Auntie Ethel

Sister of the Seeing Pearl

Level 5

auntie ethel bosses bg3 wiki guide 300px
Location Druid Grove
Sunlit Wetlands
Act Act 1 ;  Act 3
Quests Remove the Parasite
Save Mayrina 
Avenge the Hag Survivors
Save Vanra

Auntie Ethel is an Npc, Merchant and potential Boss in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). BG3 Auntie Ethel is a Hag and a powerful Fey creature. You can first meet her at The Hollow where you can trade some goods with her. Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players.


Where to find Auntie Ethel in BG3

Act 1

Act 3

  • The Blushing Mermaid - Basement

BG3 Auntie Ethel Quests


BG3 Auntie Ethel Dialogue Options

Druid Grove

You meet Auntie Ethel looking as an adorable elderly woman at the Druid Grove. The moment she sets eyes on you, she notices something is not right. If you talk to her about it, she tells you she can help you with your tadpole problem.

Certain Classes, such as Warlock or Sorcerer, can sense something strange about the old woman, but she will shrug it off by stating that she is only an old healer that knows about potions and lotions. She tells you that if you go meet her at her teahouse, she can probably remove the tadpole.

  1. I need help. I've been infected by a mind flayer parasite.
  2. What harm? Show me your wares,
  3. Nothing for now. 

Choosing option 1 and asking for help with give you Astarion's approval, but Shadowheart will disapprove. Ethel will then mention something she has at home. 

  1. Such as?
  2. My time could be running short. I can't afford to spend it paying you a house visit. 
  3. [WARLOCK] There is something strange about you. 

Proceeding with the exclusive Warlock option will give you three more Warlock responses.

At the Druid Grove, you can also trade with Auntie Ethel, this is what she has at her disposal:


Sunlit Wetlands

You meet Auntie Ethel again at the entrance of the Sunlit Wetlands. This time, she is being threatened by two young men, Demir and Johl, who accuse her of being responsible for the disappearance of their sister Mayrina. As you enter the scene, you can:

  • Side with the Brothers: If you do this, Auntie Ethel will vanish and head into her teahouse, you can talk to the brothers who, if offered help, will refuse it and proceed to search for their sister on their own. This leads to their death.
  • Don't get involved: Auntie Ethel will admonish you for not coming to her aid before killing both brothers with magic. She then teleports to her teahouse as above.
  • If you side with Auntie Ethel, the brothers will attack you immediately.

Your first options are the following: 

  1. How about you all just calm down. What's going on here? 
  2. Lower your weapon, I know this lady. 
  3. This is nothing to do with me. Goodbye. 

Auntie Ethel will soon disappear and you will be left with Johl and Demir who ponder about what to do next and how to find their sister.

  1. Let me - I'll bring Mayrina home.
  2. you're on your own. I have enough problems. 
  3. I'm sorry. I wish you luck in finding her. 

If you volunteer to help them by picking the first dialogue option Gale, Wyll, and Karlach will approval and both Lae'zel and Shadowheart will disapprove, and they will still decline your help. This will still progress through the quest: Save Mayrina

Once you reach the teahouse, no matter your choice, you will find Auntie Ethel once more. She has Mayrina captive, and is forcing her to finish her food, because the young girl is pregnant. As you enter her house, depending on how was your last interaction with the old woman, she will greet you differently.

  • You can ask her about Mayrina. This won't be tolerated by Auntie Ethel who will threaten you to stay out of her business. If you insist or tell Mayrina that her brothers are dead, Auntie Ethel will teleport her and then transform herself into her real form, to then disappear behind the furnace, leading to her secret lair. The next time you find her, will be for the last time.
  • If you stay out of Mayrina, and ask about the tadpole-removal procedure. She will offer you a deal for one of your eyes. All your Companions will disagree to this. If you pay no mind to their warnings and decide to accept the procedure, you will lose your eye, but the parasite won't be removed. Auntie Ethel states that the parasite has been tampered with, and it reeks of filthy magic, so she won't touch it. She, however, states that her part of the deal was kept, so your eye is hers. You earn the Paid the Price debuff. 

When she transforms into a Hag for the first time, and attempts to flee, if your party is well-prepared and does enough burst damage, you can take her down before she manages to do so. This change some things that occur inside her lair. For example, poison clouds, disappear. The four people with the masks on are no longer aggressive, and can be talked to. You can even save one of them. 

If you get her health low enough in her lair, she will offer you a deal. In which you can decide what to do, she offers a permanent + 1 to any of your stats. In return, you can't kill her and she gets to leave with Mayrina. But with a high enough skill check, you can get the stat boost and even save the girl too. 

Both have an extremely high DC check for (Intimidation) and (Deceit)


The Blushing Mermaid - Basement

Before entering, it is recommended to go to Old Garlow’s Place first, in order to receive the recipe of Hag's bane, should you wish to complete the Save Vanra quest. (recommended as the quest rewards include a legendary rapier and a very rare amulet)

As soon as you enter, jump upto the platform with gold (5), and hopefully one of your party members succeeds a check to reveal that the wall on the left is an illusion. Go into the now revealed room, and unlock the door to see a bunch of people controlled by Auntie's masks yet again, including the captain.

