Mortal Reminder |
When you land a Critical Hit against a creature, that creature and any nearby enemies must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or become Frightened until the end of their next turn. |
Mortal Reminder is a passive ability of The Great Old One Warlocks in Baldur's Gate 3. Passive abilities provide unique abilities that are inherent to a Character's Race, Class, Background selected. These may vary greatly, from allowing you to equip certain Weapons or pieces of Armor with Proficiency, to add your Proficiency Bonus to certain Saving Throws.
Baldur's Gate 3 Mortal Reminder Information
- When you land a Critical Hit against a creature, that creature and any nearby enemies must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or become Frightened until the end of their next turn.
How to unlock Mortal Reminder in BG 3
Mortal Reminder can be acquired by:
- The Great Old One
- Viconia in Tactician Mode.
Mortal Reminder Tips & Notes for BG 3
- A frightened creature can't move and has Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls.
Recently, I found out (to my surprise) from the combat log (game: patch 3) that Mortal Reminder's DC is set based on your active INT score. So, if a Warlock runs around with INT = 8 (lowest possible, natural INT score), Mortal Reminder can be a waste of feat (though it will still have at least 5% chance to trigger on a critical).
- Anonymous
I have found the range on this to be far too low.
I would assume anyone in LOS should take the debuff but it's literally only creatures that are in melee range, or very close to it, that get hit.
The end result is, even when you crit, you're usually only debuffing the mob you're hitting and that's if the crit doesn't kill it outright. Disappointed in this one.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Will mortal reminder proc on all the enemies in range, if you multi class great old one with assassin, then surprise attack them in the first round to get a critical hit?
Dipping into warlock with an Assassin main for those guaranteed crits on surprised enemies sounds very juicy indeed.
- Anonymous
I realized this by a chance. Matt Mercer has a dnd class called Blood Hunter and one of the subclasses has warlock integrated in it and great old one feature there actually has the exact same effect as mortal reminder. I don't know if baldurs got that from Matt or Matt took that from an older dnd edition and they used both. This really can't be a coincidence.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Regarding Mortal Reminder, it says "any nearby enemies" in addition to the creature. What's the distance of that? Is it 3m? 9m? 18m?
Build Idea for great old one. we make Eldritch blast our crit tool to proc mortal reminder. we need to improve crit chance:
- eldrich evocation for the added char mod and repel blast
- Feats: 2x attribute gain, 1x spell sniper for the crit chance
-potent robe for the added char mod dmg on cantrips
- Use hex when targeting multiple bolts of EB on a targt
-risky ring (garantees advantage. Helps a lot with crit chance)
--spellmight gloves (more dmg, less accuracy. Advantage from risky ring offset the -5 easily)
- at lvl 12 : go 8 warlock and 4 champion fighter for the extra crit (this also give you +1 ac from fighting style, a little bit of heal, action surge and more armor options)
- Use mage armor as a incantation and shield if you can
-use consumables for extra crit.
All in all, because of your crit chance and advantage you should crit at least with 1 of your 3 EB bolts every actions and it can hit pretty hard. you can keep spell slots for control spells like hunger of hadar and counter spell