Morninglord's Radiance |
Effect |
Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1~4
Requirements |
Complete the Ceremonial Weapons puzzle in Rosymorn Monastery |
Morninglord's Radiance is a Status Effect in Baldur's Gate 3. Status Effects are the different conditions that can affect characters in both positive and negative ways. Morninglord's Radiance is unique and can be aquired repeatedly by completing the Ceremonial Weapons puzzle in Rosymorn Monastery.
Morninglord's Radiance Information
- Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1~4 Radiant damage.
How to unlock Morninglord's Radiance
- Morninglord's Radiance can be acquired by:
- Completing the Ceremonial Weapons puzzle in Rosymorn Monastery to get the Dawnmaster's Crest. Specifically, when you put all four weapons on the correct pedestals your party will all get the Status Effect.
- The Status Effect will be removed from party members after a long rest but you can reactivate it again by going back to the puzzle, picking up one Ceremonial Weapon and placing it back on the correct pedestal.
Morninglord's Radiance Tips & Notes
- You do not need to use the "Ceremonial" weapons to complete the puzzle. Rusty and Normal weapons that are found thoughout the immediate area can be used instead and your character acknowledges this when you try to do it. Contextually, this makes sense because a note in Dawnmaster Stockhold's grave confirms that the Rusty Mace he is buried with was once a ceremonial weapon and that he had many more. All the other weapons found in this area were probably considered ceremonial at some point.
- You can still complete the puzzle and aquire the Status Effect if you first used lockpicking to bypass the puzzle.
- Dismissing a party member and reinviting them back into your party reapplies the Status Effect for that party member only, even after a Long Rest. This is possibly a bug.
- Having The Blood of Lathander weapon is not related to aquiring this Status Effect and you can continue to get the effect without ever finding it.
- Anonymous
idk but it seems they patched this. seems like a one time use thing that lasts until long rest. I had it, long rested, lost it, went back to the monastery and put all the ceremonial weapons back in their places and they all light up but didnt get the buff back. Patch #3 notes say "Lathander is a little more stingy with his Morninglord's Radiance blessings, and no longer re-blesses party members every time they join the party." but it seems like he just never re-blesses anyone since my party has stayed the same all game. oh well its only 1-4 extra damage so not the end of the world
- Anonymous
Sorry I meant the --morninglords radiance --.
I'm happy to keep a permanent buff of radiance damage, it's only on weapons and I can magicblast radiance counters.
- Anonymous
I don't have lathanders blood, I put all 4 weapons on the pedestals and have taken multiple Long rests and still have the blessing..
... I have the crest but not the blood... Maybe blood makes it temp?
- Anonymous
looks like the buff is just until ur next long rest now, i cant seem to get it to reapply after, patch 3 might have fixed it
- Anonymous
I had no idea about the sub quest involved here, I just lockpicked the safe and opened the bag. I did not receive any buff. And more importantly, when I pick up the Ceremonial Long Sword, with its juicy "light" effect... that light effect disappears and it just becomes a normal weapon... is this a bug or what is supposed to happen?
- Anonymous
Because of the permanent reapplication bug, you are pretty much required to do a Long (Partial) Rest after adding someone back into your party.
- Anonymous
This buff never expired on Shadowheart for some reason; still having it near the end of act 3
- Anonymous
I went back to pick up the ceremonial weapons (after doing a long rest and loosing the buff), when i picked up the weapon i got the buff again and it lasted until next long rest
- Anonymous
So many in comments say this and that about how to get the buff.
You gain it the moment the 4 altars has their 2 blue lights light up, once the altars have the corresponding weapon on it. Be it normal, +1, ceremonial. As long as the dude who wielded maces altar gets any mace on top of it, it lights up. Same for the rest of them. Thus, you don't even need to fight the guardian spirit, just get another battle axe, if my memory serves me right and that was the weapon under it
- Anonymous
"Some players report that they managed to aquire the Status Effect without putting all four Ceremonial Weapons on the correct pedestals. They put Rusty and Normal weapons of the correct type on each pedestal instead. This is possibly a bug."
This is NOT a bug. When you do this, your character specifically says something along the lines of "I guess any weapons I have lying around could work". This makes sense, because the note in Dawnmaster Stockhold's grave confirms that the rusty mace he is buried with was once a ceremonial weapon. The rusty ones were ceremonial at some point.
- Anonymous
I dismissed Lae'zel in act 2 to do a Karlach quest, and when i reinvite her she has the buff, despite doing the quest like 20 long rests ago
- Anonymous
This needs to be put into the Status Effects section of the wiki, it's not supposed to be in Traits and Features. I'd do it myself if I knew how to do it.
- Anonymous
As of Hotfix 4 (re-released), you can go back to the monastery after losing the buff, and pick up one of the weapons (tested with Ceremonial Battleaxe + Blood of Lathander's already claimed) then place said weapon back on the pedestal for the buff again.
- Anonymous
For some reason, when you dismiss a character, and reinvite him to party, he gets the buff even after leaving the monastry
- Anonymous
I got this buff presumably once I collected the three ceremonial weapons, far before I got the Blood of Lathander.
I had assumed it was a buff for holding all three weapons but I guess it isn't supposed to be?
- Anonymous
I didn't even get all the ceremonial weapons, I substituted them for rusty & normal versions. Afterwards, I noticed I have this buff - without even getting the Blood of Lathander.
- Anonymous
From what i know, you can only get this buff only and if only you gather the four Ceremonial weapons AND get the Blood of Lathaender. It wont appear if you somehow managed to lockpick the wall where the crest is located.
Solo run: Ceremonial weapons, then mace, i got the buff after.
Mutli run: Lockpick crest, then mace. No buff. Place the weapons, got the buff
- Anonymous
My friends broke the statues and we never got the mace, but were still able to recieve this buff and take it with us outside the monastery. Im pretty sure you recieve it by interacting with Lathanders statue after acquiring the crest.
Fextralife is so good at updating their wiki that most of the info here hasn't been relevant since early access.