.

After telling the goblin children to use sharper rocks, join the goblins in the rock throwing at the bear.


 Astarion +      Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - Worg Pens, Far eastern door.

Tell Halsin "I'll deal with this, you get to safety" after rescuing him in the Worg Pens


  • ??
Gale +
Karlach +
Shadowheart -
Astarion -
Halsin Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum - Worg Pens, Far eastern door.

Let the True Soul Gut brand you.


  • Don't be marked as enemies of the Absolute

Shadowheart -
Astarion -

True Soul Gut Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum -Middle of the Sanctum

Tell the True Soul Gut "All right. I'm ready" after following her to somewhere private.


  • Don't be marked as enemies of the Absolute
  • Don't leave the area without seeing if the Goblin Priestess can heal you.
Karlach + Astarion - True Soul Gut

Goblin Camp ,Shattered Sanctum -South Western part of the Sanctum

Tell the True Soul Gut "Change of plans, I'm going to kill you" after following her to somewhere private.


  • Don't be marked as enemies of the Absolute
Shadowheart +
 ??? True Soul Gut Goblin Camp, Shattered Sanctum -South Western part of the Sanctum

After saving Halsin use the Rogue option: "Best if I try settling this discreetly - wait here, and you'll have your deaths."


  • Rogue
  • ?
Shadowheart  + ?? Halsin

Goblin Camp, Shattered Sanctum - Worg Pens, Far eastern door.

Evade suspicion from Dror Ragzlin after he questions the dead Illithid


  • Don't be marked as enemies of the Absolute

 Shadowheart  + Karlach  +
Gale  +

 Dror Ragzlin Goblin Camp, Shattered Sanctum - Due North in Sanctum

Convince the Spider in the Shattered Sanctum to eat the Goblins


Shadowheart +
Gale +

  Giant Spider Goblin Camp, Shattered Sanctum - Spider Pit. Where the Prisoner is thrown and or accessed in the locked door behind True Soul Gut

Tell the caged goblin Maglubiyet, "Gods are fickle"



Lae'zel + Shadowheart - Maglubiyet Goblin Camp, Shattered Sanctum - Hanging Goblin Cages, located towards the western part of the Shattered Sanctum. The Entrance is adjacent to the Main Hall where Dror is located.

Convince the goblin Booyahg Piddle to give you Volo's manuscript


  • Win the DC check

Shadowheart +
Gale +

  Booyahg Piddle Goblin Camp - The group of goblins above the Entrance to the Shattered Sanctum



Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Tell Boooal You Are Going To Kill Him and Take His Power



  • Succeed on Investigation Check to figure out Booal is a redcap
  • Succeed on performance check to tell him a violent story

Lae'zel +
Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Gale +


UnderdarkThe Festering Cove

Place an Autumncrocus Flower on Myrna's Grave



  • May require finding the arcane tower first to trigger or find info about Myrna
Karlach +
Wyll +
Gale +

Underdark - Myrna's Grave, X:-41 and Y:-209

Succeed the Persuasion When Talking to the Myconid King



  • ??
Shadowheart +  ?    Underdark - 
Tell the Restless Myconid the truth about the parasite and that you seek safe passage.



  • ??
Karlach +
Shadowheart + 
Gale +
 ?   Underdark - 

Pick the following option when speaking with Gekh Coal;

  • "Attack him'


  • Don't bring Glut (The Myconid)
Gale +   Gekh Coal Underdark - Beach

Agree to get the Boots for Gekh Coal



  Karlach - Gekh Coal Underdark - Beach
Steal the Boots of Speed from Thulla



  • For a morally questionable actions, this once again shows consistency with Shadowheart's preference for actions that resort to Extortion, Thievery, and Scaming.
Shadowheart +
Astarion +
Karlach - Thulla Underdark - Ebonlake Grotto 
Tell the Restless Myconid that you are a traveler seeking adventure.



  • ??
Karlach + 
Wyll +
 ?   Underdark - 
Give the poisoned gnome Thulla antitoxin.



  • Encounter Thulla, Acquire the antitoxin and save Thulla
Karlach + 
Wyll + 
 ? Thulla Underdark - Ebonlake Grotto 
When entering the Myconid Colony, persuade Sovereign Spaw to allow you to pass in peace.



Wyll +   Sovereign Spaw Underdark - Myconid Colony
Take Spaw's side and kill Glut.


  • ??
Astarion + 
Lae'zel +
Wyll +
?? Sovereign Glut
Sovereign Spaw
Underdark - Myconid Colony, Sovereign Spaw's area.

Report to Sovereign Spaw about killing Glut.


  • Siding with Spaw right away and killing Glut without taking his quest
  • ??

Karlach +


Gale +


 None Sovereign Glut
Sovereign Spaw
Underdark - Myconid Colony, Sovereign Spaw's area.

Side with Glut and Kill Sovereign Spaw



Astarion + Wyll -
Lae'zel -
Sovereign Glut
Sovereign Spaw
Underdark - Myconid Colony, Sovereign Spaw's area.

Tell Glut "if he wants blood, we’ll give it to him"




Lae'zel +    Sovereign Glut  Underdark - Myconid Colony

Do not pick a side between Glut and Sovereign Spaw


  • ??

Astarion +
Lae'zel +

  Sovereign Glut Underdark - Myconid Colony, Sovereign Spaw's area.
Report details of the event to Spaw after the Duergar was killed.



  • ??
Karlach + 
Gale +
  Sovereign Spaw Underdark - Myconid Colony,  Sovereign Spaw's area.
Convince Omeluum to give you the ring.



  • ??
Shadowheart +
  Omeluum Underdark - Myconid Colony

Successfully Persuade for Derryth Bonecloak that you will look for Baelyn Bonecloak for a price


  • ??
Karlach +   Derryth Bonecloak Underdark - Myconid Colony
Offer to help Baelen Bonecloak when you find him in the middle of the field


  • ??
Karlach + 
Gale +
Wyll +
  Baelen Bonecloak

Underdark - Baelin is trapped in the northwest corner of Underdark, surrounded by Bibberbang. It is closeby to the Myconid Colony. Directly west of it.

Offer to help Baelen Bonecloak for a price.


  • ??
Astarion +   Baelen Bonecloak Underdark - Baelin is trapped in the northwest corner of Underdark, surrounded by Bibberbang. It is closeby the Myconid Colony. Directly west of it.
Tell Baelen Bonecloak when he is asking for help that Scrolls do not come cheap


  • Have a Scroll of Misty Step in the Inventory
Astarion +   Baelen Bonecloak Underdark - Baelin is trapped in the northwest corner of Underdark, surrounded by Bibberbang. It is closeby the Myconid Colony. Directly west of it.
Refuse to help Baelen Bonecloak.


  • ??
Astarion + Wyll - Baelen Bonecloak Underdark - Baelin is trapped in the northwest corner of Underdark, surrounded by Bibberbang.  It is closeby the Myconid Colony. Directly west of it.




Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Push Corsair Greymon into the water.


  • ??

Astarion +

Lae'zel +

??? Corsair Greymon Grymforge - When you set sail for the Grymforge, you will encounter the Corsair in a Cutscene.
Ask Ward Magmar how you can get a slave of your own
  •  ??


  • ??
Astarion + ??? Ward Magmar Grymforge -
Tell Ward Magmar that he disgusts you


  • ??
Karlach  + 
Gale +

Ward Magmar Grymforge -

Agree with Astarion that you don't need the lantern / to save Nere, 'we cant turn back now' when trying to open the gate to Moonrise Towers


  • ??
Astarion + 
Shadowheart +
??? True Soul Nere Grymforge -

Tell the Deep Gnomes in the Dig Site that you will see what you can do


  • Pass Perception check (10) to evesdrop on the conversation between the Deep Gnomes
  • Convince them that you're here to help

Karlach +

Gale +



Apprentice Laridda

Grymforge - Dig Site

Tell to Lunkbog and Laridda that Philomeen has decided to move on


  • Talked to Philomeen
Karlach +
Lae'zel +
Astarion +


Apprentice Laridda

Grymforge - 
If you choose to free him from the cave in, tell True Soul Nere to 'finish the slaves' for the absolute.


  • Get Nere out of the cave alive
  • ??

Astarion +

Lae'zel +

Gale - True Soul Nere Grymforge - Dig Site
If you choose to free him from the cave in, tell True Soul Nere "Stop. No more innocents will die today, Nere."


  • Get Nere out of the cave alive
  • ??

Karlach +

Gale +

Astarion - True Soul Nere Grymforge - Dig Site
After freeing Nere, side with Brithvar and the rebels against him.


  • Get Nere out of the cave alive
  • ??
??? Karlach - True Soul Nere Grymforge - Dig Site
After defeating Nere, together with Elder Brithvar persuade him to leave the Gnomes behind.


  • Take the deal with Elder Brithvar (unclear if absolutely necessary)
  • Do not side with Nere against the mercenaries
  • Pass the Persuation Check (10)

Karlach +

Shadowheart +

Gale +

Astarion - Elder Brithvar Grymforge - Dig Site
Tell Skickpit to Take the Lift to the Surface After Killing his Masters



  • Talk to Stickpick and tell him that you are here to help (not sure if necessary)
  • Kill Ward Magmar and Ward Pistle

Lae'zel +

Astarion +

 ??? Skickpit Grymforge -
Tell Skickpit to hide until things have calmed down


  • Talk to Stickpick and tell him that you are here to help (not sure if necessary)
  • Kill Ward Magmar and Ward Pistle

Wyll +


 ??? Skickpit Grymforge -
Persuade the Deep Rothe in attacking its Master
  • Get past the rubble (The Adamantine Forge)


  • Agree to help Herdmaster Skarjall with the Deep Rothe

Lae'zel +

Shadowheart  +

Karlach  +

Gale  +

??? Deep Rothe Grymforge -
Persuade the Deep Rothe to calm down so the Masters don't destroy her herd.
  • Get past the rubble (The Adamantine Forge)


  • Agree to help Herdmaster Skarjall with the Deep Rothe
  • ??

Shadowheart +

Karlach - Deep Rothe Grymforge -

Bow your head in respect to Brathwen


  • Speak to Brathwen and Viss and roll for perception to inspect the corpses. Deceive them and tell them you will take it from there and they are wanted with the others. 

Wyll +

Astarion - Brathwen Grymforge - Abandoned Refuge

When you meet Morghal and Orgarth in the Grymforge, ask "Did you say you keep slaves here?" then say "Not a problem in the slightest"


  • Insert yourself into the conversation of Morghal and Orgarth
Lae'zel +   None Morghal and Orgarth Grymforge - 

When you meet Morghal and Orgarth in the Grymforge, immediately attack/kill Orgath and Morghal 


  • Insert yourself into the conversation of Morghal and Orgarth
  Shadowheart - Morghal and Orgarth Grymforge - 


Mountain Pass (Rosymorn Monastery and Crèche Y'llek)

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub-Location

Let Lae'zel answer when trying to enter the Githyanki Créche.



Lae'zel + Shadowheart - Guards (Automatic Conversation) Crèche Y'llek  - Entrance

Kill Lady Esther for suggesting to steal a Gith Egg.



Lae'zel +   Lady Esther Rosymorn Monastery Trail

Put up Graffiti on Vlaakith's painting



  • Pass the DC 16 Dexterity Check.
Karlach +
Astarion +
Lae'zel -    Crèche Y'llek -

Persuade Sa'Varsh Kethk to leave the boy alone.


  • Suceed Persuation Check (21)
Karlach +
N/A Sa'varsh Kethk Crèche Y'llek - Training Room

Tell Sa'Varsh Keth you'll fight the boy and proceed to kill him.



Lae'zel +
Karlach -
Sa'varsh Kethk Crèche Y'llek - Training Room

Stab Youth Varrl



Astarion +    Youth Varrl Crèche Y'llek - Training Room

Persuade Youth Varrl to give you the book.


  • Suceed Persuation Check
  • After Suceeding, you can talk to Lae'zel about it.
Lae'zel + N/A Youth Varrl Crèche Y'llek - Training Room

When speaking to Ghustil Stornugoss for the first time, allow Lae'zel to speak on your behalf.


  • Have Lae'zel in your party
Lae'zel + N/A Ghustil Stornugoss Crèche Y'llek -

Convince Ghustil Stornugoss that the tadpole is dead


  • Have Lae'zel in your party
  • Becomes available after Lae'zel breaks out or destroys the Zaith'isk
  Lae'zel - Ghustil Stornugoss   Crèche Y'llek -

Let Lae'zel go first into the zaith'isk.


  • Have Lae'zel in your party
Lae'zel + N/A Ghustil Stornugoss Crèche Y'llek - Infirmary

When interacting with the zai'thisk, insist on going before Lae'zel. Then, say, "You would still be hunting for this place without my guidance."


  • Have Lae'zel in your party
Lae'zel +    Ghustil Stornugoss Crèche Y'llek - Infirmary

Persuade Lae'zel to get out of the zaith'isk.


  • Let Lae'zel go first into the machine
  • Pass Perseption Check and understand that the zaith'isk kills instead of heals
  • Pass Persuation Check (21) (Depends on your current approval. Some people get (30) Difficulty check)

Shadowheart +

Astarion +

N/A Ghustil Stornugoss Crèche Y'llek - Infirmary

Convince Varsh Ko'kuu to give you the egg and tell him you'll find another Crèche that is more forgiving.


  • Pass Persuasion Check
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Astarion  - Varsh Ko'kuu Crèche Y'llek - Hatchery

Convince Varsh Ko'kuu to give you the egg and tell him you'll raise it as your own or take it to another Nursery.


  • Pass Insight Check
  • Pass 2x Persuasion Check (16)
Wyll +
Karlach +
Astarion - Varsh Ko'kuu Crèche Y'llek - Hatchery

Convince Varsh Ko'kuu to give you the egg and tell him you'll make the best omelette. (This will start a fight)


  • Pass Persuasion Check
Astarion  + Karlach -
Shadowheart -
Varsh Ko'kuu Crèche Y'llek - Hatchery

Show Kith'rak Therezzyn the artifact.


Lae'zel +

Astarion -
Shadowheart -

Kith'rak Therezzyn Crèche Y'llek - Captain's Quarters

Tell Kith'rak Therezzyn you have the artifact but say "No". (This will trigger a fight)


Astarion  +

Shadowheart +


Kith'rak Therezzyn Crèche Y'llek- Captain's Quarters

Ask inquisitor Ch'r'ai W'wargaz "What do I get in return if I give it to you." when talking about the Artifact


 Astarion +  Lae'zel -  Ch'r'ai W'wargaz Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Ask inquisitor Ch'r'ai W'wargaz why he knows so much about you.