After defeating all the people controlled by Auntie outside, go to the room through a door with traps nearby that also casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on whoever opens it.

Optionally you can sneak past the guards and through the door. Be wary, because at the start of the fight Ethel will summon her henchmen. If you manage to kill Ethel without killing the controlled pirates, the ones surviving will be freed.

Once inside, no one is there, but if you go near a self-healing mushroom (white mushrooms that glow called Pearlspore Bell) and then go into turn-based mode (to prevent them from self-healing before you can destroy them) and destroy one of these mushrooms. This will cause Auntie Ethel to appear. After dialogue with her, a combat will initiate.

You can throw Hag's bane on Aunt Ethel to save Vanra.

BG3 Auntie Ethel Boss Guide

Auntie Ethel Boss Tips

When you fight Auntie Ethel on her lair, she casts three copies of herself. Only one is real, the other three are illusions. You can dispel them by hitting them with any attack. Keep in mind, that while active, these illusions can damage you. The real Ethel also has different stats and status effects, usually with more status and stronger stats than a normal human.

Magic Missile is a good spell to attack many copies at the same time. Using Witch Bolt is also extremely useful before she creates the clones. It allows you to stay "connected" to the real hag.

Defeating Auntie Ethel At The Treehouse

It is possible to defeat Auntie Ethel at the treehouse through some deliberations, as long as she is still at the treehouse in her human form. In order to be able to see her during combat, you need to cast See Invisibility on one of the party members, and to prevent Ethel from escaping to her lair, you need to have one of the party members to ungroup and then attack Ethel to aggro her (this marks her and the two Redcaps as "Temporarily Hostile"), switch to another party member during the first turn and then cast Arcane Lock to seal off  the Wooden Stairs (which lasts for 10 turns) while placing Smokepowder Barrels next to the stairs. Alternatively, you can throw a backpack (which has only 4HP) containing the barrels, which breaks and scatters the barrels upon impact.

During Ethel's turn, she would teleport to the Wooden Stairs' location and try to unlock the Wooden Stairs for approximately 13 times, but due to Arcane Lock's spell effect, the exit wouldn't be opened until the spell effect goes off. As for the Redcaps, they could be dealt with by the ungrouped member who aggroed Ethel.

In your next turn, where the Arcane Lock's effect would have less than 2-3 turns left, you need to finish off Ethel within this turn, otherwise she would make an escape to her lair. You can then place more Smokepowders Barrels next to Ethel and then detonate the barrels from a distance with ranged weapons or spells. With at least 8 Smokepowder Barrels, the explosion would deplete 60-80% of Ethel's health, while severely injuring the party members near Ethel due to the explosion, but the ungrouped party member can revive the downed party members after the battle. After the explosion, you can finish off Ethel before ending your turn.

Auntie Ethel General Information

race icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideRace: Fey
hp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideHealth: 112
armorp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAC: 15
movement speed icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBase speed: 9m
size icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideSize: Medium
weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideWeight: 50kg
attitude icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAttitude: 0

Auntie Ethel Passive Features

Fey Life:

  • Makes it easier for the wearer to succeed on Death Saving Throws.

attack of opportunity reaction bg3 wiki guide 45pxAttack of Opportunity:

  • Automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach. This uses a Reaction. 

darkvision spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2Darkvision:

  • You can see in the dark up to 12m.

Auntie Ethel Abilities

strength ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxStrength: 18
dexterity ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxDexterity: 14
constitution ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxConstitution: 16
intelligence ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxIntelligence: 13
wisdom ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxWisdom: 14
charisma ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxCharisma: 18

  • Proficiency Bonus: +3
  • Initiative: +2

Attacks & Spells

Auntie Ethel Resistances

damage slashing icon bg3 wiki guideSlashing: Normal
damage piercing icon bg3 wiki guidePiercing: Normal
damage blunt icoin bg3 wiki guideBludgeoning: Normal
damage fire icon bg3 wiki guideFire: Normal
damage lightning icon bg3 wiki guideLightning: Normal
damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guidePsychic: Normal
damage poison icon bg3 wiki guidePoison: Normal

Auntie Ethel Rewards


Notes and Tips

  • Notes and tips go here
  • Auntie Ethel sells Potion of Flying.
  • You can cast Speak with Dead on her body, she will reveal a few interesting things.
  • Keeping Ethel's Corpse, after one long rest it will be replaced with the Potion which poisons.
  • Item Id for the Hag's Hair +1 Attribute
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Wisdom"
      UUID: "de2c9582-fab5-4d5e-9a81-44d67af6a681"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Strength"
      UUID: "8f6b0c08-d1b1-4ae7-ade2-da3c679ce323"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Constitution"
      UUID: "d16922ba-a36b-4015-8072-27610821fb53"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Dexterity"
      UUID: "7e3afbf6-4e1a-444e-826d-f8e0e0a8308f"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Intelligence"
      UUID: "9abbab89-d29f-47c0-9ffe-f12018dd83d9"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Charisma"
      UUID: "eec5de82-c988-40e6-8f10-474d5675c5


