Raphael |
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Location | Camp |
Act | Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 |
Related Quests | Removing the Parasite Save Hope Free Orpheus Break Yurgir's Contract Kill Raphael's Old Enemy Deal with the Devil The Githyanki Warrior The Pale Elf |
Raphael is an NPC in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). BG3 Raphael can be found at Camp. Raphael is a cambion (or part devil) that disguises himself as a man when first introduced. There is a massive amount of NPCs in Baldur's Gate 3, and their ideals, needs and way of living are strictly related to the actions they perform during the course of the game. Their attitude towards you and your party may be affected by the deeds and decisions you and your party have taken on.
Hell, Hell, Hell has its laws
Hell, Hell, effects and the cause
Curtain falls, but hold your applause
Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the claws
Where to find Raphael in BG3
Raphael can be found at: If one has not interacted with Raphael at any point, he will force the interaction at several locations.
- Druid's Grove, just outside of the Ritual Area towards the beach and the bard.
- Southwest of the druid's grove
- Hidden Cache between bridge and crashed nautiloid
- Selune Temple in the Underdark, approaching the statue with the gem directed at the two statues outside that attack if you get too close.
- Blighted Village just prior to the broken bridge, and after the barn where a rambunctious couple are playing checkers.
- At the broken bridge between the Blighted Village and Waukeen's Rest
- Goblin Camp, in the Central Building. Occurred top of the ladder near Priestess True Soul Gut.
- If you somehow managed to avoid all of this Spawn spots (IE Jumping from Druid's Grove into Risen Road area where you recruit Karlach and then end up into the Mountain Pass) THEN HE WILL SPAWN IN CAMP. Allowing you to farm approval points with Companions
- Raphael cannot be attacked, pickpocketed, examined during the first encounter.
Act 1
- Random encounter after saving emerald grove, once you hit a radius he will spawn to speak with you
Act 2
- At the entrance of the mausoleum to fight his mortal enemy
Act 3
BG3 Raphael Related Quests
- Removing the Parasite
- Save Hope
- Free Orpheus
- Break Yurgir's Contract
- Kill Raphael's Old Enemy
- Deal with the Devil
- The Githyanki Warrior
- The Pale Elf
BG3 Raphael Dialogue Options
- After introducing himself, Raphael teleports you to a fancy dining room. Always talking in riddles, he tells you to enjoy the food warning that it might be your last meal. After asking Raphael where is he going with his statements, he reveals his true form as a devil.
Here you can respond when he says that the feast might be your last:
- What makes you say that?
- I'm getting tired of your games.
- Are these theatrics leading somewhere?
- Ignore him and fill your plate
If you ignore him, he will carry on the conversation.
- Draw your weapon
- What makes you think I need saving?
- Why would you help me?
- I don't care what you are - I care what you want.
If you decide to draw your weapon, Raphael will deescalate the situation and offers to fix your situation.
Ask him why would he help you. Asking Raphael this, he says he is a compassionate being and knows of your situation with the tadpole inside your head, stating that for him it would be extremely easy to fix.
- I'll do anything to get rid of the tadpole.
- I need to think this over.
- You're mad if you think I'll make a deal with a. devil.
- Then fix it - or die at my hand.
Call him mad and Astarion, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart will approve.
- And if I do want to take this deal - how would I find you?
- I'll have the last laugh in the end.
- Take me back. After that, I never want to see you again.
- I'll rip out your mocking tongue.
If you ask him how to find him, he'll say he'll be watching you. Raphael will eventually send you back.
Companion Approval
- "I'll do anything to get rid of the tadpole."
- Astarion disapproves -5
- Karlach disapproves -1
- Wyll disapproves -1
- "I need to think this over."
- Gale approves +1
- Shadowheart approves +1
- Laezel approves +1
- "You're mad if you think I'll make a deal with a devil."
- Astarion approves +1
- Karlach approves +5
- Wyll approves+5
- "Then fix it. Or die by my hand!"
