![]() ShieldLevel 1 Abjuration Spell When you are about to be hit by an enemy, increase your Armour Class by 5. You take no damage from Magic Missile.
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Shield is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Shield is a Lvl 1 Spell from the Abjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
Shield Information
- Description: When you are about to be hit by an enemy, increase your Armour Class by 5. You take no damage from Magic Missile.
- School: Abjuration School
- Casting Time: Reaction
- Range: Self
- Requires Concentration: No
- Saving Throw: None
How to Acquire Shield
- Shield can be acquired by the following classes:
- Shield can be cast by using the following Items:
Shield Tips & Notes
- Even at Wizard Level 1, this Spell is incredibly reliable, and is a solid choice for when Multi-Classing into a single Level of Wizard, which one might do if only for the ability to learn other Spells from Scrolls.
- It is best cast at the lowest level possible, as it gains no further benefits from upcasting.
- 'Shield' is a very strong spell, it is usually always worth sacrificing a spell slot for it as a reaction, as when successful; ontop of mitigating damage taken, you also forgo the risk of breaking any Concentration you might be holding.
- It is recommended to set your 'Shield' caster's Attack of Opportunity reaction to either 'disabled' or 'ask'; as you only have one reaction per turn.
- AI enemies increase in difficult by beginning to likely prioritize easier to hit targets with lower health than the closest target to them, in Tactician Mode this is the case from the beginning to the end of the game. Because of this, if your Wizard/Sorcerer have higher health that contest other Playable Characters and higher AC than them, they are unlikely to be selected as a target by the AI to attack, when you cast Shield this will cause the enemy to prioritize other targets to avoid constantly missing.
- Shield can also be found on some items that can be used once per Long Rest and can be casted by anyone who wear it as a reaction, AC can scale really high in the later acts of 2 and 3 up to 21-23 AC, and increasing it to 26-28 makes you downright impossible, especially if you are the only valid target to hit thanks to either you allies hiding or have Sanctuary applied to them and on top of applying Disadvantages on the enemy in other means.
Astarion attacks hireling (Zenith Feur'sel - wizard) in the camp. Here is the log:
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel used Shield as a reaction to Astarion's action.
Zenith Feur'sel received Condition: Shield.
Astarion used Ranged Attack.
Astarion missed Zenith Feur'sel.
Zenith Feur'sel Armour Class: 14
Attack Roll: 5 (1d20, Advantage) + 1 + 6 (Proficiency) + 1 (Happy) - 5 (Sharpshooter: All In) - 5 (Shield) - 5 (Shield) - 5 (Shield) - 5 (Shield) - 5 (Shield) - 5 (Shield) + 5 (Dexterity Modifier) = -17
- Anonymous
"Wild" question but how does Wild Shape work with reaction spells? Can I proc Shield or Hellish Rebuke in Wild Shape?
Looks like the way this is implemented in the combat log is it applies -5 to the enemy attack roll, versus raising your AC in the moment. Same effect tho.
- Anonymous
can block magic missile from all source except the final battle , Is it bug or lore that mindfeyer magic is far more better than our knowledge ?
- Anonymous
Has anyone tried using this with the Extend Spell metamagic? Curious if that can be applied to make it last 2 rounds.
- Anonymous
So this is currently not blocking Magic missiles at all for me. A certain endgame fight with some magic missile spamming bastards were still annihilating me with shield up.
- Anonymous
Blur seems like the better spell if you have nothing else to concentrate on. This uses 1 spell slot and can only protect you from 1 hit. Blur lasts for 10 turns as long as you can maintain concentration. That's a ton of disadvantage checks for enemies.
- Anonymous
Great spell to have on Eldritch Knight or Abjuration Wizard. Or if you’re real nutty, multiclass the two together! Arcane Ward makes for decent early tanking.
- Anonymous
What I'm currently seeing is that if shield is set to use either a level 1 or 2 spellslot for reaction, but say level 2 spell slots are depleted it doesn't even pop-up unless you've gone into the reaction tab and removed lvl2 slots once they were empty. Frankly an insanely stupid amount of micromanagement and totally unnecessary oversight.
- Anonymous
This is one time reaction buff? (Used at once?)
Or this buff can trigger reaction every time when you get a hit? Until long rest.
- Anonymous
Continue from comment below. It only popped up if the attack was already going to miss. If it was going to hit, it did nothing. Basically they flipped a bit somewhere and got the effect backwards.
Those who say this skills work doesn't have the sense to do their own testing or is hallucinating the whole mechanism wrongly.
- Anonymous
Do you seriously get +5 AC permanently until next long rest or am I misreading it
- Anonymous
will this and other Reaction spells work during Barbarian Rage?
- Anonymous
similar with warding flare. "pre attack rolls reactions" are useless due to how reactions calculation work.
the game consider the attacker attack roll vs your initial AC (pre-shield application) first before allowing the warding flare or shield kick in. if the attack roll is higher than your initial AC, these reactions will not kick in; vice versa.
EG 1: ur AC is 20. attcker roll 21. you will get hit. no reaction from defensive reactions like increase ur AC and give disadvantage to ur attacker.
EG 2: ur AC is 20. attacker roll 19. you will not get hit. reaction kick in from defensive reactions like increase ur AC and give disadvantage to ur attacker.
due to EG2. these skills are useless. waste.
Diff case for "post attack roll reactions" like missile snaring, wrath of storm since they reduce dmg or shot back at ur attacker after they roll their attack.
- Anonymous
Strongest 1st lvl spell for the lategame. Even if it manages to block 1 attack, the value is massive, as enemies hit for 25+ dmg. Both of my casters run it and I use the shield amulet for barbarian.
- Anonymous
Bugged. Says you take no damage from magic missle when activated but I still took full damage.
- Anonymous
Found the necklace that grants the Shield Spell; it is called the "Amulet of the Harpers", and it is sold by Quartermaster Talli at the Last Light Inn, on Act 2.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I don't get it, it's for one hit? Or is it a permanent +5 AC?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Incredibly confusing.
Is it normal that it doesn't trigger against critical attack roll?