Circus of The Last Days |
[IMG] | |
ACT | Act 3 |
Location | Rivington |
Suggest Level | 8-10 |
Circus of The Last Days is a Location in Baldur's Gate 3. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about Circus of The Last Days.
BG3 Circus of The Last Days Map
Circus of the Last Days Sub-Areas in Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3 Circus of the Last Days Notable NPCs and Merchants
- Akabi
- Benji
- Boney
- Dribbles the Clown
- Glingo Trapeze-Master
- Keren
- Klaus
- Lens the Journalist
- Lucretious
- Medrash
- Popper
- Shadow-Whiskers
- Zara the Mummy
- Zethino
Items in Baldur's Gate 3 Circus of the Last Days
- Clown Hammer
- Clown's Severed Hand
- Dark Displacement Gloves
- Nyrulna
- Word from the Tribunal
Baldur's Gate 3 Circus of the Last Days Quests
Baldur's Gate 3 Circus of the Last Days Walkthrough
In the western part of Rivington, to the south of the Open Hand Temple, is the Circus of the Last Days. You can approach Klaus at the entrance to gain passage to the circus. If Karlach is in your party, she'll exclaim that she wants to visit the circus. You can ask him any of the first questions about the circus, after which he'll invite you to enter. If you agree, he'll ask that the ghoul Benji double check that you weren't part of the murder at the temple. Benji will not accuse you of being a murderer, but his is strange response and alerts Klaus. You'll initially not be let into the circus, but will have the following possible responses (some of the responses may depend on your class):
- [PERSUASION] I'm not a threat to you or anyone else in the circus - I swear it.
- [DECEPTION] I'm a friend of Lord Gortash. I wonder what he'll say if I tell him about this...
- [WARLOCK] [DECEPTION] I've actually just been hired. I do a magic show.
- [INTIMIDATION] Let me in, or I snap you in two.
- Surely we can come to an agreement? (200)
- Leave.
If you're a Warlock and pick the third option, you'll be given a DC 10 Deception Check. Succeed and you'll be let into the circus. Head down the stairs to the right and approach Zethino, a dryad. If you're in a relationship with anyone, she'll ask if you're in love when you speak to her, to which you have the following responses:
- I do love someone - someone close to me, actually.
- I have no time for love.
- I care only for myself.
If you pick the first option, she'll ask you to bring the one you love to her so that she can test your love for one another. The following part of the walkthrough will be for those who have chosen Shadowheart as their love interest. When you take Shadowheart to Zethino, she'll transport the both of you to a plane within your minds. She'll then ask you a series of questions about Shadowheart to test how much you know about her. The first quest is 'From where does Shadowheart draw comfort on a cold, dark night?'. You'll get the following options:
- Good company and an even better vintage.
- Judging others
- A blanket?
The right answer here is the first. Your next question will be 'How does one earn the dark-haired maiden's respect?'.
- Being discreet.
- Showing shrewd judgment.
- Being kind to animals.
- Farting on a Selûnite.
The right answer once again will be the first answer. The final question will be 'Shadowheart - what is her deepest shame?'.
- She doesn't know who she is, or where she belongs.
- She can't swim.
- Her hair.
The right answer here will be the second one. If you get all three questions right, Zethino will congratulate you for having a true bond with Shadowheart and Shadowheart will gain Inspiration.
Back up the stairs, you'll find Zara the Mummy. She can't speak but are trying to mime something to you. You'll have the following dialogue choices:
- I don't understand what you're trying to say.
- [INSIGHT] Try to interpret her hand movements.
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] Read her thoughts, trying to glean her intentions.
- Leave.
If you choose the third option, you'll be given a DC 10 Insight Check. If you pass, you'll realise that she wants to sell you some face-paints. She'll become a merchant that you can sell things to and buy several dyes and face painting kits.
Next to Zara, you'll find Akabi who'll encourage you to try spinning the Wheel of Wonders. If you don't attack him, you'll gain the option to spin the wheel. Each try on the wheel costs 500 Gold. If you spin without pickpocketing Akabi for his Djinni Ring, which grants the Mage Hand cantrip and explains how he is able to cheat, you won't be able to win the jackpot. Akabi will instead give you one of 16 random, small-prize, "joke" items. Before he does so, however, your character will roll an automatic Perception Check. If you succeed it, your character will notice that Akabi is cheating. If you bring up that Akabi is cheating while conversing with him, he will Polymorph you into a Wheel of Cheese for 20 rounds.
