fog cloud spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2

Fog Cloud

Level 1 Conjuration Spell

The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it.

fog baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 48px10 Turns

radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px5m range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m concentration icon 1 baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px 1Concentration

icon weapon type bg3 wiki guideMelee

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 1 Spell Slot  

Fog Cloud is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Fog Cloud is a Lvl 1 Spell from the Conjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.

Baldur's Gate 3 Fog Cloud Information

  • Description: The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it.
  • Level: Lvl 1 spell
  • School: Conjuration School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18mradius icon action bg3 wiki 48px5m
  • Requires Concentration: Yes
  • Saving Throw: None

How to Acquire Fog Cloud in BG3

Fog Cloud Tips & Notes for BG3

  • Upcast: Expands Area of Effect.
  • Hiding while inside the cloud is automatically successful and will make it count as a Heavily Obscured area. The AI is currently too unsophisticated to deal with this and is likely to completely waste their turn.
  • Cunning Action: Hide for hiding on a Bonus Action, coupled with Eversight Ring or Helldusk Helmet, or being Hasted and simply walking out of the cloud to attack and walk back in to hide, will allow you to exploit the AI.
  • Can be used to remove cloudkill spell conjuration school baldursgate3 wiki guide 64pxCloudkill and prevent it from being cast in the AoE.
Lvl 1 Spells
Animal Friendship  ♦  Armour of Agathys  ♦  Arms of Hadar  ♦  Bane  ♦  Bless  ♦  Burning Hands  ♦  Challenge to Duel  ♦  Charm Person  ♦  Chromatic Orb  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Acid (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Cold (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Fire (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Lightning (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Poison (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Thunder (Lvl 1)  ♦  Colour Spray  ♦  Command (Halt)  ♦  Compelled Duel  ♦  Create or Destroy Water  ♦  Create Water  ♦  Cure Wounds  ♦  Disguise Self  ♦  Dissonant Whispers  ♦  Divine Favour  ♦  Enhance Leap  ♦  Ensnaring Strike  ♦  Entangle  ♦  Expeditious Retreat  ♦  Faerie Fire  ♦  False Life  ♦  Feather Fall  ♦  Find Familiar  ♦  Find Familiar: Cat  ♦  Find Familiar: Crab  ♦  Find Familiar: Frog  ♦  Find Familiar: Rat  ♦  Find Familiar: Raven  ♦  Find Familiar: Spider  ♦  Goodberry  ♦  Grease  ♦  Guiding Bolt  ♦  Hail of Thorns  ♦  Healing Word  ♦  Hellish Rebuke  ♦  Heroism  ♦  Hex  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  Inflict Wounds  ♦  Jump  ♦  Longstrider  ♦  Mage Armour  ♦  Magic Missile  ♦  Protection from Evil and Good  ♦  Ray of Sickness  ♦  Sanctuary  ♦  Searing Smite (Spell)  ♦  Shield  ♦  Shield of Faith  ♦  Sleep  ♦  Speak with Animals  ♦  Tasha's Hideous Laughter  ♦  Thunderous Smite  ♦  Thunderwave  ♦  Witch Bolt  ♦  Wrathful Smite


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    • Anonymous

      Pros : Useful spell that give easy advantage on a target while ignoring saving throw.
      Spell is lvl 1 tier so it's cheap to cast.

      Cons : It can be detrimental sometimes, like many aoe spell you have to be aware of where to cast it to not put your allies in disadvantage too.
      Require concentration.

      • Anonymous

        So many shenanigans you can pull off with this spell.

        Sneaking, robbing, ambushing, lite crowd control, etc.

        And all for a level 1 slot. High value spell. Only downside is it competes with things like Haste or Hold Monster for concentration, but since it's a level 1 spell you can use it to conserve high level slots.

        • Anonymous

          Useful casting BEFORE combat to position your ambush. Cast it from a distance inbetween you and the enemy as to not start combat, then sneak your group up to get into an ambush position. If you use it like a movie scene where the fog cloud billows in and suddenly enemies are rushing right on you, you'll find amazing uses for it. Works well with Rogues, Necromancers and Warlocks but it has many creative uses. Not as good as Darkness, but you cannot see out of Darkness. Fog Cloud allows you to sneak into the fog and attack from stealth. Even if you are blinded, you are attacking from stealth so the real problem is the reduction in engagement range.

          • Anonymous

            Funny no mention of it, can this not be electrified like steam clouds ??
            I love BG3 but the more hours i put in, the more i realize how much i miss DOS 2 combat mechanics and enviro interactions

            • Anonymous

              If your character can see in the dark, and if they're close enough, their ranged attacks will be fired with advantage against enemies inside the cloud, because the enemies will be blinded. In these conditions, it's like a faerie fire without a saving throw. This is obviously very strong for any ranged characters, but you can also position enemies at the edge of the cloud, and melee characters standing just outside the cloud can hit the blinded enemy with advantage, too.

              Unlike faerie fire, of course, the enemies can leave the cloud. So, there are pros and cons.

              • Anonymous

                This is only useful for Arcane Tricksters to hide in.
                Ranged attacks and spells can be fired into it completely unhindered, but oddly cannot be fired from inside it.
                Being inside it offers zero protection unlike Darkness, and enemies you cast it on will simply move a few feet to the side to escape since the radius is so low.

                • Lots of cheese with this spell. There is no vision inside so you can Hide without problems. And when you are hidden you can freely Pickpocket or Shove with 100% chance to succeed.

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