Shadow Strike

Class Actions

Weapon Damage

+3d8damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guidePsychic

Teleport to a foe from a hidden position, striking them with the creeping psychic ferocity of the shadows themselves.

range icon bg3 wiki guide9m

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxActionki icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px3 Ki Point(s)  

Shadow Strike is a Weapon Action in Baldur's Gate 3. Shadow Strike allows players to teleport to a foe. Actions can be used in both exploration and combat to maneuver across the battlefield or to harm or aid Characters. The actions that a Character can perform are based on their Class and Equipment.


Shadow Strike Information

  • +3d8damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guidePsychic
  • Teleport to a foe from a hidden position, striking them with the creeping, psychic ferocity of the shadows themselves. 
  • Type: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction  ki icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px 3 Ki Points(s)
  • range icon bg3 wiki guideRange: 9


How to unlock Shadow Strike

Shadow Strike can be unlocked by the following classes:


Shadow Strike Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here
All Actions in Baldur's Gate 3
Aberrant Shape  ♦  Abjure Enemy  ♦  Absolute Power  ♦  Absorb Elements (Reaction)  ♦  Absorb Intellect  ♦  Action Surge  ♦  Arcane Recovery  ♦  Aspect of the Elk  ♦  Aspect of the Wolf  ♦  Astral Knowledge  ♦  Aura of Courage  ♦  Aura of Protection: (Action)  ♦  Aura of Warding  ♦  Backbreaker  ♦  Bardic Inspiration  ♦  Bear Companion (Action)  ♦  Bend Luck (Action)  ♦  Bend Luck (Reaction)  ♦  Benign Transposition: Teleport  ♦  Bibberbang Spores  ♦  Bind Pact Weapon  ♦  Bite  ♦  Black Hole  ♦  Blade of Rime  ♦  Blazing Retaliation  ♦  Blessing of the Trickster  ♦  Blinding Shot  ♦  Bloodrender  ♦  Boar Charge  ♦  Boar Companion (Action)  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Boon  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolt of Celestial Light  ♦  Brace  ♦  Brace (Melee)  ♦  Brace (Ranged)  ♦  Bull Rush  ♦  Burrow  ♦  Caitiff's Restoration  ♦  Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows  ♦  Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts  ♦  Charge  ♦  Charm Animals and Plants  ♦  Chill of the Mountain  ♦  Cinderous Swipe  ♦  Claws  ♦  Cleave  ♦  Clench of the North Wind  ♦  Click Heels (Class Actions)  ♦  Cloak of Shadows (Action)  ♦  Colossal Onslaught  ♦  Combat Inspiration  ♦  Commander's Strike (Action)  ♦  Concentrated Blast  ♦  Concussive Smash  ♦  Control Undead  ♦  Controlled Chaos (Reaction)  ♦  Corrosive Spit  ♦  Countercharm  ♦  Counterspell (Reaction)  ♦  Create Sorcery Points  ♦  Create Spell Slot  ♦  Crippling Strike  ♦  Crowning Strike  ♦  Cunning Action: Dash  ♦  Cunning Action: Disengage  ♦  Cunning Action: Hide  ♦  Cutting Words  ♦  Cutting Words (Reaction)  ♦  Darkness Cloak  ♦  Dash  ♦  Dawnburst Strike  ♦  Dazzling Ray  ♦  Defensive Duellist (Reaction)  ♦  Defensive Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Defensive Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Deflect Missiles (Reaction)  ♦  Destructive Wrath (Reaction)  ♦  Dip  ♦  Dire Raven Companion  ♦  Disarming Attack (Melee)  ♦  Disarming Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Disarming Strike  ♦  Disengage  ♦  Dismiss Summons  ♦  Displacer Beast Shape  ♦  Distracting Strike (Melee)  ♦  Distracting Strike (Ranged)  ♦  Divine Intervention (Action)  ♦  Divine Sense  ♦  Divine Smite (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Smite Critical Hit  ♦  Divine Smite Critical Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite on Critical Hit (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Smite Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite: Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Strike: Brightsoul Bash (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Brutish Slam (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Death From Afar (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Doom Bolts (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Elemental Fury  ♦  Divine Strike: Frigid Depths (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Honour Shining Bright (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Life  ♦  Divine Strike: Molten Flame (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Nightshade Poison (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Poison  ♦  Divine Strike: Radiant  ♦  Divine Strike: Scything Bolts (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Thunder  ♦  Divine Strike: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Weapon  ♦  Diving Strike  ♦  Dread Ambusher (Melee)  ♦  Dread Ambusher (Ranged)  ♦  Dread Ambusher: Hide  ♦  Dreadful Aspect  ♦  Dueller's Enthusiasm  ♦  Edge of Darkness  ♦  Electrified Flail  ♦  Elemental Affinity: Resistance (Reaction)  ♦  Embrace of the Inferno  ♦  End Rage  ♦  Endless Rage  ♦  Enrage  ♦  Enraged Throw  ♦  Entropic Ward (Reaction)  ♦  Evasive Footwork (Action)  ♦  Explosive Icicle  ♦  Exposing Bite  ♦  Fangs of the Fire Snake  ♦  Fear Ray  ♦  Feinting Attack (Action)  ♦  Fiendish Resilience  ♦  Fist of Four Thunders  ♦  Fist of Unbroken Air  ♦  Flames of the Phoenix  ♦  Flourish  ♦  Flurry of Blows  ♦  Flurry of Blows Stagger  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Push  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Stagger  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Topple  ♦  Force Tunnel  ♦  Forced Manoeuvre  ♦  Fracture Psyche  ♦  Frenzied Strike  ♦  Frenzy  ♦  Frigid Blade  ♦  Galvanic Currents  ♦  Giant Killer (Reaction)  ♦  Githyanki Parry  ♦  Goad  ♦  Goading Attack (Melee)  ♦  Goading Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Goading Roar  ♦  Gong of the Summit  ♦  Grand Slam  ♦  Guided Strike  ♦  Guided Strike (Reaction)  ♦  Halo of Spores  ♦  Halo of Spores (Reaction)  ♦  Hamstring Shot  ♦  Hamstring Shot Action  ♦  Harmony of Fire and Water  ♦  Healing Incense Aura  ♦  Healing Radiance  ♦  Healing Vapours  ♦  Heart of the Storm: Lightning (Reaction)  ♦  Heart of the Storm: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Heartstopper  ♦  Hellcrawler  ♦  Hellish Rebuke (Reaction)  ♦  Help  ♦  Hide  ♦  Hide in Plain Sight  ♦  Hiemal Strike  ♦  Holy Rebuke  ♦  Horde Breaker (Melee)  ♦  Horde Breaker (Ranged)  ♦  Horrific Visage  ♦  Hypnotic Gaze  ♦  Illuminating Shot  ♦  Illusory Self (Reaction)  ♦  Improved Warding Flare (Reaction)  ♦  Improvised Melee Weapon  ♦  Inciting Howl  ♦  Indomitable (Reaction)  ♦  Infiltration Expertise  ♦  Inkblot  ♦  Inquisitor's Might  ♦  Instinctive Charm (Reaction)  ♦  Intimidating Presence  ♦  Invoke Duplicity  ♦  Jump Action  ♦  Ki Resonation: Blast  ♦  Ki Resonation: Punch  ♦  Ki Resonation: Punch (Bonus Action)  ♦  Knowledge of the Ages  ♦  Lacerate  ♦  Lay on Hands  ♦  Lay on Hands: Cure  ♦  Lay on Hands: Greater Healing  ♦  Lay on Hands: Lesser Healing  ♦  Lightning Aura  ♦  Lightning Blast  ♦  Lunging Bite  ♦  Mage Slayer (Reaction)  ♦  Magic Awareness  ♦  Maiming Strike  ♦  Main Hand Attack  ♦  Maintain Hypnotic Gaze  ♦  Maintain Intimidating Presence  ♦  Manoeuvring Attack (Melee)  ♦  Manoeuvring Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Menacing Attack (Melee)  ♦  Menacing Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Meow  ♦  Mind Blast  ♦  Mind Sanctuary  ♦  Minor Conjuration: Create Water  ♦  Missile Snaring (Reaction)  ♦  Mist Stance  ♦  Misty Escape (Reaction)  ♦  Mobile Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Mobile Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Mobile Shot  ♦  Moonlight Butterflies  ♦  Moonmote  ♦  Muck to Metal  ♦  Myrmidon's Immolation  ♦  Natural Recovery  ♦  Nature's Wrath  ♦  Offhand Attack (Melee)  ♦  One with Shadows  ♦  Opportunity Attack  ♦  Pact of the Blade (Action)  ♦  Part the Flesh  ♦  Patient Defence  ♦  Pearlescent Restoration  ♦  Perfectly Balanced Strike  ♦  Perform  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Melody  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Shriek  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Sing  ♦  Pickpocket  ♦  Piercing Shot  ♦  Piercing Strike  ♦  Pin Down  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Polearm Master: Opportunity Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Polymorph: Dire Raven  ♦  Pommel Strike  ♦  Portent Die: 11  ♦  Portent Die: 11 (Reaction)  ♦  Portent Die: 19 (Reaction)  ♦  Portent Die: 2  ♦  Portent Die: 2 (Reaction)  ♦  Precision Attack (Action)  ♦  Prepare  ♦  Preserve Life  ♦  Primal Stampede  ♦  Profane Scourge  ♦  Projected Ward (Reaction)  ♦  Protection (Reaction)  ♦  Prowl  ♦  Psionic Overload  ♦  Psionic Pull  ♦  Punish Divinity  ♦  Pushing Attack (Melee)  ♦  Pushing Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Radiance of the Dawn  ♦  Rage: Bear Heart  ♦  Rage: Eagle Heart  ♦  Rage: Elk Heart  ♦  Rage: Tiger Heart  ♦  Rage: Wild Magic  ♦  Rage: Wolf Heart  ♦  Raging Vortex  ♦  Rally  ♦  Ranged Attack  ♦  Ranger's Companion  ♦  Reckless Attack  ♦  Reckless Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Reflective Shell  ♦  Reflective Spell  ♦  Rend Vision  ♦  Reposition Malefactor  ♦  Repulsor  ♦  Restore Bardic Inspiration  ♦  Retributive Brainquake  ♦  Revitalising Strike  ♦  Ride the Wind  ♦  Riposte (Reaction)  ♦  Rupture  ♦  Rush  ♦  Rush Attack  ♦  Rush of the Gale Spirits  ♦  Sacred Munitions  ♦  Sacred Weapon  ♦  Scorching Strike  ♦  Sentinel (Reaction)  ♦  Shadow Arts: Darkness  ♦  Shadow Arts: Darkvision  ♦  Shadow Arts: Hide  ♦  Shadow Arts: Pass Without Trace  ♦  Shadow Arts: Silence  ♦  Shadow Strike: Unarmed  ♦  Shadowsoaked Blow  ♦  Shapechanger  ♦  Shaping of the Ice  ♦  Shield (Reaction)  ♦  Shield Bash  ♦  Shield Master: Block (Reaction)  ♦  Shove  ♦  Shred Armour  ♦  Shrouded in Shadow  ♦  Slash  ♦  Slashing Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Slashing Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Slayer  ♦  Sludgy Sling  ♦  Smash  ♦  Sneak Attack (Critical Hit)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Melee)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Sneak Attack Critical Hit (Reaction)  ♦  Song of Rest  ♦  Soulbreaker  ♦  Spell Slot Restoration  ♦  Sphere of Elemental Balance  ♦  Spiteful Suffering  ♦  Spreading Spores (Action)  ♦  Sprint (Action)  ♦  Stage Fright  ♦  Step of the Wind Dash  ♦  Step of the Wind Disengage  ♦  Sting  ♦  Storm's Fury (Reaction)  ♦  Stunning Strike (Melee)  ♦  Stunning Strike (Unarmed)  ♦  Summon Companion  ♦  Supernatural Attraction  ♦  Supreme Githyanki Parry  ♦  Supreme Sneak  ♦  Survival Instinct  ♦  Sweeping Attack (Action)  ♦  Sweeping Cinder Strike  ♦  Tenacity (Reaction)  ♦  Third Eye: Darkvision  ♦  Third Eye: See Invisibility  ♦  Throw  ♦  Tides of Chaos (Reaction)  ♦  Tiger's Bloodlust  ♦  Toggle Non-Lethal Attacks  ♦  Topple  ♦  Topple the Big Folk  ♦  Touch of the Storm  ♦  Transfuse Health  ♦  Transmuter's Stone  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Acid Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Cold Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Constitution  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Fire Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Lightning Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Movement Speed  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Thunder Resistance  ♦  Trip Attack (Melee)  ♦  Trip Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Turn the Faithless  ♦  Turn the Unholy  ♦  Turn Undead  ♦  Umbral Shroud  ♦  Unrelenting Ferocity  ♦  Unshackling Strike  ♦  Unstable Backlash (Reaction)  ♦  Vampire Bite  ♦  Venomous Bite  ♦  Volley  ♦  Vow of Enmity  ♦  War Caster: Opportunity Spell (Reaction)  ♦  War God's Blessing  ♦  War God's Blessing (Reaction)  ♦  Warding Flare (Reaction)  ♦  Water Whip  ♦  Weakening Strike  ♦  Weapon Bond  ♦  Web (Action)  ♦  Whirlwind Attack  ♦  Wild Shape Action  ♦  Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Badger  ♦  Wild Shape: Bear  ♦  Wild Shape: Cat  ♦  Wild Shape: Deep Rothé  ♦  Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus  ♦  Wild Shape: Dire Raven  ♦  Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Panther  ♦  Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger  ♦  Wild Shape: Spider  ♦  Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Wolf  ♦  Wolf Companion (Action)  ♦  Wolf Spider Companion  ♦  Wounding Ray  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Lightning  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Lightning (Reaction)  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Thunder  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Zephyr Flash