All Bosses in Baldur's Gate 3
Ansur (Boss)  ♦  Apostle of Myrkul  ♦  Balthazar  ♦  Bulette  ♦  Ch'r'ai Tska'an  ♦  Ch'r'ai W'wargaz (Boss)  ♦  Disciple Z'rell  ♦  Dominated Red Dragon  ♦  Dror Ragzlin  ♦  Emperor  ♦  Filro the Forgotten  ♦  Flaming Fist Marcus  ♦  Gerringothe Thorm  ♦  Halsin (Boss)  ♦  He Who Was  ♦  Kagha  ♦  Ketheric Thorm (Boss)  ♦  Lord Enver Gortash (Boss)  ♦  Lorroakan (Boss)  ♦  Malus Thorm  ♦  Minthara  ♦  Minthara (Boss)  ♦  Netherbrain (Boss)  ♦  Orin the Red (Boss)  ♦  Phase Spider Matriarch  ♦  Ptaris  ♦  Sarevok  ♦  Spectator  ♦  Steel Watch Titan  ♦  The Warden  ♦  Thisobald Thorm  ♦  True Soul Gut  ♦  Warrior Puce


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    • Anonymous

      Act 3 fight, you have to destroy 3 mushrooms in order to permanently kill Ethel. Once you destroy one she appears, so you either have to use barrelmancy to set up the others for a quick boom, kill them during the fight (like after non-lethal smooshing Ethel), or get creative. So here's a creative option.

      If you've been sneaking scrolls from merchant inventories and have Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, you can set up some timed explosions so that you can unleash the boom without having to take any actions. I use 3 per shroom patch, leaving 7 turns to beat feet, but you still have to cast 3 of them without Ethel spotting you. So after the first batch went boom with a fireball trigger (I looked around the room and found 2 others. Horrible memory was fixated on just the one in the hole) I noticed that Ethel was facing away from the other 2. Easy peasy.

      Go back to camp with your scrollmonger, switch to turn-based mode and create 3 spheres (maybe grab some smokepowder bombs for good measure. To be safe), down a potion of invisibility and hide (there's a corner near Aylin where nothing will ruin your sneakiness), quickly exit TBM and return to her lair. TBM again, drop the boom next to the shrooms, then run behind her to the next bunch and repeat. You don't need to take any actions, just drop and run. After the dust settles let her have it.

      • Anonymous

        Important information I leaerned the hard way: while silence is a very useful tool for the fight, as far as I can tell she will not initiate a conversation with you if she is low hp enough, because she can't speak, meaning she will just punch you and not offer the truce she usually does then. I just lost the free +1 attribute because I didn't realize that was a thing.

        • Anonymous

          idk if it's a bug or not, but the game told me which clone was the real Ethel just by double-clicking on her turn-order icon during combat. Like the game panned the camera over to the real Ethel clone. My game sometimes lets me do this when fighting invisible enemies, but not all the time.

          • Anonymous

            Easiest way to spot which Auntie is the correct one:
            Right click - Examine
            The real one wears red garb while the illusions wear blue. Same with Mayrina. If its the transformed hag she has a flat belly while Mayrina actually has a bloated belly due to her eating so much.

            • Anonymous

              Great strategy for dealing with her illusory clones: witch bolt. As long as you maintain concentration, when she splits and creates the illusions, the witch bolt always stays tethered to the real Auntie Ethel. No more guessing which one is real.

              • Jan 2024 - Auntie Ethel still bugged and just stands there skipping turns. I even got a reply to my bug report email saying that the bug should be fixed now. It's not. wtf Larian, can't move on to Act 2 shadowlands till they fix her cuz I hear she's a good fight and I want to experience that.

                • Anonymous

                  This game has a lot of fantastic little details. If you lock-down the hag with silence, it will not trigger her deal dialog. I was using sussur weapons when i noticed this. After switching to everburn, it triggered as intended. Non-lethal damage was used throughout the fight.

                  • Anonymous

                    These BG3 tutorials are some real bullsh*t. It explains nothing about putting on the mask and then how to get it off so that your main character doesn't attack your party. Fextralife shouldn't be putting up tutorials if they don't know all of the options on how to play this game.

                    • Anonymous

                      Today I tried sneaking past the minions instead of fighting them. Ethel will teleport them into the boss room at the beginning of the fight. If you take Ethel's deal, she will TP out but the minions will stay and remain hostile

                      • Anonymous

                        Honor Mode: She gets a legendary reaction. When someone casts a spell, she can USE A REACTION to create clones of herself up to the spell level +1. It's only available once per turn, but the clones can cast hold person and cast ray of sickness.
                        Tip: Stab her to death, let casters default to throwing potions. The clones can be killed in one hit, so try to clear them immediately if you do need to use spells.

