Duelling |
When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon. |
Duelling is a Class Passive in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level.
Duelling Information
- When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon.
How to unlock Duelling
Duelling can be acquired by
- Fighter Lvl 1
- Ranger Lvl 2
- Paladin (Lvl 2)
- College of Swords (Lvl 3)
Dueling Tips & Notes
- Despite the confusing phrasing, you WILL receive the +2 damage bonus when wielding a Versatile weapon in just one hand (for instance, if you have a shield in the other hand). You will only miss out on the bonus if you switch to wielding that weapon with both hands.
- The bonus will not be applied to thrown weapon attacks or improvised weapons.
Playing in patch 4.11.3767641 it seems that Duelling does NOT add the 2 additional bonus for throw weapon. Unless there is something I am doing wrong.
I spear of the absolute equipped with a shield and it is bound with Eldritch Knight ability. If I attack an enemy with weapon attack then I get the 2 bonus damage. Throwing the weapon does not apply the 2 damage.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just to ask the hardest question after reading all the above and comments:
Does it apply when I throw a versatile weapon?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
For reference, Duelist DOES apply to thrown weapons with the thrown property, but ONLY if your EQUIPPED weapon meets DUELIST'S criteria. For example, throwing a spear with versatile/thrown will only get Duelist +2 if you have a 1H weapon/a versatile weapon equipped. If you try and throw it with, say, a greataxe equipped, despite the spear being applicable to duelist, you will NOT receive the duelist +2.
- Anonymous
For those wondering about how Dueling works with other attacks, I tested it out as soon as I reached level 2, Fighter+Monk multiclass, wearing Quarterstaff and a shield.
-Staff + Shield equipped, Dueling gave me the +2 to damage as expected. So Versatile weapons work correctly with a shield.
-For both the unarmed attack bonus action that Monks get after a regular attack, as well as the bonus unarmed hits you can use at the cost of some Ki...it did NOT.
-For one handed weapons thrown with the 'thrown' property, it DOES apply surprisingly. For example, if you throw a handaxe at someone with dueling, you will get the +2 damage.
-For weapons without the 'thrown' property, it did NOT apply.
-Improvised weapons, from what I could see, did NOT apply.
I was not able to test Polearm Master's bonus attack that becomes available after a normal attack. You might be able to get the bonus with a one handed spear/quarterstaff+shield, but this requires testing. If you have different results from what I tested, I'd be interested to know.
- Anonymous
It works for versatile weapons when they are used as one-handed, with no weapon in the other hand (a shield will not count as a weapon, so it will still apply if you use a one handed versatile weapon, and a shield)
You can reproduce this by taking dueling, using a longsword & shield --> hit any box --> check the dice roll in the logs
You'll see a +2 (Duelling) added to the attack roll.
As long as you're not using a versatile weapon as a two-hander, duelling will apply.
The tooltip is abysmally worded and easily misconstrued.
- Anonymous
I'm assuming it does not, but does this work for:
Unarmed attacks
Improvised weapons (one handed)
Thrown weapons(hand axes, spears, etc) when thrown?
- Anonymous
Was anyone able to verify if this works with Versatile weapons?
- Anonymous
Does it works with magic altered weapons, like flame blade or Shillelagh effect?
- Anonymous
this is how you parse the admittedly poorly-worded description:
When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed, and no weapon in the other hand;
or when you are wielding a Versatile weapon in one hand, and no weapon in the other hand;
you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon.
they have to specify Versatile weapons because they're technically both one-handed and two-handed weapons at the same time
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does this work for unarmed strikes ? If not what fighting style would be good for a open hand monk that only uses unarmed strikes bcs wanna multiclass into fighter?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The bonus from Dueling is not showing up on the character sheet damage but it does show up in the chat logs after a hit.
As a few others have said, I have not been able to find a way to use the Longsword 1-handed except for equipping a shield in your off-hand
- Anonymous
So I see a lot of confusion regarding the 'empty hand'. Can anyone confirm that the bonus only applies if your offhand is empty, and that it does not work with shields?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It works as intended and with a shield. You can see this value in the chat log after attack (practice on a familiar or something)
- Anonymous
You have to toggle duel wielding while holding a longsword in the main hand. Technically you have you fist as an off hand, and can spend your bonus action to punch, but this is also how 5e worked. Now, some people are reporting that the damage boost doesn't show on the character sheet. I don't know if the feature is broken, but can someone confirm? I might forget to post my test
- Anonymous
Yeah, I could not find any way to use a versatile weapon one-handed either. Though I am curious if it is just a sheet stat error (regarding dueling dmg in a correct setup) or if it really isn't applying the damage at all. I might be playing tonight so, as I mentioned in a reply, I'll keep an eye out for attacks that would deal more than wpn + str, hopefully showing that dueling works but isn't listed in sheet dmg.
Another reply post said they had gotten it working with a shield and that they "Got a message like + 2(2 Character Weapon Bonus)". I wonder how they got this working and where the message was actually listed.
- Anonymous
Seems to be broken currently. No change in stats with any weapon or setup and unable to switch between one handed and dual wield currently for versatile weapons
- Anonymous
Bonus isn't shown in character sheet. I tried battle axe with shield, shortsword and dagger (with and without shield), the DMG bonus did not change...
- Anonymous
Does it do the 5e thing when you can use a shield in the other hand and still have the damage bonus?
Wait why does it work with shield? So there is no point in just using a rapier without anything else? Why does it work like that lol