Karlach +
N/A Ch'r'ai W'wargaz Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

With Inquisitor Ch'r'ai W'wargaz, do not give the Artifact and then win the persuasion check with Lae'zel


  • Succeed the Persuasion Check.
Astarion +
   Ch'r'ai W'wargaz  Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Do not kneel before Vlaakith.



N/A Lae'zel - Vlaakith Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Kneel before Vlaakith.



Lae'zel +   Vlaakith Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Question Vlaakith's divinity by saying "Can't you kill them yourself ?"  and then apologize by saying "I spoke too hastily--please forgive me"




Karlach -
Shadowheart -
Vlaakith Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Enter the artifact when ordered by Vlaakith



  • Do not be hostile with the Githyanki before the meeting with Vlaakith.
Lae'zel + Shadowheart - Vlaakith Crèche Y'llek - Inquisitorial Rooms

Take the Blood of Lathander 



Astarion +     Crèche Y'llek - The Blood of Lathander Room


Events/Camp Events/Companion Events and Dialogue Act 1

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

During the first Long Rest, When Gale talks to himself and Say "Go to Hell" respond with "And good evening to you too."



  • First Long Rest
  • Talk to Gale
Gale + None Gale First Long Rest


Agree with Lae'zel that the Gith Library Knowledge is Valuable



  • Available with Companion as soon as you recruit them.
  • Talk to Lae'zel about the value of the knowledge the Gith on the tadpole and agree with her that the knowledge the Githyanki Library possess is valuable
Lae'zel + None Lae'zel Early Conversations with Companion

Anywhere with Lae'zel  - In party or Camp

While talking to Lae'zel about the Tadpole, agree with her you will all be cured



  • Available with Companion as soon as you recruit them.
Lae'zel + None Lae'zel Early Conversation with Companion

Anywhere with Lae'zel  - In party or Camp

While talking to Lae'zel about the Tadpole, choose to panic



  • Available with Companion as soon as you recruit them.
None Lae'zel - Lae'zel Early Conversation with Companion

Anywhere with Lae'zel  - In party or Camp

When asking about Gale's past, attempt and succeed in the Wisdom roll of reading his mind.



  • Available with Companion as soon as you recruit them.
  • Ask Gale about his past.
None Gale -  Gale Early Conversation with Companion

Anywhere with Lae'zel  - In party or Camp

When encountering a Soul Coin with Karlach in the Party, agree with her to use it.



  • Requires Karlach in the Party
  • Requires a Soul Coin found or in the Inventory.
Karlach + None Karlach Karlach - In Party when encountering a Soul Coin

When Astarion asks about how you want to die, say your preferred method (Knife, Poison, Decapitation)



  • Prompted by Astarion.
Astarion + None Astarion Early Conversation with Companion

Astarion - In party and or Camp

When Astarion asks about how you want to die, respond with "I'll spill your guts"



  • Prompted by Astarion.
  Astarion - Astarion Early Conversation with Companion

Astarion - In party and or Camp

When Astarion asks about how you want to die, respond with "I'll spill your guts" and then "If I die, I will take you with me"



  • Prompted by Astarion.
Astarion +    Astarion Early Conversation with Companion

Astarion - In party and or Camp

After finding out he is a vampire, when he asks do you to trust him say "I do believe you"


  • After getting out of the Druids Grove and encountering the blood drained/exsanguinated boar. The next long rest will activate Astarion's drinking event.
  • Choose to trust/react positively to  Astarion when he is revealed to be a vampire to have this dialogue option to be open.
Astarion +

Gale -
Wyll -


Vampire Reveal Camp Event 

- A Long Rest event after finding the drained boar.

After finding out he is a vampire, allow him to drink


  • After getting out of the Druids Grove and encountering the blood drained/exsanguinated boar. The next long rest will activate Astarion's drinking event.
  • Choose to trust/react positively to  Astarion when he is revealed to be a vampire to have this dialogue option to be open.
Astarion + None Astarion

Vampire Reveal Camp Event 

Camp - A Long Rest event after finding the drained boar.

In the morning after the vampire reveal. Defend Astarion to the suspicions of the party.


  • Choose to trust/react positively to  Astarion when he is revealed to be a vampire to have this dialogue option to be open.
Astarion + Wyll  (-1) Astarion

Vampire Reveal Camp Event 

Camp - The day after the Vampire Reveal Scene

With Wyll when meets Karlach, tell Wyll to kill Karlach


  • Will activate if you first meet Karlach with Wyll in the party.
  • This encounter will happen in Camp if you recruit Karlach without Wyll in the party.
Wyll + None Karlach

Risen Road - Far Right Side/South West of the Area by the river. Indicated by Wyll's Quest. 


Camp - Long Rest event with Karlach and Wyl


Wyll when meeting Karlach, tell Wyll that Karlach is no danger/defend Karlach


  • Will activate if you first meet Karlach with Wyll in the party.
  • This encounter will happen in Camp if you recruit Karlach without Wyll in the party. The dialogue will proc if Karlach and Wyll is recruited and long rest for the evening
  • It is recomended to do this scene in Camp as every Companion will like it if you defend Karlach. Including Wyll and Karlach
Wyll +
Shadowheart +
Gale +
Lae'zel +
Astarion +
Karlach +
None Karlach

Risen Road - Far Right Side/South West of the Area by the river. Indicated by Wyll's Quest. 


Camp - Long Rest event with Karlach and Wyl

Flirt with Mizora as a first reaction.


  • Has recruited Karlach.
  • Convinced Wyll not to kill Karlach
  • Do a long rest after doing these two requirements.
  • This is part of the first dialogue with Mizora
None Wyll -
Karlach -

Mizora's First Camp Appearance Event

Camp - Long Rest event after recruiting Karlach with Wyll in the Camp

Say "You better not lay a finger on Karlach" to Mizora.


  • Has recruited Karlach.
  • Convinced Wyll not to kill Karlach
  • Do a long rest after doing these two requirements.
  • Part of the dialogue when trying to figure out what the party will do with Karlach and Mizora
Shadowheart +
Wyll +
Karlach +
Gale +
Lae'zel +
None Mizora  

Mizora's First Camp Appearance Event

Camp - Long Rest event after recruiting Karlach with Wyll in the Camp

Say "If we kill Karlach now, will we get rid of you?" to Mizora


  • Has recruited Karlach.
  • Convinced Wyll not to kill Karlach
  • Do a long rest after doing these two requirements.
  • Part of the dialogue when trying to figure out what the party will do with Karlach and Mizora
None Shadowheart -
Wyll -
Karlach -
Gale -
Lae'zel -

Mizora's First Camp Appearance Event

Camp - Long Rest event after recruiting Karlach with Wyll in the Camp

 Say "I've heard enough, you are not leaving this place alive" to Mizora


  • Has recruited Karlach.
  • Convinced Wyll not to kill Karlach
  • Do a long rest after doing these two requirements.
  • Part of the dialogue when trying to figure out what the party will do with Karlach and Mizora
Shadowheart +
Astarion  +
Karlach +
Gale +
Lae'zel +
None  Mizora

Mizora's First Camp Appearance Event

Camp - Long Rest event after recruiting Karlach with Wyll in the Camp

Talking to Wyll after Mizora disappears, say "You should get out of this pact"


  • When talking to Wyll after he becomes a devil
  • This specific choice opens a unique dialogue tree with Wyll in this dialogue event.
Wyll + None Wyll


Talking to Wyll after Mizora's Visit/Wyll's transformation.

 /In Party - Talk to Wyll after his transformation.

Talking to Wyll after Mizora disappears, Say "We can beat her"


  • When talking to Wyll after he becomes a devil
  • This specific choice opens a unique dialogue tree with Wyll in this dialogue event.
  • First choose the dialogue "You should get out of this pact". 
  • Eventually you will get the dialogue line "We can beat her."
Wyll +  None Wyll

Talking to Wyll after Mizora's Visit/Wyll's transformation.

In Party - Talk to Wyll after his transformation.

Talking to Wyll after Mizora disappears, say "How the hells did you get involved?"


  • When talking to Wyll after he becomes a devil
  • A new question becomes available after his transformation.
Wyll +  None Wyll

Talking to Wyll after Mizora's Visit/Wyll's transformation.

In Party - Talk to Wyll after his transformation.

Talking to Wyll after Mizora disappears, Say "How does it feel to be a devil?"


  • When talking to Wyll after he becomes a devil
  • A new question becomes available after his transformation.
 Wyll + none Wyll

Talking to Wyll after Mizora's Visit/Wyll's transformation.

In Party - Talk to Wyll after his transformation.

Talking to Wyll after Mizora disappears,

After saying "How does it feel to be a devil?",

say "The Blade of Frontiers, no more no less" or "Quite the Handsome Devil"


  • When talking to Wyll after he becomes a devil
  • A new question becomes available after his transformation.
  • Ask "How does it feel to be a devil?""
  • Answer him when he asks what do you see with:
  • "The Blade of Frontiers, no more no less" or
  • "Quite the Handsome Devil"
  Wyll +  none  Wyll Talking to Wyll after Mizora's Visit/Wyll's transformation.

In Party - Talk to Wyll after his transformation.
After finding out about Shadowheart's Shar Worship

Say "I don't care who you worship"


  • Will trigger when you reach Medium/High approval from Shadowheart.
  • Talk to Shadowheart about the strange magic from her hand.
  • When the Persuasion Roll shows up, win it to convince Shadowheart to reveal her Shar Worship.
  • Choose the Dialogue "I don't care who you worship" to gain approval
None Shadowheart

Strange Magic Event with Shadowheart

Camp /In Party 

When the strange magic happens to Shadowheart's hand, choose Turn a blind eye and Ignore the Subject


  • Will trigger when you reach Medium/High approval from Shadowheart.
  • Talk to Shadowheart about the strange magic from her hand.
 None Shadowheart

Strange Magic Event with Shadowheart

Camp /In Party 

Ask Shadowheart about Shar and assure her with persuasion that you have no problems with it


  • Requires to know that Shadowheart is a Shar Worshipper to be available.
  • Win either Persuasion Check
  • One Persuasion Check will have a lower DC depending on how high your approval is.
Shadowheart+  ?? Shadowheart

Asking Shadowheart about her worship of Shar

Camp /In Party 

Ask Shadowheart about her missing memories, ask her about what flower she likes


  • Requires to know that Shadowheart is a Shar Worshipper to be available.
  • Romance trigger for Shadowheart
  • Usually unlocks around the same Approval Level you find out she is a Shar Worshipper.
Shadowheart+  ??  Shadowheart

Asking Shadowheart about her worship of Shar

Camp /In Party 

When asking Shadowheart about Shar, follow the dialogue recommended below for maximum approval gain


  • Requires to know that Shadowheart is a Shar Worshipper to be available.
  • First win the Persuasion Roll
  • Then choose "Remind Me" or "She doesn't sound appealing, going by her titles" 
  • After this she will explain Shar.
  • Important choices is to either say "I won't cast judgements on your beliefs" or "I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound convincing......"
Shadowheart+  ??  Shadowheart

Asking Shadowheart about her worship of Shar

Camp /In Party 

Ask Shadowheart about Shar, follow the long series of correct Dialogue Options above^.

And then in the last dialogue line , choose Call her faith evil


  • Requires to know that Shadowheart is a Shar Worshipper to be available.
Lae'zel +   Shadowheart-   Shadowheart

Asking Shadowheart about her worship of Shar

Camp /In Party 

When Astarion asks about whose blood will Tav/Durge drink

Answer the name of any companion or Astarion


  • Astarion at around 50% approval
 Astarion  + ?? Astarion

Astarion asks about whose blood will Tav/Durge drink among the Companions.

Camp /In Party 

When Astarion asks about whose blood will Tav/Durge drink

Refuse to answer the question


  • Astarion at around 50% approval
?? Astarion -  Astarion

Astarion asks about whose blood will Tav/Durge drink among the Companions.

Camp /In Party 

Appreciate Shadowheart when she opens up about her ambitions in being a Dark Justiciar.


  • Requires Very Good/ 65%-75% Shadowheart Approval
Shadowheart+ None Shadowheart

Shadowheart talks about her dreams of becoming a Dark Justiciar

Camp /In Party 

Insult Shadowheart when she opens up about her ambitions in being a Dark Justiciar.


  • Requires Very Good/ 65%-75% Shadowheart Approval
None Shadowheart-  Shadowheart

Shadowheart talks about her dreams of becoming a Dark Justiciar

Camp /In Party 

Appreciate Shadowheart when she opens up about her Childhood memories.


  • Requires Very Good/ 65%-75% Shadowheart Approval
Shadowheart+  None Shadowheart

Shadowheart Shows her Flashback

Camp /In Party 

Question Shadowheart when she opens up about her childhood memories.


  • Requires Very Good/ 65%-75% Shadowheart Approval
None Shadowheart-  Shadowheart

Shadowheart Shows her Flashback

Camp /In Party 

Gale Special Scenes/ Massive Approval


  • Completing any of the quests mentioned below with Gale in the party will result in a massive boost of Approval
  • Gale will also have a special dialogue after the quest.
  • Complete Save Arabella with Arabella Alive
  • Complete Investigate the Beach with Mirkon Alive
  • Stand between Arka's Crossbow and Sazza. Then convince Arka not to kill Sazza
Gale + None Gale Gale in the Party while 
Say, "That's very gratifying to hear"  when Gale praises your heroic deeds


  • Requires +50%/Medium Gale Approval
Gale + None Gale  

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

Agree to his request of items


  • Requires +50%/Medium Gale Approval
Gale + None Gale

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

Accuse Gale of Loot Hoarding


  • Requires +50%/Medium Gale Approval
None Gale - Gale

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

Use the tadpole on Gale's mind when he refuses to answer why he eats magical items and get caught


  • Gale will threaten to leave camp if you fail this roll.
  • It is a very high Wisdom Roll.
None Gale - Gale

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

Give Gale a Magical Item when he asks for it.


  • Repeated three times
Gale + None Gale

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

When Gale finally reveals his past, choose to accept him even with all the risks


  • Given Gale Magical Items three times
  • Have reached +65% Gale Approval
Gale + None Gale

Gale starts asking for Magical Items to eat.

Camp /In Party 

Refuse Raphael's Deal.