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    • Anonymous

      If a certain little girl is dead, here's a couple other alternative weapons:

      Render of Mind and Body - deals half the psychic damage of Shadow Blade, but can be bought at Moonrise Tower.

      Shara Spear Of Night: can infinitely create Darkness. Plays nice with Shadow Monk abilities.

      • Anonymous

        Just a quick tip if you want to make a pure shadow monk work:
        Shadow blade + shadow strike + strange conduit ring = 5d8 + 1d4 psychic dmg. Now remember to pick up the resonance stone from below moonrise towers for double damage on all psychic damage and you're set!

        • Anonymous

          Even if you can see in magical darkness this doesn’t allow you to teleport to an enemy inside darkness. It says enemy out of sight wth

          • Anonymous

            The worst part about this is that it deals the same damage as Ki:Resonation on open hand monk, 2 levels later which prevents multiclassing, not in an aoe, and only after hiding first.

            • Anonymous

              if only they made this available at monk 9 so we can multiclass into 3 assassin and be a melee nuking nova machine. Sadly it's only available at 11 which sucks, gloom 5 assassin 3 with a range weapon could do the same, if not better.

              • Anonymous

                You have to be a sneak, which requires a 1 action already and yet still requires 3 ki points for this thing? and since it only attacks 1 time, you only add your modifier once unlike the flurry of blows? yeah, no thanks. I'd rather choose Open hand + Thief multi.

                • Anonymous

                  lol really bad. Way of Shadow is a frustrated rogue without talent. Less damage, less skill, and a brutal limiter (Ki) for use of your abilities.

                  • Anonymous

                    Doesn't seem to impressive for 3 ki points. Would rather jump into 4 levels thief and have sneak attack plus flurry of blows two times per round for just 2 ki points

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