
minthara companion bg3 wiki guide
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Class paladin class bg3 wiki guide75px Paladin
Race Lolth-Sworn Drow
Background Noble
Initiative +6
Movement Speed 9m
Darkvision Range 24m
Type Humanoid
Size Medium
Weight 75kg
Carrying Capacity 120kg
Drow, Humanoid, Noble, Minthara

Minthara is an NPC and potential Boss or Companion in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). BG3 Minthara can be found at Shattered SanctumMinthara is a ruthless Drow that is preparing an assault on Druid Grove. Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players.


She will test you. If you fail, you will break; if your faith is strong, you will become something even more beautiful.


Where to find Minthara in BG3

Minthara can first be found in Act I within the Shattered Sanctum, inside the Goblin Camp as one of the three Goblin leaders. Siding with her allows the opening of the branching storyline that allows Tav to side with the Goblins and start the Quest Raid the Grove which may lead to recruiting her in Act II. In Act II, she will be on trial and eventually under torture in the Moonrise Towers. Rescuing her there will allow you to officially recruit her as a Companion.

If you sides with the druids but still wishes to meet Minthara at the Moonrise Towers, she must be knocked out when fought. This can be done whether at her camp in the Shattered Sanctum or when defending the grove from the goblin attack. If Minthara is knocked out in the goblin camp the party must not take a Long Rest before the quest Defeat the Goblins is finished

Minthara's BG3 Starting Equipment

BG3 Minthara Background

Mintara was a a member of the House Baenre, Menzoberranzan. At one point, she become a True Soul and serve in Absolute's army. She is one of the three leaders of the Goblin Camp in the Wilderness. 



BG3 Minthara's Starting Skill Proficiencies

BG3 Minthara Special Features

  • Soul Branding: Bestow the Absolute's flames on a creature. Its movement speed increases by 5 m / 17 ft and its next attack deals an additional 2d4 + 1 Fire damage. This condition ends upon landing a successful attack.
  • Minthara has Brand of the Absolute, allowing her to use certain items without being cursed.
  • Minthara already has sccess to some illithid powers.


BG3 Minthara Video Guide



Minthara BG3 Quest Walkthrough

To complete Minthara's Questline, you must first meet her in Shattered Sanctum. Though not her personal quest yet, Raid the Grove is a very important step to complete as failing to complete it will prevent the option to recruit her in the future.




BG3 How to Romance Minthara

In this Minthara Romance Guide, we explore the general path toward gaining Minthara's approval and what opportunities you have to share some moments with her. This will be updated as more is revealed throughout the game. Minthara becomes available for romance when a certain point of approval has been reached. Minthara is different compared to other companions as she cannot be recruited as a party member until Act II, though you are able to share an intimate moment with her when you first meet her in Act I during the Quest Save the Refugees.


BG3 Minthara Romance Guide Act I

When you first meet her in the Shattered Sanctum, you have the option to betray the Druids and the Tieflings and side with Minthara instead as a fellow True Soul for the Absolute. Just click the appropriate responses that go toward deciding to help her. Take note that the dialogue options that confirm your intention to join in on Minthara's plans will result in disapproval from Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, and Karlach, if they are in your party. As per the plan, you'll go back to the Grove and pretend to still be on the side of the Tieflings. When Minthara and her army arrive, she'll give you the telepathic signal to open the gate and begin a combat engagement to slaughter the Tieflings. Keep choosing dialogue options that affirm your unity with her and she'll mention going to your camp where she and the goblins will throw a party to celebrate the massacre. It is during this time when you can check on your Companions and see that most of them did not like what you chose to do at all, save for Astarion and Lae'zel. (With patch #6 and patch #7, you can spare Minthara by knock her out.)

For the early scene with Minthara, you'll just have to speak with her and affirm the start of your would-be relationship, and express to her that you're ready to be hers. Afterward, head to your bed roll. The scene will automatically initiate when you rest. When it ends, you'll have the option to telepathically pry into her desires or her fears. In the Early Access, trying for her fears and succeeding will lead to undesirable results, but it is not certain currently if this remains to be the case in the full game. She will share her thoughts all the same if you choose to pry into her desires, and will explain that she cannot hear the Absolute when she is with you. You have the option to spill the secret about Shadowheart's artifact if you'd like but it may have certain ramifications later on.

