Illithid Powers, also known as Tadpole Powers, are a type of special ability in Baldur's Gate 3. Illithid Powers are tied to the Mind Flayer tadpole implanted in the heads of the player character and Origin Companions at the beginning of the game. Some Illithid Powers are available to all classes, while others are class-specific. 


How to unlock Illithid Powers in BG3

Illithid Powers are acquired by selecting [ILLITHID] [WISDOM] dialogue choices when interacting with other NPCs, usually those who are also infected by an Illithid tadpole, but disciples of The Absolute also tend to trigger these dialog options. Once the player has succeeded on 3 Illithid Wisdom Ability Checks, the next Long Rest they take will trigger a dream cutscene (the trigger for this dream may also be related to the cutscene seen in the Goblin Camp). If the player choses to make use of their parasite in the dream, they can then consume any Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens they may have collected. This will trigger another cutscene about consuming the Tadpoles, after which any future parasite specimens the player finds will be added directly to the Illithid Powers tab in the Character Sheet.  



How do Illithid Powers work in Baldur's Gate 3 

After obtaining an Illithid Tadpole from other infected NPCs, you can spend them to unlock an Illithid Power of your choice in the Illithid Power Menu by pressing B. This menu is set up similarly to a skill tree - Illithid Powers in the outer ring of the 'tree' can only be unlocked after unlocking those adjacent to it in the inner rings. Illithid Powers with grey icons are passive skills, while those with red icons are active skills. Once in the Illithid Power menu, click and drag a tadpole from the top right corner into the skill you want to unlock. You will have the Illithid Persuasion unlocked for free.

It should be noted that some Illithid Powers were class-restricted in the Early Access version of the game. In the final release of Baldur's Gate 3, this restriction was lifted, and all Illithid Powers are usable by any class. 



illithid powers menu baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 400px


brain powers

Click for zoomed version of picture above

All Illithid Powers in Baldur's Gate 3

Note: Let your main character use the Zaith'Isk in the Githyanki infirmary and succeed at all three saving throws grants you Awakened permanent status. Your illithid powers will cost bonus action instead of standard action.

Quick Search of All Illithid Powers in Baldur's Gate 3:

Power Name Type Description Prerequisite
tadpolesuperpower peacebreaker baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Favorable Beginnings
Feature The first Attack Roll or Ability Check you make against any target gains a bonus equal to your Proficiency bonus.  
tadpolesuperpower forcetunnel baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Force Tunnel
Action Charge forward, pushing all objects and creatures in your path 4m away from you.

Doesn't Provoke Opportunity Attacks.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px
9m recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxShort Rest
tadpolesuperpower concentratedblast baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Concentrated Blast

1d6 psychic damage bg3 wiki guide13d6damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guide Psychic +1d6 slashing icon bg3 wiki 48px3d6cure wounds spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2 Conditional

You must be concentrating on another spell to cast this. If the target was concentrating, you heal as much as the damage that was dealt to it. 
The spell you were concentrating on, will end.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxPer turn

tadpolesuperpower psionicoverload baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Psionic Overload

1~4 Damage
1d4+4 force dice icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 40px1d4damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guidePsychic

Your attacks deal an additional 1~4 Psychic damage, but you take 1~4 Psychic damage every turn.

tadpolesuperpower psionicoverload baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px10 turns

recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxShort Rest

tadpolesuperpower transfusehealth baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Transfuse Health
Action Sacrifice half your remaining hit points to heal a target for the same amount.  
tadpolesuperpower charm baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Charm (Illithid Power)
Reaction Channel the dark allure of the tadpole to Charm an enemy that attacks you, preventing them from attacking you until their next turn.  
tadpolesuperpower luckofthefarrealm baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Luck of the Far Realms

When you make a successful Attack Roll against a foe, you can change that hit into a Critical Hit.

recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Long Rest

tadpolesuperpower perilousstakes baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Perilous Stakes

2~16 Healing
1d8 dice icon baldursgate3 wiki guide2d8cure wounds spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2

Invest a creature with power that heals it when it attacks, but also make it Vulnerable to all damage.

tadpolesuperpower perilousstakes baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px3 turns

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Long Rest

tadpolesuperpower shieldofthralls baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Shield of Thralls

Conjure a volatile shield around yourself or an ally, granting the target 10 temporary hit points.
If these temporary hit points are lost due to incoming damage, the shield bursts, possibly Stunning nearby foes.

