the blood of lathander baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 150px

Blood of Lathander


4~9 Damage

1d6 icon bg3 wiki guide 11d6+3damage blunt icoin bg3 wiki guideBludgeoning

Lathander's Blessing: recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxOnce per Long Rest, when your hit points are reduced to 0, you regain 2d12healing icon bg3 wikihit points. Allies Withinradius icon action bg3 wiki 48px9m also regain 1d6healing icon bg3 wikihit points.

lathanders light baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 64pxLathander's Light: Sheds holy light in a radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px6m radius. In combat, fiends and undead standing in the light are blinded condition iconBlinded, unless they succeed a saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxConstitution Saving Throw.

weapon enchantment icon bg3 wikiguide 48pxWeapon Enchantment +3

sunbeam spell evocation school baldursgate3 wiki guide 64pxSunbeam

icon proficiency bg3 wiki guideProficiency with this weapon type unlocks:
concussive smash actions bg3 wiki guide 45px backbreaker icon

infobox quote icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 24pxThe large chunk of amber set into the handle of this luminous more supposedly holds four drops of godly blood fallen to the earth in a battle between an avatar of Lathander and a maddened Chosen of Mystra.

icon weapon type bg3 wiki guideMace

  1.8 weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 640 currency coin baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 24px

The Blood of Lathander is one of the Maces Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)The Blood of Lathander is one the best weapons the player can obtain early in the game, and it's recommended to be used by a healer who knows how to stay safe during combat. In BG3, each type of weapon has different ranges, damages, and other features (Finesse, Versatile, Dippable, etc.).  Characters need to master certain Proficiency before using a weapon, and sometimes gain special Actions while holding it.


The large chunk of amber set into the handle of this luminous more supposedly holds four drops of godly blood fallen to the earth in a battle between an avatar of Lathander and a maddened Chosen of Mystra.

BG3 The Blood of Lathander Information

Lathander's Blessing: Once per Long Rest, when your hit points are reduced to 0, you regain 2d6 (2~12) hit points. Allies within 9m also regain 1d6 (1~6) hit points.

  • lathanders light baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 64pxLathander's Light: Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. In combat, fiends and undead standing in the light are Blinded, unless they succeed a DC14 Constitution Saving Throw.
  • 1d6 slashing icon bg3 wiki 48px1d6 + STR Modifier + 3 damage blunt icoin bg3 wiki guideBludgeoning
  • dippable icon bg3 wiki guideWeapon Enchantment +3
  • sunbeam spell evocation school baldursgate3 wiki guide 64pxSunbeam (Lvl 6 Evocation Spell, Recharge: Long rest.)
  • Range: icon range bg3 wiki guide 1.5m

BG3 The Blood of Lathander Location & Where to Find

  • Location: From Mountain Pass, head to Rosymorn Monastery, second floor into a hexagonal room with a puzzle. Not solving the puzzle won't exactly prevent you from getting the weapon, but by solving it, it will be much easier to get the weapon. 
  • The Monastery has 3 different levels. You must jump and climb vines to reach different parts of the Monastery.
  • You can find Ceremonial Mace on a drunk Kobold on the first floor of the monastery.
  • You can find Ceremonial Battleaxe after defeating the guardian on the second floor.
  • Ceremonial Warhammer is on the top level, in the Eagle's Nest. (If you help the Blue Jay to take back the nest, he will reveal a loot location for you.)
  • Place all ceremonial weapons on the right stand to acquire the Dawnmaster's Crest. If you attempt to take the Blood of Lathander without it, you will trigger the 4-turn countdown to the destruction of the entire Monastery.
    • Warhammer -- Dawnmaster Seed
    • Mace -- Dawnmaster Stockhold
    • Battleaxe -- Dawnmaster Vaseid
    • Longsword -- Dawnmaster Welkinglory
  • Once all 4 ceremonial weapons are placed in the correct location, a hidden pouch will be revealed and your party will gain the Morninglord's Radiance condition.
  • rosymorn monastery puzzle final release bg3 wiki guide min
  • After you defeated the inquisitor and returned from the Astral Plane. (Otherwise, Laezel may turn hostile.) Go to the statues on the left, turn one of them facing west and the other facing east (sunset and sunrise) to reveal the entrance to Secret Chamber. If the statue is stuck, use a Grease bottle on it or hit it with a blunt weapon.
    rosymorn monastery statue puzzle final release bg3 wiki guide min
  • Be careful of the dawn breakers in the corridor, and attack the energy sources to disable the light barriers.
    destory energy source final release bg3 wiki guide min
  • When you reach the chamber, place the Dawnmaster's Crest in the panel to claim the Blood of Lathander. (without the Crest, you will be locked within light barriers. You will have to disable it and escape the monastery in 4 turns.)

