Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders

Type Quest
Act Act 3
Location Open Hand Temple
Reward Lower City Pass

Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders is a Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders can be acquired during Act 3. Completing Quests allows players to learn more about the world and characters in Baldur's Gate 3, as well as earning more loot and experience to become more powerful.


Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders Objectives

Gather information about the murders.
Find the Crime Scene
  • The corpse of Father Lorgan mentioned that he and Brilgor were murdered in a hidden tunnel beneath the Open Hand Temple - we can access it through the temple Crypt
Investigate the crime scene.
Find the lock to fit the Flower Key


Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders Walkthrough

Head over to the Open Hand Temple situated in Rivington at the coordinates X:-22 Y:-3. Engage in conversation with Novice Bramble, a member of the temple, which will initiate an update for a quest named "Help the Cursed Monk." She shares that the Crying One, an enigmatic figure associated with the temple, is grieving today due to the murder of Father Lorgan. In response, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Inquire about the details of the incident.
  2. Seek clarification about the identity of Father Logan.
  3. Express a somewhat dismissive attitude towards the matter.

Opt for the first choice, and Novice Bramble, overwhelmed by sorrow, refrains from sharing more. As you navigate towards the right side of the temple, you'll encounter two individuals engaged in a heated argument. Brother Bill asserts that allowing more outsiders into the temple will result in more deaths among Baldurians, while Brother Clements advocates for maintaining faith regardless of the origins of the people. You can interject with:

  1. Mentioning that you heard about Father Lorgan's murder.
  2. Offering condolences for the loss of their priest.
  3. Choosing to move away from the situation.

Select the first option to engage with the conversation. Brother Clements appreciates your concern, while Brother Bill reveals his belief that Father Lorgan's murder was committed by one of the individuals he was sheltering. In response to this revelation, you can offer your perspective:

  1. Suggesting that Father Lorgan's more selective choices might have saved him.
  2. Reflecting on how Brother Bill's god might view Father Lorgan's actions.
  3. Choosing to disengage from the discussion.

Brother Clements expresses gratitude for your presence and implores Brother Bill to be more compassionate.

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After welcoming you to explore the temple further, proceed to the central area where you'll encounter Sister Yannis and Valeria, a small flying elephant. A scene unfolds where they argue about a criminal case that Sister Yannis is handling, with Valeria suggesting that the accused former criminal is the murderer. Valeria leaves, allowing you to interact with Sister Yannis:

  1. Acknowledge the intensity of their disagreement.
  2. Accept Sister Yannis' apology.
  3. Disregard the apology and express skepticism.
  4. Downplay the significance of swearing in a temple.
  5. Utilize your Warlock background to relate to Valeria's nature.

Select the fifth option, and Sister Yannis will express gratitude for your understanding, noting the exceptional circumstances surrounding the situation. She explains that both Father Lorgan and a refugee named Brilgor were victims of the incidents. Investigator Valeria posits that Brilgor, despite being killed, might have been responsible for murdering Father Lorgan before taking his own life. Responding to Yannis' information, you can offer your perspective:

  1. Offering to conduct a thorough investigation to ascertain Brilgor's innocence.
  2. Inquiring about the political implications of Brilgor's situation.
  3. Suggesting that the temple's focus should be on ensuring safety.
  4. Choosing to leave the conversation.

Opt for the second choice, and Yannis elaborates on Brilgor's status as a refugee and the lack of support they receive. With Gortash's influence, she fears that if the murder was committed by a refugee, the Flaming Fist might cease refugee aid. Respond to her concerns with:

  1. Committing to help by investigating to prove Brilgor's innocence.
  2. Recognizing the ongoing need to assist Baldur's Gate residents.
  3. Expressing your view that the temple should concentrate on spiritual matters.
  4. Choosing to depart from the conversation.

Choose the first option to update the quest "Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders." Yannis allows you to explore the temple premises but cautions that new evidence is crucial to changing Investigator Valeria's perspective. In response, you can inquire further:

  1. Requesting information about Investigator Valeria's whereabouts.
  2. Seeking guidance on what kind of evidence to search for.
  3. Inquiring about the location of Shirra Clarwen.
  4. Indicating your intention to leave.

Choose the first option, and Yannis directs you to Sharess Caress, where Investigator Valeria can often be found. If you opt for the third choice, she reveals that Shirra Clarwen has passed away and is buried in a crypt beneath the temple. This revelation updates the quest "Help the Cursed Monk." Finally, if you choose the second option, Yannis advises you to start by searching for the murder weapon, as Valeria was unable to locate it.

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Proceed to a room located on the right side of the temple, where you'll come across Brother Donnick. Engage him in conversation and inquire about the murder using one of the following dialogue options:

  1. Express your investigation into Lorgan's murder and seek his insights.
  2. Ask if he has already interacted with the investigator.
  3. Question the reason behind his kitchen preparations.
  4. Offer a suggestion to clean up the noticeable blood trail.
  5. Choose to leave the conversation.

Opt for the second choice, prompting Brother Donnick to share his dissatisfaction with the investigators' efforts. He discloses the grim news of Father Lorgan's murder and expresses disappointment that a refugee is being accused. Respond with:

  1. Seek his opinion on whether Brilgor could be the murderer.
  2. Ask if he can think of anyone who might have wanted to harm Lorgan.
  3. Inquire about the location of the attack.
  4. Choose to end the conversation.

