friends spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2


Enchantment Cantrip

Gain Advantage on Charisma Checks against a non-hostile creature.

This spell can be cast while you are Silenced.

friends spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2 10 turns

warning greyico icon bg3 wiki 48pxIn higher difficulty modes, the target might accuse you of enchanting them.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px 9m concentration icon 1 baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxConcentration

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction  

Friends is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Friends is a Cantrip from the Enchantment school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.


BG3 Friends Information

  • Description: Gain Advantage on Charisma Checks against a non-hostile creature. This spell can be cast while you are Silenced.
  • warning greyico icon bg3 wiki 48pxIn higher difficulty modes, the target might accuse you of enchanting them.
  • Level: Cantrip
  • School: Enchantment School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: 9m
  • Duration: friends spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2 10 turns
  • Saving Throw: None
  • Spellcasting Ability: None


How to Acquire Friends in  Baldur's Gate3


Friends Tips & Notes in BG3

  • As of Hotfix #28; this Cantrip has broken functionality during dialogue speech checks if the character knows more than one of the spell due to Multi-Classing. This will cause both versions to be unusable during these cutscenes and break the associated UI.
  • Otherwise best used against NPCs you don't plan to meet again.
  • If you are outside of an NPC's range when the effect ends, their attitude towards your character is not affected. 


Acid Splash  ♦  Blade Ward  ♦  Bone Chill  ♦  Dancing Lights  ♦  Eldritch Blast  ♦  Fire Bolt  ♦  Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand  ♦  Guidance  ♦  Improved Minor Illusion  ♦  Light  ♦  Mage Hand  ♦  Minor Illusion  ♦  Poison Spray  ♦  Produce Flame  ♦  Ray of Frost  ♦  Resistance  ♦  Sacred Flame  ♦  Selûne's Dream  ♦  Shillelagh  ♦  Shocking Grasp  ♦  Thaumaturgy  ♦  Thorn Whip  ♦  True Strike  ♦  Vicious Mockery


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    • Anonymous

      Can you use this in honour mode? Cast it in dialog, end dialog, run the F away, then cancel concentration once out of sight AND not lose approval with the target?

      • Anonymous

        Be forewarned that this spell randomly stops concentrating once dialogue is finished. Best to finish dialogue and run away or go to camp. Cancel concentrating manually once you've done either. This, of course, is granted that the spell does not randomly stop concentrating immediately after exiting dialogue.

        • Anonymous

          If you, for some reason, want to quickly and easily remove a companion from your party without killing them, spam this on them.

          • Anonymous

            Did a recent patch torch this? I can't cast it on myself anymore, and if I cast it on allies they disapprove when it wears off, even on easy mode. I also couldn't use it in some dialogues

            • Anonymous

              In the tips can there be a note added that this spell causes huge approval drops when used on companions? Could not figure out why I was suddenly having trouble with companion approval, and the game doesn't do a great job of warning you about this. It makes sense when you sit back and think about it (enchanting someone to agree with you irl would suck) but it IS a video game and sometimes you can get caught up in video game logic.

              • Anonymous

                So it's only implied by the wiki that you get drawbacks for using it but not ingame? I have a bad relationship with my companions now and I feel cheated

                • Anonymous

                  So this spell does not have any drawbacks if I play on Standard mode and using on non-companion characters?

                  • Anonymous

                    I think this spell's pretty much free to use below tactician mode, used it throughout the entire game and never once got attacked because of it

                    • Anonymous

                      "Combining Disguise Self with this spell to fool a merchant from accusing you of having enchanted him or her." This information is false and needs to be changed. Maybe next time don't test this kind of stuff on the lowest difficulty setting.

                      • Anonymous

                        "Combining Disguise Self with this spell to fool a merchant from accusing you of having enchanted him or her." - that doesn't work.
                        Tested by many Youtubers, by me and that's incorrect

                        • Anonymous

                          So I cast this on the three ogres giving you the horn
                          Now im curious if they will beat my head in when I blow it

                          • Anonymous

                            I've seen folks say that this is a trap but I think it's downside is only bad if you use it on companions. I've used this on all sorts of random shmucks I've come across and it's never had a negative result. Just only use it on people that you can reasonably assume you're not going to be talking to beyond one or two encounters and it's fantastic.
                            For a literal example, the fellows in the particular underground area in Act 1 who are already somewhat curmudgeonly towards you but want to rebel against the greater enemy, I used it on their representative, passed all my checks with them, and they still joined me later to follow through on the rebellion and all that. Just don't use it for stupid stuff like trying to convince Lae'zel to drink mindflayer picklejuice or what have you.

                            • Anonymous

                              If you start as High Elf you can choose Friends that scales with int. What does the scaling do for this cantrip?

                              • Anonymous

                                As long as you aren't in line of sight of the NPC when the duration wears off, their attitude towards you isn't affected.

                                • This cantrip is basically a trap with how it works now. -10 Attitude is enough to basically have anyone want to murder you after the duration runs out. Do NOT take.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    it works as intended, you can cast it right in the middle of the dialogue, unfortunately, once it runs out, you lose reputation with the npc which you cast it on....
                                    Which sucks. I wish they changed it somehow before launch.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I thought my game was bugged then I realized that SPAMMING this at will on npc conversations was a problem. My only slight bug concern is that even NPCs you didnt cast friends on can react hostile to you if you still have the friends cantrip active on you when entering enclosed areas like Zevlors quarters or the Druid Grove Enclave. **** even entering the feast at camp after the goblin battle with it active makes the entire celebratory Tieflings attack you! I hope they iron it out, it shouldnt be broken, but cant tell you how many fights happened and it made me save the game non stop.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Posting again since my last comment got removed for vulgar language, sorry moderators. I originally thought my game was bugged, I did not realize that casting it would cause hostility to be raised, and i was spamming it at every moment. Its good to know moving forward if youre gonna cast it on an NPC get as far away from them as possible. Something that currently might be bugged for patch 9, is that when you enter an enclosed area with the friends spell still active on your character (not even used on an npc), it can raise hostility leading to unwanted fights, especially in the druid grove with zevlors quarters, the supplies shed and druids enclave. Even when you defeat the gobbos if you have friends active when starting the camp party everyone goes hostile and a fight begins. I hope by full release that Friends is balanced, pick your spots with it probably avoid with Companions youre trying to like you cause you will get disapproval drops from them. Un-necessary fights should be easier to avoid, probably just balancing out how much of an attitude drop leads to a fight. especially in what are supposed to be "friendly" areas

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Did anyone try to use this in conjunction with Disguise Self? Works in D&D 5e if you break line of sight before the Friends cantrip ends.

                                          • can somone confirm this works? i have no idea if i get advantage on the roll in dialog or not, looks the same if i cast the spell before the dialog and not.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Getting free advantage with a cantrip seems overpowered. In d&d there is a drawback that the person you used friends on realizes that you used magic to influence its mood after the spell ends.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Does anyone know if you have to cast it before the dialogue or there's way to cast it right during the dialogue?

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