Cull the Weak |
Effect |
When you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved illithid powers, it dies and all nearby creatures take 1-4 Psychic damage. |
Requirements |
Cull the Weak is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Cull the Weak is an ability that executes enemies when their health reaches a certain amount. Features provide unique abilities that are inherent to a Character's Race, Class, Background selected. These may vary greatly, from allowing you to equip certain Weapons or pieces of Armor with Proficiency, to add your Proficiency Bonus to certain Saving Throws.
Cull the Weak Baldurs Gate 3 Information
When you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved illithid powers, it dies and all nearby creatures take 1-4 Psychic damage.
How to unlock Cull the Weak Baldurs Gate 3
Cull the Weak can be acquired by:
Tadpole Locations for Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Each parasite consumed unlocks one new Illithid Power within a skill tree of 25 powerful mind-flayer-inspired abilities, completely separate to the options you have when you level up in a traditional sense. These are divided into five branches themed around manipulation, health restoration, psionics, and abilities that can inflict immense damage and torment enemies to gradually weaken them over time. Some abilities can be used to control those around you, pushing them to say things in dialogue they would otherwise not. Others endow you with the power to push and pull enemies like ragdolls during battle.
Tadpoles locations in Baldur's Gate 3
You can collect additional Mind Flayer tadpoles to advance your Illithid Powers, here is a list of where you can find more tadpoles:
Tadpoles in Act 1
- One can be found on the dead True Soul in Forest (X139, Y444), do not resist the tadpole to acquire.
- One can be found by defeating Flind, the Gnoll Warlord (X33, Y594) (Quest Find the Missing Shipment).
- One can be found in the Druid Grove (X445, Y-17), it would be on a table in Halsin's/Nettie's Secret Research Lab next to the Dissected Drow body.
- One can be found by defeating True Soul Gut (X297, Y-12).
- One can be found by defeating Minthara.
- One can be found by defeating Dror Ragzlin.
- One can be found by defeating True Soul Nere.
- If you side with the Absolute, you can get as many Illithid Powers as "Gift by the Absolute" as you missed by not killing the true soul bosses.
- If you play nice with True Soul Nere until his second conversation ends and he gives you a Gift of the Absolute, you can then kill him for a bonus Tadpole.
Tadpoles in Act 2
- One can be found by defeating Fist Marcus.
- Three can be found in the Infirmary of Crèche Y'llek, next to the Zaith'isk.
- One can be found on Linsella, in the Moonrise Towers kitchen.
- Two at Moonrise Towers' docks, inside the cylindrical Zhentarim Shipping Crate (X70, Y187). Destroy the crate to access them.
- One on a body named Zealot Krizt in Oubliette (X:628, Y: -92).
- Three at the front entrance of Moonrise Towers from Disciple Z'Rell, Zealot Malik, and Adept Merim.
- One in a brine pool (X678, Y45) in the Mind Flayer Colony (requires passing perception check).
- One special tadpole (Astral-Touched Tadpole) can be acquired after you helped the Dream Visitor before reaching Baldur's gate.
Tadpoles in Act 3
- Another special item that gives a charge is the fresh mindflayer's brain in the Abandoned Windmill in Rivington. (X44, Y-38)
- One on a beach northwest of Rivington, on a barrel next to the Stone Lord thugs about to fight the Guild members. (Near X-225, Y108)
- A further two on the ship the Stone Lord thugs arrived in, in the big 'Storage' unit. (Near X-212, Y129)
- One from killing Avery Sonshal at Felogyr's Fireworks, Baldur's Gate Lower City.
- Two can be found on Enver Gortash's Parents, the Flymms (X-30, Y-116), Baldur's Gate Lower City.
- One can be found in High Security Safe n6 (near X-715, Y882) in the high-security vault of Counting House.
- One can be found sitting on a table on the ground floor of Sorcerous Sundries (X-8, Y-91).
- One can be found on the second floor of The Lodge. (X-207, Y-87)
- One on a table in the Sanguine Laboratory, entered from Baldur's Gate's Lower City down a hatch (X-92, Y-91)
- Six can be found on a ship protected by Steel Watchers, in front of the Steel Watch Foundry. (X-202 Y-125)
- One additional one can be found on the body of Churg Elvek, who is preaching next to this ship.
