Battle Master |
Battle Master Initial Features |
Inherited Class Features |
Battle Master is a Subclass of Fighter in Baldur's Gate 3. Fighters primary ability is Strength, their saving throw proficiencies are Strength & Constitution and they have a Hit Dice of 1d10. They have proficiency with Simple weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour and Shields.
Battle Masters are paragons of tactical superiority, combining combat Manoeuvres and experience in the field to dominate every fight.
Battle Master Manoeuvers
Manoeuvres enhance an attack in some way and are fueled by special dice called superiority die. You start with four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use a maneuver. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. There are 14 different Manoeuvres to select from:
- Commander's Strike
- Disarming Attack
- Distracting Strike
- Evasive Footwork
- Feinting Attack
- Goading Attack
- Manoeuvring Attack
- Menacing Attack
- Precision Attack
- Pushing Attack
- Rally
- Riposte
- Sweeping Attack
- Trip Attack
Some of your Manoeuvres require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest)
Battle Master Progression
- Level 3
- Combat Superiority (Subclass Feature)
- Gain 4 Superiority Dice (Subclass Feature)
- Choose 3 Manoeuvres (Subclass Feature)
- Combat Superiority (Subclass Feature)
- Level 7
- Gain 1 additional Superiority Dice (Subclass Feature)
- Choose 2 additional Manoeuvres (Subclass Feature)
- Level 10
- Improved Combat Superiority (Subclass Feature)
- Level 11
- Choose 2 additional Manoeuvres (Subclass Feature)
- Choose 2 additional Manoeuvres (Subclass Feature)
Battle Master Notes & Tips & Builds
- Notes & Tips goes here.
- Anonymous
If you're considering doing a dex focused / archer battle master, keep in mind that the DC of maneuvers is increased by your strength score, and can't be switched to dex. Quite unfortunate but it is what it is
- Anonymous
Apparently martial adept gives you an extra die from superiority die
- Anonymous
On a Dex/Ranged oriented Fighter, Maneuvering Attack is great for setting up your team's positioning at the start of a fight.
- Anonymous
Trip + frighten is insanely powerful. I killed Ethel in two turns because she couldn't act.
- Anonymous
This site doesn't specify that a weapon is required to use maneuvers.
- Anonymous
Distracting strike cant be resisted, giving the same advantage as prone but only with the follow up hit. Feignting is accurate, precision if you want to disarm a nice weapon. 1d8 becomes 2d8 on crit, good for assassin rogues. I'm only at start of act 2 but I found a longsword that has finesse with 1d8. Level 3 sneak attack makes it harder than 2 great swords. Dont forget to throw a toxin at ur camp - it lasts forever. Dip weapons for more dmg until long rest.
- Anonymous
"Gauntlets of the Warmaster" seem to help significantly with achieving efects (frightened, disarm, etc.) of battle maneouvers
- Anonymous
I agree that this subclass is overrated but only slightly. It definitely out damages the other 2 subclasses but it's only a night and day difference at the early levels. However damage isn't everything because I have seen my battlemaster go down because they eat too many hits the eldtrich knight would have just avoided and all the damage in the world doesn't make much difference if you are passed out on the floor. Still the extra damage and effects they can apply can be big game changers and they will still have a dpr lead over the other 2 subclasses even if it's not as drastic later in the game and I don't think we should downplay that fact. Tbh I think you can't go wrong having a fighter in your party regardless of subclass even if I think the champion is underwhelming
- Anonymous
Battle master seems strong at low level but has always suffered from serious scaling issues, with the bugged DC on maneuvers and the limited dice I find this is generally weaker than eldritch knight long term, just like on tabletop. They really need to fix accurate attack to be a reaction reckless attack style.
- Anonymous
Ther are elden ring starting classes in the links to other classes
- Anonymous
The tooltip on my maneuvers are DC 11, but when I highlight that number a breakdown pops up that adds up to 13. The combat log says it's DC 15
I have no idea how the DCs for these maneuvers are calculated.
- Anonymous
Messed around with this. As far as I can tell, If you only have Fighter levels then no Ability Modifier is added to Maneuver DCs. But if you take levels in a spellcasting class then it's casting modifier will be added.
My Fighter got no stat bonus to Maneuver DCs, but then I took a Ranger and got WIS. I reloaded and tried Wizard and got INT bonus to to Maneuver DCs
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"Unlike Battle Masters in D&D 5e, which Baldur's Gate 3's systems are based off, Battle Masters Maneuvers' DCs scale off Intelligence, not Strength. It is worth investing in Strength at character creation, or by using Ability Score Improvements as you level up."
This is not true as of the current version - the DC of Maneuvers scales off STR
- Anonymous
What is the dc of each superiority dice attack, and what attribute do they use?
- Anonymous
Always use Riposte. In fact, save all superiority dice for Riposte.
Additional attacks massively increase your DPR.
I always use Riposte, Pushing Attack and Menacing Attack, and basically only use Pushing Attack when I can really add a lot of fall damage
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Are there only 4 maneuvers to choose from in patch 5 or is this page not updated yet?
Do I need a weapon to make a battle maneuver I'm thinking about a monk/bm and wondering if it works