                        • Anonymous

                          man i was way to overleveled for this fight because i feared the hag vision debuff, so when i finally come knocking on her door lvl 6 , i find to my amusement I can just teleport to her with misty step and just chuck her off the cliff with thunderwave.

                          • Anonymous

                            I killed her easy by putting explosive barels all over her house took some time but if 4/5 barrels explode next to her and with a couple good hits its over

                            • Anonymous

                              To those having trouble keeping her alive for the chance of hair, toggle non-lethal attacks in order to avoid accidentally killing her.

                              • Anonymous

                                My Karlach one shotted her last quarter of hp and didn't get the option for a surrender, i wish they change it to make it happen no matter what.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I just cheesed the hell out of this fight by turning on Subdual damage and Sneak Attacking her. I think that she has a much lower HP pool while she's still in her human form, because I KO'd her in one hit. Then I was able to just surround her and beat her with everybody until she was dead, she didn't even wake up to fight back.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    spoiler: spoiler dont read further if you wanna avoid spoiler and are just here for help for her fight

                                    i know you can get her as an ally in the last fight how do you do it ? im close to act 3 on 2 playthrough one where i killed her and 1 where i didnt

                                    when having her as an ally what are her abillitys ?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      If you don't have easy access to Magic Missile, Void bulbs from the Nautiloid make for effective weapons against Ethel's clones, as they have a fairly large AoE and their 1 damage is enough to dispel them.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        You can kill Auntie Ethel in the back part of the gnarled tea house. She’ll reveal her true form and disappear behind the fireplace/hallway after receiving enough damage but you can have your party immediately jump/misty step their way to her level right after and finish her off

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Tested with a friend on Tactician, there is a way to both Kill Auntie Ethel in Act 1 and get the +1 Boon to a stat. You'll need a character who can dish out 10-20 damage in a single hit (or savescum for a critical), a few barrels of Smoke Powder, an Elixer of Vigilance on a character with at least 16 Dex (or a character with the alert feat) and a fire arrow (for the easy win).

                                          Step one is to get through her lair; a rouge with Protection from Good and Evil cast on them while wearing the Wooden Mask can do this easily. Sneak past the combat encounter with Auntie Ethel to activate the Mushroom circle that functions as the back exit to the lair.

                                          Step two is to move the rest of the party through that back exit and into place next to the switch that lowers the cage Mayrina is in. Auntie Ethel's sight lines don't actually reach next to the switch, but you'll have to jump over a small gap to get there.

                                          Step three, and this is the important one, is to have your high damage character leave the lair through the mushrooms and wait outside. I can't stress this enough, they need to be outside of the lair map and back in the overworld map.

                                          Step four is to get Auntie Ethel's HP as low as you can get it without killing her. The closer to death you get it, the easier the last step will be. You can do this either by fighting her normally or by using the Smoke Powder Barrels and some clever movement to put them right next to her invisible form. Don't detonate them out of combat, walk into her sight-line to correctly start the encounter and then detonate them. If done correctly (and you don't outright kill her) she should immediately surrender on her turn.

                                          Step five, the final step. Once you've gotten the Hag Scalp (and Mayrina's freedom if you want that) switch off of the character speaking with Auntie Ethel and to your character outside of the map. They shouldn't be engaged in the conversation, and can sneakily walk in. Then walk right up to Auntie Ethel and downsmash while she is distracted by the conversation. You only get a single attack, but if you do it right she'll die and the quest will complete as if you didn't accept her surrender.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            In the 2nd Auntie Ethel fight in Act 3, if you use the orb on her that you find under Moonrise Tower, in the Illithid Nest during the end of Act 2, she will end the fight prematurely. The next time you rest, she will be in your camp and you can speak to her. Pass two speech checks, and she will join your party as a companion.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              If you don't kill Ethel (level 5), you are essentially giving up: 150XP per party member + items worth > 2,000 (subtract what you might have pickpocketed earlier) + she retains the same control of everything and everyone (including a petrified deceived dwarf).

                                              That's a very hefty cost of getting a +1 bonus for a player party of up to level 4 (if you have reached a level > 5, then 2,000 gold or 150XP is no longer a big deal).

                                              BTW, If you push/shovel her into the chasm, other than 150XP, your party gets nothing else.

                                              Also, if your party has reached level 5+ when facing Ethel (only a level 5 petty hag), the combat is no longer a challenge - even in Tactician mode. However, one big challenge (if you like this kind of things in this kind of games) remains: Can your party detect ALL the traps (DC = 15+) && also disarm ALL of them (DC = either 10 or 30) - in the water outsider as well as inside her lair? It's very difficult (in-game retry is okay as that's a must, but just don't save & reload).