  • Straightforward refuse his offer.
Karlach +
Astarion + 
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Wyll +
None Raphael

Raphael Event - Multiple Locations on Act 1

Will Show up in your camp if you miss all the locations and head straight to the Mountain Pass.

Say "I'll think about it" to Raphael's Deal


Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +

Gale +

None Raphael

Raphael Event - Multiple Locations on Act 1

Will Show up in your camp if you miss all the locations and head straight to the Mountain Pass.

Say Yes to Raphael's Deal


None Astarion -
Karlach -
Wyll -

Raphael Event - Multiple Locations on Act 1

Will Show up in your camp if you miss all the locations and head straight to the Mountain Pass.

Say "Then fix it or die by my hand" to Raphael's Offer


Karlach +
Astarion + 
Lae'zel +
Gale +
Wyll +
None Raphael

Raphael Event - Multiple Locations on Act 1

Will Show up in your camp if you miss all the locations and head straight to the Mountain Pass.

Talking to Karlach after encountering Raphael, say "I'd enjoy watching that" when she describes destroying Raphael.


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
Karlach + None  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Astarion after encountering Raphael, say "We are not his playthings"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
Astarion + None  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Astarion after encountering Raphael, say "You may not know how to outfox him but I do"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
None Astarion -  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Wyll after encountering Raphael, say "Spare me parable, I have no intentions of taking the deal"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
Wyll + None  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Wyll after encountering Raphael, consider Raphael's deal


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
None Wyll -  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Wyll after encountering Raphael, ask him for his opinion and then bring up Mizora


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
None Wyll -   

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Shadowheart after encountering Raphael,

say "Never trust the devil" and then say "You won't change my mind, we shouldn't trust Raphael"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
Shadowheart +

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Shadowheart after encountering Raphael,

say "He might be of help", keep defending Raphael and then choose "Maybe Raphael could be a friend"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

Shadowheart -


Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Lae'zel after encountering Raphael, say "He is rather impressive" or "Respect him...."


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
None Lae'zel -  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Talking to Gale after encountering Raphael, say "And how do you propose we beat a devil in his own game"


  • Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer
Gale + None  

Talk to the Companions after Raphael's Offer

In Camp or In party

Say "If you have my back, I have yours" when Astarion talks about Cazador.


Astarion + None  

Astarion talks about Cazador 

Camp - In party

Describe Astarion as prompted then either say "You are beautiful" or "Insert Companion name is better looking"


Astarion + None   Astarion talks about the Mirror and not seeing his face. 

Camp - In party

Say to Wyll after rescuing Florick, "The Choice is clear, we must rescue Duke Ravengaurd"


  • Becomes available after rescuing Counsellor Florrick from the Fire in Waukeen's Rest.
  • Just talk to Wyll anywhere right after.
 Wyll + None Wyll

Wyll is revealed to be Duke Ravenguard's Son.

Camp - In party

Tell Astarion "Thank you, I'll rest better for that" after he says he will keep watch.


  • At first camp talk to companions in this order Lae'zel-Astarion-Shadowheart
Astarion +    

Astarion talking about resting in the dirt being a little novel


Tell Shadowheart that we shouldn't abandon all caution.


  • At first camp talk to companions in this order Lae'zel-Astarion-Shadowheart
Astarion +    

Shadowheart when talking about next steps


Tell Shadowheart that you agree on needing to rapidly find a healer.


  • At first camp talk to companions in this order Lae'zel-Astarion-Shadowheart
Shadowheart +
Gale +
Lae'zel -  

Shadowheart when talking about next steps


During the Night of the 1st Tadpole Dream, convince Lae'zel to stand down


  • Use the Illithid Persuasion power enough times to trigger the dream. 
  • I don't have a clear estimate but if I had to guess it is around the 3-7 times using it that will trigger the dream
  • You can only use the illithid persuasion once per day, so long rest often before an oppurtunity arise to use the power as you might lose the chance
  • After using it enough, the scene of the entire party extremely tired and feverish will play and you can convince Lae'zel
  • Any skill check or method that works with you not dead is great.
Gale + 
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +

1st Tadpole Dream,

Camp - Long Rest

Talking to Lae'zel after the 1st tadpole dream, say we should reject the tadpole


  • During the morning after the tadpole dream, simply say this to Lae'zel right after 
Lae'zel  +    

The morning after the 1st Tadpole Dream,

Camp - Long Rest

During the extremely hostile confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart, win the Persuasion Check during the dagger scene


  • Will usually happen after the Absolute cutscene in the Bridge or Mountain Pass Route that are both near the Goblin Camp. As this will reveal the significance of the Artifact
  • Win the Persuasion Check during the dagger scene. 
  • This dialogue is the only way to prevent any companions to not die.
Lae'zel  +
Gale +


The Artifact confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart

Camp - Long Rest

During the extremely hostile confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart, Let Lae'zel die


  • Will usually happen after the Absolute cutscene in the Bridge or Mountain Pass Route that are both near the Goblin Camp. As this will reveal the significance of the Artifact
  • Kill the designated companion
  Lae'zel -
Wyll -
Gale -

The Artifact confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart

Camp - Long Rest

During the extremely hostile confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart, Kill Shadowheart


  • Will usually happen after the Absolute cutscene in the Bridge or Mountain Pass Route that are both near the Goblin Camp. As this will reveal the significance of the Artifact
  • Kill the designated companion
Lae'zel  + Gale -  

The Artifact confrontation between Lae'zel and Shadowheart

Camp - Long Rest

During the Owlbear Cub First Appearance in Camp, Feed the Cub


  • Different companions have different dialogue lines.
  • One of the few times Astarion is actually slightly nice.
Shadowheart +
Gale +
Astarion +
Karlach +
  Owlbear Cub

Owlbear Cub first appearance

Camp - Long Rest

During the Owlbear Cub Appearance in Camp, Pet the Cub


  • Pet the Cub

Astarion + 
Karlach +

Wyll +



Owlbear Cub appearance

Camp - Long Rest

Pet Scratch


  • Pet Scratch
  • Requires Scratch to go to camp.
  • Tell Scratch when you find him in the Forest to go to your camp if his friend do not wake up.
  • One of the few good deeds that Astarion actually likes
Shadowheart (+1)
Wyll (+1)
Karlach (+1)

Pet Scratch

Camp - Long Rest

Convince Shadowheart to use the Tadpole's Powers


  • Requires the Player to consume a Tadpole
  • Consuming a tadpole requires to have done the 1st Tadpole dream
  • Simply win the Persuasion Check with Shadowheart to start using the Tadpoles
Shadowheart +    Shadowheart  Camp or In party

Astarion will be seen reading the Necromancy of Thay after acquiring it. React by suggesting to give it to Gale or state "Stop reading it"


  • Give the Necromancy of Thay to Astarion
  Astarion -   Camp or In party

Tav/Durge reads the Necromancy of Thay


  • Do not give the Necromancy of Thay to Astarion or Gale.
  • Has found the Key for the Book
Karlach -
Gale -
  You can Read the Book Anywhere as long as you have the book in your inventory.

Persuade Lakrissa to drink with you


  • Side with the Tieflings against Minthara
  • Tieflings do not get removed by Kagha in the Druid Grove.
Shadowheart +   Lakrissa Victory Party  in Camp ????

Allow Volo to perform surgery on you to attempt to remove the Tadpole.


  • Rescued Volo from the Goblin Camp
  • Volo survives the events of the Goblin Camp
Lae'zel -
Volo Camp 

Accept Karlach's request to kill the Cultists pretending to be Paladins of Tyr


  • Directly available after preventing Wyll from killing Karlach
  • Can be taken on Multiple places, just talk to Karlach
Astarion +
Karlach +
    Camp or in the Risen Road where you first meet Karlach

During Astarion's first Romance scene that involves sleeping with him, in the day after and if you are a Tiefling. Choose to tell Astarion he has a poem in Infernal etched in his back


  • Needs to have Romanced Astarion
  • You have to be a Tiefling
Astarion +     Romance Scene after pursuing this with Astarion


Ruined Battlefield​

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Release Dolly Dolly Dolly from the Moonlantern.


  • Defeat Kar'niss
  • Loot the Moonlantern from Kar'niss' body
Wyll +
Astarion - Dolly Dolly Dolly Middle of Ruined Battlefield - When you try to find a way to protect yourself from the shadows, you'll come across the drider Kar'niss. Kill him and his crew and then loot the Moonlantern from his body to talk to Dolly Dolly Dolly, the pixie trapped inside.

Keeping Dolly Dolly Dolly in the Moonlantern.


  • Defeat Kar'niss
  • Loot the Moonlantern from Kar'niss' body
Astarion  + Karlach - 
Gale -
 Dolly Dolly Dolly  Middle of Ruined Battlefield - When you try to find a way to protect yourself from the shadows, you'll come across the drider Kar'niss. Kill him and his crew and then loot the Moonlantern from his body to talk to Dolly Dolly Dolly, the pixie trapped inside.

Play hide and seek with Oliver


Karlach +
Shadowheart + 
Wyll +

N/A Oliver House in Deep Shadows in the Ruined Battlefield - When you find Oliver near his ruined house, agree to play a game of hide and seek.

Play another round of hide and seek with Oliver


  • Interact with Oliver in the Ruined Battlefield
  • Win against Oliver on the first round of hide and seek
Karlach +
Shadowheart + 
Wyll +
N/A Oliver House in Deep Shadows in the Ruined Battlefield - When you find Oliver near his ruined house and play hide and seek, win against him in the first round, and then agree to play another round.

Get caught by Oliver's "family"


  • Interact with Oliver in the Ruined Battlefield
  • Win against Oliver on the first round of hide and seek
  • Agree to play another round of hide and seek
  • Defeat Oliver's family in battle
N/A Astarion - Oliver House in Deep Shadows in the Ruined Battlefield - When you agree to play another round of hide and seek against Oliver, get caught by his "family" and defeat them in battle. Talk to Oliver afterward.

Do not get caught by Oliver's "family"


  • Interact with Oliver in the Ruined Battlefield
  • Win against Oliver on the first round of hide and seek
  • Agree to play another round of hide and seek
  • Defeat Oliver's family in battle
  • Get the Prize to get Wyll's approval
Astarion +

Lae'zel +  

Wyll +
N/A Oliver Ruined Battlefield - House in Deep Shadows close to the waypoint

When trying to convince Oliver to rejoin with Thaniel, tell Halsin to talk to him.


  • Talk to Oliver after playing two rounds of hide and seek with him at the Ruined Battlefield and defeat him
Halsin + N/A Oliver Ruined Battlefield - House in Deep Shadows close to the waypoint

Convince Oliver to rejoin with Thaniel.


  • Talk to Oliver after playing two rounds of hide and seek with him at the Ruined Battlefield and defeat him
Halsin + N/A Oliver Ruined Battlefield - House in Deep Shadows close to the waypoint

After retrieving Madeline's Ledger from the Waning Moon and giving it to He Who Was, pick the following dialogue choices;

  • Quest: Punish the Wicked
  • "Anything? Then hurt yourself as Ben and Marc did - stab yourself"
  • "Start stabbing and don't stop until I say so"
  • "Keep going"


  • Don't attack He Who Was
  • Pass the Perception Check at the Waning Moon distillery to pick up Madeline's Ledger

Choose: " (Persuasion) "Anything? Then hurt yourself as ben and Marc....

Lae'zel +

Choose: "Start stabbing and don't stop until I say so"

Lae'zel +

Choose: (Persuasion) Keep Going

Shadowheart + 

Choose: "Stop, You've done enough"

Gale +

Choose: "Prove you're sorry"

 Lae'zel +

Choose: " (Persuasion) "Anything? Then hurt yourself as ben and Marc...."


"Start stabbing and don't stop until I say so"  


"(Persuasion) Keep Going"

Gale -

Choose: "Prove you're sorry"

Shadowheart - 
Lae'zel -

He Who Was & Madeline Shadow Cursed Lands - North East of the Ruined Battlefield Waypoint

In meeting the Harpers, when Lassandra asks “who’s there?!”, choosing the druid option "Peace - I am a druid"



  • Don't attack He Who Was
  • Be a Druid
  Astarion - Lassandra Ruined Battlefield - 

In meeting the Harpers, when Lassandra asks “who’s there?!”, choosing the bard option "A nightmare in the dark"



  • Don't attack He Who Was
Astarion +   Lassandra Ruined Battlefield - 

In meeting the Harpers, when Lassandra asks “who’s there?!”, choosing the bard option "I find the best introductions are made while sitting around a fire, perhaps with drinks?"



  • Don't attack He Who Was
Karlach +
Wyll +
Astarion - Lassandra Ruined Battlefield - 

In meeting the Harpers, when Yonas becomes a zombie, choose "Run", gives Astarion approval and Gale disapproval



  • Don't attack He Who Was
Astarion +

Gale - Lassandra Ruined Battlefield - 

When you encounter Hyena and the Goblin in the Ruined Battlefield , convince the Hyena to run away



  • Has multiple skill checks
  • Can be Animal Handling without Speak to Animals
Karlach +
Astarion +
 n/a Warrior Gronag, Hyena Ruined Battlefield - True Soul Gronak's Camp near the road connecting the Mountain pass to the Ruined Battlefield


Last Light Inn

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Tell Jaheira everything about the Artefact

Requirements/ Details:

Karlach + N/A Jaheira Bridge to Last Light Inn - You'll be stopped by Jaheira who interrogates you before entering the inn. You'll have the option to show her the artefact when she asks how you aren't enthralled despite having a tadpole. Afterward, choose to tell her everything you know about the artefact.
First meeting with Jaheira:
When she asks why you have come to Last Light Inn, telling her "I'm here on holiday"

Requirements/ Details:

  • Arrive at the Last Light Inn
Astarion + N/A Jaheira Bridge to Last Light Inn

Shuffle the lanceboard in the game between Mol and Raphael


Astarion +

N/A Raphael
First floor of Last Light Inn - You'll find Mol pretending to be a beginner in a lanceboard game against Raphael, perform a successful Sleight of Hand check to shuffle the board in favor of Mol.

Drink the wine prepared by Jaheira


Astarion -
Gale -
Jaheira First floor of Last Light Inn - Jaheira had invited you for a drink when you entered the area. She prepared wine for you which, if you perform a successful Medicine check, you'll discover is laced with a truth herb. You can either drink it anyway or refuse to.

Decline the wine prepared by Jaheira


Gale +
Shadowheart +

?? Jaheira  Last Light Inn - First Flor

Tell His Majesty (the cat) that you came to admire him.