When she lets you go, you'll actually get to rest, but only until she attempts to murder you in your sleep. Suffice it to say, unlike other Companions, this whole encounter doesn't spell the start of your relationship. The important dialogue option here will be when you'll either try to persuade or deceive her with the relevant checks to convince her that you are allied with her under the Absolute. Doing anything else other than those two will result in her betrayal and you'll be forced to kill her in a combat engagement, locking you out of being able to recruit her, much less romance her.


BG3 Minthara Romance Guide Act II

Act II will eventually bring you to the Moonrise Towers during the Quest Infiltrate Moonrise Towers. Inside the towers, you'll be able to find Minthara being mentally tortured to the point of erasure. The dialogue options will allow you to either do an Intimidation check or a Deception check so that they can leave Minthara's punishment to you instead. If successful you can make a Wisdom check to try and telepathically reach her. Note that at any point, you can choose to instead go for a brute force approach and try to kill her captors instead. Once you reach her, you'll have the same choice of propositions to offer her. If you choose to try the more peaceful approach, you'll have to make either an Intimidation, Deception, or Persuasion check to fool the Questioners. You'll have to keep this up for any other characters you'll bump into or you'll have to engage them in battle. Either way, push through to the exit Moonrise. There, you'll have the option to let her in on everything you've learned so far as well as the location of your camp, which Astarion, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart will approve of if you have them with you. From then on you can bring her along as an official Companion and raise her approval of you.

BG3 Minthara Romance Guide Act III

 To be updated when more information is available.


Minthara Approval Guide in Baldur's Gate 3

If you are looking to befriend or romance Minthara, you will have to get her approval up. Companions are not black and white in BG3, but they have some characteristics you can consider when forming your party and making game choices.

General Personality Tips

  • Assertive
  • Self-serving
  • Decisive



Check out our Companion Guide for all compiled approval instances

Minthara Approval UP
Minthara Approval DOWN



  • Upon entering the Shattered Sanctum without initiating combat (friendly terms with the Goblins), you can choose to speak to Minthara and agree to join her hunt (Attack Druid Grove).
  • Back at the Druids Grove gain Minthara's trust by betraying the Tieflings (betray Zevlor) during the ensuing confrontation. Opening the gate for Minthara's hunting party (Blow the warhorn - betray Zevlor) will lead to a battle with the grove's inhabitants. After slaying every Tiefling and wiping out the druids, return to Minthara.
  • Minthara will offer to join you at your camp. End the day to camp and speak to Minthara. She will join you once you head to your bed.
    • During the following cutscene you have to choose to:
      - Search for her desires: this will result in the possibility to persuade [Persuasion 8]her in the following conversation.
      - [Wisdom Check 16]: Search her fears: this will result in having to intimidate her [Intimidation 16] or initiate combat
               - failing to persuade / intimidate her will result in being attacked by her inside your camp.

      In order to gain her trust and keep her approval it is advised not to search through her fears in order to gain access to the overland route to the moonrise towers without being affected by the "curse".


Last Light Inn

  • Decline Jaheira's drink

Find Ketheric Thorm's Relic

  • In the Tollhouse at Gerringothe Thorm: "I bring you death" opener or succeding skill checks to defeat her.
  • In the House of Healing, as a paladin tell Malus Thorm you are duty-bound to end him.
    Alternatively, succeed in skillchecks and make the sisters kill each other OR their master OR "Attack".
  • Waning Moon: "Attack" the Distiller Thisobald Thorm OR Decline his Drink

      Daughter of Darkness

  •      Allow/encourage Shadowheart to kill the Nightsong.

      Defeat Ketheric Thorm

  •       After defeating Ketheric Thorm Minthara will sit on his throne, tell her "It suits you."

