
Fiend level 5
cambion npcs baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 300px


hp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideHealth: 82
armorp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAC: 18
movement speed icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBase Speed: 9m

Location: Nautiloid

Cambion is an Enemy in Baldur's Gate 3. In BG3, each type of Enemy has different attacks, resistances, and immunities.  Players must defeat Enemies to advance Quests, earn experience or obtain loot.


Cambion general information

race icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideRace: Fiend
hp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideHealth: 82
armorp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAC: 18
movement speed icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBase speed: 9m
size icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideSize: Medium
weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideWeight: 50kg
attitude icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAttitude: 0



Cambion abilities

strength ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxStrength: 18
dexterity ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxDexterity: 18
constitution ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxConstitution: 16
intelligence ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxIntelligence: 14
wisdom ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxWisdom: 12
charisma ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxCharisma: 16

  • Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Initiative: +4


Cambion Resistances

damage slashing icon bg3 wiki guideSlashing: Resistant
damage piercing icon bg3 wiki guidePiercing: Resistant
damage blunt icoin bg3 wiki guideBludgeoning: Resistant
damage fire icon bg3 wiki guideFire: Resistant
damage lightning icon bg3 wiki guideLightning: Resistant
damage cold icon bg3 wiki guideCold: Resistant
damage poison icon bg3 wiki guidePoison: Resistant


Cambion Attacks, Spells & Features


Cambion Rewards


Cambion Notes & Tips

  • Wyll gets a cambion level 10 after Moonrise Towers


All Enemies in Baldur's Gate 3
Air Elemental  ♦  Ancient Mud Mephit  ♦  Anders (Enemy)  ♦  Andorn  ♦  Animated Armour  ♦  Arcane Turret  ♦  Artimetz  ♦  Auntie Ethel (Enemy)  ♦  Azer  ♦  Bao'ek'nuk  ♦  Barton  ♦  Bloated Hyena  ♦  Brakkal  ♦  Brawler Brek  ♦  Brawler Gresh  ♦  Brawler Gurd  ♦  Brawler Rot  ♦  Brawler Tiny  ♦  Buthir  ♦  Buthir (Enemy)  ♦  Captured Thrall  ♦  Captured Thrall (Caster)  ♦  Cazador Szarr  ♦  Cefrey  ♦  Ch'r'ai Har'rak  ♦  Charismatic Sentinel  ♦  Chock (Enemy)  ♦  Chult Alioramus  ♦  Cloaker  ♦  Commander Zhalk  ♦  Cursed Imp  ♦  Cursed Skull  ♦  Cyrel (Enemy)  ♦  D'hak  ♦  Daddy  ♦  Death Shepherd  ♦  Devout Mezzka  ♦  Displacer Beast  ♦  Doggy  ♦  Doppelganger  ♦  Drider  ♦  Dror Ragzlin (Enemy)  ♦  Entombed Scribe  ♦  Entombed Warrior  ♦  Ettercap  ♦  Fank (Enemy)  ♦  Fetid Ooze  ♦  Fist of Bane  ♦  Flind (Enemy)  ♦  Gandrel (Enemy)  ♦  Gate Master Ri'zel  ♦  Gate Master Zyrlak  ♦  Ghast  ♦  Ghoul  ♦  Gilded Imp  ♦  Gilded Minotaur  ♦  Gimblebock  ♦  Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu  ♦  Gnoll Flesh Gnawer  ♦  Gnoll Hunter  ♦  Goblin Brawler  ♦  Goblin Sharp-eye  ♦  Goblin Warrior  ♦  Gremishka  ♦  Grukkoh  ♦  Grukkoh (enemy)  ♦  Grym  ♦  Guard Gurgon  ♦  Harpy  ♦  Haseid  ♦  Hellsboar  ♦  Hollow Armour  ♦  Hook Horror  ♦  Hyena  ♦  Imp  ♦  Intellect Devourer  ♦  Intellect Glutton  ♦  Intelligent Sentinel  ♦  Justiciar Avenger  ♦  Justiciar Crusader  ♦  Justiciar Soulhunter  ♦  Karlach (Enemy)  ♦  Klaw  ♦  Kobold  ♦  Kressa Bonedaughter  ♦  Krolla (Enemy)  ♦  Large Giant Spider  ♦  Larger Giant Spider  ♦  Lava Elemental  ♦  Lesser Hellsboar  ♦  Lesser Imp  ♦  Lookout Grush  ♦  Lump the Enlightened (Enemy)  ♦  Magma Mephit  ♦  Mari  ♦  Mask of Regret  ♦  Mask of Servitude  ♦  Mask of Terror  ♦  Mask of Vengeance  ♦  Meenlock  ♦  Merregon Legionnaire  ♦  Mimic  ♦  Minotaur  ♦  Mummy  ♦  Necromite  ♦  Neothelid  ♦  Nessa  ♦  Newborn Gnoll  ♦  Novice Bolt  ♦  Novice Clack  ♦  Novice Crusher (Enemy)  ♦  Novice Cry  ♦  Novice Gnat  ♦  Novice Greez  ♦  Novice Huk  ♦  Novice Kagran  ♦  Novice Mrak  ♦  Novice Muzul  ♦  Novice Narvass  ♦  Novice Roo  ♦  Novice Shekt  ♦  Novice Tozad  ♦  Ochre Jelly  ♦  Ogre Brute  ♦  Orc  ♦  Owlbear  ♦  Owlbear Cub  ♦  Phase Spider  ♦  Phase Spider Matriarch  ♦  Phase Spiderling  ♦  Polma  ♦  Poltergeist  ♦  Quelenna  ♦  Rage Queller  ♦  Raider G'r'ath  ♦  Reconstituted Duellist  ♦  Reconstituted Marksman  ♦  Redcap  ♦  Redcap Blood Sage  ♦  Rozzak  ♦  Rurik (Enemy)  ♦  Sapper Moke  ♦  Scrawny Bugbear  ♦  Shadow  ♦  Shadow Creeper  ♦  Shadow-Whiskers  ♦  Sharp-eye Aggy  ♦  Sharp-eye Azak  ♦  Sharp-Eye Breg  ♦  Sharp-eye Eef  ♦  Sharp-eye Gurza  ♦  Sharp-eye Mirg  ♦  Sharp-eye Nass  ♦  Sharp-eye Neem  ♦  Sharp-eye Zami  ♦  Skrut  ♦  Small Klaw  ♦  Smaller Giant Spider  ♦  Strangler Luke  ♦  Sword Spider  ♦  Taman  ♦  Tamia Holzt  ♦  Tecothy  ♦  That Which Guards  ♦  That Which Lurks  ♦  The Snapping of Strings  ♦  Torgga  ♦  Tracker Grikka  ♦  Tracker Kirz  ♦  Tracker Klagga  ♦  Tracker Puli  ♦  Tracker Rindle  ♦  Tracker Slice  ♦  Tracker Tak  ♦  Tracker Torrack  ♦  Tracker Worm  ♦  True Soul Gut (Enemy)  ♦  Trynn (Enemy)  ♦  Unnatural Blot  ♦  Veteran Gish Zhendila  ♦  Veteran Raider Ly'iss  ♦  Warlock Gurk  ♦  Warrior Bez  ♦  Warrior Sul  ♦  Warryn  ♦  Water Elemental  ♦  Weakened Mind Flayer  ♦  Winged Horror  ♦  Wood Woad  ♦  Worg  ♦  Young Mud Mephit  ♦  Zurga


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