  • Speak to Animals
Astarion + Lae'zel - His Majesty Last Light Inn - First Floor (close to Barcus Wroot)

Admire His Majesty (the cat) silently.


  • Speak to Animals
Astarion +   His Majesty Last Light Inn - First Floor (close to Barcus Wroot)

During the first time you meet Rolan in the Last Ligt Inn, note that if he drinks too much he would not be able to read properly.


  • Rolan and siblings must have been convinced to accompany the Tieflings at the Emerald Grove
  • Rolan and party should have survived the 
Gale +   Rolan Last Light Inn - First time meeting him in the Area.

Tell Rolan "Then it's my responsibility to bring them back" when he tells you about his abducted siblings.


  • Rolan and siblings must have been convinced to accompany the Tieflings at the Emerald Grove
  • When talking to him again right after and choosing the similar answer there might be another approval check (bug?)
Gale + ?? Rolan Last Light Inn - First Floor
Talking to Marcus before interacting with Isobel, say "I can take the cleric myself."


  • Talk to Marcus before Isobel
Minthara +   Flaming Fist Marcus Last Light Inn 
When talking to Flaming Fist Marcus, say "I say we follow the winged Freak"


  • Talked to Isobel first.
Astarion +   Flaming Fist Marcus  Last Light Inn 
Tell Isobel how the Dark Urge desire her death, fight against the urge and then tell Isobel you will not follow the Dark Urge in trying to kill her.


  • Be a Dark Urge Character
  • Described to happen after the fight that happens in the Last Light Inn.
  • Prevented Marucs from Kidnapping Isobel.
 Astarion +   Isobel  Last Light Inn 
Tell Isobel that Flaming Fist Marcus is trying to kidnap her.


  • Tell him his mission ends now.
  • Speak to Isobel at Last Light Inn
  • Successful Wisdom check to probe Marcus' thoughts DC 6

Karlach +
Shadowheart +
Wyll +
Gale +
Lae'zel +
Minthara +
Halsin +

Astarion -

Flaming Fist Marcus

Second floor of Last Light Inn - Flaming Fist Marcus will try to order you to kidnap Isobel. After you successfully probe his thoughts with a Wisdom check, you can tell Isobel what he's trying to do.
Side with Marcus against Isobel by Telling her  "You're going to meet Ketheric - face to face"


  Lae'zel - Flaming Fist Marcus
Second floor of Last Light Inn - Flaming Fist Marcus will try to order you to kidnap Isobel. After you successfully probe his thoughts with a Wisdom check, you can talk to Isobel
Attack Isobel as a Dark Urge


Minthara +   Flaming Fist Marcus
Last Light Inn 
In the Last Light Inn, after saving the Gnomes in Moonrise Tower and in the Underdark, when Wulbren and Barcus are reuniting, picking option "3. Prick."


  • Save Barcus Wroot from the Windmill in Act 1
  • Save Barcus Wroot from the Drueger in the Grymforge, Underdark
  • Save Wulbren Bongle from Moonrise Tower in Act 2

Karlach +
Astarion +

Halsin -

Wulbren Bongle & Barcus Wroot

Last Light Inn

When finding the Strange Ox again in the Last Light Inn, choose to keep its secret



Astarion +
Karlach +
Shadowheart +

  Strange Ox Last Light Inn


Reithwin Masons' Guild

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Tell Arabella that you'll find her parents


  • Save Arabella at Emerald Grove
  • Find Arabella in Reithwin Masons' Guild

Karlach +
Shadowheart +
Wyll +

Minthara - Arabella Small graveyard in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - When you find Arabella she'll be looking for her parents. Tell her you'll find them for her.

Tell Arabella that she can stay at your camp


Wyll +

Minthrara - Arabella Small graveyard in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - When you find Arabella she'll be looking for her parents. After telling her you'll find them for her, tell her she can stay at camp while she waits for your word.

Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm


Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +
Wyll +

N/A Thisobald Thorm The Waning Moon in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - When you approach Thisobald Thorm in The Waning Moon, he'll tell you to drink with him, you can either survive drinking with a Constitution Saving Throw or pretend to drink with a Sleight of Hand check.

Tell Thisobald Thorm a story from your adventures


  • Approach Thisobald Thorm in his bar in The Waning Moon
  • Drink of mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm
  • Succeed a Performance check, or Persuasion check if you're a Warlock, with a DC of 16

Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +
Minthara +

 N/A Thisobald Thorm The Waning Moon in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - after surviving a drink or pretending to drink with Thisobald Thorm, he'll ask you to regale him with your past. Succeed in the check to tell him a story.

Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a second round


Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +
Lae'zel +

N/A Thisobald Thorm The Waning Moon in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - after surviving a drink or pretending to drink with Thisobald Thorm and telling him a story, you can either survive drinking with a Constitution Saving Throw or pretend to drink with a Sleight of Hand check for another round.

Tell Thisobald Thorm another story from your adventures


  • Tell Thisobald Thorm a story after drinking or pretending to drink with him
  • Drink of mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for another round
  • Succeed a Performance check with 16 DC.

Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +
Lae'zel +

N/A Thisobald Thorm The Waning Moon in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - after surviving a drink or pretending to drink with Thisobald Thorm for a second round, he'll ask you to regale him with your past for a second time. Succeed in the Performance check to tell him a story.

Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a third round.


Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +
Lae'zel +

N/A Thisobald Thorm The Waning Moon in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - after surviving a drink or pretending to drink with Thisobald Thorm and telling him a story a second time, you can either survive drinking with a Constitution Saving Throw or pretend to drink with a Sleight of Hand check for a third round.

Give Gerringothe Thorm all your gold.


  • Approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the Reithwin Tollhouse
  • Give her a piece of gold and then ask her how much she actually wants
  • Give her all your money

Astarion -
Karlach -

Minthara -

Gerringothe Thorm Reithwin Tollhouse in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - when you approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the tollhouse, she'll ask you to pay a toll to be able to pass through. After asking her how much gold she wants, relent to giving her all your gold. This will result in a combat engagement, as it was never going to be enough for her.

Persuade/deceive Gerringothe Thorm that her asking for gold is just a trick.


  • Approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the Reithwin Tollhouse
  • Give her a piece of gold and then ask her how much she actually wants
  • Succed in two Persuation/Deception checks (second is 18)

Halsin +
Lae'zel +
Shadowheart +
Karlach +
Astarion +


Gerringothe Thorm Reithwin Tollhouse in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - when you approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the tollhouse, she'll ask you to pay a toll to be able to pass through. After asking her how much gold she wants, relent to giving her all your gold. This will result in a combat engagement, as it was never going to be enough for her.

Deceive Gerringothe Thorm that the party is their replacement and they are to be promoted


  • Approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the Reithwin Tollhouse
Shadowheart +
Karlach +
Astarion +
 N/A Gerringothe Thorm Reithwin Tollhouse in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - when you approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the tollhouse, she'll ask you to pay a toll to be able to pass through. After asking her how much gold she wants, relent to giving her all your gold. This will result in a combat engagement, as it was never going to be enough for her.

Defeat Gerringothe Thorm without killing her in battle.


  • Approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the Reithwin Tollhouse
  • Succeed in Skill checks to convince her either that she's running a scam, or that you'll be replacing her as the new toll collector

Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +

Minthara +

N/A Gerringothe Thorm Reithwin Tollhouse in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - when you approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the tollhouse, she'll ask you to pay a toll to be able to pass through.  After you tell her that you don't give away gold for something so little, you'll have options to either convince her that she's running an old scam (if you're a Rogue), or that you'll be replacing her as the new toll collector. Succeed in the Skill checks with increasing DCs to see the conversation through to the end and have her collapse without having to kill her in battle.

Intimidate Gerringothe Thorm to defeat her without killing her in battle.


  • Approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the Reithwin Tollhouse
  • Succeed in a Deception check of 18 DC to convince her that you'll be replacing her as the new toll collector
  • Intimidate her into believing you by succeeding an Intimidation check with 21 DC


Astarion +
Halsin +
Karlach +

Minthara +


N/A Gerringothe Thorm Reithwin Tollhouse in the Reithwin Masons' Guild - when you approach Gerringofthe Thorm in the tollhouse, she'll ask you to pay a toll to be able to pass through.  After you tell her that you don't give away gold for something so little, you can tricker and say that you'll be replacing her as the new toll collector. Afterward, you can choose the third option and pass the Intimidation check to push her into believing you.

Have Malus Thorm make the sisters kill each other.


  • Approach Malus Thorm in the House of Healing and say your a student.
  • Succeed a DC 14 Check on any of the options (class appearing means advantage) to see the sister's knives are need practice.
  • Ask him about it and succeed a DC 21 Investigation Check to have them practice on each other.

Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Minthara +


Malus Thorm

The House of Healing surgery room speak to Malus Thorm and say your a student. You can succeed any check to see the sisters require practice and bring up the new dialogue option. Then convince him to have the sisters practice on themselves.

Have Malus Thorm Operate on Himself


  • Approach Malus Thorm in the House of Healing and say your a student.
  • Succeed a DC 14 Check on any of the options (class appearing means advantage) to see the sister's need practice.
  • Or Succeed on a Difficult religion Check to remember lessons about Shar
  • You can have the sisters operate on the master or each other (DC 21 Persuasion Check each). Choosing the master kills Malus Thorm. Operating on the sisters first grants more approval.
  • If you didn't operate on him yet, succeed on a DC 21 Deception Check (advantage Sorcerer) to have Malus Thorm demonstrate first, killing him.

Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Lae'zel +
Karlach +


Malus Thorm

The House of Healing surgery room speak to Malus Thorm and say your a student. You can then succeed any check to see the sisters require practice and bring up the new dialogue option. Then convince him to have the sisters practice on themselves or the master. Practicing on the sisters first grants more approval.

If the sisters are chosen, then deceive Malus Thorm to demonstrate the procedure on himself.

Shadowheart approval will sometimes not proc.


Gauntlet of Shar

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Talk to Yurgir and ask more than two questions before attacking.


  • Enter the Yurgir's throne room to trigger the conversation (you can encounter them from the side and get into the fight right away without triggering a conversation beforehand)
N/A Astarion - Yurgir Gauntlet of Shar  - East side
Talk to Yurgir and succeed a passive insight check and convince him to kill his minions, his displacer beast, and then himself.


  • Ener the Yurgir's throne room to trigger the conversation (you can encounter them from the side and get into the fight right away without triggering a conversation beforehand)
  • Passive Insight + Wisdom Check meaning no inspiration Re-rolls.
Astarion +     Yurgir Gauntlet of Shar - East side
Use Detect Thoughts on Merregon that is charming the Displacer Beast


  • After telling Yurgir you'll look for a way to break his contract
  • You have to know that the Displacer Beast is being charmed by either detecting the thoughts of the Merregon trader or passing the checks on the spider carcass then talking to the Displacer beast with Talk to Animals
Shadowheart + 
Astarion +
  Merregon Gauntlet of Shar -
Talk to Yurgir about the Displacer Beast then telling him that it's wrong to manipulate the beast in such a way


  • After telling Yurgir you'll look for a way to break his contract
  • You have to know that the Displacer Beast is being charmed by either detecting the thoughts of the Merregon trader or passing the checks on the spider carcass then talking to the Displacer beast with Talk to Animals
Shadowheart + 
Halsin +
  Yurgir, Displacer Beast Gauntlet of Shar 
Tell Astarion you'll help him take the fight to Cazador


  • End the Day after killing Yurgir.
  • Make Raphael tell the back story about Astarion's scar.

Astarion +

N/A Raphael N/A
Free Yurgir from his contract with Raphael.


  • Make Raphael tell the back story about Astarion's scar.
  • Defeated the Rats
  • Defeated Lythridor
  • Astarion will be extremely angry with this action
  • Astarion will break up with you if you do this.
   Astarion - Yurgir  Gauntlet of Shar 
Free Yurgir from his contract with Raphael.


  • Make Raphael tell the back story about Astarion's scar.
  • Defeated the Rats
  • Defeated Lythridor
  • Astarion will be extremely angry with this action

Convince Balthazar to aid you in search of the relic


Astarion +
Shadowheart +
N/A Balthazar Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Go inside a room located west at (X:-851 Y:-786) and speak to Balthazar.

Use BARD Persuation option to convince Balthazar to give you extra resources.


Shadowheart + N/A Balthazar Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Go inside a room located west at (X:-851 Y:-786) and speak to Balthazar.

Tell Balthazar that;
You have resources to spare - give me something to aid my search

This will ask Balthazar to give you the Bell to summon Flesh


  • Progress in Infiltrate Moonrise Towers
  • Don't turn hostile against Balthazar's Undead Servants to be able to talk to him.
Astarion +  n/a  Balthazar  Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Go inside a room located west at (X:-851 Y:-786) and speak to Balthazar.

Tell Balthazar that;

  • <Wizard> "The Nightsong's a person. Balthazar, this is an affront to the Weave itself"
  • <Cleric> "You will torture this angel-born no longer"

This will lead to a battle with Balthazar


  • Progress in Infiltrate Moonrise Towers
  • Don't turn hostile against Balthazar's Undead Servants to be able to talk to him.
  • Progress in the Gauntlet of Shar and meet the Nightsong
Halsin +
 n/a  Balthazar  Gauntlet of Shar - Nightsong's Prison

Tell the Rat that;
"All right. Your lives for this treasure"


  • Progress in Infiltrate Moonrise Towers
  • Don't Attack the Rat
Halsin + Astarion - Rat Rat by the Lyrthindor Ritual Sigil within Gauntlet of Shar

Lick the Dead Spider Meat


  • Interact with the dead spider at this location (X:-648 Y:-724).
Karlach +

Shadowheart -

Gale -

N/A Within the Gauntlet of Shar - After dealing with Yurgir, continue heading north until you reach this location (X:-648 Y:-724) and interact with the Spider Meat.

After she asks you to, let Shadowheart do the trials, after you first interacted with the Sacrificial Bowls with another character.


  • Once you're about to start the Sharran Trials, interact with the Sacrificial Bowl, then choose to let Shadowheart offer her blood to the bowl.
Shadowheart + N/A N/A Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Just northwest of the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, the Soft-step Trial can be found here (X:-761 Y:-755), then interact with the Sacrificial Bowl.

