Metamagic: Extended Spell |
Double the duration of conditions, summons, and surfaces caused by spells. Costs 1 Sorcery Point per spell. |
Metamagic: Extended Spell is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level.
Metamagic: Extended Spell Information
- Double the duration of conditions, summons, and surfaces caused by spells.
- Costs 1 Sorcery Point per spell
- Can be learned at level 2
How to unlock Metamagic: Extended Spell
Metamagic: Careful Spell can be acquired by:
Metamagic: Extended Spell BG3 Guide
Metamagic: Extended Spell is one of seven Metamagics available to Sorcerers. Metamagics are a Sorcerer-specific feature that allows them to alter the properties of their Spells to benefit them and their allies, or to simply bolster the effects of the spell casted. In Early Access, there are 7 Metamagics that you can spend Sorcery Points on, each of which have varying Sorcery Point costs depending on how potent they are. To use Metamagics in Baldur's Gate 3, click on the Metamagic you want to use, then click on and cast the spell you want to apply the Metamagic on. Spells that are compatible with your chosen Metamagic will glow white on your Spell HUD. Only one Metamagic can be applied to a spell at a time.
Sorcery Points are a resource only available to Level 2 or higher Sorcerers. Their main purpose is to apply Metamagics onto casted spells to improve them. They can, however, also be used to create or regain Spell Slots in a pinch through the Create Spell Slot Bonus Action. Sorcery Points are replenished by having a Long Rest at Camp or by sacrificing Spell Slots through Create Sorcery Points.
Metamagic: Extended Spell costs 1 Sorcery Point and doubles the duration of spells that persist across multiple turns. This includes spells that inflict Conditions, summon creatures, or generate special terrain. In D&D, this Metamagic was especially useful to keep certain buffs that lasted a few hours, such as Aid and
Mage Armour, up throughout multiple combat encounters, and possibly the whole day. However, this has changed in Baldur's Gate 3, with these buffs persisting indefinitely until the player takes a long rest. Despite this change, Extended Spell remains a good option to use when casting powerful buffs and debuffs with a short duration.
Consider taking Metamagic: Extended Spell if you have one or more of the following Spells prepared (the full release of Baldur's Gate 3 may feature more than the options given): Blade Ward,
Colour Spray,
Crown of Madness,
Hypnotic Pattern,
Ray of Frost,
Ray of Sickness,
Shocking Grasp,
True Strike. All Sorcerers can pick Extended Spell from their list of Metamagic starting at Level 2. In Early Access, you only get to choose 3 Metamagics to keep, and are unable alter your choices after picking. In the full release of Baldur's Gate 3, however, you will be able to alter your list of Metamagic through respeccing.
Metamagic: Extended Spell Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I wouldn’t bother with this unless your using it on blade ward or something
quantos turnos ela aumenta em um feitiço tipo aceleridade que tem 10 turnos ????