Before spinning the wheel, pickpocketing Akabi will afford you the opportunity to steal his Djinni Ring, and any Gold you've already given him. Without his ring, the next time you spin the wheel, it will land on jackpot, and Akabi will accuse you of cheating.
- You can pickpocket Akabi anytime before the sixteenth spin to automatically win the jackpot.
- You can spin a maximum of sixteen times. If you use up all your spins before stealing his ring, you will lose the opportunity to receive Nyrulna.
For your crime, he teleports only the wheel spinning character to a secluded jungle biome, forcing you to either sneak or fight through a pack of stalking Dilophosaurus to a portal at the end. There is a chest next to the portal that makes this ordeal highly worth while, as it contains the weapon Nyrulna, a legendary trident. The chest requires lockpicking at a level 20 difficulty class, so use an appropriate companion, or have Knock slotted in. The portal will teleport you back to the circus.
In the southwestern tent of the Circus of the Last Days, you'll find Boney and Stoney. Speak to Boney to learn that they are craftsmen, able to create statues in your likeness. If you agree to have a statue of yourself or a companion sent to Camp, you'll have to pay 5000 Gold and anyone with the Guild Artisan Background will gain Inspiration. After your next long rest, and for the remainder of the game, the statue will grant the character it depicts the "Sweet Stone Features" condition, which acts like Bless, giving +1d4 to attack rolls and saves. Boney is also available as a merchant, selling you some Scrolls and a variety of Gems if you need them.
Popper, another merchant, can be found in a tent right next to Stoney. He sells the Dark Displacement Gloves and Arrow of Arcane Interference, as well as several potions. Within his tent is the Clown's Severed Hand for the Find Dribbles the Clown Quest. If you have the quest active, you can speak to Popper to try and Persuade him to give you the arm. Otherwise, you'll have to steal it from him.
On the opposite side of the stairs from Boney and Stoney, you'll find Lucretious, a necromancer and the ringmaster of the circus. She's in distress that her skeletons cannot dance well. You can speak to her and pardon yourself for interrupting, but she won't have much to say as she's currently busy.
Head down the stairs and to the north, you'll find Shadow-Whiskers trapped in a cage. If you cast Speak with Animals, you'll be able to understand her. Your first set of answers when speaking to her will look like this:
- [INVESTIGATION] Examine the cage.
- Why good?
- That cage looks comfy.
- Leave.
If you pick the second option, she'll say something cryptic about showing everyone something. You'll then get the following choices:
- [PERSUASION] Show me what? Come no - your secret is safe with me.
- [INTIMIDATION] Tell me what you're up to or I set this cage on fire.
- Whatever. Enjoying being cryptic.
If you pick the first option, you'll roll a DC 10 Persuasion Check. She'll reveal that she plans on slaughtering everyone within the circus for stealing her cubs and killing her mate. You can the respond with the following:
- [INVESTIGATION] Examine the cage.
- When exactly do you plan on killing everyone?
- Murder whoever you want. I'll be long gone.
- Sure thing, pussycat. Later
- Leave.
Unfortunately, neither Keren or Ryland will talk to you about Shadow-Whisker's threat. Approach the nearby crowd. Doing so will pull you into a cutscene with Dribbles the Clown. After he makes his second joke, you'll get several dialogue choices:
- Simply watch.
- What a corny joke.
- [BALDURIAN] Relax and enjoy the show - it's been forever since you've seen Dribbles perform.
If you choose the first or fourth choices, you'll simply let him make his jokes. Dribbles will then offer to show a magic trick and chooses you as his volunteer assistant. You can respond with the following (some choices may be dependent on your chosen Class:
- What are you going to do?
- Approach the stage.
- I think my friend Shadowheart will make a far better assistant.
- Go on, Karlach, up you go.
- You love the spotlight, don't you, Astarion? Here's your big chance.