                                              • Anonymous

                                                It's worth noting that Auntie Ethel has special dialogue if you prevent the brothers from reaching her house without killing them - such as by knocking them out just before they run off.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I was able to stun-lock the Hag with the weapon you forge from Sussur bark.
                                                  Hit her in human form with non-lethal damage/Sussur Greatsword, and she just remained unconscious in hag form on the ground. It let me just poke her dead with cantrips

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    It relies on a bit of luck, but if you land a damage over time effect on her, such as Wyvern Poison, then get her health low enough to trigger the bargain, you can get the hair from her and then she’ll die off screen after teleporting away. You’ll get all the exp from it and be able to free her victims while still getting the hair.
                                                    Unfortunately you can’t loot her corpse.

                                                    • UUIDs:

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Strength_d601db13-d63f-7b17-2a86-592d0cdb0a8b
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Strength_8f6b0c08-d1b1-4ae7-ade2-da3c679ce323

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Dexterity_5e1e7321-3f54-9378-a89a-bd97c772e822
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Dexterity_7e3afbf6-4e1a-444e-826d-f8e0e0a8308f

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Constitution_c574fe51-68cb-ce4a-8b70-349e079997ba
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Constitution_d16922ba-a36b-4015-8072-27610821fb53

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Intelligence_a52a7a01-2c92-4b94-7cd8-db997ca655b4
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Intelligence_9abbab89-d29f-47c0-9ffe-f12018dd83d9

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Wisdom_5e3d6bc8-300e-0f88-1c54-5ec99b085057
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Wisdom_de2c9582-fab5-4d5e-9a81-44d67af6a681

                                                      Item: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Charisma_24e71aff-c11c-455e-67c5-feefd6190780
                                                      Template: Quest_HAG_HagHair_Charisma_eec5de82-c988-40e6-8f10-474d5675c550

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        You can bait her human form with a cat or minor illusion towards the water chasm and push her to insta kill her. If you do all the masked people will be saved and you can talk to them. You can still save the girl and do revive the undead husband. No +1 hair tho.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          You can knock out the masked npcs after killing Ethel the first time; then take off their masks, long rest, and they'll be alive again without their masks. Their dialogue doesn't change however.

                                                          Easy combo to beat her with is grease and silence, then place your melee characters next to her. This combo bugs out her ai, and makes her use only melee attacks against you instead of running out of silence bubble to do hag shenanigans.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I readf a lot about this fight before going for it because it seemed too complex and prone to bugging, but in the end it was too straightforward. My main had the chance to hit her a couple of times with sword - we were lucky to guess the correct hag from the images she spawned - before Shadowheart one-shot her with a Guiding Bolt fat crit... No dialogue, no bargaining... I thought she was gonna stay with smth like 1 HP and we would haggle about rewards but nada. A bit anticllimactic. Spent 1/20 of the time I spent getting to the fight thru the traps and stuff

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I found an interesting way of dealing with the hag: On my journey I firstly came to Waukeen's Rest and found Zentharim Hideout. Venturing through their cave system I've found an illusion - a stone wall (close to the Zentharim Vault), behind which there was an elevator leading down to the Underdark. If you proceed downward and through the Underdark you will finaly reach an abandoned wizzard tower. At the backyard there is a single Sussur Tree and it has two blossoms. One is needed for the tower's generator, the other you can take with you. The blossom creates and anti-magic aura around the person that holds it. I used blossom's anti-magic power against the hag. After entering the teahouse I confronted her at once, telling Myrina that the hag killed her brothers (there is a body of one - you can use Speak with the Dead spell on him) and she will transform from human form to the real one and the fight will begin. However, she will be totaly harmless if the character that talked to her (in my case it was MC) holds the Sussur Blossom. She won't be able to turn invisible nor cast ANY spell. Basicly she just stands and takes the beating from your party.

                                                              Side notes:
                                                              1) when you first meet her at the Emerald Grove in the kitchen, you are able to pickpocket her and steal the Invisibility elixir from her. That also helps cause she won't be able to use it later (checked!)
                                                              2) if you have problems taking the blossom out of Underdark (it vanishes from inventory if player uses teleport feature straight from Underdark) try this way: send the blossom to the camp (via inventory), tele to the camp, take out the blossom from the chest and then teleport to the destination on surface.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                "Before entering, it is recommended to go to Old Garlow’s Place first, in order to receive the recipe of Hag's bane"
                                                                You don't need the hags bane. just turn on non-lethal attack to finish the hag and you can save Vanra

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  The Hag rolled a 1 on choosing someone to talk to in my playthrough.

