Angleiron's Cellar

ACT Act 3
Location Rivington
Suggest Level 10-12

Angleiron's Cellar is a location in Baldur's Gate 3Angleiron's Cellar is a sub-location of Rivington. On this page, you can find related information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about Angleiron's Cellar.


Angleiron's Cellar Map

angleirons cellar final release bg3 wiki guide min


Notes & Tips

  • You can refuse to accept Wulbren's plan and gains an inspiration point from Wyll. Then, talk to him again to accept the plan and get the Runepowder Bomb.
  • You can work with the Gondians to disable the Steel Watch Foundary, and save the Runepowder Bomb for other fights. 





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Notable NPCs:



  • ??
  • ??



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    • Anonymous

      There is a crooked Iron torch on the wall, but I haven't found anything leading me to believe it wasn't a mistake by the devs.

      • Anonymous

        Everyone here (including Philomeen who is by the blacksmith) just attack me on sight immediately.
        Am I doing something wrong? I saved Wulbren and saved Philomeen. I went through the extremely obvious "hidden" entrance the crack in the wall south of Rivington.

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