Commander's Strike |
Spend an action and a reaction to direct an ally to strike a foe. The ally immediately uses their reaction to make a weapon attack. |
Commander's Strike is a Passive Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Features provide unique abilities that are inherent to a Character's Race, Class, Background selected. These may vary greatly, from allowing you to equip certain Weapons or pieces of Armor with Proficiency, to add your Proficiency Bonus to certain Saving Throws.
Commander's Strike Information
- Spend an action and a reaction to direct an ally to strike a foe. The ally immediately uses their reaction to make a weapon attack.
How to unlock Commander's Strike
Commander's Strike can be acquired by:
- Lvl 3 Battle Master (Fighter Subclass)
- Martial Adept (Feat) grants this feature.
Commander's Strike Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
when you know how to set-up surprise attacks it's great when you have an assassin on your team. at lvl 3-5-ish it's always better for your assassin to attack instead of you in the first round of a surprise attack. it's a very niche maneuver skill but it complements assassins exceptionally since their attacks are far better than even two of your attacks because assassins get advantage on attack rolls provided they are the highest initiative which ofcourse 99% of the time they are. only traders are almost always get the highest initiatives but that can be countered with an elixir.
heck for the fun of it. get the feat that provides a battlemaster maneuvers for 3 of your partymembers then get this and watch your assassin go to town on surprise rounds. why not get 4 assassins instead? sure you can but why bother with that if you can get some class diversity right? I haven't personally tried it out but this just came out of my mind while i was writing this i might try it out like right now. cheers
- Anonymous
I love how in tabletop this thing had ONE (1) use, and they even removed that in this game. I went battlemaster specifically to pair with my rogue and Larian pulls this ****.
- Anonymous
Worded inconsistently between sources and confusingly even WITHIN the game, but I did some testing.
The battlemaster using this ability technically spends an Action + Bonus action (+ a Superiority Die) (NOT a reaction). However, with extra attack unlocked, as the battlemaster casting Commander's Strike, you can still use your attack action on the same turn as casting Commander's Strike (either once, or twice, if you have 3 attacks unlocked at level 11), so it behaves as if using Commander's Strike costs 1 attack, from your attack action, plus your bonus action. (And then you can use your remaining attack(s) as your only other option that turn)
Casting this ability on an ally gives them the "Onus of Battle" buff, allowing the buffed character to use their reaction during the character's regular turn to make the attack action.
Important to note, is that this buff doesn't care about the ally's extra attacks. This "Onus of Battle" buff, simply provides 1x attack to the recipient, even if it is cast on another level 11 fighter with 3x attack action, Commander's Strike simply gives them 1x attack/swing.
Probably the best use of it is I found is to give it to a paladin to get an extra smite in, but that would be a rare situation where it would be remotely worth sacrificing your own extra attacks casting Commander's Strike. Maybe if you are massively debuffed and/or going to die (lots of enemies taking turns after you), you could throw this on a party member to buy yourself some action economy. But a better option in such a dire situation would be just to take the Precision Attack maneuver (which is a free action) to ensure all of your hits connect before you die / etc...
The most compelling / must have maneuvers to pick at level 3 are Riposte, Disarming Attack, and Trip Attack. From there the other options aren't as competitive considering the opportunity cost of using the superiority die for one of those previously mentioned.
- Anonymous
Inconsistent wording and functionality between what is said in the maneuver selection screen and the actual maneuver itself. Commander's Strike costs an Action* and Bonus Action to use, not a reaction. It gives an ally an extra attack (only 1 attack) to make on their own turn. Furthermore, after you cast Commander's Strike, the battle master character can still use their own attack action. 1 attack if you have Extra attack, or 2 attacks if you have level 11 extra attack. (instead of 2 or 3, respectively for the full attack action). If you give Commander's Strike to a paladin, they can add smite to the reaction-attack. In that sense the battlemaster is trading 1 attack to another character, for the cost of a bonus action. It's not as bad as it seems at a glance, but not amazing either.
- Anonymous
For characters that have taken a turn, they can still attack again if you first select them cancel their end turn (click the same button where end turn normally is to open up this submenu) and then you can tell them to attack
- Anonymous
The description on this website is not the same as in the game... The ally gets to use an additional attack in their turn, burning their reaction.
- Anonymous
This is so wonky.
Basically, it only works if you use it on an ally that acts after you in the same round. Then they can make a reaction attack at the start of their turn, and only then their turn starts.
If the round ends before their turn, the commander's strike gets wasted.
I think they haven't tested it at all.
- Anonymous
says it allows the target to attack immediately, but if the target already ended its turn and there was an enemies turn in between you cant "cancel end turn" to actually use it...
- Anonymous
Commander's Strike doesn't seem to work, unless I'm doing something wrong.
This is so garbage. You essentially spend an action, bonus action, superiority die and a reaction to do 1 normal attack. It could be useful to have on a healer when nobody needs healing, but it's not worth a feat or going 3 levels into fighter to get.