Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency


Add your proficiency bonus to Charisma saving throws.


Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level.


Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency Information

  • Add your proficiency bonus to Charisma saving throws.


How to unlock Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency

Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency can be acquired by


Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here



Traits and Features
Ability Drain  ♦  Abjuration Savant  ♦  Absorb Elements  ♦  Acolyte of Nature  ♦  Action Surge  ♦  Adamantine Skin  ♦  Additional Ki Point  ♦  Additional Proficiencies  ♦  Additional Rage Charge  ♦  Advanced Unarmoured Movement  ♦  Agile Chassis  ♦  Agonizing Blast  ♦  Animal Aspect  ♦  Arcane Ward  ♦  Archery  ♦  Arctic  ♦  Armour of Shadows  ♦  Artificer's Lore  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Bear  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Chimpanzee  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Crocodile  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Eagle  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Elk  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Honey Badger  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Stallion  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Tiger  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Wolf  ♦  Aspect of the Beast: Wolverine  ♦  Assassin's Alacrity  ♦  Assassinate  ♦  Assassinate+Ambush  ♦  Assassinate: Initiative  ♦  Assassin‘s Alacrity  ♦  Athlete Standing Up  ♦  Aura of Courage  ♦  Aura of Devotion  ♦  Aura of Hate  ♦  Aura of Protection (Feature)  ♦  Aura of Warding  ♦  Aversion of Fire  ♦  Base Racial Speed  ♦  Battle Acuity  ♦  Battleaxe Proficiency  ♦  Bear Heart  ♦  Beast Speech  ♦  Beast Tamer  ♦  Beguiling Defences  ♦  Beguiling Defenses  ♦  Beguiling Influence  ♦  Bend Luck  ♦  Benign Transportation  ♦  Bestial Fury  ♦  Bestial Heart  ♦  Blade Flourish  ♦  Blessed Healer  ♦  Blessings of Knowledge  ♦  Bolstering Magic  ♦  Bonus Proficiencies  ♦  Book of Ancient Secrets  ♦  Bounty Hunter  ♦  Brave  ♦  Breath Weapon  ♦  Brutal Critical  ♦  Caretaker's Care  ♦  Channel Divinity Charges  ♦  Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants  ♦  Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath  ♦  Channel Divinity: Guided Strike  ♦  Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages  ♦  Channel Divinity: War God's Blessing  ♦  Channel Oath Charges  ♦  Charger: Shove  ♦  Charger: Weapon Attack  ♦  Charm (Illithid Power)  ♦  Civil Militia  ♦  Cloak of Shadows  ♦  Cloud of Jellyfish  ♦  Club Proficiency  ♦  Coast  ♦  Colossus Slayer  ♦  Combat Wild Shape  ♦  Commander's Strike  ♦  Companion's Bond  ♦  Conjuration Savant  ♦  Constitution Saving Throw Proficiency  ♦  Controlled Chaos  ♦  Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank  ♦  Crossbow Expert: Wounding  ♦  Cull the Weak  ♦  Cutting Words (Feature)  ♦  Dagger Proficiency  ♦  Dampen Elements  ♦  Danger Sense  ♦  Dark Devotion  ♦  Dark One's Blessing  ♦  Dark One's Own Luck  ♦  Darkvision  ♦  Dart Proficiency  ♦  Deception Proficiency  ♦  Deepened Pact  ♦  Defense  ♦  Defensive Duellist  ♦  Defensive Tactics  ♦  Deflect Missiles  ♦  Desert  ♦  Destroy Undead  ♦  Destructive Wrath  ♦  Devil's Sight  ♦  Dexterity Saving Throw Bonus +2  ♦  Dexterity Saving Throw Proficiency  ♦  Disarming Attack  ♦  Disciple of Life  ♦  Disciple of the Elements  ♦  Displace  ♦  Distracting Strike  ♦  Divination Savant  ♦  Divine Allegiance  ♦  Divine Health  ♦  Divine Intervention  ♦  Divine Smite  ♦  Divine Strike  ♦  Domain Spells  ♦  Draconic Ancestry  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Black (Acid)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Copper (Acid)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Green (Poison)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: Silver (Cold)  ♦  Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold)  ♦  Draconic Resilience  ♦  Draconic Resilience: Armour Class  ♦  Draconic Resilience: Hit Points  ♦  Dragon Ancestry: Red (Fire)  ♦  Dread Ambusher  ♦  Dreadful Word  ♦  Drow Weapon Training  ♦  Dual Wielder (Feature)  ♦  Dual Wielder Bonus Armour Class  ♦  Dueling  ♦  Duelling  ♦  Duergar Magic  ♦  Duergar Resilience  ♦  Dungeon Delver Perception  ♦  Dungeon Delver Resist Traps  ♦  Dwarven Armour Training  ♦  Dwarven Combat Training  ♦  Dwarven Resilience  ♦  Dwarven Toughness  ♦  Eagle Heart  ♦  Eldritch Invocations  ♦  Eldritch Strike  ♦  Elemental Adept: Acid  ♦  Elemental Adept: Cold  ♦  Elemental Adept: Fire  ♦  Elemental Adept: Lightning  ♦  Elemental Adept: Thunder  ♦  Elemental Affinity: Damage  ♦  Elemental Affinity: Resistance  ♦  Elk Heart  ♦  Elven Weapon Training  ♦  Empowered Evocation  ♦  Enchantment Savant  ♦  Entropic Ward  ♦  Escape the Horde  ♦  Ethereal Escape  ♦  Evasion  ♦  Evasive Footwork  ♦  Evocation Savant  ♦  Exceptional Training  ♦  Experimental Alchemy  ♦  Expert Divination  ♦  Expertise  ♦  Extra Attack  ♦  Faithwarden  ♦  Fancy Footwork  ♦  Fast Hands  ♦  Fast Movement  ♦  Favored Enemy  ♦  Favourable Beginnings  ♦  Favoured Enemy  ♦  Fear of Wolves  ♦  Feinting Attack  ♦  Feral Instinct  ♦  Fey Ancestry  ♦  Fey Presence  ♦  Fiendish Vigour  ♦  Fighting Style  ♦  Fleet of Foot  ♦  Flurry of Moths  ♦  Fly (Feature)  ♦  Focused Conjuration  ♦  Font of Inspiration  ♦  Forbidden Knowledge  ♦  Freecast  ♦  Fungal Infestation  ♦  Giant's Rage  ♦  Giant Killer  ♦  Gloom Stalker Magic  ♦  Gnome Cunning  ♦  Goading Attack  ♦  Great Weapon Fighting  ♦  Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack  ♦  Greatsword Proficiency  ♦  Grim Harvest  ♦  Hand Crossbow Proficiency  ♦  Handaxe Proficiency  ♦  Heart Ablaze  ♦  Heart of Iron  ♦  Heart of the Storm  ♦  Heart of the Storm: Resistance  ♦  Heat Convergence  ♦  Heavy Armour Proficiency  ♦  Hellish Resistance  ♦  Horde Breaker  ♦  Hound of Ill Omen  ♦  Human Versatility  ♦  Hunter's Prey  ♦  Illithid Expertise  ♦  Illithid Powers  ♦  Illusion Savant  ♦  Illusory Self  ♦  Improved Abjuration  ♦  Improved Bardic Inspiration  ♦  Improved Combat Superiority  ♦  Improved Critical  ♦  Improved Critical Hit  ♦  Improved Divine Smite  ♦  Improved Elemental