Strongheart Halfling


Racial Features

Subrace Traits

Strongheart Halfling is a Subrace of Halfling in Baldur's Gate 3. Strongheart Halfling features the Strongheart Resilience trait. While creating your Character in Baldur's Gate 3, you can choose between 11 different types of Races. Each of them has their special characteristics and some of them have Sub-Races which provide different Features and Traits.

  • BG3 Full Game Note: In the full launch of Baldur's Gate 3, Ability Score Points for Races that were present in Early Access are removed. And instead, Ability Score Points in the full game correspond with the Class players will choose.


Legends say dwarven blood gave stronghearts their hardiness. Resistant to poison and wellsprings of endurance, these halflings easily hold their own.




Strongheart Halfling Traits:


Halfling Features

  • Lucky: When you roll a 1 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.


Strongheart Halfling Tips & Notes

  • During Early Access, the Strongheart Halfling race used to feature +2 Dexterity and +1 Constitution. This has been changed in the full launch of BG3 and the Ability Score points are now associated with the Class that players will choose.
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Races and Subraces
Asmodeus Tiefling  ♦  Black Dragonborn  ♦  Blue Dragonborn  ♦  Brass Dragonborn  ♦  Bronze Dragonborn  ♦  Copper Dragonborn  ♦  Deep Gnome  ♦  Drow  ♦  Drow Half-Elf  ♦  Duergar  ♦  Dwarf  ♦  Elf  ♦  Forest Gnome  ♦  Githyanki  ♦  Gnome  ♦  Gold Dragonborn  ♦  Gold Dwarf  ♦  Green Dragonborn  ♦  Half-Drow  ♦  Half-Elf  ♦  Halfling  ♦  High Elf  ♦  High Half-Elf  ♦  Human  ♦  Lightfoot Halfling  ♦  Lolth-Sworn Drow  ♦  Mephistopheles Tiefling  ♦  Red Dragonborn  ♦  Rock Gnome  ♦  Seldarine Drow  ♦  Shield Dwarf  ♦  Silver Dragonborn  ♦  Tiefling  ♦  White Dragonborn  ♦  Wood Elf  ♦  Wood Half-Elf  ♦  Zariel Tiefling


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    • Anonymous

      I want the racial bonuses back.
      That "woke" thing that a half ling can be as strong as a half-ork is nonsense and removes an aspect from the game that would give it more dept.

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