House of Healing - Morgue |
[IMG] | |
ACT | Act 2 |
Location | Reithwin Town |
Suggest Level | 5-7 |
House of Healing - Morgue - Morgue is a location in Baldur's Gate 3. House of Healing - Morgue is a sub-location of Rivington Town. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about House of Healing - Morgue - Morgue.
House of Healing - Morgue Map
House of Healing - Morgue Sub-Areas in BG3:
- N/A
BG3 House of Healing - Morgue Notable NPCs and Merchants:
- N/A
Items in Baldur's Gate 3 House of Healing - Morgue:
- Bided Time
- Eversight Ring
- Firzu's Ring of Trading
- Fleshmelter Cloak
- Karabasan's Poison
- Necrotic Laboratory Spare Key
- Protective Plate
- Strange Tendril Amulet
Baldur's Gate 3 House of Healing - Morgue Quests:
- N/A
Baldur's Gate 3 House of Healing - Morgue Walkthrough
The House of Healing - Morgue, can be located underneath Reithwin Town, and has two entrances - west of the House of Healing, and east of the Grand Mausoleum. To get to the eastern entrance, head to the Grand Mausoleum entrance or Waypoint, and then head east. If you haven't yet, and everything's going alright with Wyll's Companion Quest, you'll have a talk with Raphael here. After your conversation to find some graves you can loot for some gold, valuables, or maybe even Scrolls. You can go down the ledges past the graves onto a bridge going north. As you climb down the crevices here, you'll do a Perception check. Passing it will make you aware of the Cursed Kuo-Toas who are hiding and waiting for the right time to strike. Prepare accordingly and then surprise them and enter a combat engagement against thirteen Enemies in total, led by a Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief. The minor Enemies won't really be too hard to take down with their small health pools, but the Chief will have a health pool closer to your party's. Take care of the little ones as quickly as you can so you can begin focusing on their leader. After defeating them, loot as much as necessary before you move on. There's a Wooden Chest inside the hut with a substantial amount of gold.
When you're done, head to the south and enter the Ominous Crevice at (X:-150. Y:105), which will bring you to the House of Healing - Morgue.
Follow the path down and jump the gap to find a Gilded Chest, with a lockpicking DC of 14, containing the Fleshmelter Cloak. Jump back and then follow the path east to go down to the lower area. Be ready for a fight, as you'll be ambushed by three Fetid Oozes and a Hollow Armour when you reach the lowest level. This fight shouldn't be too hard, but be careful not to have whoever deals the finishing blow on the Hollow Armour be too weak, as the Enemy gets replaced by a Shadow when you defeat it. After the fight, you can loot the Hollow Armour for a Protective Plate.
After the fight, you can head back up to the Gilded Chest, and then if you or anyone in your party has a Spell or item that can help them jump to the ledge to the southeast, you can explore the actual morgue to the south. After jumping the gap, head up the stairs and click the button below the statue to the right to open the metal door. When you enter the actual morgue, a combat engagement will start against three Zombies and three Greater Zombies. This shouldn't be too difficult either, but watch your health because poison gas will spread across the room as the fight continues unless you disarm each and every vent.
After you defeat them, head to the south side of the room to find double doors. The Wooden Caskets inside are empty, but the Heavy Chest, with a lockpicking DC of 14, contains the Bided Time. The Research Notes on the desk will show some thoughts on how to possibly dispel the shadow curse. You can loot the corpse nearby for the Necrotic Laboratory Spare Key, along with some valuables. Reading Olam's Journal on the other desk will inspire Shadowheart. When you're done, exit this room and head to the far west side of the morgue.
The door here will open with the key you just picked up. There's Karabasan's Poison on the desk to your left, and a successful Perception check here will reveal a lever in between the two desks. The Tissue and Organ Register will reveal the head surgeon to be Ketheric's uncle. The shelves ahead will have a variety of potions for you to pick up. Finally, there's a trapped Opulent Chest in the northwest corner of the room. Both its disarming and lockpicking DCs are 14, and it contains the Eversight Ring.
To exit the morgue, you can either go back the way you came or head first to the eastern edge of the larger room. Exit through the double doors, and then head up the short staircase. A successful Perception check will reveal a button on the wall. Pressing it will reveal a hidden room in turn, as the wall slides away. The charred corpse to the right is carrying Firzu's Ring of Trading, while the chest ahead of you contains the Strange Tendril Amulet. When you're done, you can head up the stairs to the east to exit the morgue.
BG3 House of Healing - Morgue Notes & Tips:
- Notes & Tips go here.
- Anonymous
How am any vents are there?? I’ve disarmed 5 but always get killed by necrotic damage after clearing the area of zombies! Please help!
- Anonymous
Unfortunately the Fish People are corrupted by the dark and as such will not convert to your BOAAAL cult.
The peception check by the campfire at the fishing hut is 30 lol. Good luck :P (PS: Love the pun, Larian<3)
- Anonymous
For the big hole fight, I had my MC scout and lure the armor to high cliff, then gale casted a telekiness from the other side, throw then thing to the bottom and killed it, made my day!
- Anonymous
sometimes i feel like the people writing these guides are playing a different game than me because there's virtually no path where they described it in this.
- Anonymous
So, there's a lever hidden behind a perception check in the far left room. Is it supposed to open the metallic door that leads to the north room ? Cuz mine didn't do ****.
- Anonymous
The second button, the one on the statue, what does it do? I click it but nothing happens?
- Anonymous
I have noticed that each item that Can be lit on fire extinguish directory, like braseros and candles.
Any Idea of why?