Moonrise Towers Prison |
[IMG] | |
ACT | Act 2 |
Location | Moonrise Towers |
Suggest Level | ?? |
Moonrise Towers Prison is a location in Baldur's Gate 3. This area is found beneath Moonrise Towers which unlocks new areas and quests. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items, and other useful tips about Moonrise Towers Prison.
Moonrise Towers Prison Map
Quests in Moonrise Towers Prison BG3
BG3 Moonrise Towers Prison Sub-Areas
Notable NPCs and Merchants in Moonrise Towers Prison BG3
- The Warden
- Wulbren
- ???
The Moonrise Towers Prison Walkthrough
When you're done exploring the Main Floor and First Floor, you can now go to the Prison located beneath the tower. You will find a stair leading to this area at (X:-175 Y:-193). Interact with the stairs here and this will take you to the Moonrise Towers Prison. If you still have a good relationship with the cultists or haven't started a fight with them, the guards will let you in without a fight. Make sure to explore each room here if you want to stock up on scrolls and elixirs. You will also find barrels and chests that you can open. As you head into the prison rooms, you will find a Scrying Eye guarding. With this sentinel, you have to make sure not to do anything suspicious while it watches in that area.
You will find the Tiefling Lia standing at the prison cell with who you can engage in a conversation, this however, will be put to a stop by one of the guards watching, forbidding you from speaking to them. You will be given 3 options to respond:
- [DECEPTION] I have permission from Balthazar. Ask him.
- [PERSUASION] What are the prisoners going to do? Talk me to death.
- My apologies- won't happen again.
Attempting the Persuasion check will require you to pass a DC of 14. When successful, you can continue talking to Lia and she tells you that the gnomes are up to something and they're working together. Urging you to find these gnomes to talk to them. Continue to go around the cells and you will find Wulbren, who is curious about how you were able to order the guard successfully. He wants to know what is your business with them. You can offer to help him for free or for a fee or tell him that you want to torment him.
If you choose to help them for free, he will want to know the reason behind this. You can attempt the Persuasion check that will require you to pass a DC of 10. Your turn to respond:
- Barcus told me you were here, and asked me to help.
- [PERSUASION] I know the Tieflings imprisoned here- I want to break you all out.
- [PERSUASION] My mind is my own- the Absolute has no control over me.
- [DECEPTION] I'm an undercover agent for the Flaming Fist.
- Fine, die in here for all I care.
When successful, Wulbren will tell you about his plan which involves looking for tools. He will ask for you to hand them anything that can break rocks and also make sure that no one will see you helping them. He also tells you that the Warden robbed them of their tools, and you can start looking from there. Locating the Tieflings and Wulbren will update the quests for these characters in your journal.
You will find the Warden in their room at (X:572 Y:-655), and ask her questions about confiscated items to reveal that she is hiding these in the office above. You may also attempt the Intelligence check which will require you to pass a DC of 13, this will reveal that levers behind her desk can open the doors of the cells, and the larger lever is used to trigger the alarm.
With her back turned against you, you can sneak to go up the ladder. However, there is a Scrying Eye in this area so it's not advisable to steal the tools under its watchful eyes. The moment you get spotted, she will confront you to explain yourself:
- Acquiesce and follow to prison.
- Try to talk your way out of it.
- Try to convince them you belong here.
- Perhaps some gold would make up for my little indiscretion? (1238)
- Try to buy your way in. (4952)
- Attack.
Choosing the second option will you further choices which requires you to pass a DC of 15:
- [DECEPTION] Would you look at that- my map's upside down. I should have turned right at that crossroads.
- [INTIMIDATION] Let me be, or you won't live to regret it.
- [PERSUASION] Haven't you ever been turned around on your way to a date with destiny?
Another option is to fight The Warden since this area is unseen from the level above. Make sure to destroy the Scrying Eye in this area so that the others will not be alerted. After this, you can now search the office where items are being stored. Make sure to loot the Warden's body to retrieve the Spellcrux Amulet and the Moonrise Guard's Key from her.
The chests above are locked but you can unlock them by doing a Dexterity check which requires you to pass a DC of 14-16, which varies on the difficulty of the chests. With The Warden gone, you can free the tieflings and Wulbreg by interacting with the levers behind the desk. However, there are still guards nearby so this will commence a battle between them and your party. It is best to take care of the nearby guards before handing them the tools so that they can escape through the tunnels.
Follow them through the tunnels by using the walls that they have broken through. You will find a boat docked at (X:572 Y:-577) and their party will take their leave. This will complete your quests Rescue Wulbren and Rescue the Tieflings.
Now that the prisoners have escaped Moonrise Towers, you can continue investigating the prison. You will find traces of the red mucus that you found in the kitchen at (X:507 Y:-617), there is a cragged rock that you can interact with that will take you to the Oubliette. This event of reaching the bottom will inspire Karlach on Delving into the Deep. Hook Horrors are roaming about in this area and these monsters are immediately hostile as soon as they see you. There's not much to do here but continue on the quest given by Z'rell, which is to aid Balthazar in looking for the relic. You will see some enemies gathered at a lower level of Oubliette, but this area is still blocked and you will need to go back up to the towers and look for another entrance.
Notes & Tips
- You can give Wulbren any Mace to break the wall. (Quest Rescue Wulbren)
- If you decide to jump into Oubliette, cast Feather Fall first.
- You can only reach the other side of Oubliette after defeating Ketheric on top of Moonrise Towers.
- You must clear this area before following Ketheric, or missions fail.
- Killing guards in this level will not alert the upper floors.
- Anonymous
My brother was sent to jail after defeating ketheric because he was in a restricted area on the second floor. I let him out and he can't fast travel now. is there anything that can be done? or do we have to reload the save and fight ketheric again?