shatter spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2


Level 2 Evocation Spell

3~24 Damage

1d8 lightning dice icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 40px3d8 damage thunder icon bg3 wiki guideThunder

Damages all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic material such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw.

On Save: Targets still take half damage.

icon range bg3 wiki guide18m radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px3m saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxCON Save

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 2 Spell Slot  

Shatter is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Shatter is a Lvl 2 Spell from the Evocation school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.

Shatter Information

  • Description: Damages all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic material such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw.
  • On Save: Targets still take half damage.
  • Level: Lvl 2 spell
  • School: Evocation School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: 18m, 3m radius
  • Requires Concentration: No
  • Saving Throw: Constitution
  • On Save: Targets still take half damage.

How to Acquire Shatter

  • Shatter can be acquired by the following classes:
  • Shatter can be cast by using the following Items:
    • Sentient Amulet

Shatter Tips & Notes

  • Upcast: Casting this spell at a higher level deals an additional 1d8 Thunder damage for each Spell Slot above 2nd.
  • Notes & Tips go here


Lvl 2 Spells
Aid  ♦  Arcane Lock  ♦  Barkskin  ♦  Blindness  ♦  Blur  ♦  Branding Smite  ♦  Calm Emotions  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Acid (Lvl 2)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Cold (Lvl 2)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Fire (Lvl 2)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Lightning (Lvl 2)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Poison (Lvl 2)  ♦  Chromatic Orb: Thunder (Lvl 2)  ♦  Cloud of Daggers  ♦  Crown of Madness  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Darkvision  ♦  Detect Thoughts  ♦  Enhance Ability  ♦  Enlarge - Reduce  ♦  Enthrall  ♦  Flame Blade  ♦  Gust of Wind  ♦  Heat Metal  ♦  Hold Person  ♦  Invisibility  ♦  Knock  ♦  Lesser Restoration  ♦  Magic Weapon  ♦  Melf's Acid Arrow  ♦  Mirror Image  ♦  Misty Step  ♦  Moonbeam  ♦  Pass without Trace  ♦  Phantasmal Force  ♦  Prayer of Healing  ♦  Protection from Poison  ♦  Ray of Enfeeblement  ♦  Scorching Ray  ♦  See Invisibility  ♦  Shadow Blade (Spell)  ♦  Silence  ♦  Spike Growth  ♦  Spiritual Weapon  ♦  Warding Bond  ♦  Web  ♦  Whossa Large Fellow  ♦  Zephyr Break


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