                                                                  [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] : Girl, power, everything. OR I TURN YOUR SKULL INTO A PISSPOT.
                                                                  (+4 from STR, +3 Intimidation, 1d4 from guidance, Advantage for Barbarian)

                                                                  I laughed my ass off.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Additionally, if you manage to pick up Ethel's corpse after having killed her, it will be replaced after a Long Rest with a potion called something along the lines of a hag's gift. Consuming it, poisons you. Whether that is in your travelling chest, or your inventory. It's the only way to get it, and the only one of its kind. If you take the Hag's Deal, and she plops in a old eyeball, but are rude, she will give you a bone that effectively cast's all the enhance ability effects on you. Also, the only way to get it.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      You can bypass Ethel and the Brothers when they are arguing just outside of the swamp. To do so, go north, and look for a wooden bridge. Just past the bridge, you should be able to see into the swamp with a frog hopping around. Jump down both ledges, and congrats, you bypassed the fight. Now, if you succeed on seeing through the illusion and then double back to Ethel and the brothers, a new line of dialogue will open up, where it ultimately sides you with the brothers, but Ethel effectively... pouts. It's NOT possible to leave them fighting and go rescue Mayrina, as Ethel will spawn inside her home as soon as you get within 10 - 20ft of the doorway. Front or back - The brothers are treated as dead, and the dialogue option is not present in the conversation. You CAN Dimension Door Ethel if you make her an ally via Dominate Monster, and effectively ANY NPC for that matter. Doesn't have much use beyond some minor utility of positioning. Killing the Redcaps and disarming ALL the traps does not fix the brothers death state. The brothers WILL die if you offer to help them. The only way for them to LIVE and in the background at that, is to tell them to bugger off. Ranger option no longer lets them live, and counts as an offer to help, effectively killing them. You'll know if they are alive if the option to inquire about them comes up, AND Ethel says they are on a farm near baldurs gate. However, they have effectively despawned from the game and are not present even in Act 3.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Could not find the ID anywhere else:
                                                                        UUID: "de2c9582-fab5-4d5e-9a81-44d67af6a681"
                                                                        UUID: "8f6b0c08-d1b1-4ae7-ade2-da3c679ce323"
                                                                        UUID: "d16922ba-a36b-4015-8072-27610821fb53"
                                                                        UUID: "7e3afbf6-4e1a-444e-826d-f8e0e0a8308f"
                                                                        UUID: "9abbab89-d29f-47c0-9ffe-f12018dd83d9"
                                                                        UUID: "eec5de82-c988-40e6-8f10-474d5675c5

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          How to trivialize this fight: Kill she sheep on the way to her shack, to keep them from jumping you. When you first enter the shack, silence her during the dialogue, before she turns into her Hag form. This will stop her from being able to teleport Mayrina away. In the actual boss fight where she summons all her clones, if you hit each one with a magic arrow, they will dissipate. In my experience, it only took 1 hit each. I was able to take her out in 2 and a half rounds. First round took out the clones, second round downed her to 1/3 HP. Then I knocked her below 20% to trigger her dialogue in the next round.

                                                                          This was with an Open Palm Monk, Eldritch Knight Fighter, Tome Pact Warlock and Light Cleric, level 5. I used the Mourning Frost staff and Winter's Clutches gloves on my Monk, as well as Staff of Arcane Blessing on Shadowheart. Lae'zel was just built as a tank and Wyll was just a generic Eldritch Blast machine gun.

                                                                          • Several ways to determine which Ethel is the real one. 1. Faerie Fire the real one, it will persist when she makes copies. 2. When she transforms in to a copy of Mayrina the real Mayrina is visibly pregnant, the fake Mayrina(Ethel) will have a flat stomach. 3. Right-click and Examine the copies, the real Ethel will have the "Fey Life" passive, the copies will not. 4. When she goes invisible you can see the "Invisibility" text above her head and the camera will focus right on her.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Okay… so I just left emerald grove after trying to negotiate between the druids and the teifling and decided to go see Ethel before finding the guy who got ‘captured’ by the goblins. Long story short I ended up blasting her down the hole… as hilarious as it was, i cant loot her. So i re-loaded and decided to ‘bathe in her blood whilst i pray to my gods’, so I refused her offer for the hair but did the speak to undead spell and got the +1 is that the same + 1 i would get if i took her hair or what not? Or do i need to re-load again to get ***h? By the way my party is only level 3.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                i accidentally kicked her in a fault, but i don't know what she drops, so do i lost something important from her?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  You can kill her in her basement without the fight ever starting. If you throw a void bulb at the edge of the hole just west of the rotten bridge (the direction Mayrina is looking in her cage), it will suck the invisible auntie ethel right off the cliff.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    When she summons her clones, she turns invisible, however, you can use faerie fire to make it so she can't go invisible, meaning you can keep attacking her without interruption, outside of the clones who will still be summoned

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I accidentally knocked out AUNTIE ETHEL and then killed her, and when I went to loot her, she had over 1600 gold and a dozen magical items. I was extremely surprised by the amount of things I managed to get from her.

