Dror Ragzlin

True Soul of the Absolute

Level 3

dror ragzlin bosses bg3 wiki guide
Location Shattered Sanctum
Act Act 1 & 2

Defeat the Goblins
Raid the Grove
Save the First Druid
Save the Refugees

Dror Ragzlin is an NPC and potential Boss in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). BG3 Dror Ragzlin is one of the three leaders of the Goblins, alongside Minthara and True Soul Gut. Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players.


Where to find Dror Ragzlin in Baldur's Gate 3

Dror Ragzlin can be found at:

Act 1

Act 2


BG3 Dror Ragzlin Quests


Dror Ragzlin Dialogue Options in Baldur's Gate 3

When first approached, Dror Ragzlin is trying to communicate with a dead mind flayer with little success. He turns to you and recognizes you as a True Soul. He tells you that this is your chance to talk to a dead Mind Flayer. 

  • You can connect with the Mind Flayer to learn a few things, even by passing a few checks you can "influence" what questions Dror Ragzlin does to the dead creature. The Hobgoblin wants to ask the aberration who killed it.
  • If you stay throughout the whole process without leaving, the mind flayer will reveal you as the attacker. You can still pass a check to avoid confrontation.  After the scene ends, he will ask you to report to Minthara about joining the attack on the Druid Grove.
  • You can decide to attack him right there, be ready to face him alongside all the goblin minions lurking around.


Dialogue options: 

When prompted, you will be able to make your choice from the following:

  1. Study the corpse. Was this the mind flayer that tortured you?
  2. I haven't made a habit of it. 
  3. What kind of ceremony is this?
  4. Settle in to watch the proceedings. 
  5. Move in for the kill.
  6. Turn away from the rite. 

Make your choice and the next scene will reflect. You can study the corpse and it will pan into the Mind Flayer. This will also update the journals for Discover the Artefact's Secrets. You can then let it continue, leave or attack him. 

If you stay for the ceremony, there will be a chance for the Mind Flayer to recognize you during the interrogation. 

  1. Allow the hobgoblin to speak freely, lest he sense your intrusion.
  2. [WISDOM] Dig into RAgzlin's mind and control the interrogation.
  3. Attack the hobgoblin.
  4. Leave, before the mind flayer can identify you. 

If you continue to stay, the mind flayer responds with memories. You will continue to be given the option to leave. If you continue to stay, he will eventually find out. You can respond with

  1. [PERSUASION] It's a mistake. I'm a True Soul, remember? We connected
  2. [DETECT THOUGHTS] Cast Detect Thought on him. 
  3. Thrust yourself into his mind.
  4. Drop the ruse and attack. 



BG3 Dror Ragzlin Boss Guide

Dror Ragzlin Boss Tips

Dror Ragzlin is a powerful general that likes to get up close and personal with you, thanks to the massive damage he can inflict using the Faithbreaker. Try to prevent this at all costs. He casts Aura of Leadership, that boosts the damage nearby troops inflict.

Be specially aware to not throw Dror Ragzlin into the bottomless pit, because you won't be able to retrieve his body. Eldritch Blast users pay extra attention to this.

Dror Ragzlin General Information

race icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideRace: Hobgoblin (Humanoid)
hp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideHealth: 75
armorp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAC: 14
movement speed icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBase speed: 9m
size icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideSize: Medium
weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideWeight: 50kg
attitude icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAttitude: 0

Dror Ragzlin Passive Features

attack of opportunity reaction bg3 wiki guide 45pxAttack of Opportunity:

  • Automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach. This uses a Reaction. 

danger sense feature bg3 wiki guide 150pxDanger Sense:

  • You sense when things aren't as they should be. You have Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws against traps, spells, and surfaces. To gain this benefit, you can't be Blinded or Incapacitated.

darkvision spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2Darkvision

  • Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.

extra attack passive feature bg3 wiki guide 150pxExtra Attack:

  • Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack. If you gain the Extra Attack feature from more than one class, they don't add together.

fast movement feature bg3 wiki guide 150pxFast Movement:

  • Movement speed increases by 3m while not wearing Heavy Armour.

extra attack passive feature bg3 wiki guide 150pxMartial Advantage:

  • Once per turn, the hobgoblin can deal an extra 2d6 damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack. The hobgoblin must have an ally who is within 2m of the target and isn't incapacitated.

unarmoured defense iconUnarmoured Defence:

  • While not wearing armour, you add your Constitution Modifier (to your Dexterity) to your Armour Class.

Dror Ragzlin Abilities

strength ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxStrength: 18
dexterity ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxDexterity: 12
constitution ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxConstitution: 16
intelligence ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxIntelligence: 12
wisdom ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxWisdom: 10
charisma ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxCharisma: 15

  • Proficiency Bonus: +3
  • Initiative: +1

Attacks & Spells

  • Aura of Leadership: Nearby allies deal an additional 1d4 Force damage, as long as the Hobgoblin isn't incapacitated.
  • attack2
  • spell1
  • spell2

Dror Ragzlin Resistances

slashing icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideSlashing: Normal
piercing icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guidePiercing: Normal
bludgeoning icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBludgeoning: Normal
fire res icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideFire: Normal
cold res icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideCold: Normal
poison res icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guidePoison: Normal

Dror Ragzlin Rewards

dror ragzlin enemies baldursgate3 wiki guide


Notes and Tips

  • Honor Mode: If Dror Ragzlin finds himself inside the spider pit, he'll try his best to befriend the spiders residing there with a new spell called Arachnid Compulsion so they can band together to fight the real enemy - you.
  • A possible easy way of dealing with Ragzlin is to push or throw all the goblins in the room into the Spider pit while a member of your group tanks Ragzlin.
  • Notes and tips go here
  • ??


