Cloister of Sombre Embrace |
[IMG] | |
ACT | Act 3 |
Location | Lower City |
Suggest Level | ?? |
Cloister of Sombre Embrace, is a location in Baldur's Gate 3. Cloister of Sombre Embrace is in the House of Grief and can be accessed from the northwest part of Lower City, Baldur's Gate. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about Cloister of Sombre Embrace.
Baldur'a Gate 3 Cloister of Sombre Embrace Map
Baldur's Gate 3 Cloister of Sombre Embrace Sub-Areas
- Chamber of Loss
- Mirror of Loss
Baldur's Gate 3 Cloister of Sombre Embrace Notable NPCs
Baldur's Gate 3 Cloister of Sombre Embrace Quests
Main Quests
Baldur's Gate 3 Cloister of Sombre Embrace Walkthrough
The Cloister of Sombre Embrace is located within the The House of Grief which is located in the Lower City. When you reach this location, enter the House of Grief through the double doors. Inside the house, your will be greeted by Mirie. Your interactions here will also update: Investigate the House of Grief and the Daughter of Darkness Head further in and your journals will continue to update for both quests.
- Journal Update: We arrived at the House of Grief, where the Sharran cloister is said to be hidden. Shadowheart was greeted by an attendant, Mirie, who told her she was expected. We must continue farther inside until we reach the innermost depths of the Sharran presence in the city. Only there can Shadowheart carry out her goddess' will.
Head in through the next set of double doors and there will be an Expost Secret Stairway. Interact with it to head down. This will take you to the Cloister of Sombre Embrace. As you explore, Shadowheart will begin to voice out some things she remembered. When you are done exploring Head through the next set of doors and take the stairs. if you interact with other NPCs, they will continue to say that Mother Superior is expecting Shadowheart. Head through the large circle Stone Door. Make your way to the center of the room to trigger a cutscene with Mother Superior, Viconia DeVir. (Viconia DeVir is a companion of BG1 and BG2. If you bring Jaheira and Minsc with you, there will be additional interactions.)
- Daughter of Darkness Journal: We met the Mother Superior of the Sharran cloister, who turned out to be Viconia DeVir. She challenged Shadowheart to descend farther into the cloister for a final confrontation.
During this interaction, you need to choose between Shadowheart or Sharran followers. Defending Shadowheart leads to a fight with Viconia and Sharran disciples. Surrender Shadowheart and Lady Shar's faithful will join you in Gather Your Allies quest.
Your dialogue will be the following:
- She's all yours
- Never.
Your choice here will affect your progress updates for this quest and Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia.
- Daughter of Darkness Journal: We attempted to sway as many Shar worshippers as possible to Shadowheart's cause, but now we must get rid of Viconia and her most die-hard zealots.
If you side with Shadowheart, you will need to undergo a battle against the Viconia and the other Sharrans in the room. This battle will also complete: Investigate the House of Grief. After the fight, you will be given another option to allow Shadowheart to interrogate her.
- Make it quick.
- No, Shadowheart. We've won. you don't need anything from her.
- Let's kill her.
Allow her to make it quick and she will ask about her parents. She will tell Shadowheart that they are through the door in the Chamber of Loss. As you converse with her, you will be given additional chances to end the conversation and kill her. If you don't choose to kill her she will be spared. If you killed Viconia, you get Viconia's Walking Fortress, Viconia's Priestess Robe and Handmaiden's Mace.
A Familiar Face Shadowheart Subquest
Before you proceed. look for Nocturne. There is a priestess named Nocturne who used to be Shadowheart's friend, you can trade with her even after you fight Viconia. Her interaction will be recorded for one of Shadowheart's other subquests: A Familiar Face.
- Daughter of Darkness Journal: We must gain entry to the Chamber of Loss, where Shadowheart's parents are being held captive.
- Daughter of Darkness Journal: Shadowheart's final test awaits in the Chamber of Loss. If she succeeds, she will become the new head of the Church of Shar.
Viconia said her parents are through the next doors, in the Chamber of Loss. After the fight, you can pick up the silver key and take the Back Diamond in front of the altar to unlock the gate to the inner sanctum. You can use Thieve's Tools to get through the Threshold of Loss to enter the Chamber of Loss.
If Shadowheart continues to align with Shar, this is also the final trial and the objective will appear as: Help Shadowheart with Shar's final test.