Select the first option, and Brother Donnick firmly dismisses the idea that Brilgor is responsible for the murder. Then, choose the second option, and Brother Donnick suggests that although some individuals disapproved of how Father Lorgan was assisting refugees, he doesn't believe any of them could commit such an act.

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Conclude the interaction and proceed to another room, where you'll encounter Sister Rose the Penitent. Engage in dialogue using one of the following options:

  1. Inform her about your investigation into Lorgan's death and request her cooperation.
  2. Playfully ask her opinion on whether you look diseased.
  3. Curiously inquire about the concept of "delayed illithid ceremorphosis."
  4. Address her as a Dragonborn and mention "scale chafe."

Opt for the first choice, and she will inquire about the information you seek. Reply with the following questions:

  1. Seek her insights on who might have killed Father Lorgan.
  2. Ask about the details surrounding Lorgan's demise.
  3. Inquire about the severity of Lorgan's wounds.
  4. Express your observation that she doesn't appear deeply saddened by his death.

Choose the first option, and Sister Rose aligns with Valeria's view that a refugee might be responsible for Father Lorgan's murder. She reveals that Lorgan was gruesomely murdered, with his head severed from his body. This update pertains to the quest "Solve the Open Hand Temple Murder," indicating that paralytic poison was also detected on the wounds.

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Subsequently, if you possess the "speak with the dead" spell, you can use it to communicate with Father Lorgan's lifeless body. The following dialogue options are available:

  1. Inquire about the deceased's identity.
  2. Seek information about his murderer.
  3. Ask what he was doing before his demise.
  4. Inquire about the details of his death.
  5. Ask where the attack occurred.
  6. Choose to conclude the conversation.

Select the first option, and Lorgan introduces himself. Choose the second option, and you'll discover that a dwarf dressed in red was responsible for his murder. Then, opt for the third choice, and Lorgan reveals that he was concealing Brilgor from the Flaming Fist during the attack. Proceed to the fifth option, and he discloses that the attack took place in the tunnels below the cellar. Note that this is the extent of your ability to ask questions through the spell. The answers obtained will lead to an update in the quest journal.

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Following these events, return to the basement hall and proceed towards the left, where you'll discover a button that you can press. Activating this button will reveal a concealed passageway along a wall in the basement, resulting in an update to the Temple Murder quest. Upon entering the secret passage, you'll find yourself within a cave-like area populated by adversaries situated at coordinates X:-48 and Y:-1042. Engage in combat to overcome these foes, subsequently enabling you to employ the Speak with Dead spell to converse with one of the Zomm enemies. Opt for the following inquiries:

  1. Who are you?
  2. Did you murder Father Lorgan?
  3. What was your purpose here?
  4. Who is your employer?
  5. How many more of your kind exist?
  6. Depart.

Select the second option, prompting Zomm to deny any involvement and disclose that an individual named Dolor was responsible for the act. Proceed by inquiring about Dolor's identity, prompting Zomm to describe Dolor as a Blood-Red dwarf. At this juncture, the conversation with the deceased concludes, leading to an update in the Murder quest. Subsequently, you'll have the opportunity to search the corpse's belongings and retrieve a key adorned with a flower motif.

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Head over to Wyrm's Crossing, X:-13 Y:58, proceed to Fraygo's Flophouse, X:-16 Y:76. Upon reaching the top floor of the house, you'll observe blood stains near a bed. You have the option to interact with this scene by selecting:

  1. [Investigation] Attempt to identify the origin of the blood.
  2. Leave.

Opt for the first choice, and with sufficient intelligence, you'll deduce the presence of a concealed body beneath the bed, adjacent to the blood stains. Extract the body to reveal Ffion's remains, obtaining Ffion's key in the process. Following the search, engage with Ffion's corpse using the Speak with the Dead spell. Pose the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What is this location?
  3. How did your demise occur?
  4. What were your activities before your passing?
  5. Leave.

Select the third option to uncover that his son was responsible for his murder. Proceed by inquiring about his son's identity, to which he responds with the name "Dolor." Continue by questioning the reason for his son's actions, and he reveals that he had discovered his son's hidden transgressions. Finally, query the nature of his son's secret, learning that his son had a penchant for taking lives. 


 How to unlock Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders

  • Speak with Sister Yannis in  the Open Hand Temple


Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders Rewards

  • Rewards


Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders Notes & Tips

  • We've been asked to look into the deaths of Father Lorgan and Brlgor at the Open Hand Temple. Sister Yannis, the temple's rector, believes Brulgor's been blamed. for the crime too hastily by investigator Valeria.
  • By speaking with the dead, we learned that a dwarf clad in red killed both Father Lorgan and Brilogr. We need hard proof to exonerate Brilgor, however, and should check out the murder scene.
  • Examine the crime scene, then use the hatch in the kitchen to reach the underground area of the temple.
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  • Press 2 buttons on the wall to open a passage to the cave area. Defeat the doppelganger assassins and cast Speak with Dead spell to learn who sent them.
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  • Use the flower key to open the locked room on the 3rd floor of Fraygo's Flophouse. You will find the journal of the murder and another body under the bed. Cast Speak with Dead to learn more about Bhaalist's plan. After that, you can report to Valeria, she will give you the permit to travel downtown and asks you to work with her assistant Devella. 
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