ACT 3 

Side Quest: Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders

  • Conversation between Brother Clements and Brother Bill
    • If Father Lorgan had been pickier , he might still be alive.


  • When she talks to you about the refugees, tell her they would be a convenient source of food.
  • Tell Yenna "It sounds like your mum is probably dead."
  • Tell the Strange Ox "It takes worse than a bit of gore to turn my gullet."





  • In the Tollhouse, give Gerringothe Thorm all of your gold.

ACT 3 

Side Quest: Open hand Temple Murders.

  • Conversation between Brother Clements and Brother Bill

Sounds like your god would  be proud of Father Lorgan


  • Intimidate the female after she threatens to take Scratch away from you get you 1 disapproval, 2nd disapproval if you intimidate her again (2 disapproval) 
  • Stop the Bhaal assassin Dolor from killing Figaro Pennygood by announcing your presence
  • Ask Jaheira whether she want to kill Sarevok at the Murder of Tribunal (dialogue only appears if you bring Jaheira to Sarevok, naturally) 
  • Persuade Emperor to help Minsc 



Minthara Endings in Baldur's Gate 3



  • Recruit Minthara
  • Romance Minthara


  • During Act 1, either side with Goblins or knock out Minthara and recruit her at Moonrise Towers



After defeating of the Netherbrain, a romanced Minthara will ask the player what their plans are now that they are free. She can be encouraged to to return to Menzoberranzan, as conquerors. 





Notes & Tips

  • Patch 9 made Minthara a Paladin.
  • Following her questline and gaining her loyalty will enable the player to traverse the overland route to moonrise towers without being affected by the curse.
  • She can be easily killed by triggering the start of the raid on the Grove and shooting the posts tethering the wooden bridge immediately after she stepped on it to exit the room. She falls to her death, but doesn't cause the goblins to become aggressive towards the party.
  • Patch 5 allows players to recruit Minthara and Halsin. Engage in combat with Minthara as a temporary hostile, this can be done by attacking her or stealing in front of her, defeat her using non-lethal damage. You will know if you succeeded as she will be on trial at Moonrise Towers. For this the player is advised to save the game, knock out Minthara and then save the game again, then proceed straight to the Cursed Shadowlands and Moonrise Towers as quickly as possible - do not loot or proceed in other quests as this may be undone later. If Minthara is on trial you have succeeded in having her as a campanion and the player can simply continue from Moonrise or their last save in the Goblin Camp. If Minthara does not appear it means that something has failed in acquiring her and the player is advised to reload to the Goblin Camp.
  • Players may need to use non-lethal damage and knock out Dror Ragzlin and Priestess Gut to recurit Minthara and successfully defeat the Goblin Camp. Killing Dror Ragzlin and Priestess Gut may lock out Minathara as a campanion (Confirmation needed!!).



Astarion  ♦  Gale  ♦  Halsin  ♦  Jaheira  ♦  Karlach  ♦  Lae'zel  ♦  Minsc  ♦  Shadowheart  ♦  Wyll

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    • Anonymous

      (Sry for my english, im french)

      You can also recruit her if you spare her in the first act raiding the goblin camp (you need to kill Haruspia and the tiffelin first and stun her instead of kill) and go to moonrise towers

      She will be in front of Thorn and sent to jail to be erased but you can save her by attacking the torturing ones or passsing rolls during dialogue.

      You will have to go out of the moonrise tower and she will ask to go in your camp. There, ypu will unlock her as definitive compagnon.

      • Anonymous

        I Killed Dror Ragzlin and Priestess Gut. Killing Dror Ragzlin made all the goblins hostile. And, when I reached Halzin, it did not show all 3 leaders were defeated. However, if you go back to where you knocked out Mintahra, she will be walking around and neutral. Just knock her out again, return to Halsin and the quest shows completed.

        • Anonymous

          I've never had any issues recruiting minthara after knocking her out, no matter how many times I long rest. I usually start with her before taking out Dror Ragzlin (gut I've done before or after, but only in her personal chambers if done before).

          • Anonymous

            Her voice is unbearable, what the **** were they thinking? Did they just find the closest 50 year old chronic smoker and hire her on the spot? Completely ruins the character for me.