Stun: 1 turn

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxINT Save recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Short Rest

tadpolesuperpower displace baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px

Creatures suffering Falling damage because of your actions take an additional 1~8 Psychic damage.

tadpolesuperpower culltheweak baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Cull the Weak
Feature When you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved Illithid powers, it dies and all nearby creatures take 1-4 Psychic damage.
tadpolesuperpower psionicbacklash baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Psionic Backlash
Reaction When an enemy within 9m casts a spell, you can use your reaction to inflict ld4 Psychic damage to the caster per the spell's level.
tadpolesuperpower abilitydrain baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Ability Drain
Feature Once per turn, when you make an Attack Roll, the attack reduces that target's corresponding Ability by 1.
The Ability that is reduced is the same as the one used to make the Attack Roll.
For melee weapons, this is usually Strength, for ranged weapons usually Dexterity, and for spells usually your Spellcasting Ability.
recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxPer turn
tadpolesuperpower stagefright 2 baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Stage Fright

2~12 Damage
1d6 psychic damage bg3 wiki guide12d6 damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guide Psychic (Conditional)

Your targets have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and take 2~12 Psychic damage each time they miss.
tadpolesuperpower stagefright 2 baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px 3 turns

Targets overcome their Stage Fright early when they succeed an Attack Roll.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxWIS Save recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Short Rest

tadpolesuperpower psionicdominance baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Psionic Dominance
Reaction When an enemy within 18m targets you with a spell of a Level that is lower than or equal to your Proficiency Bonus, you can use your reaction to nullify the spell.

tadpolesuperpower absorbintellect baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Absorb Intellect


1~8 Healing
1d8 dice icon baldursgate3 wiki guide1d8cure wounds spell baldursgate3 wiki guide 150px 2

Gobble up a foe's intellect, lowering their Intelligence by 1 per turn and healing your wounds for 5 turns.
tadpolesuperpower absorbintellect baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px1 turn

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Short Rest

tadpolesuperpower mindsanctuary baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Mind Sanctuary

Sculpt a magical nexus that allows those within to take actions and bonus actions interchangeably.
tadpolesuperpower mindsanctuary baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px3 turns

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Long Rest

tadpolesuperpower imperil baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Fracture Psyche

Invade a target's mind and disrupt its defenses. The target's Armour Class is reduced by l. If the target dies while its psyche is fractured, you can cast Shatter Psyche on another target.
tadpolesuperpower imperil baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px5 turns

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px9m saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxINT Save recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Short Rest

tadpolesuperpower blackhole baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Black Hole
Feature Create a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly Slows them. Five more black holes can be summoned after this spell's initial casting. Afterwards, you must Short Rest before casting it again.  
tadpolesuperpower mindblast baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Mind Blast

9~37 Damage 
1d8 norma dice icon weapon qualities baldur's gate 3 wiki guide4d8 +5damage psychic icon bg3 wiki guide Psychic

Spew forth a conical wave of psychic energy and possibly Stun targets within.
Stun: 1 turn

radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px14msaving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxINT Save recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Long Rest

tadpolesuperpower illithidexpertise baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Illithid Expertise
Feature You have deepened your sense of self, gaining Expertise in Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation Checks.
repulsor action bg3 wiki guide 64px

2~12 Damage

1d6 force damage bg3 wiki guide2d6 damage force icon bg3 wiki guideForce


Push anything and anyone back 6m.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px6m saving throw icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxSTR Save recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Short Rest

tadpolesuperpower freecast baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Feature You have discovered a marvelous adaption within yourself. Spell slots, charges, and similar resource costs for your next action or spell are removed. Refreshes after a Short or Long rest.  
tadpolesuperpower displacershape baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px
Displacer Beast Shape