                                                                                      Then I entered the room and found several jars of potions. Can you tell me what their functions are?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Follow up to Ethel vanish: I also had a chest with ALL her unique potions in it. That, specifically seems to have vanished as well. Yes, I went back to a point where I did NOT long rest, and 100%, she was there, along with all those potions. Fascinating really, if not, marginally... annoying.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I... had something very interesting happen. I went through the process of killing her, looted her, did the whole of act 1, got to the Act 2 and all that bang... but what I did different was... I picked up her corpse, shoved it in my camp chest as a trophy of sorts... I also "recruited" Minthara in this way. No reason to leave a companion behind. When I went through a few long rests, what showed up in Ethel's place... was a potion called Boon of the Hag, and her corpse was nowhere to be found. Minthara was sitting pretty in the box, casually hanging out at camp. I. Have NEVER had this happen. Did anyone else get this item? Stats are as follows in the reply.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Killed the "sheep" on the way to her outhouse. Proceeded to drop her to 5 HP in one turn. Had an action left, but I wanted her hair. *Shrug*

                                                                                            I guess that's what happens when you pull up with a Level 5 One Eyed Warlock, Fighter, Berserker and Rogue.
                                                                                            Now, if only I could figure out where she disappeared to, so I could get the dialogue to get that delicious +1.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              spoilers fore the act 3 quest:

                                                                                              I found her up stairs, unconcious having eaten a child. i cut the child out which killed the hag. Her inventory is empty. The masks are still cursed as normal and she wont spawn in the basement. is this a bug or an alternate ending?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                If you kill her in act 3 AFTER you hit her with hags bane she will ALSO drop a super sick ring for wild magic sorcerers!

                                                                                                Ring of Feywild Sparks: Feywild Sparks - While your sorcerous Tides of Chaos feature is active, you will always trigger wild magic surge when casting spells.

                                                                                                If you love the chaos this is awesome! :D

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  the book you get from the safe says that you must kill the mushrooms with specifically fire in order to kill hags permanently...does anyone know if it makes a difference using fire in-game? i tried but it seems like the same outcome whether i use fire on mushrooms or not

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    How to fight her without Mayrina being jailed.
                                                                                                    Get to talk with Ethel at her house.
                                                                                                    Change to another character outside her house with a silence spell.
                                                                                                    Silence Ethel and Mayrina.
                                                                                                    Fight long enough for her to flee, Mayrina will stay.
                                                                                                    Go down the lair as always.
                                                                                                    Ethel will be invisible as always near the elevator button. silence her and get your melee/tank there with her.
                                                                                                    Fight her until she proposes a truce for the extra point accept it.
                                                                                                    Mayrina will be sitting at the house, talk to her and she will be free from ethel, get your reward and go to the coffin.
                                                                                                    Finish her quest as you wish.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      To break the game, just throw a mist next to the button (where the witch is invisible) go sneak up to the button and press it, the basket will go down and she will not have a dialogue, but you can enter the witch's room and get the items hehehe

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Does anyone know if she comes back later in the Story?
                                                                                                        or what not saving the elf/petrified dwarf/Halfling girl have as a consequence?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          If you were thinking you could combine tadpole elixir with her extraction to get rid of your brain hugger, you’re wrong :/

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Casting Silence just shuts her off. She doesn't spawn adds or anything she throws the fire item at the cage and then stands still in the silence.

                                                                                                            • Something I noticed. If you kill the hag and cast Speak with Dead without having looted her body first the narrator tells you of a charm that glows faintly. The hag is then very talkative as if she's not really dead; even commenting how she and Death are old friends.

                                                                                                              If you kill the hag, loot her, and THEN cast the spell afterwards; she speaks in a much more broken tone as if she's truly dead.

                                                                                                              • Hag = easy kill, sneak to the door on the north, have one guy stand on the door the wooden door for ranged attack and close it before your turn end. Hag won't open the door and cannot attack you.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Possible bug: The hag hair consumable item that gives you the +1 stat seems to disappear if you go into act 2, so use it before just to be safe. No hard confirmation since my quicksaves are long gone but I had it in my gith creche saves but not in my very first act 2 save which was the campfire before the act 2 entrance cutscene (through mountain path first, idk if the bug can be replicated if you go through the depths first).

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    If you push her down the hole in the middle it is instant kill.
                                                                                                                    And guess what? no loot nor chance for a bargain lol

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      I haven't confirmed this by testing (I'm much further ahead in the game by now), but it's possible the stat increase hair can get consumed when long resting and hitting 'auto select' for which supply items to use. In any case, it disappeared from my camp inventory at some point, so either be very deliberate of where you put it or use it ASAP.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        I recommend to let the hag live because she is the only merchant who sell Potion of Hill Giant Strength. You can just sneak in to her lair to loot of her item. You need to sneak untill you pass the illusion door the wearing the mask with Protection from Evil to walk in like your house.

                                                                                                                        P/s: Rina refuse to leave in till the hag is kill.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          OK so I've tested for like 4 hours and my sanities almost spent.