Casting  ♦  Improved Extra Attack  ♦  Improved Unarmoured Movement  ♦  Improved Warding Flare  ♦  Improved Warlock Spell Slot  ♦  Improved Wild Strike  ♦  Indomitable  ♦  Infectious Greed  ♦  Infectious Madness  ♦  Infernal Evasion  ♦  Instinctive Charm  ♦  Intelligence Saving Throw Proficiency  ♦  Intoxicating Strike  ♦  Inured to Undeath  ♦  Iron Mind  ♦  Jack of all Trades  ♦  Javelin Proficiency  ♦  Keen Senses  ♦  Keeper of the Veil  ♦  Ki  ♦  Ki-Empowered Strikes  ♦  Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain  ♦  Lay on Hands Charge  ♦  Lay on Hands Charges  ♦  Legion of Bees  ♦  Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked  ♦  Lifedrinker  ♦  Light Armour Proficiency  ♦  Light Crossbow Proficiency  ♦  Light Hammer Proficiency  ♦  Light Sensitivity  ♦  Longbow Proficiency  ♦  Longsword Proficiency  ♦  Luck of the Far Realms  ♦  Lucky  ♦  Mace Proficiency  ♦  Mage Breaker  ♦  Mage Hand Legerdemain  ♦  Mage Slayer Attack Caster  ♦  Mage Slayer Break Concentration  ♦  Mage Slayer Saving Throw Advantage  ♦  Magic Awareness  ♦  Magic Initiate: Bard (Feature)  ♦  Magic Initiate: Cleric (Feature)  ♦  Magic Initiate: Druid (Feature)  ♦  Magic Initiate: Sorcerer (Feature)  ♦  Magic Initiate: Warlock (Feature)  ♦  Magic Initiate: Wizard (Feature)  ♦  Magic Resistance  ♦  Magical Ambush  ♦  Magical Secrets  ♦  Malleable Illusions  ♦  Manifestation of Body  ♦  Manifestation of Mind  ♦  Manifestation of Soul  ♦  Manoeuvres  ♦  Manoeuvring Attack  ♦  Mantle of Inspiration  ♦  Mantle of Majesty  ♦  Martial Archetypes  ♦  Martial Arts Bonus Unarmed Strike  ♦  Martial Arts Deft Strikes  ♦  Martial Arts Dextrous Attacks  ♦  Martial Prodigy  ♦  Martial Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Mask of Many Faces  ♦  Mask of the Wild  ♦  Medium Armour Proficiency  ♦  Melee Attack Bonus -5  ♦  Melee Damage Bonus +10  ♦  Menacing  ♦  Menacing Attack  ♦  Metamagic  ♦  Metamagic: Careful Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Distant Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Extended Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Heightened Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Quickened Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Subtle Spell  ♦  Metamagic: Twinned Spell  ♦  Mindless Rage  ♦  Minions of Chaos  ♦  Minor Alchemy  ♦  Minor Conjuration  ♦  Mire the Mind  ♦  Misty Escape  ♦  Mobile Evade Difficult Terrain  ♦  Mobile Evade Opportunity Attack  ♦  Morninglord's Radiance  ♦  Mortal Reminder  ♦  Multiattack Defence  ♦  Multiattack: Wounded Target  ♦  Musical Instrument Proficiency  ♦  Mystic Arcanum  ♦  Natural Explorer  ♦  Naturally Stealthy  ♦  Nature's Step  ♦  Nature's Ward  ♦  Necromancy Savant  ♦  Oath of Devotion Tenets  ♦  Oath of the Ancients Tenets  ♦  Oath of Vengeance Tenets  ♦  One with Shadows (Feature)  ♦  Open Hand Technique  ♦  Otherworldly Leap  ♦  Pact Boon  ♦  Pact of the Chain  ♦  Perfect Sentry  ♦  Performance Proficiency  ♦  Perilous Stakes  ♦  Permanently Armed  ♦  Polearm Master Bonus Attack  ♦  Polearm Master Opportunity Attack  ♦  Portent  ♦  Potent Cantrip  ♦  Potent Spellcasting  ♦  Precision Attack  ♦  Primal