While Shadowheart is praying, peer into her mind


  • Before entering the Shadowfell Entrance, peer inside Shadowheart's mind while she's praying to Lady Shar.
N/A Shadowheart - N/A Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Once you've been transported down the Inner Sanctum, interact with the Ancient Altar and place three Umbral Gems you've collected to unlock the door ahead. Go down the stairs and interact with the Shadowfell Entrance.

Before entering the Shadowfell Entrance, agree with Shadowheart about the sacrifice she needs to perform for Lady Shar


  • Interact with the Shadowfell Entrance, then choose the option "All right. Fine. Let's move on." after Shadowheart says that Lady Shar's reward aligns with your own interests. 
Shadowheart + N/A N/A Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Once you've been transported down the Inner Sanctum, interact with the Ancient Altar and place three Umbral Gems you've collected to unlock the door ahead. Go down the stairs and interact with the Shadowfell Entrance.

Convince Shadowheart to spare Nightsong and hear what she has to say


  • Once you reach Nightsong at this location (X:-606 Y:-1435) in Nightsong's Prison, try to convince Shadowheart not to kill Nightsong.
  • If you fail to persuade her, she will say that if she has to step over your corpse to fulfill Lady Shar's wishes, she will do it. At this instance, do not choose the option to fight her and let her do what she must. Depending on your bond, she will hesitate for a moment and eventually throw the spear and not kill Nightsong.
Karlach  N/A Nightsong Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Interact with the Shadowfell Entrance to reach Nightsong's Prison, then reach this location (X:-606 Y:-1435) and interact with Nightsong.


House of Healing

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Convince the sisters to practice on themselves



Shadowheart +

n/a Malus Thorm and the Sisters

House of Healing - 

Convince Malus Thorm to kill himself



Shadowheart +

  Malus Thorm and the Sisters House of Healing -  



Moonrise Towers

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
When speaking to both Barnabus and Linsella; pick "[Wisdom] Sever her control once and for all"

This will kill Linsella


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters

Astarion +

Halsin +

Karlach + 
Minthara +

n/a Barnabus and Linsella Moonrise Towers - Main Floor - Kitchen
When speaking to both Barnabus and Linsella; pick "Reinforce her efforts with your own"


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters


Astarion - Barnabus and Linsella Moonrise Towers - Main Floor - Kitchen
When asked by Araj Oblodra "I assume he belongs to you?" referring to Astarion, respond to her with: "Excuse me? He's his own person."


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters

Astarion +

Karlach +

n/a Araj Oblodra Moonrise Towers - Main Floor
Force Astarion to bite Araj Oblodra after he expressly refused her wish.


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
n/a Astarion - Araj Oblodra Moonrise Towers - Main Floor
When Z'rell tests your faith to the Absolute via Detect Thoughts, use your lust as a distraction


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
Astarion +   Disciple Z'rell  Moonrise Towers - 
Ask Z'rell to show the power she gained from the Absolute.


  • Happens during the Instance where Z'rell will task you to find Balthazar
  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
 Astarion +   Disciple Z'rellDribbles+the+Clown Moonrise Towers -

When meeting Ketheric Thorm and Z'Rell the first time,

Fezzerk: Please - You Gotta Help Me! For old times' sake?
Tell him to "Spill your guts on the floor. I want to see you bleed."


  • Don't kill Fezzerk's Crew at the Windmill where Barcus Wroot is strapped on.
  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
Astarion + Wyll -
Karlach -
Fezzerk, Ketheric Thorm Moonrise Towers - Main Floor

When meeting Ketheric Thorm and Z'Rell the first time, kill the goblins yourself by telling them they shouldn't breath anymore and choking them to death.


  • Don't kill Fezzerk's Crew at the Windmill where Barcus Wroot is strapped on.
  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
Astarion + Wyll -
Karlach -
FezzerkKetheric Thorm Moonrise Towers - Main Floor

When meeting Ketheric Thorm and Z'Rell the first time while also being a Dark Urge Character

Fezzerk: Please - You Gotta Help Me! For old times' sake?
Tell him to "I dream of blood pools deep enough to bathe in. Run me a bath."


  • Don't kill Fezzerk's Crew at the Windmill where Barcus Wroot is strapped on.
  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
  • Be a Dark Urge Character
Astarion +   FezzerkKetheric Thorm Moonrise Towers - Main Floor

When meeting Ketheric Thorm and Z'Rell the first time, kill the goblins via the Paladin option of choosing Trial by Combat.


  • Don't kill Fezzerk's Crew at the Windmill where Barcus Wroot is strapped on.
  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
Wyll +
Karlach +
Astarion - Fezzerk Moonrise Towers - Main Floor
Show mercy on the goblins by setting them free.


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters

Astarion -
Lae'zel -
Halsin -

Fezzerk Moonrise Towers - Main Floor
Reject the soul coins being passed along by Flo through Lann Tarv


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Don't attack the characters
 n/a Karlach - Lann Tarv Moonrise Towers - Main Floor
Tell Jaheira "It would be my honor" when she asks if you will take the final steps together.


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
Karlach +  n/a Jaheira Moonrise Towers - Bridge
Before fighting Ketheric Thorm on the rooftop, tell him: "I can help you, Ketheric- if you let me."


  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
Karlach +  n/a Ketheric Thorm Moonrise Towers - Rooftop

Before fighting Ketheric Thorm on the rooftop, tell him:

  • "It isn't too late, your story doesn't end here"
  • "Wait - Ketheric has surrendered"

  • Gain entry to Moonrise Towers
  • Go to Moonrise Towers - Rooftop
Halsin + x2   Ketheric Thorm  Moonrise Towers - Rooftop

During the Final Battle with Ketheric Thorm on the rooftop, tell him: 


Minthara +   Ketheric Thorm Moonrise Towers - Rooftop

After you defeat Ketheric Throm, talk to Art Cullagh in Moonrise Towers and say "I just killed Kethric and this is all you have to say?"



  • Defeated Ketheric Throm
Astarion + Halsin - Art Cullagh Moonrise Towers - 

After you defeat Ketheric Throm, talk to Thaniel while in Moonrise Tower



  • Defeated Ketheric Throm
  • Oliver and Thaniel Reunited
Halsin +    Thaniel and Oliver Moonrise Towers - 

Mind Flayer Colony

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Free the prisoners and Mind Flayers from the pods.


  • Jump down the Hollow Tower
Karlach +
Halsin +
Lae'zel -
Zevlor Mind Flayer Colony - Tadpoling Centre
Kill Mizora


  • Killing Mizora will lead to Wyll being dragged to Avernus
   Karlach - Mizora  Mind Flayer Colony -

Consume the Waking Mind


  • Solve Mind Puzzle in Mind Flayer Colony

Minthara +

Halsin -
Jaheira -
Karlach -
Lae'zel -

  Mind Flayer Colony -
Purge the Waking Mind


  • Solve Mind Puzzle in Mind Flayer Colony
Karlach +

Shadowheart -
Lae'zel -

   Mind Flayer Colony -
Tell the Fresh Mind "You'll never wake up again"



  • ??
Minthara + 

Jaheira - Fresh Mind Mind Flayer Colony -

Camp/Companion/Event Interactions

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Tell Elminster, "If even the gods know, why are we facing these threats alone?"


  • Progress in Gale's Companion Quest
  • Approach  Elminster Aumar close to  the exit of the lift from the Grymforge area
Gale + N/A Elminster Aumar Camp
While in Camp, tell Arabella that you found her parents dead


  • Approach Arabella and Withers in Camp, then if Arabella asks if you found her parents, tell them you did, but you found their corpses.

Gale +
Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Wyll +

N/A Withers Camp
While in Camp, choos the BARD option to tell Arabella that you found her parents dead


  • Approach Arabella and Withersin Camp, then if Arabella asks if you found her parents, tell them you did, but you found their corpses.

Lae'zel +

none Withers Camp

When talking to Wyll after talking to Counselor Florrick in the Last Light Inn, tell Wyll "To Moonrise, then. We can't let the Absolute rake Grand Duke Ravengard."


Wyll +  none Wyll Camp

Hug Karlach after Dammon fixed her engine.


Karlach +  none Karlach Camp

Tell Halsin you wished he had joined earlier.


  • Rescue Thaniel from the Shadowfell
  • Halsin has become a Companion
Halsin +  none Halsin Camp

Ask Halsin about something about him "one wouldn't think to ask" and tell him "thank you for sharing"


  • Halsin has become a Companion
Halsin +  none Halsin Camp

Tell Halsin you're afraid of Kraken


  • Halsin has become a Companion
Halsin +  none Halsin Camp

After you ask Halsin about his family, friends and lovers tell him "sorry for your loss"


  • Halsin has become a Companion
Halsin +  none Halsin Camp

When Voss visits you at your camp, tell Lae'zel that he speaks true about zaith'isk.


  • Don't kill the Dream Guardian in the Artefact
Shadowheart + N/A Kith'rak Voss Camp - Event

Lump the Enlightened will try to collect payment owed to him, pay Lump the Enlightened and let him lick you.



Shadowheart +
Astarion +
  Lump the Enlightened Camp - Event

After rescuing Ketheric and rescued Mizora, you can get into a conversation with him. Here is a bunch of possible sources of approval

  • Letting Wyll into your mind to see your memories
  • Telling him its a Brave/Frightening Choice
  • Express approval for the brave thing Wyll did for Baldur's Gate
  • Quests: The Blade of Frontiers.



  • Defeat Ketheric Thorm
  • Rescued Mizora from the Mind Flayer Colony
Wyll +   Wyll Camp/Companion Interaction

Tell Arabella she is being strong with her parents gone.



  • Saved Arabella during Act 1
  • Save Locke and Komira by siding with the Tiefling Refugees in Act 1
  • Can be done after Arabella's conversation with Withers
Halsin +
Karlach +
  Arabella, Withers Camp/Companion Interaction

When Vlaakith shows up in the Camp to ask for Lae'zel's help. Let Lae'zel Choose



Halsin +
Lae'zel +
  Vlaakith, Lae'zel  Camp/Companion Interaction

Talk to Minthara after killing Ketheric. Every Dialogue below is a seperate Approval instance.

  • Ask her "You respected him?"
  • Say " Understandable. He gave you the welcome you felt you deserved."
  • Tell her "Pride can be a great weakness"



  • Defeated Ketheric
Minthara +   Minthara  Camp/Companion Interaction


Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 Dialog Scenarios Quick Navigation

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Rivington ♦


Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub-Location

When finding the Protestors who dislike the refugees (Saer Grotpoll)

  • Say "out with the refugees"

Astarion +

Jaheira -

Halsin -

Saer Grotpoll Rivington

When finding the Protestors who dislike the refugees (Saer Grotpoll)

  • Say his accent is Rivingtonian
Astarion +
Halsin +
  Saer Grotpoll Rivington

Tell Flaming Fist Nestor that;

  • "I'll take a donation Please"

Astarion +

  Manip Nestor Rivington - Refugee Camp

Donate 500 Gold to Manip Nestor

Jaheira +
Wyll +

 Astarion -
Lae'zel -

Manip Nestor Rivington - Refugee Camp

Tell Gyldro Angleiron (Orin) "I would never hurt someone I care about"

Jaheira +
Wyll +


Gyldro Angleiron


The Rivington General

Tell Yenna to find one of the guards to help them.



  • Enter Rivingtion after exciting the first camp in Act 3
  • Automatic coversation after entering Rivington for the first time
 Astarion +  


Rivington - Southern Village Entrance

Tell Yenna you don't know anything about her mother but give her some gold



  • Enter Rivingtion after exciting the first camp in Act 3
  • Automatic coversation after entering Rivington for the first time

Astarion +

Jaheira +

Halsin +

N/A Yenna Rivington - Southern Village Entrance

As a Druid, Conjure up some Berries for Yenna



  • Enter Rivingtion after exciting the first camp in Act 3
  • Automatic coversation after entering Rivington for the first time
Wyll +   Yenna Rivington - Southern Village Entrance

Tell Biscoti he's a good boy.



  • Speak with Animals
Halsin + N/A Biscotti Rivington - Refugee Camp

Tell Fist Rowan that the people are innocent and you can't just kill them.


Jaheira +Halsin 
Wyll +

Astarion Fist Rowan Rivington - Side Entrance to the donations barn from the refugee camp (next to the Hobgoblin)

Tell Tinker Nayzeen that the way the refugees are treated is horrible.




Jaheira +Halsin +  
Wyll +

N/A Tinker Nayzeen Rivington - Refugee Camp

Accept to help the monk break the curse during the conversation with Shirra Clarwen



  • Accept the Curse
  • Requires to Pass 2 DC Skills check.
  • If you use the Illithid Option, only Halsin gets approval
Halsin +
Jaheira +
Gale +
  Shirra Clarwen Open Hand Temple

Tell Sister Yannis you will investigate the murders.



Halsin +  
Wyll +
Jaheira +
  Sister Yannis Open Hand Temple - Central area of the Temple

Tell them their god would be proud of Father Lorgan



Halsin +  
Gale +
  Brother Clements & Brother Bill Open Hand Temple - Central area of the Temple

In the Open Hand Temple when talking to Ilmater, telling Tara to stop eating the pigeons




Halsin + Astarion - Ilmater Open Hand Temple - one of the buildings close to the entrance of the Lower City.

During the final part of the Help the Cursed Monk quest where you can take on the curse, accept the curse



  • Picked up the Sentient Amulet in Grymforge in Act 1
Wyll +
Astarion +
Shadowheart +
  Sentient Amulet Open Hand Temple - Cursed Monk Dungeon.

During the final part of the Help the Cursed Monk quest where you can take on the curse, accept the curse and then win the 2nd wisdom check.



  • Picked up the Sentient Amulet in Grymforge in Act 1
Wyll +
Astarion +
Jaheira +
  Sentient Amulet Open Hand Temple - Cursed Monk Dungeon.

Keep responding with "Woof! at angry Mar'hyah




Shadowheart +
Astarion +
  Angry Mar'hyah Rivington - Outside of Sword Coast Couriers.

Succeed the persuasion DC about Scratch with Angry Mar'hyah




Jaheira +
Halsin +
Gale +
  Angry Mar'hyah/ Oyster Boy Dringo Rivington - Outside of Sword Coast Couriers.

Succeed the  deception check about Gortash not liking animal abuse




Jaheira +
Halsin +
   Angry Mar'hyah/ Oyster Boy Dringo  Rivington - Outside of Sword Coast Couriers.