- Help Shadowheart save her parents: Shadowheart's parents are close. We must do what we can to help her save them from Shar's clutches.
- Help Shadowheart with Shar's final test: We found two prisoners inside the Chamber of Loss. They must have something to do with Shar's final test for Shadowheart.
Enter the Chamber of Loss. Here, you will find Shadowheart's parents, Arnell Hallowleaf and Emmeline Hallowleaf. Approach them and a cutscene will begin.
After a cutscene of Shadowheart's parents, Shar, the goddess of Night and Darkness give her two choices. Let her parents die, or let them live but continue to suffer from the wound. You will be given the following dialogue:
- You have to choose, Shadowheart. Free your parents, or rid yourself of Shar's curse.
- She wants to kill your parents. Her idea of a parting gift.
- Talk to your mother and father. See what they wish.
Shadowheart will be torn. Her parents will ask that she let them go so she will be free.
- You should end their suffering, and yours.
- Do not lose your parents, not again. This pain can be handled.
- This is your choice, Shadowheart. you don't need me to tell you what is right.
- Remain silent.
If you choose the second option, she will bring up the curse again.
- [RELIGION] You have great fatiha and great resolve - all of you. Trust in that. You need not say goodbye here.
- [PERSUASION] You can endure it together, as a family. This is what you've been looking for - don't deny yourself.
Make your decision and complete the Daughter of Darkness.
Before you exit the area, There's a Mirror of Lost in the inner sanctum. Offer a piece of memory to Mirror of Loss has a small chance of increasing your CHA by 1. If you passed the Religion check and pray to Shar, then offer another piece of Memory (or the Knowledge you learned from Thay Necromancy book), you have a small chance of increasing an attribute of your choice by 2. You can pass a deception check (20) to offer a fake memory of 20. Any attributes you lose can be cured by the Remove Curse spell.
Cloister of Sombre Embrace Notes & Tips
- When you first arrive at Rivington, you can find a Shar's follower called Ferg Dogher (X:45; Y:-102), Shadowheart can learn that her parents are kept prisoners at House of Grief.
- The House of Grief is located northwestern corner of the Lower City (X:-246; Y:-9). Inside the house, let Shadowheart sit on the granite bench will lead to a cutscene of Mother Superior, Viconia DeVir. (Viconia DeVir is a companion of BG1 and BG2. If you bring Jaheira and Minsc with you, there will be more interactions.)
- Proceed into the Cloister of Sombre Embrace, you need to choose between Shadowheart or Sharran followers. Defending Shadowheart leads to a fight with Viconia and Sharran disciples. Surrender Shadowheart and Lady Shar's faithful will join you in Gather Your Allies quest.
- If you killed Viconia, you get Viconia's Walking Fortress, Viconia's Priestess Robe and Handmaiden's Mace.
- There is a priestess named Nocturne who used to be Shadowheart's friend, you can trade with her even after you fight Viconia.
- After the fight, you can pick up the silver key and take the Black Diamond in front of the altar to unlock the gate to the inner sanctum.
- After a cutscene of Shadowheart's parents, Shar, the goddess of Night and Darkness give her two choices. Let her parents die, or let them live but continue to suffer from the wounds.
- There's a Mirror of Lost in the inner sanctum. Offer a piece of memory to Mirror of Loss has a small chance of increasing your CHA by 1. If you passed the Religion check and pray to Shar, then offer another piece of Memory (or the Knowledge you learnt from Thay Necromancy book), you has a small chance of increasing an attribute of your choice by 2.
- You can pass a deception check (20) to offer a fake memory of 20. Any attributes you lose can be cured by the Remove Curse spell.
- Anonymous
After the fight, when I got to the next chamber where the parents are, I chose '3.Talk to your mother and father. See what they wish.' then '3. This is your choice, Shadowheart. you don't need me to tell you what is right.' and she freed her parents and told them to come to the camp, which they did. No religion or persuasion test to pass.
- Anonymous
To unolck the door you must put 1k gold on the plate. It's writen in the book in the garden.
- Anonymous
Defeat V, loot her stuff from her before talking, so you don't need to kill her
- Anonymous
Don't go past the round door with but one player and start the fight. Move the one you started the fight with and make the enemies have to come through narrow hall to you.