- [GREAT OLD ONE] [INSIGHT] Gaze through the clown with your patron's eldritch sight.
- I'm good.
If you're a Warlock with the Great Old One and The Fiend as your patron and pick the sixth option, you'll roll a DC 25 Insight Check with Advantage. If you pass, you'll know that Dribbles isn't disguised magically, but he does have evil intent. You'll then have the following choice to make:
- Approach the stage warily, keeping an eye out.
- Cross your arms and glare.
- No.
- Attack.
If you pick the first option, your character will make their way to the stage. Dribbles will then ask what makes you special. You can reply with the following:
- My courage: I do something even if it scares me.
- I treat everyone around me with kindness.
- My strength, of course. I won't let anything stand in my way.
- There's something unique about my... brain.
- [GREAT OLD ONE] I made an arrangement with an entity of unknowable age, form, and power.
- Attack.
If you pick the third option, Astarion will approve. Dribbles will make a comment about the option you choose, then your character will roll an automatic Perception Check. If you succeed, you'll notice that Bitey Buddy is about to attack you. This is where combat will start. You'll be pitted against Dribbles, Bitey Buddy, Shadow-Whiskers, Crimson, Ryland, and Keren. Shadow-Whiskers will be able to create a duplicate of herself, and this duplicate will target the audience members. If you want the audience members to live, try to grab the attention of her duplicate and Dribbles the Clown while fighting.
After the fight, you can loot Fuum, previously Dribbles, for the Word from the Tribunal and Clown Hammer. Lucretious will also approach the area from her tent. She'll be upset that Dribbles turned out to be a doppelganger. You can respond with the following:
- An impersonation? Are you sure?
- You just lost the star of your show - aren't you bothered?
- I don't know, I enjoyed myself. Killing clowns is a rare treat.
If you pick the first option, she'll eventually ask you to help her find Dribbles. Your set of dialogue choices will be:
- Let's talk payment. I'm expensive.
- I'll look for Dribbles.
- Dribbles is probably dead.
- I can't right now.
The first option is a free on, to which she answers that she is willing to give something powerful in exchange for finding Dribbles. If you agree to help her, the Find Dribbles the Clown Quest will begin.
Afterward, head in the North until you reach X:-108 Y:-19. here, you can speak with the corpse of Brilgor. You can select one of the following questions:
- Are you Brilgor?
- How did you die?
- Who killed you?
- Where did you die?
- Were you alone when you died?
- Leave.
Select all of the options and you'll find out that Brilgor was killed by a Red Dwarf and was being helped by Father Lorgan to hide from the Fists.
Notes & Tips
- Orin, one of the Leaders of Absolute's cult disguised as a Dryad in the circus. Play Dryad's game will let Orin learn more of your secrets, in exchange for some XP.
- If you win first prize in the Wheel of Wonders, you will be teleported to Jungle, alone. In order to win, you need to steal Djinni Ring from Akabi or distract him, which is available as a class-specific dialogue option.
- The Jungle is filled with Dinosaurs and remains of unlucky victims, and your main character is separated from the party. You need to reach the Portal in order to get back to Circus of the Last Days. Inside the locked chest right next to the Portal, there is a Legendary Trident Nyrulna. Bringing a scroll of Knock, or the spell, is a good idea
So I wasn't sure about what to do with the displacer beast. I couldn't free them or warn anyone. On my chaotic good playthrough I didn't want a bunch of innocents getting killed. So I used a scroll of greater invis on haslin and had him pick the lock. The cat then ran aw ay without attacking anyone.
- Anonymous
For instance Shadow's swim scene will have a clown being intimate with you. To remove the face paint you have to REAPPLY it one by one (that is FOUR LONG RESTS in total)
- Anonymous
Not 100% sure if this a bug with the game or with one of my mods, but i recieved buffs from statue: blessing and feather.
Can someone confirm it?
- Anonymous
For Brilgor: His corpse wasn't anywhere to be found in the little cemetery. I happened to see a little dirt mound next to a small mausoleum thing. I dug it and a coffin popped up which acted like a loot container with Brilgor inside. Couldn't "loot" him, but I could drag him out of the container window onto the ground. Then I was able to use speak with the dead.
