selunes spear of night baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 150px

Shar's Spear of Night


4~11 Damage

Versatile - Wielding With Both Hands

1d8 norma dice icon weapon qualities baldur's gate 3 wiki guide 11d6 icon bg3 wiki guide 11d8 (1d6)+3 damage piercing icon bg3 wiki guide Piercing

Shar's Blessing: You gain Advantage on Saving Throws while Lightly or Heavily Obscured. This weapon deals an additional 1d6 to creatures that are Lightly or Heavily Obscured.

Blind Immunity: The wearer cannot be Blinded.

weapon enchantment icon bg3 wikiguide 48pxWeapon Enchantment +3

darkness spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 35px 1Shar's Darkness
Class Actions

icon proficiency bg3 wiki guideProficiency with this weapon type unlocks:
rush attack action icon baldurs gate3 guide 64px crippling strike actions bg3 wikiguide 45px lacerate action icon baldurs gate3 guide 64px

infobox quote icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 24pxWhen visiting mortals in dreams, Shar's hair would curl and twist about her head like strands of inky midnight. If it tickled her nose, the goddess was careful not to show it.

icon weapon type bg3 wiki guideSpear icon thrown bg3 wiki guideThrown icon versatile bg3 wiki guideVersatile

  1.35 weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 640 currency coin baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 24px

Shar's Spear of Evening is one of the Legendary Spear Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3Shar's Spear of Evening is a reward given to Shadowheart upon completing her quest with Lady Shar. In BG3, each type of weapon has different ranges, damages, and other features (Finesse, Versatile, Dippable, etc.). Characters need to master certain Proficiency before using a weapon, and sometimes gain special Actions while holding it.


When visiting mortals in dreams, Shar's hair would curl and twist about her head like strands of inky midnight. If it tickled her nose, the goddess was careful not to show it.


BG3 Shar's Spear of Evening Information

  • Shar's Blessing: You gain Advantage on Saving Throws while Lightly or Heavily Obscured. This weapon deals an additional 1d6 to creatures that are Lightly or Heavily Obscured.
  • Blinded (Condition):
    • Ranged attacks and spells have a range of 3 m/10 ft and Attack Rolls suffer Disadvantage.
    • Attack Rolls against Blinded creatures have Advantage. 


BG3 Shar's Spear of Evening Location & Where to Find


Shar's Spear of Evening Notes & Tips for BG3

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Value:640 GP
  • Weight: 2.7 Kg
  • The Shar's Blessing buff is currently bugged. When equipped it affects all weapons and weapon attacks.
  • UUID: 61f31bf6-47ec-41e1-9385-2f6c26facc87


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    • Anonymous

      I like this as a weapon on karlach have my ek laezel cast bound weapon on this then throw the spear without worry

      • Anonymous

        The weapon's 1d6 extra damage applies to ALL your weapon attacks, this means it will buffs your dual crossbows, if you have this equiped or if you Dual Wield this with other weapon both will do 1d6.

        • Anonymous

          Bhaalist armor + Shars Darkness (infinite recasts!?) = bonkers.

          Personally I setup Minthara as a Paladin/Warlock hybrid pact of the blade and nuke enemies on darkness.

          • Anonymous

            One of the most overpowered weapons in the game. And since you've gotten this spear, you'd probably be playing an evil/anti-hero playthrough. This means you'd probably want to become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal to get the Bhaalist Armor, which pairs perfectly with the spear. Double piercing damage? Yes, please!

            • Anonymous

              Is it possible to get this spear without losing Dammon (merchant Tiffling who found in druid grove , last light inn , and Act3)
              the spear is very strong , but item sold by Dammon in act3 is very good.

              • Anonymous

                With great power comes great sacrifice , This weapon is perfect.
                1. darkness per turn.
                2. in darkness , you aren't blind but your enemy are = advantage attack roll for you and disadvantage to your enemy
                3. in darkness , you get bonus all saving throw
                4. in darkness , range and spell can not target you
                5. in darkness , you get addition 1d6 damage , make 2d6 with 1 hand and shield for AC , or 1d8 + 1d6 with 2 hand and get addition +10 from feat : great weapon master is your choice.
                6. Enchancement +3

                • Anonymous

                  I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere. You can cast Shar's Darkness once per turn. I was wondering for a while what the cooldown on it was, so I killed her in order to find out. What a beast of a weapon. It's a shame you have to murder a bunch of people to get it.

                  • Anonymous

                    My fun dark shadowheart build

                    5 lvls cleric, 5 levels bm fighter, 2 lvl paladin

                    20 strength with aunthie ethel hair and +2 strenght potion
                    Shar Spear of Evening: first attack with darkness attack 1d6 + 3 + 5. Second attack (fighter) in darkness = 2d6 + 3 + 5 (with advantage)
                    Duelling + two weapon fighting = bonus action 1d6 + ? + 5 (with advantage
                    Ring: d4 while concentrating x 3
                    Baldurs Helm + poison amulet = d6 damage when healed x 3
                    Ring with +2 acid damage x 3 = 6
                    Gloves: d4 or d6 x 3
                    Atm I have a weapon that ads d4 when concentrating = d4 x 3
                    1 BM manoeuvre = +d8 or 2d8 with smite.
                    If it's a longer fight with many enemies you can spend one turn with spirit guardians = +3d8
                    Advantage against saving throws in darkness
                    They attack with disadvantage
                    Advantage on attacks
                    With Sentinel they can't move out = extra attack (or Riposte)

                    • Anonymous

                      Good weapon but sad u’d have to doom 2 companions for it, the inn gets wiped, jaheira dies and karlach lose her heart surgeon.

                      • Anonymous

                        the Shar's blessing buff is currently bugged and also gives 1d6 to your ranged weapon attack if you shoot while obscured (like shooting from the Shar's darkness spell granted by the weapon itself).
                        It's broken staying in the darkness and not being blinded, shooting two crossbows with the additional 1d6 damage and the enemies can't hit you

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