Red Dragonborn


Racial Features


Subrace Traits


Red Dragonborn is a Subrace of Dragonborn in Baldur's Gate 3. Red Dragonborn PRIMARYTRAIT. While creating your Character in Baldur's Gate 3, you can choose between 11 different types of Races. Each of them has their special characteristics and some of them have Sub-Races which provide different Features and Traits.




Red Dragonborn Traits:



Dragonborn Features



Red Dragonborn Lore:



Red Dragonborn Physical Appearance:



Red Dragonborn Tips & Notes

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Races and Subraces
Asmodeus Tiefling  ♦  Black Dragonborn  ♦  Blue Dragonborn  ♦  Brass Dragonborn  ♦  Bronze Dragonborn  ♦  Copper Dragonborn  ♦  Deep Gnome  ♦  Drow  ♦  Drow Half-Elf  ♦  Duergar  ♦  Dwarf  ♦  Elf  ♦  Forest Gnome  ♦  Githyanki  ♦  Gnome  ♦  Gold Dragonborn  ♦  Gold Dwarf  ♦  Green Dragonborn  ♦  Half-Drow  ♦  Half-Elf  ♦  Halfling  ♦  High Elf  ♦  High Half-Elf  ♦  Human  ♦  Lightfoot Halfling  ♦  Lolth-Sworn Drow  ♦  Mephistopheles Tiefling  ♦  Rock Gnome  ♦  Seldarine Drow  ♦  Shield Dwarf  ♦  Silver Dragonborn  ♦  Strongheart Halfling  ♦  Tiefling  ♦  White Dragonborn  ♦  Wood Elf  ♦  Wood Half-Elf  ♦  Zariel Tiefling


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    • Anonymous

      Best race and subrace in the game.

      Has best damage resistance.

      Looks absolutely amazing.

      Gets bonus approvals points for the best romance companion (who's also the best companion in the game).

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