The Wyrmway

wyrmway art final release bg3 wiki guide
ACT Act 3
Location Wyrm's Rock
Suggest Level 10-12

The Wyrmway is a location in Baldur's Gate 3The Wyrmway is a sub-location of Wyrm's Rock. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about The Wyrmway.


The Wyrmway Map

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Notes & Tips

  • The entrance to The Wyrmway can be accessed from Wyrm's Rock Prison.
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    Reading the Legend of Ansur gives you a clue, you need to hit 2 dragon-shaped lanterns with lightning damage to reveal the entrance.
  • There are 4 trials in The Wyrmway you need to complete to enter Dragon's Sanctum.
  • The Chamber of Courage is a trial by combat, you need to survive 4 rounds against elementals, and keep the torch holder alive, you may cast Sanctuary to keep the character safe until the trial is finish.
  • The Chamber of Strategy is a chess puzzle, when you enter the room, it will randomly generate a chess endgame and you need to finish the Black King in limited moves. If you have Gale, he will comment that he played "Lanceboard" a lot and will provide you with two different solutions. Below is one of the possible endgame:
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    Alternatively, you can hit the black king piece with lightning damage.
  • In the Chamber of Justice, there are paintings adorning the walls. They tell the tale of a man who was caught stealing. Now, you have to pronounce a sentence that's proportionate to the crime. Cast Remove Curse spell on the first shadow-covered painting seen from entering the room, then insert The Cell into the empty niche. Alternatively, you can cast banishment on the Judge.
  • In the Chamber of Insight, you need to kill the advisor that would lead the city to ruin. Use Hold Monster on the flying books, then read all the books to learn about the three advisors. Kill Suelto to complete the trial. 
  • Once all 4 trials are complete, you can enter the Dragon's Sanctum to face Ansur.






Notable NPCs:

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    • Anonymous

      In the Chamber of Justice you can cast Moonbeam and the Judge will move a bit. Move moonbeam couple of times and push judge out of the circle

      • Anonymous

        In context of absolute/dead three invasion "advisor that would lead the city to ruin" is anyone except Suelto. Why? BECAUSE YOU KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM TO SAVE THE CITY. Who the hell wrote the script of this test? Unbelievable brain rot of low iq moralist who thinks that letting your opponent go or just surrender to his rule is a better option when the game itself screams "kill them all or be killed/turned to illithid"

        • Anonymous

          the chess puzzle is not well thought through. winnable in 2 turns? actually their solution is wrong, it only works because the black player takes the tower with the bishop. if he just moves the king top right, then the game does not end within the required 2 turns. I call bullshit on this. I never had guessed the "correct" solution as it is just not correct. -.-

          • Anonymous

            You can also grab the flying books by clicking on them and passing a Sleight of Hand check (iirc DC 15?), but using turn-based mode and shooting them with a ranged attack is arguably much less frustrating. Don't waste the spell slot / scroll Hold Monster like it says above.

            • Anonymous

              I fail one of the trials, enemy comes flocking, I killed them all easily, and the door opened. tho i think it might have given slightly more exp if you solve it

              • Anonymous

                A single scroll of dome of invulnerability made the survival test much easier, but you still have one turn to hold firm, as it only lasts 3 turns (might be better to only cast it on turn 2, avoiding the hardest part of the fight afterwards).

                • Anonymous

                  There's another way to access the paintings in the Chamber of Justice. You can use banishment on the judge, the darkness just disappears with him.
                  And on top of that the statue says something along the lines of "You've banished the unrightful judge"

                  • Anonymous

                    so my friend inserted the freedom painting in the chamber of justice, which is wrong. some mobs spawned and we killed them, the door opened and we didnt have to complete the rest of the trials at all. when we talked to the statue after the trial rooms, astarion said we cheated our way through which is maybe smarter than completing the trials normally. i guess xD

                    • Anonymous

                      Has anyone run into this issue? I have passed through the Wyrmway door once already and wanted to buy more scrolls/potions before taking on the boss fight. Now I can't get back through the door again. It just keeps saying "can't get here" even after the torches are lit and the door is open. Is this intentional like not allowing you to travel away before the boss fight? Or is it a bug?

                      • Anonymous

                        You can enter turn-based mode and used throw to pick up the flying books and throw them on the ground. Then you can read them

                        • Anonymous

                          Is there any way to do the Chambers of Justice and Insight without Remove Curse/Hold Monster? It seems odd that they'd require specific spells you may not have, considering the other two chambers don't require anything special to complete.

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