            • Anonymous

              drinking companion this is not what i expected, she needs her own storyline instead of stupid rare dialogues and desire for betrayal.

              • Anonymous

                After a few months she received several small functions instead of a ton of stolen content. The limited content of the "evil" and neutral paths makes it clear that the developers do not have any plans for her anymore, and several years since the start of closed beta testing turned out to be a soap bubble. She stood in the development queue the longest and devs ended up taking the lead character role away from her, giving priority to new characters Karlach and Will, creating Minthara's first and complete story turned out to be "too difficult" for them. Those who call Minthara a minor character have no right to be called her fans, people with zero understanding of the whole story. Shame.

                • Anonymous

                  Sad how buggy the non-genocide recruitment method is so buggy. Just got the game recently and thought I did it all right, but when I got to moonrise today no minthara and I missed out on her loot.

                  • Anonymous

                    With all my great and sincere respect of Emma Gregory`s voice acting talent, I feel like Minthara`s voice should be younger.

                    • Anonymous

                      Is there a reason all but the Baldur's Gate outdoor camp has Minthara and Halsin share the same camping space? Not even that they share the same space since they obviously didn't plan on you to have them both, but why that ONE spot has an individual space for the both of them?

                      • Anonymous

                        In act 2, in the find flayer colony, if you choose to purge (kill) the prisoners in the pods (containing Zevlor) Minthara will approve. She disaprove if you release them.

                        Since I slaughtered the entire grove in act 1, Zevlor was not there for me. So why not! I still got the XD for the kills.

                        • Anonymous

                          Killing Ragzlin and Preistess Gut does NOT lock out Minthara. I killed both of them before knocking out Minthara -- I also knocked out Sazza, in pursuit of the "She Can't Be Caged" trophy. I then slaughtered the rest of the goblin camp, freed Halsin, and left. Both Minthara and Sazza showed up at Moonrise and I was able to recruit Minthara.

                          • Anonymous

                            I'll gladly sacrifice the tieflings and the potent robe in every playthrough just for my beautiful and exquisite wife.

                            • Anonymous

                              During the Withers' epilogue party if the brain was destroyed she will reveal she became a resistance leader in the underdark recruiting rebels to fight against the spider queen Lolth

                              • Anonymous

                                She actually has dialogues now and many of them are very funny or very wise compared to the other companions, even if they might be less frequent than some other companions. It would be awesome if there were more dialogues, but the quality of some of Minthara's dialogues (how wise/funny they are) is amazing even if the quantity is lower than for some other companions

                                • Anonymous

                                  I recruited her by siding with the grove and activating non-lethal damage when fighting her, then rescuing her from the Moonrise. Recruiting Halsin did not prevent me from recruiting Minthara in the current patch. Make sure you don't steal Minthara's clothes when you knock her out in the goblin camp because the clothes will not reappear when she gets to Moonrise

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Brother, this ***** has less than zero dialogues, what the **** I had to kill all the ****ing druids and tieflings.
                                    I was expecting some interactions with other companions like Laezel vs Shadowheart fight at night or at least just some banter while walking. Kinda dissapointing ngl.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      "A lead writer on Baldur's Gate 3 argues that Minthara doesn't have a redemption arc". First they delete her quests and then they say this, it means that she will not receive any content, but yes, there are plans for new characters, scums

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Still no companion content? but the devs are already planning new races and new original characters...and maybe 6 more new scenes for Astarion

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I have major problems with this game and this questline specifically. The game is incredibly poorly written for bad and for "kill everything" playthroughs.

                                          I decided to literally kill everybody I come across and wanted Minthara in my part. Done all of the right stuff in the first act and went to get her in the second act after letting Shadowheart kill Nightsong in order for me to kill Thorm.

                                          Little did I know Larian didn't think of this set of choices I decided to venture for and the game essentially became a hack and slash title. There was not a single cutscene in the whole Moonrise towers up until Thorm encounter on the rooftop where he acts like he knows the player already and met him. Not a single dialogue in the towers, just mindless slaughter. This set of events also made Minthara path redundant, as she never spawns and I never got an audience with Thorm before fighting him.