For context, I'm in patch 2 of the release version.
- Anonymous
About Zethino, you definitely need to uncover exploding toys danger. She will turn in to Orin and threaten you
- Anonymous
If you break the lock on Shadow-Whiskers cage so it can't be opened and give crimson something to eat by interacting through speak with animals (which also awards Karlach inspiration "Primary Needs") you won't have to fight them in the ensuing ambush.
- Anonymous
You can chuck a rock at the "Dryad" with the throw action, and it dispels the illusion without aggroing anyone. Did the same with the the "Guard" outside of the barn. I already have inspiration in spades, and while the scene is sweet and even endearing... the potential consequences of giving your enemy information, one as crazy as her, are clear to see. As for the Djinn, play his game until you get all his prizes if you are into collecting everything, if not, you can just trade with him and take the ring that way. Counts as "stealing" or "pickpocketing" and gets you sent to the Jungle. No aggro from NPC's, or Guards. Though, the trade button showing up is hit or miss... I had it pop up with Ketheric in his second fight 2/5 reloads. (Was trying to the kill the second stage without him healing by having a snack.)
- Anonymous
If your MC doesnt have the skill to lockpick the treasure box at the end of the Jungle (where Akabi teleports you when you win the jackpot), you can instead just smash the treasure chest, you wont lose anything. Just remember to bring a bludgeoning weapon (or have a party member send it to your inventory)
- Anonymous
This guide is horrible, it misses so much only says the dialogue options he chose and no others and completely misses important parts of the circus like the legendary weapon and so much more. Never use Fextra they are terrible in every way.
- Anonymous
Although Akabi is cheating and you wont win the jackpot without pickpocketing, there are prizes you can only get by playing his game.
Boots of very fast blinking: misty step, as a bonus action, no rest needed (you drop all your clothes on the ground upon use) Maybe a crazy naked monk build could use this. Or memes.
Staff of mumbling wizard: Firebolt? cantrip Will cast firebolt OR fireball (its random which is cast)
Unlucky thief gloves: +2 Sleight of hand (no real downside, you just get a lump of coal in your pocket when stealing.)
I suggest trying to get these items, spinning wheel 9 times, then pickpocketing your money and the ring for last spin. These items cannot be pickpocketed.
- Anonymous
There is another rare ring you can get in the jungle.
"Band of the Mystic Scoundrel"
Illusion quickening: After hitting a creature with a weapon attack, you can cast illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action.
This is found by a broken tent and skeleton above the dilosaurus cave. You should see rocks to jump on to reach this area, though it is well hidden, by the large dinosaur skeleton along the wall.
X:-1564 Y:-1522
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can simply bash open the chest to get the legendary trident.
- Anonymous
if you spin the wheel 16 times akabi runs out of items and you can no longer spin the wheel and win.
- Anonymous
Shame I can't do anything with Shadow Whisker's. Hoped I could appease her
- Anonymous
I threw the dryad with my barb b4 talking to her and instead of her dialog and disapearing she fell flat on the floor prone and u can defeat here with a non lethal atk(cus she stays with 0 health and not dies) and i got a speed potion(i think) off her body nothing else. looting her is consider a crime still kinda funny oversight.
- Anonymous
You can glitch Shadow-Whiskers into you camp.
Break lock, dominate beast, go to camp, knock unconscious, sleep.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The statue you can commission from Boney and Stoney will copy all of your currently equipped gear along with its inbuilt effects. Everburn Sword will be on fire, any glowing weapon will glow, etc.
This seems to only apply to the inbuilt effects, casting the 'Light' cantrip first won't have any effect.
If you have a tiefling or dragonborn, the tail will move around like in an idle animation.
- Anonymous
why do i not get all the options for shadow heart in the test of love? wtf???
- Anonymous
You can also buy the ring off the djinn for 170 gold or so, then win on the first spin.
- Anonymous
Interestingly enough, for the 'love test' Astarion DISAPPROVES when you give some of the deeper 'true' answers because he doesn't like you telling his traumas to what is effectively a random stranger. I got approval for 'gore', 'revenge' (instead of freedom, which gives disapproval), and then went with the 'true' answer for the third of fearing slavery which got disapproval.