The Blood of Lathander Notes & Tips for BG3

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Value: 640 Gp.
  • Weight: 1.8 Kg.
  • ID: 96a35552-0c05-4df0-9974-2a8f142e4be6

Blood of Lathander trivializes the majority of Act 2 due to the amount of undead enemies you will face, the blind effect that gets applied subsequently shuts down all attacks of opportunity from undead, allowing you to combine it with Spirit Guardians (radiant type) while dashing through a lot of enemies to maximize the damage dealt.

Give this to Shadowheart and make her part of the front line when facing undead, however, if your Custom Character is a Light Domain Cleric, it is preferred to make them carry it as they can benefit even further when combined with Warding Flare, making it downright impossible for the enemy to even hit you or your allies at all despite rolling the needed dice number to get hit, all boss fights in Act 2 are racial type of undead, and so their melee attacks will struggle the most while also being blinded limits their range of effectiveness against your party, Ketheric is also affected by the presence of the mace and will be blinded making you a great distraction for him to miss, while also force him to get out of its radius in hope to remove the blindness effect.

Sunbeam allows your cleric to deal superb amount of damage for a moment and blind a lot of dangerous enemies, despite its description saying that you can cast it again afterwards while concentrating on it, its not the case, this is a one time use cast and then you have to take a long rest to use it again, also be careful to not hurt your allies with it as it will damage everyone in its path.

In Act 3, Cazador, his servants and his vampire spawns also get affected by the mace, making fights easier to overcome, additionally its super useful in the House of Hope for the same reasons as it also affects fiends around the house, during the fight against Raphael, he, his trusted comrade(s) and his cambion servants will be blinded by the presence of the mace, do note it is extremely ill-advised to use Sunbeam because any form of radiant damage on fiends will backfire back at the caster as fire damage with each damage number dealt doubled, you will likely end up downing yourself more than benefiting from it.

Despite Astarion being a vampire spawn and categorized as an "undead" he's unaffected by the mace presence, probably due to the tadpole.

