Eldritch Rune

eldritch rune

A strange energy buzzes through this alien object. You are sure you've never seen any of the like, yet part of you recognises it as a component of some bigger machine..

Eldritch Rune is a Quest Item and Item in Baldur's Gate 3. Some items can be consumed granting various effects like buffing the Character or restoring HP, while others can be used to interact with the environment or provide Lore about Baldur's Gate 3 world.


A strange energy buzzes through this alien object. You are sure you've never seen any of the like, yet part of you recognises it as a component of some bigger machine.


Eldritch Rune Information

The Eldritch Rune can be used to free Shadowheart from her pod during the Nautiloid prologue. You have to insert it in the console next to her pod, in order to open free her.

  • Weight: 0.2 Kg.
  • Value: 1 Gp.


Eldritch Rune Location & Where to Find

  • Location: Can be found inside the Nautiloid. You need to get the Elaborate Key from the body of a Dead Thrall, in the room where you "create" a Mindflayer. Leave the room and use it to open the Elaborate Reliquary just outside to find the Eldritch Rune.
  • Quest:
  • Crafting:
  • Merchant:
  • Dropped by:



Eldritch Rune Notes & Tips

  • Rarity: ??
  • Value: 1 Gp.
  • Weight: 1 Kg.
  • ID: ??



Quest Item
Bandit's Key  ♦  Bitter Divorce  ♦  Broken Moonlantern  ♦  Cabinet Key  ♦  Charred Key  ♦  Dawnmaster's Crest  ♦  Disintegrating Night Walkers  ♦  Elaborate Key  ♦  Elaborate Slate  ♦  Engraved Key  ♦  Flower Key  ♦  Goblin's Drawing  ♦  Guiding Light  ♦  Harper Key  ♦  Heavy Key  ♦  Highcliff's Blueprints  ♦  Idol of Silvanus  ♦  Iron Cell Key  ♦  Lorroakan's Contract  ♦  Lump's War Horn  ♦  Mysterious Artefact  ♦  Nere's Head  ♦  Noblestalk  ♦  Old Key  ♦  Padlock Key  ♦  Pitted Key  ♦  Priestess' Key  ♦  Rune of the Wolf  ♦  Runepowder Barrel  ♦  Runepowder Vial  ♦  Rusted Key  ♦  Rusted Silver Key  ♦  Selunite Key  ♦  Shiny Key  ♦  Smokepowder Satchel  ♦  Soul Coin  ♦  Stamped Handbill  ♦  Storage Key  ♦  Sussur Tree Bark  ♦  Tarnished Silver Key  ♦  The Blade of Frontiers' Eye  ♦  Timmask Spores  ♦  Tongue of Madness

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