                                                                                                                          If you want "everything" and OCD min-max here's what you gotta do:

                                                                                                                          Pickpocket her when she's in her human form to get her loot, she won't leave a corpse with these tricks.
                                                                                                                          You can aggro her here or not, won't matter much just DO NOT KILL HER (I did in my first try and had to redo all this), just make sure she teleports down.
                                                                                                                          Cast (plenty of scrolls) Protection from evil on a character and put on a mask, then sneak past the masked folk through the waterfall to get a inspiration exp to charlatans (like the vamp). Then go back and murder them all except the dwarf-girl, knock her out. You can knock them all out to talk with them later but only the dwarfgirl matters.
                                                                                                                          Also do not unpetrify the stone-dwarf he'll die. You can talk to him after the hag is dead.

                                                                                                                          Now get down to the hag, keep 1 partymember outside the combat, hidden well out of sight of the arena (preferably behind a wall since the illusions might see anyone else)
                                                                                                                          Beat her down but DO NOT KILL HER, when she's around 20hp she'll engage a convo but only on her own turn so you might kill her before it.
                                                                                                                          Now threaten her in the convo, not every class gets the prompts but the berserker gets a good one so make sure the last character in combat-turn was someone who will be able to threaten or deceive. My wizard PC didn't get any prompts so I had to pass turns etc.

                                                                                                                          Now get all the convo rewards from her, then in the bottom-left of the screen press "Character selection" and get the character in stealth. Go and kill the hag. You'll get 150xp and possible 20exp+ more depending on some weird quest-prompts I can't figure out. Also DO NOT KNOCK OUT THE WHINING WANKER MOTHER it'll fail her quest.

                                                                                                                          When you kill the hag, she'll disappear leaving no corpse but you should already have pickpocked it. You'll get the exp, and you get to talk to the whiny mother and finish her quest with the wand behind the wooden door.

                                                                                                                          This way you will however miss out on talking to the hag corpse, but that's only fluff if I recall. After the hag is dead go and talk with the dwarf-female with mask and the petrified one.

                                                                                                                          Also there's a teleporter to the underdark during the trap section.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            I told her I was going to kill her, so she turned hostile and invisible, but I had See Invisibility active. She only had 6 HP, even in hag form, so I one-shot her before she was able to escape into her lair. I guess I skipped a hard boss fight, according to this wiki page

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              In the fight to save Mayrina and kill the hag have someone outside of combat (platform near door) and use ray of frost on the cage once its set on fire. If you are lucky the cage will not be destroyed and you can continue killing the hag.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                I highly recommend to everyone first try to kill the parasite with help from our Underdark friend, second receive an artificial eye, and last try this combo in deal with the hag, you will find it's game-changing

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Once the hag is dead, drink a speak with animals potion (or cast the spell) and speak to the frog outside of the hut, north of it at the end of the water. The frog will be happy and give you some loot, after you follow him.

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    Her masks remained agressive even after she died but running through mushroom portal in her lab subdued them and I could speak with them. Only Mask of Regret seemed sane though.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      When the cutscene starts playing you can swap to other character and sneak attack her before she can prepare. then you can repeat this while she summons her minions. Managed to do over 60 free damage to her while she was speaking. Cleric with Silence helped a lot in the fight.

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        You can save Mayrina's brothers by siding with Ethel during the argument, and then knocking out the brothers. Meet with Ethel and tell Maryrina that you have some bad news, next you'll have the option to say that her brothers attacked you and are unconscious. Maryrina will then cry out in hysteria saying that everyone is dead, Ethel will tell her that she's being dramatic. (My game bugged out and Maryrina once again cried out that everyone was dead in response.) This will go against Ethel's warning to you not to pry and initiate the hag fight.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          when the hag splits into the clones during the boss fight you can click examine on all of them and the real hag has 4 traits while the other clones only have 3

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            I messed up the story in my first playthrough by coming to the house from the Underdark. I went to the blighted village, climbed the well, defeated the spider, ventured through Underdark, killed the Observer and emerged in the circle behind her hut with hardly finishing any quest :/

                                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                              I didn't get to see her mechanics, I used eldritch blast twice and she landed in the chasm from the push back

                                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                4 boom barrels and fireball from my wizard on tactician got her to 7hp in 1 attack. just make sure to keep party members a good distance away. god i love boom barrels

                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                  It's actually possible to get the ability point/save Mayrina AND kill Ethel, but it's kinda hard:

                                                                                                                                                  1) Have one party member not participate in combat
                                                                                                                                                  2) Get Ethel HP low enough to trigger the dialogue
                                                                                                                                                  3) Intimidate to get both rewards
                                                                                                                                                  4) Switch asap to the not participating member (the button "Character select" on the bottom left)
                                                                                                                                                  5) Snipe her.
                                                                                                                                                  6) Profit.

                                                                                                                                                  The only problem is, you can't loot her body, it kinda vanishes like as if she fleed. The journal still registers that she finally died tho.

                                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                    I pushed her into the pit with Karlach. 10/10 would recommend, and losing the potential for a skill point.

                                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                      Another tactic is to drop some magical darkness on your party and peek out and shoot one of her copies then run back into the darkness until all the copies are dead. She and her copies can't see through magical darkness so she can't target you with her spells unless she goes inside the darkness too.

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