  • Bug (as of Patch #2): Lathande's Blessing healing extends to enemies when it should be allies only. There's no saving throw against being Blinded.
All Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3
Adamantine Longsword  ♦  Adamantine Mace  ♦  Adamantine Scimitar  ♦  Air Myrmidon Flail  ♦  Allandra's Whelm  ♦  Ambusher  ♦  Arcane Absorption Dagger  ♦  Arduos Flame Blade  ♦  Artificial Leech  ♦  Assassin's Shortsword  ♦  Assassin's Touch  ♦  Balduran's Giantslayer  ♦  Battle-Worn Blade  ♦  Battleaxe  ♦  Battleaxe +1  ♦  Battleaxe +2  ♦  Belm  ♦  Bigboy's Chew Toy  ♦  Blackguard's Sword  ♦  Blade of Oppressed Souls  ♦  Blade of the First Blood  ♦  Blightbringer  ♦  Blood-Bound Blade  ♦  Blooded Greataxe  ♦  Bloodsoaked Greataxe  ♦  Bloodthirst  ♦  BOOOAL's Arms  ♦  Bow of Awareness  ♦  Bow of the Banshee  ♦  Breaching Pikestaff  ♦  Broken Club  ♦  Cacophony  ♦  Caitiff Staff  ♦  Ceremonial Battleaxe  ♦  Charge-Bound Warhammer  ♦  Cleaver  ♦  Clown Hammer  ♦  Club  ♦  Club +1  ♦  Club of Hill Giant Strength  ♦  Cold Snap  ♦  Combination Axe  ♦  Comeback Handaxe  ♦  Corellon's Grace  ♦  Corpsegrinder  ♦  Corrosive Flail  ♦  Creation's Echo  ♦  Crimson Mischief  ♦  Crossbow of Arcane Force  ♦  Crude Mace  ♦  Cruel Sting  ♦  Cultist Brand (Club)  ♦  Cultist Brand (Greataxe)  ♦  Dagger  ♦  Dagger +1  ♦  Dagger of Shar  ♦  Dart  ♦  Deep Delver  ♦  Defender Greataxe  ♦  Despair of Athkatla  ♦  Devotee's Mace  ♦  Doom Axe  ♦  Dragon's Grasp  ♦  Dragons's Grasp  ♦  Drakethroat Glaive  ♦  Dread Iron Dagger  ♦  Duellist's Prerogative  ♦  Duke Ravengard's Longsword  ♦  Dwarven Thrower  ♦  Enforcer Club  ♦  Everburn Blade  ♦  Executioner Sword  ♦  Exterminator's Axe  ♦  Fabricated Arbalest  ♦  Faithbreaker  ♦  Firestoker  ♦  Flail  ♦  Flail +1  ♦  Flail of Ages  ♦  Flail of Dread Skulls  ♦  Fleshrender  ♦  Foebreaker  ♦  Gandrel's Aspiration  ♦  Giantbreaker  ♦  Githyanki Crossbow  ♦  Githyanki Greatsword  ♦  Githyanki Longsword  ♦  Githyanki Shortsword  ♦  Glaive  ♦  Glaive +1  ♦  Glaive +2  ♦  Gleamdance Dagger  ♦  Goblin Bow  ♦  Goblin Scimitar  ♦  Goblinbane Dagger  ♦  Gold Wyrmling Staff  ♦  Gontr Mael  ♦  Greataxe  ♦  Greataxe +1  ♦  Greataxe +2  ♦  Greatclub  ♦  Greatclub (Minotaur)  ♦  Greatclub +1  ♦  Greatclub +2  ♦  Greatsword  ♦  Greatsword +1  ♦  Greatsword +2  ♦  Halberd  ♦  Halberd +1  ♦  Halberd +2  ♦  Halberd of Vigilance  ♦  Hamarhraft  ♦  Hammer of the Just  ♦  Hand Crossbow  ♦  Hand Crossbow +1  ♦  Hand Crossbow +2  ♦  Handaxe  ♦  Handaxe +1  ♦  Handmaiden's Mace  ♦  Harmonic Dueller  ♦  Harmonium Halberd  ♦  Harper Sacredstriker  ♦  Heavy Crossbow  ♦  Heavy Crossbow +1  ♦  Heavy Crossbow +2  ♦  Heavy Spiked Club  ♦  Hellbeard Halberd  ♦  Hellfire Engine Crossbow  ♦  Hellfire Greataxe  ♦  Hellrider Longbow  ♦  Hollow's Staff  ♦  Hoppy  ♦  Hunter's Dagger  ♦  Incandescent Staff  ♦  Infernal Longsword  ♦  Infernal Mace  ♦  Infernal Rapier  ♦  Infernal Spear  ♦  Infernal Warhammer  ♦  Intransigent Warhammer  ♦  Jagged Spear  ♦  Javelin  ♦  Javelin +1  ♦  Javelin +2  ♦  Jorgoral's Greatsword  ♦  Justiciar's Scimitar  ♦  Katana  ♦  Ketheric's Warhammer  ♦  Kurwin's Cauteriser  ♦  Larethian's Wrath  ♦  Least Expected  ♦  Light Crossbow  ♦  Light Crossbow +1  ♦  Light Crossbow +2  ♦  Light Crossbow of Speed  ♦  Light Hammer  ♦  Light Hammer +1  ♦  Light Hammer +1 (Searing Smite)  ♦  Light Hammer +2  ♦  Light of Creation  ♦  Lightning Jabber  ♦  Longbow  ♦  Longbow +1  ♦  Longbow +2  ♦  Longsword  ♦  Longsword +1  ♦  Longsword +2  ♦  Loviatar's Scourge  ♦  Mace  ♦  Mace +1  ♦  Mace +2  ♦  Magical Hand Crossbow  ♦  Makeshift Bow  ♦  Makeshift Crossbow  ♦  Markoheshkir  ♦  Maul  ♦  Maul +1  ♦  Maul +2  ♦  Melf's First Staff  ♦  Merregon Halberd  ♦  Mind Sundering Dagger  ♦  Monster Slayer Glaive  ♦  Monsterslayer Glaive  ♦  Moonlantern  ♦  Moonlight Glaive  ♦  Morningstar  ♦  Morningstar +1  ♦  Morningstar +2  ♦  Mourning Frost  ♦  Murderous Cut  ♦  Myrkulite Scourge  ♦  Nature's Snare  ♦  Ne'er Misser  ♦  Needle of the Outlaw Rogue  ♦  Orphic Hammer  ♦  Orphic Hammer (Common)  ♦  Pale Oak  ♦  Paleoak  ♦  Pelorsun Blade  ♦  Pelorsun_Blade  ♦  Phalar Aluve  ♦  Pickaxe  ♦  Pike  ♦  Pike +1  ♦  Pike +2  ♦  Pitchfork  ♦  Planeslayer Flail  ♦  Polished Dagger  ♦  Poo-Scraper  ♦  Practice Sword  ♦  Promise  ♦  Punch-Drunk Bastard  ♦  Quarterstaff  ♦  Quarterstaff +1  ♦  Quarterstaff +2  ♦  Rain Dancer  ♦  Rapier  ♦  Rapier +1  ♦  Rapier +2  ♦  Rat Bat  ♦  Ravengard's Scourger  ♦  Rebound Battleaxe  ♦  Reinforced Greatsword  ♦  Render of Mind and Body  ♦  Render of Scrumptious Flesh  ♦  Returning Pïke  ♦  Rhapsody  ♦  Ritual Axe  ♦  Ritual Dagger  ♦  Ritual Staff  ♦  Rupturing Blade  ♦  Rusty Dagger  ♦  Salami  ♦  Sanguine Blade  ♦  Scimitar  ♦  Scimitar +1  ♦  Scimitar +2  ♦  Scrap Sword  ♦  Sethan  ♦  Shadow Battleaxe  ♦  Shadow Blade  ♦  Shadow Lantern  ♦  Shar's Spear of Evening  ♦  Shar's Sting  ♦  Sharran Crossbow  ♦  Shattered Flail  ♦  Shining Staver-of-Skulls  ♦  Shortbow  ♦  Shortbow +1  ♦  Shortbow +2  ♦  Shortsword  ♦  Shortsword +1  ♦  Shortsword +2  ♦  Shortsword of First Blood  ♦  Sickle  ♦  Sickle +1  ♦  Sickle of BOOOAL  ♦  Silver Sword of the Astral Plane  ♦  Skybreaker  ♦  Slicing Shortsword  ♦  Sling  ♦  Sorrow  ♦  Soulbreaker Greatsword  ♦  Spear  ♦  Spear +1  ♦  Spear +2  ♦  Speedy Reply  ♦  Spellthief  ♦  Spiderstep Staff  ♦  Staff  ♦  Staff of a Mumbling Wizard  ♦  Staff of Accretion  ♦  Staff of Arcane Blessing  ♦  Staff of Cherished Necromancy  ♦  Staff of Crones  ♦  Staff of Interruption  ♦  Staff of Spell Power  ♦  Staff of the Emperor  ♦  Staff of the Ram  ♦  Steadfast Maul  ♦  Steelforged Sword  ♦  Stillmaker  ♦  Sussur Dagger  ♦  Sussur Greatsword  ♦  Svartlebee's Woundseeker  ♦  Sword of Chaos  ♦  Sword of Clutching Umbra  ♦  Sword of Justice  ♦  Sword of Life Stealing  ♦  Sword of Light Stealing  ♦  Sword of Screams  ♦  Sword of the Emperor  ♦  Sylvan Scimitar  ♦  The Baneful  ♦  The Clover  ♦  The Dancing Breeze  ♦  The Dead Shot  ♦  The Impaler  ♦  The Joltshooter  ♦  The Long Arm of the Gur  ♦  The Sacred Star  ♦  The Sparky Points  ♦  The Undead Bane  ♦  The Watcher's Guide  ♦  Thermodynamo Axe  ♦  Titanstring Bow  ♦  Torch  ♦  Torch of Revocation  ♦  Torch of True Revocation  ♦  Tough Sunrises  ♦  Trident  ♦  Trident +1  ♦  Trident +2  ♦  Trident of the Waves  ♦  Twist of Fortune  ♦  Twisting Branch  ♦  Undead Slayer Crossbow  ♦  Vicious Battleaxe  ♦  Vicious Shortbow  ♦  Vicious Shortsword  ♦  Vision of the Absolute  ♦  Voss' Silver Sword  ♦  War Pick  ♦  War Pick +1  ♦  War Pick +2  ♦  Warhammer  ♦  Warhammer +1  ♦  Warhammer +2  ♦  Wavemother's Sickle  ♦  Whipping Cane  ♦  Woe  ♦  Worgfang  ♦  Xyanyde


