guiding bolt spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2

Guiding Bolt

Level 1 Evocation Spell

4~24 Damage

2d4 radiant icon bg3 wiki 48px4d6damage radiant icon bg3 wiki guideRadiant

The next Attack Roll on this target has Advantage.

guiding bolt spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 22 turns

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m attack roll icon baldursgate3 wiki guide Attack Roll

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 1 Spell Slot  

Guiding bolt is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Guiding bolt is a Lvl 1 Spell from the Evocation school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.

Guiding Bolt Information

  • Description: The next Attack Roll on this target has Advantage.
  • LevelLvl 1 spell.
  • SchoolEvocation school
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m/60ft
  • Requires Concentration: No
  • Saving Throw: None

 How to Acquire Guiding Bolt

  • Guiding Bolt can be acquired by the following classes:
  • Guiding bolt can be cast by using the following Items:

Guiding Bolt Tips & Notes

  • Guiding Bolt is a ranged spell attack and your attack bonus equals your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus.
  • The verbal component has the caster saying what sounds like "Flagro", Latin for "burning".
  • In 5E the effect lasts until the end of the caster's next turn and range is 120ft (60ft is max in BG3).


Lvl 1 Spells
Animal Friendship  ♦  Armour of Agathys  ♦  Arms of Hadar  ♦  Bane  ♦  Bless  ♦  Burning Hands  ♦  Challenge to Duel  ♦  Charm Person  ♦  Chromatic Orb  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Acid (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Cold (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Fire (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Lightning (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Poison (Lvl 1)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Thunder (Lvl 1)  ♦  Colour Spray  ♦  Command (Halt)  ♦  Compelled Duel  ♦  Create or Destroy Water  ♦  Create Water  ♦  Cure Wounds  ♦  Disguise Self  ♦  Dissonant Whispers  ♦  Divine Favour  ♦  Enhance Leap  ♦  Ensnaring Strike  ♦  Entangle  ♦  Expeditious Retreat  ♦  Faerie Fire  ♦  False Life  ♦  Feather Fall  ♦  Find Familiar  ♦  Find Familiar: Cat  ♦  Find Familiar: Crab  ♦  Find Familiar: Frog  ♦  Find Familiar: Rat  ♦  Find Familiar: Raven  ♦  Find Familiar: Spider  ♦  Fog Cloud  ♦  Goodberry  ♦  Grease  ♦  Hail of Thorns  ♦  Healing Word  ♦  Hellish Rebuke  ♦  Heroism  ♦  Hex  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  Inflict Wounds  ♦  Jump  ♦  Longstrider  ♦  Mage Armour  ♦  Magic Missile  ♦  Protection from Evil and Good  ♦  Ray of Sickness  ♦  Sanctuary  ♦  Searing Smite (Spell)  ♦  Shield  ♦  Shield of Faith  ♦  Sleep  ♦  Speak with Animals  ♦  Tasha's Hideous Laughter  ♦  Thunderous Smite  ♦  Thunderwave  ♦  Witch Bolt  ♦  Wrathful Smite

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    • Anonymous

      absolutely busted lvl 1 spell idk what wotc were thinking. For a level 1 spell it already does double the damage it should + uses a rarely resisted damage type + gives adv on a creature. Just insane

      • Anonymous

        Great in early levels. Especially when you have two or more clerics in the party. First one hits, then you can upcast the next one ad infinitum for certain hits.

        • Anonymous

          "grants Advantage on the next Attack Roll against the target"
          I'm still a little confused on who gets the Advantage roll: is it the person who casts the Guiding Bolt, or is it just the next person to attack the target who was hit by the Guiding Bolt?

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