Transform into a displacer beast that can Displace itself and enemies, and has 85 hit points. You take on the attributes of a displacer beast, but maintain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. When your displacer beast form drops to 0 hit points, you revert to your original form.
tadpolesuperpower displacershape baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65pxUntil Long Rest

recharge icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Long Rest

tadpolesuperpower levitate baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 65px

Fly to target position.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m



Tadpole Locations
for Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Each parasite consumed unlocks one new Illithid Power within a skill tree of 25 powerful mind-flayer-inspired abilities, completely separate to the options you have when you level up in a traditional sense. These are divided into five branches themed around manipulation, health restoration, psionics, and abilities that can inflict immense damage and torment enemies to gradually weaken them over time. Some abilities can be used to control those around you, pushing them to say things in dialogue they would otherwise not. Others endow you with the power to push and pull enemies like ragdolls during battle. 

Tadpoles locations in Baldur's Gate 3

You can collect additional Mind Flayer tadpoles to advance your Illithid Powers, here is a list of where you can find more tadpoles:

Tadpoles in Act 1

  • One can be found on the dead True Soul in Forest (X139, Y444), do not resist the tadpole to acquire.
  • One can be found by defeating Flind, the Gnoll Warlord (X33, Y594) (Quest Find the Missing Shipment).
  • One can be found in the Druid Grove (X445, Y-17), it would be on a table in Halsin's/Nettie's Secret Research Lab next to the Dissected Drow body.
  • One can be found by defeating True Soul Gut (X297, Y-12).
  • One can be found by defeating Minthara.
  • One can be found by defeating Dror Ragzlin.
  • One can be found by defeating True Soul Nere.
  • If you side with the Absolute, you can get as many Illithid Powers as "Gift by the Absolute" as you missed by not killing the true soul bosses.
  • If you play nice with True Soul Nere until his second conversation ends and he gives you a Gift of the Absolute, you can then kill him for a bonus Tadpole.

Tadpoles in Act 2

  • One can be found by defeating Fist Marcus.
  • Three can be found in the Infirmary of Crèche Y'llek, next to the Zaith'isk.
  • One can be found on Linsella, in the Moonrise Towers kitchen.
  • Two at Moonrise Towers' docks, inside the cylindrical Zhentarim Shipping Crate (X70, Y187). Destroy the crate to access them.
  • One on a body named Zealot Krizt in Oubliette (X:628, Y: -92).
  • Three at the front entrance of Moonrise Towers from Disciple Z'Rell, Zealot Malik, and Adept Merim.
  • One in a brine pool (X678, Y45) in the Mind Flayer Colony (requires passing perception check).
  • One special tadpole (Astral-Touched Tadpole) can be acquired after you helped the Dream Visitor before reaching Baldur's gate.

Tadpoles in Act 3

  1. Another special item that gives a charge is the fresh mindflayer's brain in the Abandoned Windmill in Rivington. (X44, Y-38)
  2. One on a beach northwest of Rivington, on a barrel next to the Stone Lord thugs about to fight the Guild members. (Near X-225, Y108)
  3. A further two on the ship the Stone Lord thugs arrived in, in the big 'Storage' unit. (Near X-212, Y129)
  4. One from killing Avery Sonshal at Felogyr's Fireworks, Baldur's Gate Lower City.
  5. Two can be found on Enver Gortash's Parents, the Flymms (X-30, Y-116), Baldur's Gate Lower City.
  6. One can be found in High Security Safe n6 (near X-715, Y882) in the high-security vault of Counting House.
  7. One can be found sitting on a table on the ground floor of Sorcerous Sundries (X-8, Y-91). 
  8. One can be found on the second floor of The Lodge. (X-207, Y-87)
  9. One on a table in the Sanguine Laboratory, entered from Baldur's Gate's Lower City down a hatch (X-92, Y-91)
  10. Six can be found on a ship protected by Steel Watchers, in front of the Steel Watch Foundry. (X-202 Y-125)
    • One additional one can be found on the body of Churg Elvek, who is preaching next to this ship.
  11. One can be found in Iron Throne, on the table near Omeluum. (x-45, Y17)
  12. One can be found on a desk in the Steel Watch Foundry - Lab Level. (X-1940, Y447)
  13. One can be acquired from Manip Edenosa in Bloomridge Park.
  14. One can be found in the basement of the Blushing Mermaid. (X-2336, Y-120)
  15. One can be found in a locked chest in Gortash's office, on the roof of Wyrm's Rock Fortress.



Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      If you save Isobel at the Last Light Inn from Marcus, and then kill her, you can find a tadpole on her after the battle with Ketheric Thorm.

      • Anonymous

        So, 7 (8 if you betray Nere) in Act 1, 12 in Act 2 (+Astral-touched tadpole) and 23 in Act 3, maximum 43. You need 25 (20 with Astral) to one character was everything.
        If you're playing with friends and want one character with full potential, you have 23 free tadpoles.
        So everyone can have at least 5 illithid skills and first 5 of them will be free when you have Astral tadpole. Don't bother arguing about "who is first" in your group.

        • Anonymous

          I want to ask is this powers can be used with meramagic my membership ended so it would be good if anyone would tell me

          • Anonymous

            Me: Mind Flayers are disgusting monsters!

            Major story character: hey fam you wanna fly anywhere can hook you up? Oh and I got all these cool op abilities!

            Me: Mind Flayers are wonderful majestic creatures and Gith are scumbags for hunting them!

            • Anonymous

              the way to unlock the illithid powers is misleading. you don't have to use the [illithid][wisdom] commands at all you seem to only need to trigger the scene with the absolute at the goblin camp. I started a duergur barbarian character so I didn't have to use the illithid powers to free shadow heart, went straight to the goblin camp again without using the the tadpole (just intimidation because you know barbarian), and after the cutscene with the absolute the dream visitor approached me and i could start unlocking powers.

              • Anonymous

                Possible bug, or new parasite location in Act 1. Sitting at 5 parasite points having only collected 4 tadpoles. My best guess is the mindflayer's quest in the underdark silently rewards you another.

                • Anonymous

                  I Play as half orc.. And i cant understand how to use Concentrated blast.
                  I read instructions, but still..

                  - Does my clas/race not have the abillity to concentrate in battle?
                  -How do i concentrate on another spell?

                  • Anonymous

                    if I dont read wiki , I will never use tadpole.
                    Your character said NO , your normal sense still said NO (whose sense said yes , go to eat raw meat and get parasite to your real brain)
                    and you get nothing for reject it , Seriously ???

                    • Anonymous

                      Perilous Stakes - DO NOT SLEEP ON IT

                      If it lands, legit overrides immunities to any form of dmg and makes them take 2X the dmg from ALL sources for 3 turns. The hardest hitting single target debuff for bosses, especially good if you're fighting an enemy who is immune to your preferred dmg type.

                      Best part is, it's not technically a debuff so the enemy doesn't get to roll for a save. So damn good.

                      • Anonymous

                        In act 1, one can be given by True Soul Nere if you kill all the duegar first (don't know if im spelling that right and too lazy to look it up) and then detecting his thoughts. The option to to say that you solved his problem comes up and choosing it will have net you a free tadpole. Note that you can also kill him for the tadpole in his head

                        • Anonymous

                          Astral tadpole use is great for weak characters (low strength)

                          Main reason is it automatically gives the Fly ability, WITHOUT spending any tadpoles.

                          This helps to improve their jump distance without constantly having to have a strong character throw them or cast Fly / Leap

                          • Anonymous

                            So apparently there are not consequences for using some of these things...
                            Are you telling me I went through all of Act 1 taking care by not consuming them for no reason? Lmfao

                            • Anonymous

                              anyone getting random free parasites since patch 1.2? not small amounts either, I jumped from 11 to 17 near end of Act 2, just doing House of Healing and approaching the Mausoleum. crazy bug if so

                              • Anonymous

                                It should be mentioned, that if you pass some of the kills to join the Absolute, you still get the tadpoles. E.g., if you side with the Goblins in Act 1, you will get as many Illithid Powers as "Gift by the Absolute" as you missed by not killing the bosses (works as a mix, too - not killing any bosses gave 3 Gifts, killing Priestess Gut resulted in one looted tadpole + 2 Gifts). Same for True Soul Nere.

