Wildheart |
Initial Wildheart Features |
Inherited Barbarian Features |
Wildheart is a Subclass of Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3. Barbarians primary ability is Strength, their saving throw proficiencies are Strength and Constitution, and they have a Hit Dice of 1d12. They have proficiency with Simple Weapons, martial weapons, light Armor, medium armor and shields.
Your attunement with nature and its beasts inspires your rage, empowering you with supernatural might.
- Level 1 - Unarmored Defense (Feature)
- Level 1 - Rage (Bonus Action)
- Level 2 - Danger Sense (Feature)
- Level 2 - Reckless Attack (Action)
- Level 3 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
- Level 3 - Pick Subclass (Wildheart, Berserker, Wild Magic)
- Level 4 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 5 - Extra Attack (Feature)
- Level 5 - Fast Movement (Feature)
- Level 6 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
- Level 7 - Feral Instinct (Feature)
- Level 8 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 9 - Brutal Critical (Feature)
- Level 11 - Relentless Rage (Feature)
- Level 12 - Additional Rage Charge (Class Feature)
- Level 12 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
BG3 Wildheart Features Progression
- Level 3 - Learn Speak with Animals
- Level 3 - Pick 1 Bestial Heart (Subclass Feature): You can change your bestial heart on each subsequent level.
- Bear Heart: You obtain Rage: Bear Heart and Unrelenting Ferocity (Actions)
- Eagle Heart: You obtain Rage: Eagle Heart and Diving Strike (Actions)
- Elk Heart: You obtain Rage: Elk Heart and Primal Stampede (Actions)
- Tiger Heart: You obtain Rage: Tiger Heart and Tiger's Bloodlust (Actions)
- Wolf Heart: You obtain Rage: Wolf Heart and Inciting Howl (Actions)
- Level 6 - Choose an Animal Aspect (Subclass Feature)
- Bear: Carrying capacity is doubled, Advantage on Strength Checks.
- Chimpanzee: Resistance to Falling damage, throwing camp supplies Blinds targets.
- Crocodile: Movement on water-based surfaces increased by 3m. On slippery surfaces, gain Advantage on Saving Throws against being knocked Prone.
- Eagle: Darkvision up to 12m, Advantage on Perception Checks.
- Elk: Movement speed increase by 1.5m for yourself and nearby allies.
- Honey Badger: 50% chance for a free Rage, if Poisoned, Frightened, or Charmed at the start of your turn.
- Stallion: Dashing grants you temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
- Tiger: Double Strength Modifier on Attack Rolls against Bleeding or Poisoned targets, gain proficiency in Survival.
- Wolf: Gain Proficiency in Stealth, You and nearby allies add your Dexterity modifier as a bonus to Stealth Checks.
- Wolverine: Attacks on Bleeding or Poisoned targets Maim them (No move, Disadvantage DEX Saves) it for 1 turn.
- Level 8 - Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (Subclass Feature)
- Level 10 - Choose an Animal Aspect (Subclass Feature)
Wildheart Tips & Builds
- Wildheart Barbarians have access to extra cosmetic options thematic to Bestial Heart in the Character Creator.
- Anonymous
Other barb subclass rages add the additional damage from Rage even if the weapon is finesse and based in dex. But wildheart only works with str based attacks. Which really sucks... why does this one subclass not support a dual weilding dex barb? Guess I'll just miss out on the damage or go Berserk.... rather go tiger heart though...
- Anonymous
Honestly bear not that great cause elemental damage still rare! You just can use that bow and give fire ice resistance..,
Tiger, Eagle, And Wolf freaking strong and useful!
Eagle give you bonus action dash and by stallion aspect get +24temp hp at every turn and use the boots what give +3 damage charge per dash or an another boots where can use dash and jump same time for 1 bonus action.
Wolf give melee attackers advantage which is a lot of your party melee attackers!
And tiger looks the strongest because give you cleave attack unlimited times which also cause bleeding even if the damage halving (only the weapon’s base damage while bonuses modifiers and gwm feat not!) and with bleed and wolverine aspect can lock the enemies even if use reverberation items then stunlocking them! (Prone + maim where cannot stand up so have no turns!)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Sidenote for Crocodile aspect this passive seems lackluster but is great with Elk heart to increase movement per turn. If you start your turn on any watery surface the Crocodile aspect stacks the +3m extra movement and you can build well over 33metres of movement per turn for one Elk stampede knocking everything prone and then hitting them with advantage before they can get up. Very fun to play. Charging through mud, acid, water, grease, ice!
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- Anonymous
This subclass is a huge playbox for character builds.
Conventionally speaking, bear heart is easiest to build around, very beginner friendly.
Eagle is one of my personal favourites, as it creates a whole new playpattern around it. Seeking highground to jump off of, disadvantage on enemy oportunity attacks can be weaponized with a dip in Battlemaster for Riposte or patient defense Monk + Gear, Bonus Action Dash makes you incredibly tanky with Aspect on the stallion on the side, a Monk dip allows for Bonus Action Dash + as many Jumps as your movement allows, which can result in multiple Diving Strikes and easy backline access. Absolutely adore this aspect.
For Elk heart I need testing, but the sound of hitting multiple enemies with an attack roll sounds sweet. If it counts as unarmed, the item and Monk synergy could be amazing, if it counts as a weapon attack, maybe it procs weapon effects? If the exact ins and outs are known, this could be another goldmine.
Tiger is an absolute beast for bleeding builds and has the easiest time of creating synergies with the Aspects of Tiger and Wolverine on Level 6 and 10, which allow for crazy hit rates and debuff stacking.