- Astarion approves +5
- Gale approves +1
- Karlach approves +5
- Wyll approves +1
- Laezel approves +1
BG3 Raphael Background
Raphael is the son of archdevil Mephistopheles, lord of Cania, the eighth layer of the Nine Hells. He is also the current owner of House of Hope. He also send his agent, Korrilla, to spy on player party. (If the player character is captured by Gut Gut, Korrilla will appear and kill her. Korrilla can also be found during the Celebration at camp after saved the tiefling refugees.)
Raphael saw the Crown of Karsus as a tool to unite the Nine Hells, but his father kept it in one of his vaults, until it was stolen by the Dead Three.
BG3 Raphael Stats
Raphael General Information
Raphael can only be fought during Act 3. He is a level twelve (16 in Honor mode) Fiend.
Race: Cambion
Health: 666
AC: 27
Base speed:
Size: Medium
Weight: 90kg
Attitude: 0
Raphael stats
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 25
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 19
Initiative: +7
Raphael Passive Features
Devil's Sight
Fiendish Blessing (+2 AC)
- Infernal Retribution (if he pass saving throw attacker burns for 3 rounds)
Magic Resistance (Advantage on saving throws agains magic)
Punish Divinity (Stun creature that hits him with radiant damage)
Soul Reaper (when downs enemy to 0 it instantly dies)
Slashing: 1/2 non-magicla
Piercing: 1/2 non-magical
Bludgeoning: 1/2 non-magical
Fire: Nullified
Lightning: 1/2 non-magical & magical
Psychic: -
Cold: 1/2 non-magical & magical
Poison: 1/2 non-magical & magical
- Ascended Fiend
- Multi-Attack
- Fire Bolt
Raphael Notable Loot
- Helldusk Armour
- Raphael's Diary Chapter #1,2,3
- 126 Gold
- 1400 XP
Raphael Notes and Tips
- With relative low WIS, Raphael is vulnerable to control spells like Hold Monster, Otto's Irresistible Dance.
- Telling Raphael you will not take his deal earns you approval from all companions.
- If True Soul Gut locks you up in the Shattered Sanctum, but you are unable to pass both checks to release the chains. An assassin sent by Raphael will take care of her and her bodyguard. She will free you afterwards.
- Raphael has a numerous possible spawn locations in Act 1.
- If you managed somehow avoid EVERY AND ALL spawn locations, then he will spawn at camp.
- A cambion was generally described as any humanoid creature that was half-fiend.
- Grants 1400 experience when killed.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So is it Wes Johnson or not? I played this game months ago and it out of nowhere struck me now, couldnt catch it before...
- Anonymous
If choose [4.Then fix it - or die at my hand.], Gale will approve.
- Anonymous
With the latest patch he seems to break CC spells way more often with saving throws. No more keeping him indefinitely locked down with Otto's Dance.
What did work for me were ice spells. A mage equipped with Winter's Clutches, Coldbrim Hat, Mourning Frost and Snowburst Ring using Ice Wall and spamming Ray of Frost kept him near permanently encrusted with frost and chilled status, I had another character concentrating Sleet Storm and he kept getting knocked prone so my other characters could pelt him with arrows.
- Anonymous
It’s so bleak that they called his Disney villain song “Raphael’s Final Act” :(
- Anonymous
how to farm approval in camp? since I can only get Approval for Karlach, Wyll and Astarion, when calling him mad
- Anonymous
You only need one turn of Hold Monster to nuke him into the group.
Ain't nothing surviving 9+ attacks from a thrown Spear and weakness to piercing crits!
- Anonymous
I want him carnally. haarlep isn't enough I want the man himself.
- Anonymous
Funny enough, he has more Health and AC than Zariel's 5e Statblock. Though way lower stats.
- Anonymous
i know you can mess w/ haarlep but i want to romance raphael so bad pleeaase
- Anonymous
So, I had kept the runepowder bomb instead of using in the foundry because I felt like killing a big robot (and getting a nasty bow to boot), thinking I'd get a good occasion to use it. This was IT !
Turn one, cast globe of invulnerability, throw the bomb at the feet of Raphael, and light the fuse with a crossbow shot. It made for nice fireworks. Only Korilla died outright, but the didn't like it. A few turn of CCing Mister devil, and this fight was a breeze. Even used Hope's Divine intervention before the end to replenish the few spells I used.