All Bosses in Baldur's Gate 3
Ansur (Boss)  ♦  Apostle of Myrkul  ♦  Auntie Ethel  ♦  Balthazar  ♦  Bulette  ♦  Ch'r'ai Tska'an  ♦  Ch'r'ai W'wargaz (Boss)  ♦  Disciple Z'rell  ♦  Dominated Red Dragon  ♦  Emperor  ♦  Filro the Forgotten  ♦  Flaming Fist Marcus  ♦  Gerringothe Thorm  ♦  Halsin (Boss)  ♦  He Who Was  ♦  Kagha  ♦  Ketheric Thorm (Boss)  ♦  Lord Enver Gortash (Boss)  ♦  Lorroakan (Boss)  ♦  Malus Thorm  ♦  Minthara  ♦  Minthara (Boss)  ♦  Netherbrain (Boss)  ♦  Orin the Red (Boss)  ♦  Phase Spider Matriarch  ♦  Ptaris  ♦  Sarevok  ♦  Spectator  ♦  Steel Watch Titan  ♦  The Warden  ♦  Thisobald Thorm  ♦  True Soul Gut  ♦  Warrior Puce


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    • Anonymous

      "If you stay for the ceremony, there will be a chance for the Mind Flayer to recognize you during the interrogation."

      It says he recognises my face as the one that ripped opened the door of his pod and killed him.
      First: I'm disguised.. so that already doesn't make sense
      Second: When did I do this? What this before I was infected (before the game started)

      Seems like a weird story oversight

      • Anonymous

        You can avoid the fight that breaks out when you let him do his thing if your a bard allowing you to get a good surprise attack off and beat him quicker

        • Anonymous

          throw the iron flask at him from the rafters above everyone and it softens him up a bit and might take everyone else out first.

          • Anonymous

            You can easly get his weapon (while not killing him) by using command with a cleric (drop weapon), than opening a bag you dropped on the ground, moving the hammer inside and the collecting the bag.

            You can still join the absolute and kill the druid cove.

            • Anonymous

              Can you let him attack you and kill him, then still be able to start Raid the Emerald Grove with Minthara?

              • Anonymous

                If you want an easy fight, make use of the explosive barrels you can find in the locked room from the Zhent. Combine it with a nice abuse of minor illusion and take maximum profit.

                • Anonymous

                  I was trying to assassinate all the leaders without killing anyone who wasn't in the room with them like the bear told me to. But despite destroying the drums and not allowing anyone to escape. A perfect fight. I somehow make them aggressive anyways during this fight. But killing the other two did not do that. Only killing him. Is there a third drum in the room I am missing? or is killing him mean all gabbo angry even tho they couldn't have known?

                  • Anonymous

                    Fought the whole room at level 4.

                    Look for the ladders in his room, climb up and snipe down from there with one tank guarding the closest ladder.

                    The force is strong with high ground.

                    • Anonymous

                      Easy fight:
                      1. sneak into treasure room
                      2. lock from inside using Arcane Lock
                      3. lure him with Minor Illusion
                      4. free range dps from inside, since he couldn't open the lock, he will be force stand outside and do nothing

                      • Anonymous

                        This guy and Priestes Gut should have been companions along with Minthara if you side with them to make things extra evil

                        • Anonymous

                          Nifty fact about this guy. He always has a gem on him, of varying value. If you long rest, you can have his inventory reset, then pickpocket the gems. Additionally, if you use Command, or Fear on him, you can get his weapon with him in the temporary hostile state. Run away, he resets, no camp aggro. Next, if you pickpocket the Speak with Dead scroll off him, AND take the one next to him, his dialogue will bug, and the cutscene when approaching the throne to speak with him again, turns on, with nothing happening. The game plays normally, but all you see is the angle from the cutscene. You can travel to various points via fast/map travel, but the scene persists. Point? Don't steal a Hobgoblins scrolls, else, ye will break him, and he will break your game. Finally, as the poster under me stated. Do NOT kill him, as it will forcefully aggro the entire camp. Not tough to handle, just... kind of annoying, and it locks you into siding with the Tieflings as a result. Pro Tip: Those chests behind his throne? Why, those look like a great place to stash an entire Goblin Camps worth of bodies.

                          • Anonymous

                            Wasted my time stealth killing the goblins only to find out killing this guy make the entire camp hostile. Oh well.

                            • Anonymous

                              I had an option when using Shadowheart with (Cleric) a second time telling Dror Ragzlin to give her the scroll and be the one to do the 'Speak to the Dead' and after it I got an Inspiration from her. I used an Origin Character here, I am not able to do this again on my other playthroughs though even when using an Origin Character again and its weirding me out. Any other did it too? If so do you remember how?

                              • Also, looks like there were some Drow hiding in the rafters that joined in during the fight? Still pretty low level enemies but a real surprise!

                                • I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Dror Ragzlin is such a sexist that he'll actually refuse to talk to female characters. If so, it's an incredibly neat touch!

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I like all his ridiculous quotes about the Absolute.
                                    I wish i remember all his lines to annoy people with the Absolute.
                                    BECAUSE HE IS ABSOLUTE!

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Killing him aggros all goblins in the goblin camp even when killed stealthily. Fix please? This makes killing the other two leaders stealthily pointless since the quest will end in combat no matter what you do.

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