Strike  ♦  Projected Ward  ♦  Protection  ♦  Psionic Backlash  ♦  Psionic Dominance  ♦  Psionic Fortitude  ♦  Purity of Body  ♦  Pushing Attack  ♦  Quarterstaff Proficiency  ♦  Rage  ♦  Rage: Bear Heart  ♦  Rage: Eagle Heart  ♦  Rage: Elk Heart  ♦  Rage: Tiger Heart  ♦  Rage: Wolf Heart  ♦  Rally (Feature)  ♦  Ranger Knight  ♦  Rapier Proficiency  ♦  Relentless Avenger  ♦  Relentless Endurance  ♦  Relentless Rage  ♦  Reliable Talent  ♦  Remarkable Athlete  ♦  Remarkable Athlete: Jump  ♦  Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency  ♦  Repelling Blast  ♦  Resilient Charisma  ♦  Resilient Constitution  ♦  Resilient Dexterity  ♦  Resilient Intelligence  ♦  Resilient Strength  ♦  Resilient Wisdom  ♦  Righteous Clarity  ♦  Riposte  ♦  Ritual Caster Free Spells  ♦  Sanctified Stalker  ♦  Savage Attacks  ♦  Scimitar Proficiency  ♦  Sculpt Spells  ♦  Sculptor of Flesh  ♦  Second Wind  ♦  Second-Story Work  ♦  Sentinel Opportunity Advantage  ♦  Sentinel Snare  ♦  Sentinel Vengeance  ♦  Shadow Arts  ♦  Shadow Step  ♦  Shadow Walk  ♦  Sharpshooter: All In  ♦  Sharpshooter: Low Ground  ♦  Shield Master: Block  ♦  Shield of Thralls  ♦  Shield Proficiency  ♦  Shortbow Proficiency  ♦  Shortened Stride  ♦  Shortsword Proficiency  ♦  Sickle Proficiency  ♦  Sign of ill Omen  ♦  Sign of Ill Omen (Feature)  ♦  Simple Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Sling Proficiency  ♦  Slow Fall  ♦  Sobering Realisation  ♦  Spear Proficiency  ♦  Speed Increased  ♦  Spell Slots Unlocked  ♦  Split Enchantment  ♦  Spreading Spores  ♦  Stalker's Flurry  ♦  Starry Forms  ♦  Steel Will  ♦  Stillness of Mind  ♦  Stone Camouflage  ♦  Storm's Fury  ♦  Strength of the Grave  ♦  Strength Saving Throw Proficiency  ♦  Strongheart Resilience  ♦  Stunning Strike  ♦  Sunlight Hypersensitivity  ♦  Sunlight Sensitivity  ♦  Sunlight Weakness  ♦  Superior Darkvision  ♦  Superiority Dice  ♦  Sweeping Attack  ♦  Symbiotic Entity  ♦  Tempestuous Magic  ♦  The Third Eye  ♦  Thief of Five Fates  ♦  Thought Shield: Psychic Reflection  ♦  Thought Shield: Psychic Resistance  ♦  Thunderbolt Strike  ♦  Tides of Chaos  ♦  Tiger Heart  ♦  Tranquility  ♦  Transmutation Savant  ♦  Trip Attack  ♦  Two-Weapon Fighting  ♦  Two-Weapon Fighting Style  ♦  Umbral Sight  ♦  Unarmored Defense  ♦  Unarmored Movement  ♦  Unarmoured Defence  ♦  Unarmoured Movement  ♦  Uncanny Dodge  ♦  Undead Fortitude  ♦  Undead Thralls  ♦  Undead Thralls: Additional Undead  ♦  Undead Thralls: Better Summons  ♦  Underdark (Feature)  ♦  Unstable Backlash  ♦  Urban Tracker  ♦  Vampire Ascendant  ♦  Vampire Regeneration  ♦  War Caster Concentration  ♦  War Caster Opportunity Spell  ♦  War Magic  ♦  War Priest  ♦  Warding Flare  ♦  Warhammer Proficiency  ♦  Warlock Spell Slot Gained  ♦  Warlock Spell Slots  ♦  Wasteland Wanderer: Cold  ♦  Wasteland Wanderer: Fire  ♦  Wasteland Wanderer: Poison  ♦  Weakened Constitution  ♦  Web Walker  ♦  Whispers of the Grave  ♦  Wholeness of Body  ♦  Wild Magic (Feature)  ♦  Wild Shape  ♦  Wild Strike  ♦  Wild Surge  ♦  Wisdom Saving Throw Proficiency  ♦  Wolf Heart  ♦  Wrath of the Storm

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