Tactician mode ain't hard enough, I say.
- Anonymous
He now has Inevitable Resolve. He can be controlled or incapacitated for only 1 turn.
Still, he has only 16 WIS so you still can CC and focus him.
- Anonymous
Highly recommend bringing Halsin for this fight. Air myrmidon form makes the fight absurdly easy. Assuming you destroy all the soul pillars to reduce his saves, you have 3 opportunities every turn to stun him. And if you stun him, it's game over he never gets the opportunity to go into the ascended demon form. Also high recommend bring the blood of lathander to permanently blind him for the whole fight. Finally, Hope is the most busted healer in the game, idk what the hell passive they gave her but she consistently heals you for like 60 hitpoints with 6th level healing word. Also her guiding bolt can trigger raphael's radiant damage stun move with no adverse effect for some reason. Makes it easier to got to town with a Paladin.
- Anonymous
Everytime he shapehisfts into a demon he gets 4 extra souls for his spells even when all pillars are long gone, makes me wonder why i bothered with them in the first place if he just gets an infinite lvl 6 fireballs that cant be avoided
- Anonymous
The mouse smiled brightly, it outfoxed the cat /
Then down came the claw, and that, love, was that
- Anonymous
if you land planar binding on him, you can cast feign death on him before his next turn is over and it'll skip his turn 10 times.
- Anonymous
As of the latest patch and time of this comment - His wisdom has been bumped, so he's no longer hard countered by Wis save spells. Additionally, you can no longer gain mass approval if you meet him in camp - when or if you speak/attack him which triggers the dialogue, only the selected character gets teleported to the House of Hope for the dialogue. Has been this way for a little while now. Additionally... while not intended in the slightest by Larian - if you can miraculously pull of a Flesh to Stone(absolutely progression breaking) spell on him which does not trigger combat or his dialogue - he will vanish from your camp and NOT reappear even after Long Resting, reloading(from the point where you stoned him), or going to any of his normal spawn locations. I do not know if there are consequences for Act 2 and onwards. Guess I'll find out. My bet is he will appear in Act 2 as normal. You can also choose simply to NOT speak with him and Long Rest normally, where he will remain in camp until an event is resolved; Talking, Attacking(which leads to talking), Flesh to Stone etc...
- Anonymous
is Infernal retribution a new feature? cannot find it in D&D playerhandbook, i want to build this npc in my campaign
- Anonymous
If you ignore him and go for the food, you get 6 food items after he sends you back.
- Anonymous
It was so good to curbstomp the loudmouthed know-it-all smartass on his own turf.
- Anonymous
He really needs legendary resistance, or something similiar against being easily cheesed for the whole fight by WIS-checking hard disables.
- Anonymous
He spawned at Last Light Inn and was playing chess with Mol.
- Anonymous
If you have Us (the lobotomized cat), you can drain his intellect very easily and stunlock him. Also dunno if planar binding works, his save worked against mine. -mofogie
- Anonymous
spawned just as I entered the Shattered Sanctum through the cracked wall
- Anonymous
waited all game to kill this bastard, he can makes all the deals he wants... with death.
- Anonymous
I can't pick up Raphael's "dairy" because I'm lactose intolerant. Sad.
- Anonymous
Confusion has alot of value in this fight since all the enemies tend to group together, plus you get to see Raphael punch his own servants since apparently he doesn't wield a weapon.
- Anonymous
Raphael only pretends to be a cambion, to make you think he's lesser than he is, not sure what his actual demonic race is.
- Anonymous
he spawns in camp if you go directly to mountain pass same with withers
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Blood of Lathander's blind (on Shadowheart in my playthrough) came in clutch on this fight. I went into it not knowing about any of the mechanics at level 11 and would have lost on the first turn if not for Hope's Divine Intervention and Shadowheart keeping him blinded the entire fight. Didn't kill any pillars either, but none of his spells hit after he nearly wiped my party turn one.
- Anonymous
Hold Monster or Phantasmal Killer + Silence makes this a very easy fight. Cool BGM though.
