![]() True StrikeDivination Cantrip Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll.
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True Strike is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. True Strike is a Cantrip from the Divination school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
BG3 True Strike Information
- Description: Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll.
- Level: Cantrip
- School: Divination School
- Casting Time:
- Range: 18m
- Duration: 2 Turns
- Saving Throw: None
How to Acquire True Strike in Baldur's Gate3
True Strike can be acquired by the following classes:
- Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Ranger (Mage Breaker)
True Strike can be cast by using the following Items:
True Strike Tips & Notes in BG3
- Buffed range compared with D&D5e.
- Since True Strike provides advantage on attack rolls, Arcane Tricksters can use it to trigger their sneak attack.
- True Strike only provides the caster advantage against its chosen target, for as long as they maintain concentration, and for only one attack roll regardless of miss or hit.
- If the target dies before the caster can utilize the advantage, the caster must recast the cantrip on a new target.
- Allies do not benefit from True Strike cast by others.
- True Strike is not a party buff spell and does not provide advantage to others when cast on them.
- Anonymous
To those confused on how this works, this only benefits the one character casting the spell against the enemy target it is cast on, for one attack roll. If the spell rolls multiple attacks (such as eldritch blast, scorching ray), only the first one will benefit and then the effect is consumed. If you consider it from the perspective of "just attack twice lul" this might not make sense, but there are plenty of ways to utilize this effectively.
1) If you are using a high-level spell slot for one of your spells, use true strike first to increase your chance of it actually landing instead of wasting it to a bad dice roll. As another comment pointed out, this True Strike is also useful early game when you have a limited number of spell slots or for classes like warlocks that only have a few for all of their spells.
2) If you are closing distance, or out of range or out of line of sight, you can use this for your action while you get into position to increase the chance of your next attack once you are able to.
3) Similar to #2, if you are in a situation where you are biding your time for a resistance or protective effect to drop off of the target, you might use this to make next round's attack make up for it rather than making the attack now at a lower potency.
- Anonymous
With a sorcerer using extended meta magic, would this last 4 turns (so your next 3) making this viable?
- Anonymous
So like hide but you still draw aggro, the same aggro that could potentially break your concentration. For people that want to draw aggro off other party members at the same time as really wanting their next spell not to whiff so much that they are willing to risk the disappointment of a wasted action.
True Strike is a sweet crap for a high-level Sorcerer:
1) have only 1 level 6 slot.
2) decide to use it to one-shot kill a good guy (or be killed)
3) only 70% chance to hit.
4) A quickened True Strike raises the chance to hit to 95%, boosting accuracy 6 times (by cutting chance to miss from 30% to 5%).
5) Now fire the shot:
(2D6 scorching ray + 10 per-hit bonus) * 7 rays => 84~154 damage
Actual damage can be (much) more or less, based on what gear being used as well as target resistances.
- Anonymous
Concentration spell? Check.
Uses Action instead of Bonus Action? Check.
Can get same thing by just attacking twice? Check.
Spell actually becomes over powered if you homebrew any solution beyond the current implementation? Check.
True Strike: the worst spell in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition!
- Anonymous
This spell is broken - Can't cast myself and it doesn't give advantage as it says it does.
- Anonymous
They should just change it to be a baction 1/rest. Not very applicable but a good enough effect to be considered.
- Anonymous
Don't understand why everybody says this cantrip is trash and talks about attacking twice or whatever.
True Strike is amazing for spellcasters at low levels. It helps you get the most out of your limited spell slots. Turn a 50% chance to hit with your chromatic orb into a 75% chance to hit. When you would really rather not miss with one of the five or so spells you can cast per long rest, it helps quite a bit.
It certainly falls off in utility later on but like, that's what cantrips do? I don't get the hate.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Ok ok, hear me out: Cast True Strike with Quickened Spell to get Advantage on a Level 6 Inflict Wound, cast from 9m away using Distance Spell. Good fun for all those Sorceror-Clerics out there who don't want to chance 1.5m engagements.
- Anonymous
This spell is not bad. It debuffs the enemy so that you or your allies can attack with advantage. Useful in certain situations where you have a hard time hitting a high defense enemy.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Worthless. It should be action bonus for the next "one" attack from the caster, so it would be nice for sneak attack and crit builds and not too overpowered.