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    • Anonymous

      This weapon trivializes Act 2. The passive effect is fantastic by itself, but having access to a long range level 6 radiant spell against enemies that are (majority) weak to radiant is DELICIOUS. Plus, most enemies in the game don’t outright resist radiant, so it is very consistent throughout Act 3, too.

      • Anonymous

        This is clearly a morningstar. There's even a weapon catagory for them. Why on earth is it classified as a mace catagory???

        • Anonymous

          You do not need the crest to avoid destruction of the monastery, once you take the mace 4 beacons will spawn around the platform (Lathander Solar Machine) which have 30HP along with a few resistances that can be destroyed to disarm the cannon

          • Anonymous

            You don't need to even do the puzzle to get the crest. If you pass a perception check on the wall (it's only DC 10), you can lockpick it and take the crest. You don't need the buff to get Blood safely, just the crest.

            • Anonymous

              I accidentally broke the left statue and I can't figure out for the life of me how to turn it. I've also tried blasted the wall down and nothing seems to work. On PS5 by the way.

              • Anonymous

                I vendored accidentally the brooch thingy that u need to insert to get the mace -.-
                Sooo stupid, quest items should be clearly marked or not vendable. The quartermaster's body didn't have it either.

                • Anonymous

                  The ID on the Page is wrong. If you want the ID for Blood of Lathander, it's actually; 7b961f08-46c1-46b1-99bc-c59283831a0b

                  Now keep in mind, spawning this item will spawn a mace called; "Dawngrip Mace" instead of "The Blood of Lathander".

                  • Anonymous

                    The blind effect is broken with turn undead once you get the destroy undead passive. Turn off lathander's light and cast turn undead. The undead you turn should receive damage from the destroy undead passive. If you repeatedly turn lathander's light on and off, destroy undead keeps activating and u can kill all enemies you turned that round.