Respond to Wulbren with either "Get the bomb inside the Gondian facility, and - boom. Problem solved." or 
"[Rogue] Sneak in, place the bomb, sneak out - bang. Sounds simple enough"




Jaheira  +
Wyll +
Karlach -
Halsin -
Wulbren Bongle Rivington - Angleiron’s Cellar

Refuse the bomb plan with Wulbren but instead choose to Convince the Gondians




Halsin + Astarion -
Wyll -
Wulbren Bongle  Rivington - Angleiron’s Cellar

Choose "Try and Help Him" with you encounter the Dying Stone Lord Thug




Jaheira +
Wyll +
  Dying Stone Lord Thug Rivington - In the western area smuggling cove, you will encounter him on the path.

Defeat the representatives of the Stone Lord and tell Farlin "Happy to help - who did we just kill?"



  • Side with The Guild in the Confrontation between the representatives of the Stone Lord and Farlin and the Guild
Astarion + Wyll -
Karlach -
Farlin Rivington - In the western area smuggling cove

When Manip Falco orders you to bring Wulber's Head, refuse to do it.



  • Consent to the arrest to trigger the cutscene of gnomes taking out the steel watcher
Jaheira +
Halsin +
  Manip Falcao Rivington - South Span Gate


Circus of the Last Days

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

When speaking to Shadow-Whiskers (Big Black Cat in a Cage) exhaust conversation until Halsin speaks about the inhumanity. Then "Break the lock, ensuring the cage can't be opened"

Halsin +

  Shadow-Whiskers Circus of the Last Days

When Dribbles the Clown asks his scarecrow question use the [BARD] option to answer.



  •  Bard

Astarion +

Jaheira +

Halsin +

 N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Astarion instead.



Jaheira +

Halsin +

Astarion - Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Astarion instead and ask him to enter the stage a second time.



  • Ask Astarion to go on stage

Jaheira +

Astarion - Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Jaheira instead.



Halsin +

N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Jaheira instead and ask him to enter the stage a second time by saying "All hail the High Harper".



  • Ask Jaheira to go on stage

Halsin +

Jaheira - Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Jaheira instead and ask him to enter the stage a second time by saying "Get on with it".



  • Ask Jaheira to go on stage

Halsin +

N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Halsin instead.



Jaheira +

N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

When Dribbles the Clown asks you to come on stage choose Halsin instead and ask him to enter the stage a second time.



  • Ask Halsin to go on stage

Halsin +
Jaheira +

N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

Pick 'My strength of course' when Dribbles asks what makes you special



  • Get onto the stage when Dribbles asks for volunteers for his magic trick.
  • Don't start the combat encounter/attack Dribbles before getting on stage.

Astarion +

Jaheira +

Halsin +

 N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

Pick 'My courage' when Dribbles asks what makes you special



  • Get onto the stage when Dribbles asks for volunteers for his magic trick.
  • Don't start the combat encounter/attack Dribbles before getting on stage.

Jaheira +

Halsin +

 N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

Pick 'Kindness' when Dribbles asks what makes you special



  • Get onto the stage when Dribbles asks for volunteers for his magic trick.
  • Don't start the combat encounter/attack Dribbles before getting on stage.

Jaheira +

Halsin +

 N/A Dribbles the Clown Circus of the Last Days - You can find Dribbles the Clown performing on stage for a crowd on the northern side of the Circus.

During Zethino's Trial of Love with Halsin. Choose the following choices for approval



  • Choose the "Bear Form" dialogue
  • Choose "Protecting The Grove"
  • Choose  "The Shadow Grow Curse"
  • Be in a romance with Halsin
Halsin +   N/A  Zethino Circus of the Last Days -

During Zethino's Trial of Love with Astarion, in the third question answer with "Breaking a nail."



Astarion +   Zethino Circus of the Last Days -


Wyrm's Rock

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location
Tell the Guard on the bridge that Investigator Valeria needs you in the Lower City.


  • n/a
Halsin +
Jaheira +
n/a Blaze Elin Wyrm's Crossing
Convince (Deceit) Arkleia Oloril to offer up the goods for sale.
  • Act 3


  • Succeed the Deceit  Skill Check
Halsin +
Jaheira +
  Arkleia Oloril Wyrm's Rock Fortress

During the ceremony, a Steel Watcher will ask you to stop. Cooperate with its request by choosing "Point taken. I'll keep things peaceful."

  • Act 3


  • Watch the inauguration of Lord Enver Gortash
Astarion + n/a Steel Watcher Wyrm's Rock Fortress

When Gortash invites you to watch the ceremony, choose the "I wouldn't dream of missing it."

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Astarion + Karlach - 
Wyll -
Lord Enver Gortash Wyrm's Rock Fortress

When Gortash invites you to watch the ceremony, choose the "Fine let's get this over with."

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Wyll +
   Lord Enver Gortash  Wyrm's Rock Fortress

When Gortash invites you to watch the ceremony, choose the "Fine. Let's get it over with"

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Wyll +    Lord Enver Gortash Wyrm's Rock Fortress

When Gortash invites you to watch the ceremony, choose the "I have no interest in this sham of a ceremony."

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Wyll +   Lord Enver Gortash Wyrm's Rock Fortress

After the ceremony, Karlach will confront you and ask what you think of Gortash. Choose "He seemed like an absolute fraud in a very nice coat."

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Karlach + n/a Karlach Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Tell Duke Ulder Ravengard that he is infected with an Illithid parasite.

  • Act 3


  • Stay after the ceremony
Astarion + n/a Duke Ulder Ravengard Wyrm's Rock Fortress

In the Fire First dorms, offer gold to Fist Reynash by saying "Will this get you home?"

  • Act 3


  • Explore the hallways after the ceremony.
Jaheira +
Halsin +
Lae'zel -
First Reynash Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Convince Florick to let you out of Prison.


  • Can be a Persuasion and Intimidation DC Check.
Karlach +
Wyll +
  Counsellor Florrick Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Refuse Enver Gortash's Pact



  • Say "To the hells with your pact" and "You're on your own Gortash"
Karlach +
Astarion +
  Counsellor Florrick Wyrm's Rock Fortress

During the High Harper quest,  let Jaheira take the lead



  • Jaheira Alive
Jaheira +   Jaheira Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Choose the Drow Option when speaking to Lord Ambers' Bodyguard



  Karlach -
Wyll -
  Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Say "Your mom is probably dead." to Yenna



Minthara +     Wyrm's Rock Fortress


Lower City

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

In the Guildhall, tell Nine-Fingers Keene that Jaheria is not alone

  • Act 3


  • Must have Jaheira in your party
Jaheira + n/a Nine-Fingers Keene Guildhall

In the Guildhall, tell Nine-Fingers Keene that you're a friend of Jaheira's.

  • Act 3


  • Must have Jaheira in your party
Jaheira + n/a Nine-Fingers Keene Guildhall

Give Rags Deelarma some money

  • Act 3


  • Must have Jaheira in your party
Jaheira + Astarion -  Rags Deelarma Lower City - In front of Counting House
When Jaheira returns home, tell Rion "The cult is powerful- it's not going to be an easy fight."
  • Act 3


  • Must have Jaheira in your party
Karlach + n/a Rion Lower City

 In Devil's Fee, while talking to Helsik, persuade her to get a free sample.

  • Act 3


  • Choose the Persuasion check and succeed the DC of 10.
Jaheira +
n/a Helsik Lower City - Devil's Fee

Tell Gauntlet Devella "The Flaming Fist should be protecting everyone - not just Upper City folk"


  • Show Gauntlet Devella the Murder list.
Karlach +   Gauntlet Devella Fountainhead Lower City -

Tell Gauntlet Devella "I'll see what I can do"


  • Show Gauntlet Devella the Murder list.
  • Say "The Flaming Fist should be protecting everyone - not just Upper City folk"
Karlach + Astarion - Gauntlet Devella Fountainhead Lower City -

When you arrive at Facemaker Boutique and find the Bhall Cultist trying to kill Figaro , say " back off that's my kill"


  • Have not Killed Dolor at the Wine Festival
 Astarion +   Figaro, Bhaal Cultitsts Lower City -Facemaker's Boutique

When you arrive at Facemaker Boutique and find the Bhall Cultist trying to kill Figaro , say "stop right there!"


  • Have not Killed Dolor at the Wine Festival
  Astarion -  Figaro, Bhaal Cultitsts Lower City -Facemaker's Boutique

Tell Araj in the Lower City "Astarion, we can leave if you don't want to be around her"



  • Made Astarion to drink Araj's Blood in Act 2
  • Meet Araj in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate
Gale +
  Araj Oblodra Lower City -

Tell Araj in the Lower City "Forget it. I saw how you made Astarion feel. I'm done with you"



  • Made Astarion to drink Araj's Blood in Act 2
  • Meet Araj in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate
  • Ask her first by saying "Our blood caused that explosion?"
Karlach +   Araj Oblodra Lower City -

Tell Sally Flymm "So you're to blame for the rise of that charlatan"



  • Win the Wisdom Check to be able to Probe her mind.
Karlach +   Sally Flymm Lower City -

Give gold to Strange Beggar Sacrum



  • Any amount will trigger the approval instances
 Karlach + Astarion - Strange Beggar Sacrum Lower City - Right infront of the Beehive General Goods.

Refuse Haarleep's Deal



  • Can be encountered via multiple quests. From getting the special hammer for the special ending to just killing Raphael to Null his deals
Astarion +
Jaheira +
Karlach +
  Haarlep Lower City - House of Hope, Raphael's Bed

Accept Haarleep's Deal



  • Can be encountered via multiple quests. From getting the special hammer for the special ending to just killing Raphael to Null his deals
  Astarion -
Jaheira -
Karlach -
 Haarlep  Lower City - House of Hope


Grey Harbor Docks

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub-Location

Convince Captain Sleam to let the father aboard as well.


  • Succeed with the Persuasion Skill Check
Jaheira + N/A Captain Sleam Grey Harbour Docks - Baldur's Gate


Lorroakan's Tower

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub-Location

Tell Lorroakan you'll send the Nightsong to rip him apart


  • Spared the Nightsong
Halsin +
Gale +
Jaheira +
N/A Lorroakan Lorroakan's Tower

Tell Lorroakan you'll send the Nightsong to rip him apart


  • Spared the Nightsong
Astarion + Wyll -
Gale -
 Lorroakan  Lorroakan's Tower


The Blushing Mermaid

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

Tell Auntie Ethel, "No - surrender the child immediately"


  • Could be part of the big quest Save Vanra that revolves around Auntie Ethel and her victims.
 Astarion +    Auntie Ethel  Blushing Mermaid

When you meet Auntie Ethel again in act 3 in the Blushing Mermaid. Tell Ethel that Mayrina says hi when she vomits up Varna


  • Could be part of the big quest Save Vanra that revolves around Auntie Ethel and her victims.
Astarion + n/a Auntie Ethel Blushing Mermaid

Tell Mayrena “it’s better than nothing” when she gives you the locket after the Hag battle. 


  • Could be part of the big quest Save Vanra that revolves around Auntie Ethel and her victims.
Shadowheart +   Mayrina Blushing Mermaid

Rescue Vanra by "Cutting Her Out" of Ethel's Stomach.


Astarion +
Shadowheart +
Gale +
   Auntie Ethel  Blushing Mermaid


Candulhallow’s Tombstones

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

If you bring Jaheira when you go and meet the Murder Tribunal/Sarevok. The old history between the ancient adversaries will raise the tensions. (Sarevok was the Antagonist of BG 1 and Jaheira fought against him with the Hero Bhaalspawn). Choose to side with Jaheira.


Jaheira +   Jaheira , Sarevok Candulhallow's Tombstones -



Camp Interactions

Scenario Details Approval Disapproval Related NPC Sub- Location

When talking to Jaheira in Camp at Act 3.

  • "Please. You're only one of those things", after asking that she has fought the Dead Three before
  • "My mind is my own", when asking about what she knows about Illithids
Jaheira + x2   Jaheira


Keep Scratch after talking to the Sword Coast Couriers



  • Speak to Oyster Boy Dringo and Angry Mar'hyah of the Sword Coast Couriers.
  • Choose 'He lives with me - you can't just take him' when talking about Scratch's ownership.
  • Return to Camp to speak to Scratch. You'll need Speak with Animals.
Gale +
Wyll +
  Angry Mar'hyah, Oyster Boy Dringo, and Scratch

Rivington - Out in the yard of the Sword Coast Couriers, the 'post office' of the village.


Astarion's siblings confront you in your camp, you get approval if you tell him "The world can be a wonderful, kind place"