                                          In my playthrough I lost multiple companions without any substitute. Morally bad choices in the game are marked "wrong" stripping your content away and giving you little in return. I read through a ton of complaints for the Minthara character and I don't even see a point loading my old save to go to the towers before the Shar temple (if it's the right thing to recruit her in my playthrough?).

                                          You can't be an evil/neutral/selfish/opportunistic character in this game. It's right or wrong choices. It drives me nuts.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Several months have passed, Minthara remains a broken character. She received practically no content, only minor general functions. Developers priorities: division of several hundred million $, dong physics, expansion of other characters' content. This is not my game anymore.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I don't understand why they had to make Minthara recruitable on a "good" run, effectively removing unique content from "evil" runs, slaughtering the grove wasn't that hard to do, it's just a game, the tieflings aren't real people, lmao. Besides that, no one is going to run a party with Karlach, Wyll and Minthara at the same time anyway, they suit totally different party dynamics and playstyles

                                              • Anonymous

                                                -Minthara's fans wanted more of her own content.
                                                -Whiners asked for a different recruiting method.
                                                -The developers did what was easiest for them and are not planning anything else.
                                                -She will remain a "sidekick" character, after removing her quest line without any alternative...but with several new ways to die in the second act (to make it even more painful for the fans)

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Patch5. An alternative method of recruitment is through stunning. Minthara will not receive any meaningful content because this is the final goodbye for screenwriters. They hate her, they don't hide it. Fans' requests solve nothing.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Lack of Choice with Minth is the problem. You can convince several bosses to kill themselves but can't talk Minth into abandoning a cult that's quite frankly full of idiots? Something that makes even less sense when you realize you can talk Nere into doing just that. Disappointingly, she's a knockoff Viconia. A masterwork companion and love interest Larian decided to take a huge **** on in this game; as well as other legacy characters. Narrative was the weakest part of this game and Minthara is a testament to that.

                                                    • I successfully had Mintharal join the Karlach party. Her joining was unanimously approved by the rest of the party: Shadowheart, Astarion and Lae'zel. She's no longer the same Drow once she joins this "good" but otherwise violent party.

                                                      The only major tradeoff of having Karlach recruit Mintharal is that as I found the hard way, Halsin is always scripted to die (or vanish with body nowhere to find) if I don't choose to fight Mintharal. I am aware of a "trick" that may be able to bypasses that script by "transporting" a knocked out version of Mintharal from Act 1 to Act 2, but I've never tried it. If we can trick the game to not fire up the script, then we will be able to recruit all the companions in a single playthrough.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Either Larian add/return her content that can replace the loss of 3-4 companions, or she will remain a useless mercenary for an alternative second/third playthrough. The alternative recruitment method (Halsin or Minthara in act 2) is not at all interesting. All sides must be the same if you are going to cut a diamond.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Minthara is unprofitable without its content. There are too many losses and too little is given in return...practically nothing. Character originality is no excuse, considering that she was in the game longer than Karlach, Wyll, Halsin, and after all the work almost all of her content was deleted. If she's a punishment for my choice "yOu sHoUlD fEeL gUiLty", then it is unlikely that I will ever touch this game again.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I unironically like Minthara. Most interesting takes and excellent representation of Drow.

                                                            The anti-God themes is the Chefs kiss. Romance is a plus but not required.

                                                            Also, she willingly accepts Illithid powers which is quite nice.

                                                            I see lots of people upset about losing quests and loot but honestly the game throws so much good loot at you and th best loot isn't lost if you go the evil route (with one exception: Potent Robe).

                                                            Quality of quantity TBH.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Why is Larian like this... In order to get the most interesting companion, you are forced to give up the 2 other interesting ones (Wyll and Karlach), leaving you stuck through half the game with either the annoying daaarling Astarion, Gale ,if you managed to resist the urge, or the insufferable Laezel, the ONLY character in BG 1, 2 or 3 that makes me want to uninstall the game

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Sort of a let down of a character for me. She has bad takes on so many topics and states them with confidence as if her assertions haven't been reliably incorrect the majority of a playthough. Her groveling for her life in act 2 was also a big let down considering she herself, looks down on such behavior. VA is incredible though and one of if not the best and that's saying something!