                    • Anonymous

                      Easiest way to get access to mark, is instead of hunting down all the Ceremonial Weapons, just drop normal variants of them on the alters. They work just as well as the Ceremonial variants. Additionally, the Ceremonial variants all count as +1, with the unique name. So, worthy for collectors. (Not that, that matters.) At least, without blowing up the Creche and all the loot within and in the monastery. There is no distinct benefit to using the Ceremonial weapons either. In order to get the buff from the alters, weapons simply need to be placed. The buff will persist for your party, well after and into Act 3 when you invite your party, but you will have to go to the location in order to get it, which will, effectively be impossible after a certain point. In relation to the weapon itself, it's still busted for Act 2 as of this date, near worthless as of Act 3, selectively helpful, in a few circumstances.

                      • Anonymous

                        I truly hate shitty ass fight with invulnerability mechanics. Like these fights are literally never fun and always just annoying. Idk at all who enjoys those.

                        • Anonymous

                          I went into the creche via a different door so completely missed all of the puzzle weapons. I just assumed you always had to nuke the place to get the mace

                          • Anonymous

                            before taking the mace destroy the crystal like in the doors it's hidden in the side of the center this will disable the energy that prison you now just shoot the towers with fire and light arrows with the whole team I did it in two turns

                            • Anonymous

                              Legendary weapon with a broken cast and a pathetic 1 d6? Yikes. Maybe when they patch sunbeam to concentrate as it should (It's a ****ing level 6 spell, if it only does 6-48 damage once no one would take it)

                              • Anonymous

                                Lae'zel, Karlach and my character were each down to less than 10% hp each in the final phase of the showdown with Ketheric Thorm/Apostle of Myrkul when Shadowheart leapt up to the walkway and blasted his ****ing **** off with Sunbeam from the Blood of Lathander for the killing blow. 10/10 moment for my playthrough.

                                • The blind effect on this weapon is immensely powerful for certain encounters for gaining party wide advantage without having to invest resources or have a mage with blindness.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Very easy to get the item, just use misty step to leave initial chamber and teleport next to the door where beam is shooting into. You can click on door/portal and go through it, you'll be on top of temple. Now sprint and jump to ledge in front of beam weapon, pop a featherfall, and jump off ledge as far as you can go with the most epic jump in the game as the temple explodes behind you.

                                    Depending on your playthrough though you may or may not care about sparing the creche, it may actually work better for you that way you don't need to fight your way out after murdering the inquisitor. Alien lady will be ultra pissed but she'll still bang and you get OP mace.

                                    • I'm not sure why the damage says 1d6+strength modifier. What if I use this with pact of the blade? Is it still a strength modifier? or is this just an example of tooltip bloat on the website?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This will keep Raphael permanently blinded for the whole fight as long as you stay near him. I let shadowheart dual wield this and selunes spear for moonbeam and sunbeam

                                        • Anonymous

                                          The seal that is found up stairs in the ceremonial weapons puzzle room pouch, you can insert it into the shield on the mace's podium, different cutscene triggers retrieve mace without any trap going off at all

                                          • Anonymous

                                            If you get this mace, githyanki turn hostile. I haven't done the astral plane thing yet, and they are all hostile towards me now.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              You can use this and the Darkness spell simultaneously. This will let you be both obscured and in light at the same time. You can, for example, receive the bonuses from Covert Cowl and Coruscation Ring simultaneously.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                cant recast the sunbeam, also stopped after one target for some reason (or maybe elevation made it work weird, only used it once so far)

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  You can clone this weapon by disarming a shadow version of yourself that spawns during a trail in a later dungeon. It's called the Dawngrip Mace and it's stats are identical.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    You don't need to acquire any of these weapons. You can go to the mace and just grab it, you will have to kill 4 turrets with 30 HP each. You have 4 turns to kill them or it wipes your party. Pretty easy to do if you're of the proper level. A warlock that can at least cast 2 casts of eldritch blast in one turn can take a turret out almost by themselves. Much faster alternative.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      You do not need to use ceremonial weapons specifically.
                                                      You can use normal common weapons but it must be : normal longsword, warhammer, mace and battleaxe. You can buy them or find them.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        It's supposed to give off light such that you do not need a lightsource for the shadow area but it doesn't work at all. Kar'niss also didn't have a moonlantern.

                                                        God this game can be frustrating.

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