                                • Anonymous

                                  The Act 3 entries on the list here are really vague and aren't linked to pages about their location like Act I and II.

                                  It would be amazing if someone who knows how/where these are would clean the bottom section of the page up as finding these things can be really tedious. :)


                                  • Anonymous

                                    > Three can be found at Infirmary, Creche Y'llek
                                    The creche is in act 1, not act 2. The Monastery is a part of act 1, evidenced by the fact you can freely travel between the grove, underdark and Monastery

                                    • Anonymous

                                      There's an additional power to be gained from Omeluum that I don't see in this list, presumably because it's not on the Illithid Powers screen. It's called Survival Instinct. "Infuse a creature with psionic force. If it reaches 0 hit points, it heals [3d4] instead of falling Uncoonscious."

                                      I got it by succeeding the first check, but failing the second. Won't spoil anything else, and don't know if it is unlocked by failing the first check or succeeding both.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        How do you unlock Illithid powers for Shadowheart and Wyll? I can only use them on myself and Asterion currently.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Make sure to get the permanent passive skill by absorbing the powers of the zaith'isk device inside the githyanki infirmary.
                                          Awakened Passive Feature
                                          Effect: You can use all of your Illithid Powers as a bonus action.
                                          This will make most of the action skills, that sucked, absolutely incredible especially if your PC isn't dual wielding.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            So if I'm reading correctly.
                                            1st layer powers = OK,
                                            2nd layer powers = Watch it buddy.
                                            3rd layer powers = Hope you like the taste of brains.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              A SPOILER regarding tadpoles, and a let down for people who like me were planing to not use them. You will get nothing for remaining pure, some occasional quips in dialog that you are still refusing to use them but that's it. No achievement for it, no super special hidden gear or even a special ending for being pure. There is a danger if you go overboard but it's telegraphed and flat out told to you if you take the next step it will change you , that's when you will see/face some consequences but if you simply nope out at that point and don't go into the next step, you get to enjoy the first level tad pole powers without any cosenquences.

                                              Basically, a pure run is more of a i suppose a "challenge" run in a sense, granted you don't need the powers, without em' if you know what you're doing to a degree you'll still be fine-ish, but you are dropping the potential of further exploring and having fun with some more cool powers and buffs for basically nothing.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Interested in learning if it's an all-or-nothing decision. I initially 'succumbed' but haven't actually unlocked anything on the skill tree, yet NPCs act like I'm fully invested. Will report back if I make it to the end without using them

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  16 tadpoles after two acts for me, part of them just random dead npc

                                                  Btw also important note: if you pass magic check for githyanki "heal" stuff, all illithid powers which consume action will be consumed bonus action.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    For the ppl here that are wondering. There are no Class spezific power anymore. But i found out you can find them. for example: You get the power "Survival instinct" after you do the quest from the mind flayer in the underdark

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Not gonna lie, I'm not really tempted to use the Parasite outside of conversations because a lot of the new abilities feel kinda.... not necessary or powerful at all lmao

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Everyone looking at this page as of Aug 5th please keep in mind it is outdated. All of this information was from the Early Access and so much has changed. Most of it is untrue now. For example, there are no long class specific illithid powers. Moreover multiple are now locked behind much later parts of the game. Don't take this page at face value until it is more updated with more recent information <3

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I got wrong power for my class. I have abjuration wizard and I got cleric class skill. IDK why it happend...

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            You know, for a skill tree that is supposed to be a tempting lure of power with severe consequences, almost all the skills in it are just kinda "meh".

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              so is each parasite limited use to one person or can two people benefit from one, from the jar with one example, could both me and my friend consume/benefit from it or only one?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Any impact on the storyline? I'm thinking of not using this. There's probably an ending for fully rejecting these powers.

                                                              Load more
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