                                                                • The problem of Minthara is just a one point of a bigger problem. The problem is no Neutral - Evil replacements for LG characters while choosing the “wrong” side right at the first act. You are loosing Karlach, Wyll and Halsin. And they are replacing with single Minthara with problems on content side (atm at least). 3 vs 1 with no options of reaching someone like Mizora or Nere or maybe some goblin or Viconia (btw why Minsc and Jaheira but not her?). Maybe someone else. Anyone else who you can play with if you are not siding with grove. Thinking logically - if you’re rp as a drow, or some kind of neutral (Bronn GoT like for example) - why you are unable to find allies to replace LG ones who left your camp? Imao looks like gm punishment for being "not good" in rp game. Game is great, but I expect more fair exchange not like 1 vs 3.
                                                                  P.S: I understand that it is very complicated to write out stories of characters and it could take very long. It’s just an option that serious rp game shouldn’t force you to choose one of the sides by means of unfair exchange of content.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Larian treated Minthara as dirty as possible. They would immediately begin to restore the material if they were interested. Without her own content, she is a useless companion, due to which you are bound to lose 1/3 of all content. Take away an important role from Minthara, and then call her an “assistant” this is the height of cynicism. The player receives nothing except a few dialogues with the wall after the first act. It's not romance, it's not approval, it's not even friendship, it's not content, it's just trash. I don't see any point in wasting more time on this game.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Betraying Minthara should lock you out of peaceful entry to Moonrise Towers because "actions have consequences" and killing a high ranking paladin of the cult you're supposed to be infiltrating shouldn't go unpunished, and before anyone says "but how would Moonrise know it's your fault the grove raid failed" I imagine Zevlor would rat you out in an instant when he gets captured

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I hope they won’t give up with her original “complicated” story and properly finish its development at least in EE version. I wish it be faster, but I waited this game for several years and it’s ok for me to wait some longer for a good content

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          In Baldur's Gate 2, as a spawn of bhaal (so like dark urge basically), you can change the morality of a Neutral Evil Drow like Viconia , why you can't do the same thing with Minthara in BG3?

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Did the developers at least explain why they did this to Minthara when they deleted all her content? Except for the excuse that her previous version seemed "too complicated" for them to implement. Now she is just a pale shadow of what she should have been originally.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Love how all the Karlach simps are like "you chose the evil choice, you gotta deal with missing a lot of content" but raiding the grove feels more chaotic neutral than true evil, in fact on a blind playthrough the game strongly hints that siding with Minthara is the right thing to do, the Tieflings are made out to be a bunch of racist thieves that are trying to kick the Druids out of their own home, the Druids themselves tell you they can't help and drinking fatal poison would be doing the world a favour, while the Goblin camp welcomes you as a guest of honour and offer to help on your personal quest if you aid them in battle, there's even that "oh ****, I screwed up" moment if you kill Minthara and then see the camp supply pack on her corpse

