Sharpshooter: All In |
Ranged weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Roll, but deal an additional 10 damage. |
Sharpshooter: All In is a Class Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Sharpshooter: All In is granted together with the Sharpshooter: Low Ground by the Sharpshooter Feat. Features provide unique abilities that are inherent to a Character's Race, Class, Background selected. These may vary greatly, from allowing you to equip certain Weapons or pieces of Armor with Proficiency, to add your Proficiency Bonus to certain Saving Throws.
Sharpshooter: All In Information
- Ranged weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Roll, but deal an additional 10 damage.
How to unlock Sharpshooter: All In
Sharpshooter: All In can be acquired by:
- Sharpshooter (Feat) grants this feature
Sharpshooter: All In Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
This and great weapon master pretty much break the game to the point you kill every boss in 2 turns.
- Anonymous
If you're dual wielding handcrossbow, it works weird. Additional dmg applies to both main hand and off hand but hit roll penalty only applies to main hand. So your off hand has better hit chance.
- Anonymous
Humm I just killed the Spectator from the deeps in the Act1 in one round with the fighter.. Haste potion + Action surge + Sharshooter.. I only needed 5 of my 6 attack with a Heavy Crossbow+1 to solo kill the 160+hp of that boss, something is wrong there.. (In Tactician mode ofc..)
ALSO many heard/read misinformation about this feat, it DOESN'T improve the range of your attacks or reduce the penalties outside of your normal range OR cover at all.
You can find it in your spellbook under Rogue -> Passives OR in your hotbar tab called "passives" & it should also by default on your hotbar.
If you can't find it in your hotbar you can still add it by dragging it from your spellbook onto your hotbar.
- Anonymous
If you are dual wielding hand crossbows, can you "two weapon fighting" the hand crossbow?
In 5E there's an extra dotpoint on this feat that explicitly permits this. That's missing here, so I just want to eleviate that concern before I make a character that revolves around this.