- Anonymous
Since full release, I've had him exclusively appear at the top of the little mountain where the Harper Cache is located with the spider bag.
- Anonymous
for the fight: I recommend giving everyone on the party elixirs of universal resistance before beginning combat, the enemy has high initiative and will obliterate your squishies (at best) otherwise. the cambions tend to rush in after their scorching rays, so you want big AOEs. I had Shadowheart use Moonmote until her concentration was broken, then switched to Silence centered on Raphael; Gale set up with evard's black tentacles and then use cone of cold or ice storm. It's rather hidden, but Hope has a Banish cantrip that uses a 5th level spell slot, it is guaranteed to hit and can take the big fiend out of the fight instantly and permanently, or if anyone else besides Raphael is bugging you, you get two uses of it. (maybe use one on her sister?) try to leave one pillar standing right before you alpha strike the rest of Raphael's hp or else he can use multiattack. pillars are extremely weak to bludgeoning and force, so eldritch blast / magic missile will knock them down quickly. the hammer is an unremarkable weapon but if its your only bludgeoning option it will do. Gale is an aggro magnet with nothing better to do with his bonus actions so make sure he has plenty of healing potions.
- Anonymous
I hope someone makes a mod where he turns into Raph from TMNT instead of a cambion.
- Anonymous
Spoiler: Actt 3- Killed Raphael inn tthe House of Hope very easy with Hold Monster scroll for 10 turns, had time to deal with everything else that spawned and killed the pillars, Siilence/AoE everything else down.
- Anonymous
Yes Raphael shows up in the Goblin Camp Sanctified Temple when I climbed to the top overlooking where Priestess Gut brands goblins. AFTER I was saved from her by his "Employee"
- Anonymous
Raphael shows up for me more often than not on the watch tower rise near the druid grove. The little cliff side to the left as your heading towards the goblin camp, you jump onto a ledge and climb up a rock wall, then a ladder.
- Anonymous
Can't Kill Raphael in act 1 goes from 666 to 0 HP then becomes 0 HP and will appear at every singel Rapheal Spawn location without dialogue till The Crypt In ShadowLands
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
in my save raphael shows up next to the druid grove where is skeleton with guidance cantrip rusty necklace
- Anonymous
just killed raphael on sharess. I don't think I was supposed to do that
I also ran into Raphael inside the castle at Goblin Camp. I was up in the rafters above the main room.
- Anonymous
Can confirm that he does show up in the goblin camp. Like previous poster, it was up in the rafters. It was after getting saved and messing around .
- Anonymous
interacted with me in goblin camp up in the rafters, came in through the weak wall
- Anonymous
act III spoilers: you can steal everything in his vault and the pendant/gloves in the archives without having raphael called to the house of hope, you can also leave and long rest and come back, you can leave smokepowder barels/satchels or other explosives around the pillars and set them off when the fight starts. you can go down and clear out the prison hope is in without bringing in rapheal, so you can clear it rest and come back (with the hammer). you dont have to clear all the devils in the feast hall, they wont come into the boss fight so 3 party members can rush in while the other gets hope then dimension doors right to the arena. hope can cast divine intervention so would recommend. the biggest tip is to abuse the fountain in the boudoir, it gives spell slots back but doesnt act as a long rest, so use all the buffs you can and summon everything you can and use the fountain.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Most VA in the game is pretty good but this dude is next level.
(ACT III SPOILER) there's a pretty funny interaction with him should you refuse to hand the crown gems to the Emperor in the astral plane - he shows up offering his deal and explaining all the terrible things that will happen should you refuse, and you can be like 'nah it's gonna be beautiful and maybe I can finally get some rest then' which results in the game prematurely ending lol.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Raphael appeared to me on the destroyed bridge on the goblin settlement
- Anonymous
Raph Showed up for me around the infamous bugbear / lady-shrek **** shed. first playthrough so this scene was something.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Raphael appeared at the goblin camp for me, inside the big main building
- Anonymous
Raphael did not appear at my camp, but rather suddenly appeared behind me as I was exploring the Selune place in the Underdark
- Anonymous
He is annoyingly hot....