  • Killed Cazador
Astarion +   Astarion

Camp - Event


Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Approval Quick Navigation

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Approval Up
Deceive Tieflings and ask Lae'zel to say "please" before freeing her from the cage. Join Lae'zel against the Tieflings if you persuade them to free her. Attack Tieflings (in dialog) even if Lae'zel is still in the cage.
In the map facing towards the Druid Grove entrance with the Waypoint Silvanus' Grove in line to your right— head down the path to the left for Novice Brynna and the Exsanguinated Boar (appears after Astarion sneaks away on a Long Rest). Choose to attack Taman and Gimblebock in dialogue outside the Crypt. After using your Illithid power against Novice Brynna ask what happened to their brother, and then send them to the Owlbear Nest to avenge True Soul Edowin.
Talk to Astarion after and say, "The Tadpoles aren't so bad." Loot True Soul Edowin's body, then crush the Tadpole that comes out. Talk to Astarion again and say "They practically worshipped us. That could be useful"
Try to persuade the goblin Guard outside the Blighted Village. In the broken house opposite the portal, Search the Cellar in the Blighted Village and Intimidate the Ornate Mirror. Decline the Devil's invitation to remove your Tadpole.
Respond to Volo in the Goblin Camp with "-". Kneel down and lick Novice Crusher's foot in the Goblin Camp (Starts a battle). Let Astarion suck your blood in Camp.
Support Astarion in the dialogue with the team after the bite in the Camp. Tell him he can feed on enemies. Persuade him to share his dream with you.
Say you cover him up ( ... if he covers you” - also works) in the same dialogue. Kill Gandrel (the hunter who is located nearby Ethel's home). Agree to help tiefling Karlach.
In the conversation with Shadowheart (after the dream with the city in fire) support the Astarion's idea to continue usage of Tadpoles' power. (After the next dream) say to Wyll that you are not going to excuse for using Tadpoles' power. Let Arka kill Sazza in the Druid Camps Makeshift Prison.
Tell Zorru at the Druid Camp that he better bow to Lae'zel when she tells him too. Tell Astarion that the refugees are desperate, and will do anything right after that. Tell Mattis he's getting "Paid in experience ... " after pocketing the ring.
Tell Kagha the Archdruid you enjoyed her show when she asks if you think she's a monster. Choose to walk in on a bugbear and an ogre named Grukkoh and Buthir having sex at the north side of the Blighted Village in an abandoned barn. (Let Astarion do the honors.) Tell that it was fun right after that.
Tell Mayrina's brothers they are on their own. “Baaa” back at redcaps pretending to be sheep (works the first and second time). Resurrect Mayrina's husband, give her the staff, and right after that tell Astarion that's funny.
Talk to True Soul Gut in the Goblin Camp, after she knows you have a Tadpole as well say, "Can we talk privately? This is a sensitive matter." Follow her and talk to her in the chapel and say, "Change of plan. I'm going to kill you." Demand boots in the dialogue with Tulla ( in the Underdark, mushrooms camp). Agree to kill dark dwarfs for “mushrooms” leader.
Do not excuse for using the power of Tadpoles ( dialogue with the party at the Camp). Tell Abdirak you're curious and agree to be tortured (the follower of Loviatar in the goblin camp). Agree to open the gate for goblin raiders.
Open the Gate for goblin raiders. Join Minthara for the Grove raid ( It's possible without actual opening the Gates). Fight the fake god Boooal in The Festering Cove.
Let the Koa-Toes bow to you as the Boooal's chosen. Ask for "Compensation for Effort" in dialogue with Bark Root (the guy who was tied to the windmill). Attack the Druid Apprentice Nettie.
Agree to share your bed with him at the Tiefling party at Camp. Choose the option to "Bare your neck, inviting him" in the bed scene. Kill Githyanki patrol.
Agree to kill duergars (dark dwarfs) for myconids leader. Intimidate or provoke human and Zevlor at the Druid Grove. Choose decapitation during night 2 dialogue at the Camp.
Kill Gimblebock and the gang near the ruins. Give him the Necromancy of Thay. Attack Goblin Camp.
Volunteer to torture Liam at Goblin Camp. Agree to play chicken chase, at the Goblin Camp, then convince the Owlbear to kill the goblins (“Animal handling: turn his gaze to the goblins – they deserve to die”) Feed Owlbear at the Camp.
Decline when Halsin asks to kill Goblin leaders. Laugh/Roar at Lorin (elf in Ethel's house) by pretending that you are the monster he sees. Choose to kill Kagha without trying to persuade her.
Choose to spare Auntie Ethel when they surrender during the battle. In camp, giving your preferred method of death if you first answered that you didn't want to die. (Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "The parasites have proved useful ..." when confronted by the camp.
After buying Oskar the artist in the Zhentarim Hideout (which gives Astarion approval down), call him your slave and say you don't make jokes with your slaves. Encourage True Soul Nere to kill the slaves. Persuade the Owlbear that the Goblins caused its pain.
Shuffle the lanceboard in the game between Mol and Raphael at the Last Light Inn Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm at The Waning Moon Tell Thisobald Thorm a story from your adventures
Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a second round at The Waning Moon Tell Thisobald Thorm another story from your adventures Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a third round at The Waning Moon
Intimidate Gerringothe Thorm to defeat her without killing her in battle While in Camp, tell Arabella you found her parents dead. Convince Balthazar to aid you in search of the relic.
Agree that you’ll help him in taking the fight to Cazador. Tell Dribbles the Clown that your Strength makes you unique at the Circus of the Last Days. In Devil's Fee, while talking to Helsik, persuade her to give you a free sample.


Approval Down
After using your Illithid power, talk to Astarion and say, "It could destroy us." Agree to help Wyll save the refugees in the Druid Grove. Question his attitude towards the controlled fishermen at Nautiloid wreckage.
(Warlock Only) Say “He’s only a Cambion, we can handle him.” in camp dialogue after receiving the offer from the Devil. Say that the Druids overreacted when speaking to Marriko and Locke in the Druid Grove. Insisting on continuing to be honest about having the tadpole in dialogue with Shadowheart after killing Nettie.
Tell Silfy to "relax" after interrupting her attempt to pickpocket you.  Agree to help Zevlor. Smear dung on your face for Sentinel Olak.
Let True Soul Gut in the Goblin Camp clear your mind OR Let True Soul Gut brand you. Take the poison from the Druid apprentice. Agree to help find Mayrina (On the way to Auntie Ethel).
Tell Mayrina that her brothers are dead "by your own hand". Insist on helping Mayrina when talking to Auntie Ethel at her house. Read the Necromancy of Thay or give it to Gale.
(After giving him the Necromancy of Thay) Say "Gale would take it off your hands" or "Then stop reading it!" Persuade the Tiefling and Human to calm down when they're arguing at Druid Grove. It doesn't appear as though he will approve of any of the options available. Reveal his identity to the monster hunter.
Failing the persuasion check asking him to explain his dream. Killing Mayrina's zombie husband after bringing him back with the Hag's wand. Promise Nettie to take Wyvern Poison if you feel symptoms of the tadpole (after intimidating/persuading/deceiving her).
At camp, when talking about your preferred method of death say you'd rather have one of the others do it, or that you don't have to choose. At camp, when the Owlbear cub comes with a dead bird as a gift, eat it. At Grymforge, replying "I'll do what I can" to the two gnomes - Lunkbug and Apprentice Laridda - digging to free True Soul Nere and wanting to free their friends.
(Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "We should stop using the parasites ..." when confronted by the camp. When speaking with Eight (child on the far eastern side of the goblin camp), Say "Sorry for your loss" after asking about a corpse.  Buy Oskar the artist.
Give Oskar the artist gold after freeing him. Stop True Soul Nere from killing the slaves. Telling him to mind his own business when he asks about your night of passion with your romance partner.
Release Dolly Dolly Dolly from the Moonlantern Get caught by Oliver's "family" in the Ruined Battlefield Drink the wine prepared by Jaheira at the Last Light Inn
Give Gerringothe Thorm all your gold    



Approval Up
Telling Shadowheart in Camp that making finding the healer your top priority rewards you with Approval. Calm the Scared Boar by the crash site (Animal Handling), or telling it to calm down (Speaks with Animals). Persuade Taman and Gimblebock to leave without a fight in dialogue outside the Crypt.
Succeed in a Religion check when reading the Book of Dead Gods. Show Guex in the Druid Grove your sword fighting technique. Persuade Arka that killing Sazza means she'll take everything to the grave.
In the conversation with Shadowheart after speaking with Sazza and learning about Gut, "You're right. We have to investigate all leads, no matter how unsavoury." After saving Nadira from the Bugbear Assassin in the Grove, use Deception to convince her to give you the soul coin. Tell Novice Andrick and Novice Brynna to forget the Owlbear and leave.
Crush the Tadpole outside of the Druid Grove. Swear to Nettie you will take the poison. Convince the Owlbear not to kill you in its cave.
Tell Scratch (dog) that he can come to your Camp if his friend doesn't wake up. ”Baaa” back at redcaps pretending to be sheep (works the first and second time) Resist during the first Dream sequence.
Fight the fake god Boooal in The Festering Cove. Decline the Devil's invitation to remove your Tadpole. Refuse to play chicken chase with the Owlbear in the Goblin Camp, then speak to it and give it your scent to follow to camp.
Make Novice Crusher kiss your foot in the Goblin Camp (approval both for passing the check to tell him to, and also the check to actually make him kiss it) Kiss his foot and steal the ring Lick his foot (Starts a battle)
Give his foot a kiss and get it over with Talk to True Soul Gut in the Goblin Camp, after she knows you have a Tadpole as well say, "Can we talk privately? This is a sensitive matter." Follow her and talk to her in the chapel and say, "Change of plan. I'm going to kill you." Choosing Stay silent option when confronting Kagha about the fate of Arabella.
Telling Silver (with animal talking potion on) that you talked to him just to give him your scent. (Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "We should stop using the parasites ..." when confronted by the camp. When speaking with Eight (child on the far eastern side of the goblin camp), Say "Sorry for your loss" after asking about a corpse.
Intimidate or persuade Zarys in the Zhentarim hideout  (i.e., tell her to stand down or say you don't want trouble) Say you want to buy Oskar the artist in the  Zhentarim hideout (“Fine, I’ll buy him. How much?”) and then successfully persuade or intimidate his slaver (Brem) Allow Wyll to play "how would you kill the Blade" when talking to three goblins in the Shattered Sanctum.
Let the Owlbear Cub in the Owlbear Nest live after killing its mother. Welcome Owlbear to camp. Persuade Booyahg Piddle to give up the reading the book and pray instead.
Persuade the goblin at the entrance to the Blighted Village to let you through peacefully. Persuade the goblins at the Windmill in the Blighted Village to leave peacefully. Play hide and seek with Oliver
Tell Isobel that Flaming Fist Marcus is trying to kidnap her Tell Arabella that you'll find her parents Tell Arabella that she can stay at your camp
While in Camp, tell Arabella you found her parents dead. Convince Balthazar to aid you in search of the relic. Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Before starting the Sharran Trials, interact with the Sacrificial Bowl and let her do as she pleases.
Convince Balthazar to aid you in search of the relic. Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Before entering the Shadowfell Entrance, agree with her about the sacrifice she needs to perform for Lady Shar.  
After discovering a damaged helmet on a body in the Blighted Village and passing a few skill checks in dialogue with Shadowheart, you can get her to reveal her worship of Shar.
After this, the following dialogue option can be repeated in camp to gain infinite approval increase:
We should get to know each other better. Tell me something about yourself besides Shar, besides tadpoles. You'll have to point out night orchids to me if we ever pass some.


Approval Down
Join Lae'Zel against the Tieflings if you Persuade them to free her. Agree to help Wyll save the refugees in the Druid Grove. Tell Auntie Ethel you have a tadpol in your head at the Druid Grove.
Try to persuade the goblin guard outside the Goblin Camp. Let True Soul Gut brand you. Help Auntie Ethel when she's confronted by Johl and Demir.
Agree to allow Auntie Ethel to remove your Tadpole. Smear dung on your face for Sentinel Olak. Shadowheart has a rivalry attitude towards Lae'zel, heed to Lae'zel's advice will upset her.
Telling her she's hiding something in Camp conversation will result in her displeasure. If you choose to walk in on the two trolls having sex in the Blighted Village. Read the Necromancer of Thay from Search the Cellar.
(Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "The parasites have proved useful ..." when confronted by the camp. Give Oskar the artist gold after freeing him. Drink the wine prepared by Jaheira at the Last Light Inn
Give Gerringothethorm all your gold at the Reithwin Tollhouse Lick the Dead Spider meat in Gauntlet of Shar. Within the Gauntlet of Shar - Before entering the Shadowfell Entrance, peer inside her mind while she’s praying to Lady Shar.



Approval Up
Convince Rolan to stay in the Druid Grove. Calm the Scared Boar by the crash site (Animal Handling), or telling it to calm down (Speaks with Animals). Persuade Taman and Gimblebock to leave without a fight in dialogue outside the Crypt.
Agree to help Wyll save the refugees in the Druid Grove. Show Guex in the Druid Grove your sword fighting technique. Say that the Druids overreacted when speaking to Marriko and Locke in the Druid Grove.
Crush the Tadpole outside of the Druid Grove. Convince the Owlbear not to kill you in its cave. Tell Scratch (dog) that he can come to your Camp if his friend doesn't wake up.
Help Auntie Ethel when she's confronted by Johl and Demir. Tell Mayrina that her brothers are dead "by your own hand". Insist on helping Mayrina when talking to Auntie Ethel at her house.
Agree to help Zevlor. Refuse to play chicken chase with the Owlbear in the Goblin Camp, then speak to it and give it your scent to follow to camp. Make Novice Crusher kiss your foot in the Goblin Camp (approval both for passing the check to tell him to, and also the check to actually make him kiss it).
Help Karlach in Hunt the Devil quest. Sympathetic behaviors. Fight the fake god Boooal in The Festering Cove.
(When discussing his "loss" around the campfire) Say "... I sympathize" When speaking with Eight (child on the far eastern side of the goblin camp), Say "Sorry for your loss" after asking about a corpse. Intimidate or persuade Zarys in the  Zhentarim hideout (i.e., tell her to stand down or say you don't want trouble).
Say you want to buy Oskar the artist in the Zhentarim hideout (“Fine, I’ll buy him. How much?”) and then successfully intimidate his slaver (Brem) Buy Oskar the artist. Give Oskar the artist gold after freeing him.
Tell Elminster, "If even the gods know, why are we facing these threats alone?" when he gives Gale his task for redemption While in Camp, tell Arabella you found her parents dead. Keep Scratch after discussing ownership of him at the Sword Coast couriers.


Approval Down
Join Lae'Zel against the Tieflings if you persuade them to free her. Smear dung on your face for Sentinel Olak. Read the Necromancy of Thay or give it to Gale
Agree to open the gate for goblin raiders. Threaten to smash the magic mirror during the Search the Cellar quest. (When discussing his "loss" around the campfire) Say "Another fool pays for his arrogance ..."
Prod the bird to death in Nettie's chambers.    



Approval Up
Show Guex in the Druid Grove your sword fighting technique (Athletics check). Choose to attack Taman and Gimblebock in dialogue outside the Crypt. (Astarion approves as well) When talking to Zevlor the first time inside the Druid Grove, tell him you're sorry but you have no time to help him.
During dialogue with Lae'zel, after she describes ceremorphosis, tell her you will find a cure. If Kagha's snake kills Arabella, tell her "She was just protecting her own." in dialogue afterward. Swear to Nettie you will take the poison.
Crush the Tadpole outside of the Druid Grove. Decline the Devil's invitation to remove your Tadpole. Respond to Volo in the Goblin Camp with "-"
Make Novice Crusher kiss your foot in the Goblin Camp (approval both for passing the check to tell him to, and also the check to actually make him kiss it)  Resist during the first dream sequence. Cruel behaviors.
Fight the fake god Boooal in The Festering Cove. Allowing her to speak to her githyanki brothers/sisters. Choosing Stay silent option when confronting Kagha about the fate of Arabella.
(Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "We should stop using the parasites ..." when confronted by the camp. Say you want to buy Oskar the artist in the Zhentarim hideout (“Fine, I’ll buy him. How much?”) and then successfully persuade or intimidate his slaver (Brem) After buying Oskar (which gives Lae'zel approval down), call him your slave and say you don't make jokes with your slaves.
Side with Elder Brithvar and kill Nere.  Deceive the Goblins and fling the poo at the four guards.  