- Anonymous
Description says "Gain advantage on your next attack roll" but you actually cast this on an enemy to get advantage on them. So everything about this spell is dogshit, including the description.
- Anonymous
I don't understand why people are so against this cantrip. Its not the best but it lets you activate backstab for your rogue character pretty much anytime. Providing an allie the chance to use a strong situational ability on command seems like a decent use of a non-resource expending action.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Nice debuff for damage focus, looks good. If you don't play solo. It is not clear how and where he "strengthens the characters" and about the "environment".
- Anonymous
This has a minor buff from PHB , the range, makes it more useful then the PHB 30 feet. In this version it has the same range as firebolt.
It works well for Clerics (Magic Initiate) or those who dip 1 level in to cleric. For up casting inflict wounds or guiding bolt with your highest spell slot.
Turn 1. Attack/cantrip (or other action) then sanctuary
Turn 2. True Strike (while protected)
Turn 3. High level Inflict wounds or Guiding Bolt
For other Casters , it also kinda works in some circumstances , but you run the risk of loosing concentration as your somewhat more vulnerable and your spells are less powerful and slots are more plentiful anyway.
- Anonymous
This spell is only useful out of combat for when you are preparing an ambush, or if you wanna use a bad character to buff a good character during combat.
Instead of just attacking twice, you are using a spell slot to roll twice...the NEXT turn.
In practice you are just postponing the first attack to the second round.
- Anonymous
This doesn't actually work in game, at all. You can not cast it on yourself. It's only practical use would be to activate an Arcane Trickster's Sneak Attack.
- Anonymous
Is it bugged? It adds reroll on damage and not advantage to attack rolls.
- Anonymous
I love how Larian Studios thought "Let's take the worst cantrip in 5e and implement it into our game with no changes." Gotta be accurate to the source material!
- Anonymous
Glad to see this is still as worthless in game as it is at the table.
- Anonymous
The most useful way to use this right now I'd say is to be a sorcerer and quicken it then use your action to cast an attack role spell like scorching ray/firebolt etc. Definitely meh
- Anonymous
This should work like booming blade. You cast it as a cantrip attack and that attack has advantage. That's it. Druids that wanna melee with wisdom can do it, a warlock can use it, Arcane Trickster can now use it, cleric can use it. Gives classes that don't have extra attack a way to somewhat attack with better accuracy at the cost of a cantrip slot and for Eldritch Knights at lvl 7 they cast it and bonus action attack trading accuracy for damage rather then using, the hopefully upcoming spell, booming blade or green-flame blade
- Anonymous
Should have been usable as a reaction against spells for a mage hunter
- Anonymous
Description is bad: "Divine a character's defenses to give you advantage on attack rolls against it."
It looks like you get advantage for all attacks for 2 turns.
Instead it should be: "Divine a character's defenses to give you advantage your first attack roll against it."
Becouse after you attack spell ends even when you attack in same turn when you cast it.
- Anonymous
Am I missing something or should it break your concentration after you do a main hand attack? When I cast this spell and then Action Surge to attack again my concentration just breaks at the same turn.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
With Rogue, you can use 1 action & 2 bonus actions. [True Strike + 2 off hand attack] on the 1st turn, and [1 main hand + 2 off hand attack] on the 2nd turn.
- Anonymous
so im thinking this paired with 2 light weapons. Cast true strike, use bonus action to do an off hand attack. next turn do both a main hand attack and off hand all with advantage. if it works then you would be tradeing 1 main hand attack without advantage for one main hand attack and to off hand attacks with advantage.
- Anonymous
Pretty useless in it's current form, needs to last 1 extra turn or deal dmg as normal attack on cast.
I believe true strike was attack action in DnDe3, but there it was not usable every turn.
Making it bonus action would make it OP
- Anonymous
It says two turns, BUT that counts the turn where you cast it, giving you true strike for effectively one turn. Attacking twice, gives you two rolls to hit and two rolls to deal damage, per weapon.
casting true strike for one turn, leaves you with one attack, with advantage. Which also gives you two rolls to hit, but only one roll to deal damage, per weapon.
- Anonymous
if true strike cast with bonus action, this would be god send