For building a 4 squad team, wolf heart has great implications for other Melee fighters, as someone has already pointed out. Necromancer swith Zombie Armies, Ranger pets, Melee rogues and all kinds of items that proc on advantage are also automatically enabled, making you a walking catalyst for your team. IMO, a good word can be put in for aspect of the Elk here, as an additional Longstrider buff to get all of your melees in range auf the targets you want to maul at.
Other aspects that i haven´t mentioned specificall yet:
Bear: More carrying weight means more falling damage for cheesing enemies by jumping on them from bigger height (e.g. Druid in bear form or even an inconsistent diving strike)
Chimpanzee: Hear me out... Weaponize the Salami and dip into Eldritch knight for Throwing Blinding Salamis. Is it good? No. Fun? Damn right.
Crocodile: Could be viable in the light of Spellcasters in your team that go for tons of frost or lighning/thunder Damage. Icy Surfaces appear to be your friend with this, especially when Ring of self immolation might melt the surface underneath? (testing required)
Eagle: My creativity falls flat here, please help.
Honey Badger: Sources of self poison are smthg along the lines of rotten food. You could also use charm person on your own Barbarian, i guess? With the gloves that give you 15 temporary hitpoints, one may cheat out multiple rages and RNG tankiness^^
Wolf: Seems to thrive as a party-wide buff again, stealth archer being a class that could actually benefit from a "camp barbarian". A +4 or +5 is a non concentration pass without trace, could be worth something^^
- Anonymous
some bestial hearts and aspect actually very good but some is garbage!
tiger heart absolutly win the race then the bear is the seond, may elk is the third cause that stampede work well
eagle heart very situational! just too bad to build your chest box tower at everytime! :/ would be much better if you can use bonus action and infuse with jump! :/
wolf heart is totaly out of sense! not that bad the passive but the action the worst!!!
abut the aspects:
only tiger and wolverine really worth it!
stallion actually good but need dash so wasting an action if you not multiclass!
elk is good supportive and aditional passive but nothing special... crocodile a bit too situational... even chimpanze is looks fun but actually waste 1 attack...! at least should work with the rotten foods so you deal blindness and poisoned them but not working! :/
eagle is wasting just like bear... litereally every race have darkvision...
honey badger not that bad cause can eat rotten food
but wolf again the wolf is the worst!!! give bonus to stealth??? really a barbarian? not even mentioned how tigers more stealthy animals than wolves! at least wolfes should give + damage per party number in 10 meter!
- Anonymous
The "extra cosmetic options" are more piercings, not anything crazy awesome like antlers, claws, or a tail.
- Anonymous
"Wildheart Barbarians have access to extra cosmetic options in the Character Creator depending on their choice of Bestial Heart."
This is false. You do have extra cosmetic options, but it isn't reliant to their choice. You can choose any of the 5 no matter which one you pick.
- Anonymous
I started as a Wild Magic barbarian because chaos can be fun. Until I hit level 6 and the implications of Animal Aspects sunk in.
Eagle + Stallion + Fleetfingers gloves is like being a kid again: dive, then dash and jump to reset for the next round. *Become* the ranged attack, and get temporary HP for volunteering to be a cannonball.
- Anonymous
Karlach build I use. Wildheart (tiger 8)/rogue thief 4. Start as a strength build but in act 3 you can armor of agility, a finesse two handed glaive, and gauntlets of ogre power. Respec into dex, have 18 dex, GWM, PAM, and resilient dex to round the 17 dex to 18. You have 23 strength from gauntlets, gets doubled to attacks vs bleeding due to tiger aspect, you can sneak attack since the glaive is a finesse weapon, PAM gives reaction sneak attacks, and you can use bonus actions dashes with the lightning charge boots. Her AC is currently 21 with zero boosts, she has crazy high str, dex, and con saves. She’s just great. Works even better on a PC too.
- Anonymous
Im running Wolf Heart for the perma advantage with a Thief and great weapon master Fighter in my party... its damn good.
- Anonymous
Do Subclass Features apply only if going with that class, without multiclassing? I respecced Karlach at level 11 and dipped 9 levels into Wildheart, taking Bear Aspect same as I did before before the respec process. However the extra carrying capacity isn't applying. After it reached level 9 I started taking Fighter levels. What gives? My Aspect and Heart are not the same animal but that doesn't matter since even before the respect they weren't the same animal.
- Anonymous
How can Wildheart Barbarians have access to additional cosmetics if you can only edit your character's appearance before starting the game, but Wildheart is only available upon reaching level 3?
Do the cosmetics get applied automatically, or is there a way to edit your character in-game that neither I nor Google search knows about?
- Anonymous
Tiger rage plus tiger aspect gives you an unlimited source of bleeding and a huge to hit bonus versus bleeding, combine with booals benediction and you get free advantage on bleeding. Other than throwing build tavern brawler cheese this is the strongest barbarian damage build I’ve found so far.
- Anonymous
Eagle Heart + Stallion Aspect.
Twice your level as temp hp every turn for a bonus action while raging.
- Anonymous
Does the rage from WIld heart overrtite the damage reduction you get from normal raging?
- Anonymous
Anyone have recommendations for which Barbarian feats work nicely as a Wildheart Barbs?
- Anonymous
The infamous bearbarian build lives on. Multiclass Bear Heart with Circle of the Moon for probably the tankiest build in D&D.
- Anonymous
This is the Baldur's Gate 3 equivalent of Totem Warrior for Barbarians.
- Anonymous
For those confused by the name as I was, I think Wildheart in BG3 is supposed to be Totem Warrior in D&D
That apparently most of reddit considers Elk's universal movement advantage + stampede "situational", but the Eagle's " Diving Strike" (which literally requires special conditions or that one spends 5 turns seeking a complicated position) is all the rage there, is one of the most perfect proofs of how absurd and useless that place is.
I hope Larian have also noticed this trend and have just been befuddled.