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Id be okay with wiping the grove since both sides want the other side dead so either way you're commiting war crimes, but to lose wyll Karlach, And halsin for one minthara? terrible deal. give us more early companions maybe and id reconsider. especially since she comes to regret her actions in act 2. so instead of destroying the whole grove, just have her have a past history of attacking tieflings and druids(maybe with some cutscenes to show she was really deranged) , her failing this one mission since i beat her camp (knocking her out, not killing her), thast way it mkaes more sense that shes thrown in prison in act 2 and she can still come to regret her past and progress the story. i wouldnt mind just losing Halsin, but dont take my baby karlach please ive gone to hell several times for her.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I wanted to do an “evil run” but after getting Minthara, I still made a lot of the same choices (except now without Halsin, Wyll and Karlach). But Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc were new to me this round and Minthara is amazing. At this point at least, she has alot of content to offer and her “smite” attacks melt enemies like hot butter.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Minthara is not even a companion without content, she's just a mercenary with a few comments. The developers destroyed the point of hiring her. 1 empty elf or 25% content, take your choice.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Found Minthara in the upper city sewer as an enemy (lvl 12 paladin) in Act III. I sided with the tieflings and knocked her out with non-lethal in Act I. Could not find a way to let her join you though.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        looks like her VA is back in studio for some BG3-related stuff - hopefully some new content on the horizon.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I don't see the point of replaying the game, if Minthara's example shows that devs will punish the player for refusing to do “good” deeds. You must become the savior of a gang of devils, who hate you (if you are Drow) or you will be blocked from content with no alternative.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            can you still romance her later on if you skip the whole grove dilemma and don't toss the hot dog down the hallway at the party?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              I wanted to correct something in the text above. I'm currently in Act 1 and have done the Minthara stuff. The text above says that Shadowheart finds it evil to betray the grove and kill everyone in the group with her.

                                                                                              That's not true. I had Shadowheart active the whole time and killed everyone with her too. At the end of the party she even said that it was a "fest" and that everything was covered in blood. She even wanted to go to bed afterwards. In the run, during the betrayal and the fight, it never said "Shadowheart doesn't like this".

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                They really need to add a neutral/good alternative way to get her to join you. Like a high Illithid+Persuasion check to convince her that shes on the wrong path and being deceived by the Absolute early on. And then possibly a way to help her sabotage the Goblin camp.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I got so sad when my evil run/minthara romance got stopped because she’s buggy as all hell:( praying for a patch soon for a DUrge run

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Patch 3 : "Made it easier to target the chasm near Minthara"
                                                                                                    Now everyone should understand how the devs really “love” Minthara.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Just finished raiding the grove as Durge and I'm really liking her. It's honestly such a shame that most players will probably never experience her story and the talented voice-over work that Emma Gregory did.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Her dialogues is broken and leads nowhere. Nobody will react to your romance and in this romance there are no scenes or dialogues. She has no effect on endings, and at the same time this is the most expensive character. What's the point of this character if all her content was removed after the first act?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Why didn't Larian made something similar to BG1/BG2. Where you could recruit good and evil characters so long as you didn't went too good or too evil, Instead of just forcing the player to lose tree/four companions (plus quests) in order to get only one evil companion.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Initially this woman was supposed to become a mother and the most valuable character in the game, now the Larian do not hide their hatred for her when describing the patch.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Currently, her romance can be described as one night stand, there's not enough content to justify killing the grove.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                the devs fixed only the dialogues, but Minthara still remains without scenes, quests,'s not a relationship, it's just a friendship, it's not worth losing 30% of the content.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  If you get her to walk through the love-teller in the circus, best choices are: 1: The underdark food, 2: Me, 3: Getting caught by The Absolute

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    another appriov: After defeating Ketheric Thorm: when she ask about why you killed tieflings: to impress you gives some , but to find out about tadpoles gives even more

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      In act 2 when i go back to camp she attack me. This is after i save her from moonrise ? She just become hostile after i recruit her, all i did was send her back to camp once. Is this a bug ?

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        she's legitimately more interesting than half the origins even with the limited interactions we have right now.

                                                                                                                        hopefully Larian pulls their heads out of their asses and recognizes how much potential she has as more and more players recruit her on subsequent playthroughs.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          ---Larian: We will make a new ending for our favorite girl Karlach.
                                                                                                                          ---Players: Can we get something for Minthara?
                                                                                                                          ---Larian: Who is Minthara?
                                                                                                                          ***Larian Studios has clarified that Minthara's fixes will not be part of Patch 2.***
                                                                                                                          Someone else doubts that they hate her.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            It's clear the "good path" and all it's content is what got the bulk of larians resources. Minthara is a glorified npc compared to the depth and extensiveness of the other companions. ***h with personal interaction and the quests/content they interact with.

                                                                                                                            So if you do go the "bad guy" route, don't expect even half of the content that the "good path" has.

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