Mephistopheles Tiefling |
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Racial Features |
Subrace Traits |
Mephistopheles Tiefling is a Subrace of Tiefling in Baldur's Gate 3. Mephistopheles Tiefling have Darkvision and Hellish Resistance as racial bonuses. While creating your Character in Baldur's Gate 3, you can choose between 8 different types of races. Each of them has their special characteristics and some of them have Sub-Races which provide different Features and Traits.
- BG3 Full Game Note: In the full launch of Baldur's Gate 3, Ability Score Points for Races that were present in Early Access are removed. And instead, Ability Score Points in the full game correspond with the Class players will choose.
Descended from the archdevil Mephistopheles, these tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for arcane magic.
Mephistopheles Tiefling Traits
- Legacy of Cania:
- Level 1:
Mage Hand. Create a spectral hand that can manipulate objects.
Short Rest.
- Level 3:
Burning Hands. Shoot cone of fire from your fingertips and deal
Fire damage to enemies.
Long Rest.
- Level 5:
Flame Blade. Conjure a flaming scimitar in your hand that deals Fire damage and sheds light in a
3-6m radius.
Long Rest.
Tiefling Features
Base Racial Speed: Move up to
9m per turn.
Darkvision: See in the dark within
12 m.
Hellish Resistance: Your blood protects you from flame, abyssal or otherwise. Gain Resistance to Fire and take only half damage from it.
Mephistopheles Tiefling Tips & Notes
- During Early Access, the Mephistopheles Tiefling race used to feature +2 Charisma and +1 Intelligence. This has been changed in the full launch of BG3 and the Ability Score points are now associated with the Class that players will choose.
- ??
- Anonymous
Personally, I was in Act 3 and completely deleted that save, precisely because I want to make a Hellish Knight-esque Warlock and the Flame Blade is actually INCREDIBLY powerful among the Weapons you can get even later in the game. It's really good. But the only way to get it either by being a Druid or by making this Tiefling Subrace. The good thing about it here vs Druid or a Scroll is simple: While you can't upcast the Blade as a Racial trait, it also doesn't vanish after 10 Turns. And Warlock cannot Bind a Pact Weapon mid-combat (obv), so if you ever get into a hairy situation out of nowhere (surprise etc.) you can't use your main weapon as effectively. The Racial-summoned Blade simply does not vanish until you have to recast it, as long as it stays in Inventory. So it will always be bound.
- Anonymous
The Arcane demon Mephistopheles granting your Tiefling Sorcerer the worst spells as a joke.
Burning Hands is good but it gets outpowered quickly and never used again. Flame Blade is cool, but also not something to really want or ever use if you're a Sorcerer.
So the arcane demon saves you a cantrip slot on Mage Hand? This is what happens when you get read of racial ASI but don't change any feats. At least its not as bad as Dragonborn.
What do their spells scale with?