- One can be found in Iron Throne, on the table near Omeluum. (x-45, Y17)
- One can be found on a desk in the Steel Watch Foundry - Lab Level. (X-1940, Y447)
- One can be acquired from Manip Edenosa in Bloomridge Park.
- One can be found in the basement of the Blushing Mermaid. (X-2336, Y-120)
- One can be found in a locked chest in Gortash's office, on the roof of Wyrm's Rock Fortress.
Baldurs Gate 3 Cull the Weak Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
anyone knows does it work with elixir of bloodlust? does it activate extra action?
- Anonymous
I had maxed powers and still I saw a lot of enemies stayed at 20 or lower hp, does it works 1 time per short rest or smth?
- Anonymous
This is BG3's version of the Elden Ring Mimic Tear. At later Illithid levels this ability trivializes alot of the game. It even works with Psionic Backlash.
- Anonymous
It was working perfectly and suddenly it stops working even thought it was working in a previous fight 10 minutes ago.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does it work with magic missile shooting on multiple low hp enemies?
- Anonymous
Does anyone know what the type of damage is that triggers the instant death? I'd assume phychic based on the other half of the ability, but just want to make sure I'll still be able to create zombies out of the enemies that get inta-killed, and that enemies infected with a zombie bite will immediately turn into a lesser zombie still
- Anonymous
Worth noting that abilities that hit multiple times(like Eldritch Blast at level 10, hits 3 times) will proc Cull the Weak once for every hit. Other effects, like Callous Glow Ring's +2 radiant damage, will also apply for every hit, meaning that overkilling an enemy may deal some pretty respectable AoE damage if you're properly set up.
- Anonymous
Currently bugged for very many users. Could be an amazing ability at max tadpoles (26). Worked fine for me through act 1 and 2, now I'm in act 3 and the ability almost never trigger. Sometimes it can be temporarily fixed by deactivating and reactivating the passive for this skill, but mostly it just isn't working for me anymore
- Anonymous
It's worth noting that turning on non-lethal attacks disables this ability (which makes sense), but turning off non-lethal does not automatically turn Cull the Weak back on. If you turn non-lethal attacks on to knock someone out be sure to re-toggle this ability afterwards so you don't play for another hour before realizing it hasn't been working. Non-lethal attacks also gets toggled for the whole party when one person toggles it, so keep that in mind in multiplayer and remind each other to turn the ability back on.
- Anonymous
This ability is incredibly powerful and should not be overlooked. Think on how many times you've hit an enemy with a low roll and they survived with just 3-4hp. Preventing an enemy from getting one last turn in is huge.
- Anonymous
Doesn't seem to trigger on kill effects, like the THP from Fiend Warlock or Invisibility upon scoring a kill from The Deathstalker Mantle.
- Anonymous
I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this- it is much more powerful than you might realize and triggers often.
In in Act 2 I've spent 5 tadpoles + 1 have the power you start unlocked. Early game it was so frustrating to almost always "almost" kill an enemy - hitting them and leaving them with 1-3 hit points.
With this they just die when they have less hit points than the number of powers you have unlocked (6 in my case)- usually freeing up an action for me to do something else, freeing up my damage to do more than 3 hit points of injury, and denying the enemies team a team mate (action economy swings more in my favor).
The Psychic damage part is almost nonsense- don't even consider it when thinking about this power.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
what does it means with "bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved illithid powers"? If I have 2 illithid powers on my char, I had to bring it down to 2 hp?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So basically kill anything that has 24 hp or less instantly that explodes into more damage to surrounding enemies which can chain react?
So a fun interaction, make sure your character has the mind flayer powers of Displace and Cull the Weak. Cast Telekinesis on a corpse and throw into enemies. The throw technically causes the corpse to take damage so procs Cull the Weak and the knocked down enemy gets the displace debuff. This also turns the 4-5 Illithid tadpole corpses you can find into weightless psychic hand grenades.