Approval Down
Convince the Owlbear not to kill you in its cave. Try to persuade the goblin guard outside the Goblin Camp. Smear dung on your face for Sentinel Olak.
Tell Mayrina that her brothers are dead "by your own hand".

Agree to allow Auntie Ethel to remove your Tadpole.(After agreeing to allow Auntie Ethel to remove your Tadpole)

There appears to be further disapproval when you select the eye (doesn't matter if you choose the right or the left)

Lae'zel has a rivalry attitude towards Shadowheart, heed to Shadowheart's advice will upset her.
Sympathetic behaviors. Disapproves if you succeed in the persuasion check to stop Kagha from imprisoning the child. (Upon speaking with Shadowheart after the dream sequence) Say "The parasites have proved useful ..." when confronted by the camp.
Buy Oskar the artist.    



Approval Up
Show Guex in the Druid Grove your sword fighting technique. Crush the Tadpole outside of the Druid Grove. Tell Scratch (dog) that he can come to your Camp if his friend doesn't wake up.
Try to persuade the goblin guard outside the Goblin Camp. Agree to fight Fezzerk in the Blighted Village. Decline the Devil's invitation to remove your Tadpole.
Agree to help Zevlor. Make Novice Crusher kiss your foot in the Goblin Camp (approval both for passing the check to tell him to, and also the check to actually make him kiss it)  Refuse to play chicken chase with the owlbear in the Goblin Camp, then speak to it and give it your scent to follow to camp.
Tell Mayrina that her brothers are dead "by your own hand" Insist on helping Mayrina when talking to Auntie Ethel at her house. Help Karlach in Hunt the Devil quest.
(Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "We should stop using the parasites ..." when confronted by the camp.  Say you want to buy Oskar the artist in the Zhentarim hideout (“Fine, I’ll buy him. How much?”) and then successfully persuade or intimidate his slaver (Brem) Buy Oskar the artist.
Give Oskar the artist gold after freeing him. Allow Wyll to play "how would you kill the Blade" when talking to three goblins in the Shattered Sanctum.  First time petting Scratch at Camp.
While in Camp, tell Arabella you found her parents dead. Keep Scratch after discussing ownership of him at the Sword Coast couriers.  


Approval Down
Smear dung on your face for Sentinel Olak. If you choose to walk in on the two trolls having sex in the Blighted Village.

Agree to allow Auntie Ethel to remove your Tadpole.(After agreeing to allow Auntie Ethel to remove your Tadpole)

There appears to be further disapproval when you select the eye (doesn't matter if you choose the right or the left)

Cruel Behaviors. Agree to open the gate for goblin raiders. He will leave you if side with the goblins.
Allow Fezzerk to live after questioning him. (Upon speaking with Shadowheart after dream sequence) Say "The parasites have proved useful ..." when confronted by the camp. After buying Oskar the artist in the Zhentarim hideout call him your slave and say you don't make jokes with your slaves.
Agree to help find the Zhentarim cargo for Zarys. Say that you need Astarion during the group meeting in the morning after he tries to bite you.  



Approval Up
Release Dolly Dolly Dolly from the Moonlantern Play hide and seek with Oliver at the Ruined Battlefield Play another round of hide and seek with Oliver at the Ruined Battlefield
Tell Jaheira everything about the artefact Shuffle the lanceboard in the game between Mol and Raphael Drink the win prepared by Jaheira
Tell Isobel that Flaming Fist Marcus is trying to kidnap her Tell Arabella that you'll find her parents Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm at The Waning Moon
Tell Thisobald Thorm a story from your adventures at The Waning Moon Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a second round at The Waning Moon Tell Thisobald Thorm another story from your adventures at The Waning Moon
Drink or mime drinking with Thisobald Thorm for a third round at The Waning Moon Lick the Dead Spider meat within Gauntlet of Shar Upon finding Nightsong, tell Shadowheart to spare Nightsong and hear what she has to say
When Jaheira returns home, tell Rion "The cult is powerful- it's not going to be an easy fight."    


Approval Down
Give Gerringothe Thorm all your gold the Reithwin Tollhouse    

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    • Anonymous

      after returning from the Iron Throne and getting approached by the Umberlee:

      side with the dwarf:
      Minthara disapproved
      Astarion disapproved
      (Wyll was at max, didn't disapprove)

      surrender the dwarf:
      Minthara approved
      Wyll disapproved
      (Astarion was at max)

      • Anonymous

        in Iron Throne prison, after telling Omeluum you want to free gondian hostages, use the persuasion option about innocents dying and your intent to save everyone

        Minthara and Astarion disapproved

        • Anonymous

          Gondian Zanner Toobin:
          1. tell him it's maybe not a bad idea to kill them(Gondians) then (option 2)

          Minthara approved
          (Astarion was at max, didn't disapprove)

          2. tell him it's selfish they value their families more than the entire city (option 3)

          Minthara approved
          Astarion disapproved

          • Anonymous

            Act 3 - (requires speak with animals)
            Return to the pigeons Commander Lightfeather at the Post Master in Rivington after talking to Tara. Report to him that they died a horrible painful death. Blood, guts and feathers were everywhere (option 1)

            Minthara approved

            • Anonymous

              "After defeating Viconia speak to her, then kill her."

              Minthara approves
              (and disapproves of sparing her, as does Astarion, no idea about him approving as I have him maxed out, Shadowheart didn't disapprove of either decision, no idea about approval as I have her maxed out as well)

              • Anonymous

                With Silfy in Lower City - pick the option about their gazette sales not going well

                Minthara approved
                Minsc disapproved

                • Anonymous

                  "As a bard, ask Thomas C. Quirkilious at the Chromatic Scale about worg hair instruments."

                  Did this for Minsc and Minthara approved as well

                  • Anonymous

                    With Tara the tressym and the pigeon eating

                    persuade her to stop eating them - didn't affect approval for Astarion and Minsc
                    but bring Gale and ask him to make Tara stop eating them... Astarion disapproved and Minsc approved

                    • Anonymous

                      "Refuse the bomb plan with Wulbren but instead" blame Gortash and declare you'll find another way

                      Jaheira, Shadowheart, Astarion - all 3 disapproved

                      • Anonymous

                        "Refuse the bomb plan with Wulbren but instead choose to Convince the Gondians"

                        Jaheira and Shadowheart disapproved as well

                        • Anonymous

                          'During the final part of the Help the Cursed Monk quest where you can take on the curse, accept the curse"

                          Halsin approved
                          Minthara Disapproved

                          • Anonymous

                            "After retrieving Madeline's Ledger from the Waning Moon and giving it to He Who Was" pick any of the 2 bard options:

                            Astarion disapproved of both (despite them being rather contradictory to each other, unless there's a mistranslation in my language?)

                            also, these two ha no effect on Halsin and Minthara

                            • Anonymous

                              "Convince Varsh Ko'kuu to give you the egg and tell him you'll find another Crèche that is more forgiving."

                              Karlach approved as well

                              • Anonymous

                                Free the Artist (Oscar) and when speaking to him afterwards, use the dialogue options about him being your slave, as you proceed with you not joking, unsurprisignly:

                                Astarion approved

                                (a neat way to nullify his disapproval for buying the artist out)

                                • Anonymous

                                  Minthara also approves for Act 2 in Last Light for
                                  "Tell Isobel how the Dark Urge desires her death, fight against the urge and then tell Isobel you will not follow the Dark Urge in trying to kill her."

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Halsin disapproves of both of the "play with Oliver" interactions. He just wants you to make the boy join with Thaniel.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      the post romance scene with astarion and specifically revealing the origin of his scars can be done by passing an arcana check as well, not just the tiefling origin

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Jahiera Act 3 - Approves of telling the Fist Reynash "you're a solider, get a grip". You have to pass the perception check to notice him lockpicking, ask him what he's doing, why he needs gold, and then point out that he's a deserter. Then pick the solider option at the last dialog point

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Jahiera approves Act 3 - (requires speak with animals) Talk to the pigeons Commander Lightfeather at the Post Master in Rivington to accept his quest to find out what happened to his fellow pigeons. After talking to Tara, regardless of what you tell her, go back to talk to Commander Lightfeather. If you choose to tell him they "fought bravely"/option 2 Jahiera approves

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Hyena about to turn into a Gnoll on Risen Road: Option to Bless is not available when talking to the Hyena as non-player Shadowheart despite having Bless prepared and a spell slot available, seems to be restricted to player Clerics
                                            Also Gale and Karlach approve of taking the Ranger option 'Show mercy, ending her life swiftly'

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Act 3 - Astarion, Jaheira and Minsc approves if you tell Araj in the Lower City "Forget it. I saw how you made Astarion feel. I'm done with you"

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Astarion approves to tell His Majesty you came to admire him and looking at him silently in the Last Light Inn

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  If you have Wyll in your party when you talk to Florrick at the Inn, Astarion does NOT object to agreeing to save Duke Ravenguard.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Act II, Ruined Battlefield, Cultist Camp with Kalsif.
                                                    Karlach approves if you persuade the hyena to run (it belongs to the wilds) and then intimidate (promise to slit the throats of any goblins who try to stop it)

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Update on Brother Clements & Brother Bill (Act 3, Open Hand Temple)
                                                      Telling them if Father Lorgan had been pickier, he might still be alive - Astarion approves
                                                      Telling them their god would be proud of Father Lorgan - Astarion disapproves

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Laezel also approves asking Magmar where you can get a slave of your own, as well as saying you don't need to save Nere/Get the lantern.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Strange Ox in Rivington:
                                                          Say "It takes worse than a bit of gore to turn my gullet"
                                                          Astarion +

                                                          (May require you to have seen the images he gives you at the Last Light in Act 2)

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I had Astarion, Karlach, and Gale in my party during the Haarlep interaction. Only Karlach and Gale disapproved of taking the deal, but I was romancing Gale. When I refused the deal, only Karlach approved (though I think I had perfect approval with Gale and Astarion at the time)

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              With Patch 5 Minthara approves of trying to go for the guards for help and giving food to Yenna in Rivington.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Punish the wicked: Karlach disapproves when you order Madeline to stab herself, approves when you choose "Stop, you've done enough" (but Astarion and Shadowheart disapprove if you choose it).
                                                                Also He Who Was attacks you if you choose "Go on".

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  If you tell lunkbug "Excellent. I can add Philomeen's head to my collection" when he asks you to find phillomeen to get the explosives to save beldron.
                                                                  Astarion approves and Gale disapproves.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Astarion dissaproves and gale approves if you say "ill do what i can" to deep gnome lunkbug after he tells you to find philomeen to get the explosives to save beldron.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Everyone disapproves for taking the Blood of Lathlander save for Astarion (approves) and Karlach (no change)

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        In Sorcerous Sundries when Lorroakan asks you where Nightsong is, say "I'll tell her to come here - just to give her the satisfaction of ripping you to shreds". +Karlach

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          When you meet Aradin in front of Sorcerous Sundries arguing with magic armour, say that you found the Nightsong, then: "She's immortal. And tough. You forget about turning her in for a reward". +Astarion +Karlach

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            “Ask inquisitor Ch'r'ai W'wargaz why he knows so much about you” Gale approves

                                                                            “Enter the artifact when ordered by Vlaakith” Karlach disapproves, Gale disapproves

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              If you give Baelen the noblestalk, and then talk to Derryth about it and say “I could help you get away from him” Karlach Gale and Wyll approve. Also if you show Derryth the noblestalk and then intimidate her into giving you the ring Karlach disapproves

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Shadowheart does not approve if you trick the hag into giving you both power and maryna. I do not have her at max

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Successfully Intimidate the door to open and allow you in (wrt the hag quest) also gives Laezel approval not just Astarion.

                                                                                  Also drinking from the well before does not give approval to Astarion

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    In Blighted Village - 'Convince the Goblin Ambushers to let you pass' does also Gale + approval (confirmed for persuasion option).

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      When talking to Minsc (after progressing the guild matters till the end), tell him "There is some good in all.." +Minsc

                                                                                      And when talking about the blunt blade, say it's "barbaric" +Minsc

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        After you've met Jaheira's family, ask her why she never mentioned them and say: (anything except option 4)
                                                                                        That is extremely foolish +Jaheira
                                                                                        I understand +Jaheira
                                                                                        Admit it +Jaheira

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          When Jaheira returns home, tell Rion:
                                                                                          We're all going to die +Astarion -Jaheira
                                                                                          To listen to her mother +Jaheira

                                                                                          in a follow up conversation ("other ways to fight"):
                                                                                          Tell Rion to protect the refugees +Jaheira

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Gondian Zanner Toobin:
                                                                                            Tell him you are there to free the Gondians: +Jaheira +Astarion
                                                                                            Ask if he will help if you free the families: +Jaheira

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Act 3 . After counting house and learning Minsc is alive (and following a doppelganger) Talk to Jaheira, before going into sewers.
                                                                                              Choice 1: say she cannot go soft (option 1), or 2: "Why? We know Minsc is alive - Now we just have to find him" or 4 (shes Ancient), all give + Jaheira

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                In Devil's Fee, while talking to Helsik, after getting the gloves for her, Intimidate her that you just slayed a devil. So you can keep the gloves. Astarion approves and Karlach and Gale disapprove (need to double check just to be sure.)

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  how to farm approval in camp? since I can only get Approval for Karlach, Wyll and Astarion, when calling him mad

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Had La'Zael at Exceptional to the point that she wasn't gaining more approval and it was still a 30 to get her out of the zaith'isk...

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Did the funny face on Vlaakith at the creche with shadowheart, astarion, and karlach in my party but didnt get an approval pop-up from any of them

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Astarion disapproves if you give Benryn the Dowry at Waukeens Rest. I also had Will and Karlach (she approves) in party.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          when speaking to rolan at last light, gale approves of the sorcerer specific dialogue choice "keep drinking like that and you won't be able to read your spellbook, wizard"

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            in the last inn, when you talk to Rolan the first time, you gain Gale approval if you note that if he continues drinking he will be too much drunk to read his spell book.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              In the druids grove, there is a conversation with Barth and Meli. If you side with Meli by telling Barth to not lay a hand on that child and then pass the persuation check, you get approval from Gale and Wyll. I had shadowheart as well who didn't react, I hadn't recruited Karlach yet so don't know how she'd react and I doubt Astarion and Laezel would care.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Both Karlach and Wyll disapprove of the Drow option when speaking to Lord Ambers Bodyguard in Wyrms Rock Fortress

                                                                                                              Load more
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