![]() Spirit GuardiansLevel 3 Conjuration Spell Call forth spirits to protect the area around you. Nearby enemies take 3~24 Radiant damage or 3~24 Necrotic damage per turn, and their movement speed is halved. On Save: Targets still take half damage.
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Spirit Guardians is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Spirit Guardians is a Lvl 3 Spell from the Conjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
Spirit Guardians Information
- Description: Call forth spirits to protect the area around you. Nearby enemies take 3~24 Radiant damage or 3~24 Necrotic damage per turn, and their movement speed is halved. On Save: Targets still take half damage.
Caster can't become Invisible while concentrating on this spell.
- Level: Lvl 3 spell
- School: Conjuration School
- Casting Time:
- Range:
- Requires Concentration: Yes
- Saving Throw: Wisdom
How to Acquire Spirit Guardians
- Spirit Guardians can be acquired by the following classes:
- Spirit Guardians can be cast by using the following Items:
- ???
- ???
Spirit Guardians Tips & Notes
- Upcast: When cast using with a 4th level spell slot or higher, damage increases by +1d8 per slot level above 3rd.
- Anonymous
Idk how to say it in english but : does this spell prevent the bonus of Shar's spear of evening to apply ?
Like, do the light prevent it ??
- Anonymous
Can you walk into an enemy to damage him, walk away and back in and damage him Again in one turn?
- Anonymous
So polearms have 2.5m range, this has 3 :)
Sentinel, spirit guardians and polearm master, here we go.
- Anonymous
One level of sorcerer to grab storm sorcery and you can cast this then fly over the battlefield and apply radiating orb and good damage to everything you touch. Great way to deal with any group of spread out attack roll based enemies. Basically let's you ignore weak melee attackers like goblins.
Plus the sorcerer level can let you pick up shield and magic missile which don't care if you dumped charisma.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Worth noting that the spell can also be acquired via bard’s magical secrets
- Anonymous
Halsin has a few spells by default, even if you respec him. One of them is misty step. Respec/multi class him into a heavy armor cleric and you have a teleporting spirit tank with 9m of movement thanks to wood elf.
- Anonymous
I put this and warden of vitality on my lore bard, goes hard. Walking aoe damage/heal turret depending on if you're friendly or not
- Anonymous
Works well with extra action mobility like misty step or jump (if you have str) .
Polearm/staff charge is also nice but it's an action.
Get on top of a pack of mobs with a heavy armor cleric and you'll get plenty of warcaster attacks of opportunity or shield/miss procs/reactions.
- Anonymous
In a certain act, without spoiling, you can use this to detect certain enemies before they are enemies as they will move away from the AOE knowing they will take damage from it!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
While I like this spell i generally find wall of fire (from light cleric) and bless to be better, they reduced AOE radius really hurt it. It’s definitely a great spell but I don’t think the nerf was needed. Bless is still just as amazing as in tabletop.
- Anonymous
can you get this spell as a subclass spell on another class later in levels? id love to have a fighter or paladin with this spell would be amazing fun with boots of speed or teleport into a load of mobs hit and hit em with a weapon. Been looking into a hybrid Fighter Cleric but the you just cant get the right mix. Am only level 6 so am hoping i can down the line.
- Anonymous
They nerfed this spell into the ground. 1 minute duration instead of 10 minutes, reduced range. My poor boy.
- Anonymous
Casting it using higher spell levels slots increases the damage. Not at home so unfortunately I can’t tell you how much it is increased by per level.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's funny how stupidly strong this is. You can cast this on yourself pop a speed potion and run into undead enemies. They die almost immediately. For every other type of enemy however they're just going to take a solid chuck of damage. And that's still pretty good. If you're not building a concentration shadowheart, The spell is a must-have. Hell even if you are, there's still a very solid argument to keep this around.
- Anonymous
Im new to Baldurs Gate. How can I get this spell on Shadowheart for example?
- Anonymous
Enemies can only be damaged by this spell once per turn. You can't simply walk in and out of range to do multiple tics of damage.
That said: this spell is incredible. Slap some extra mobility on your cleric and watch them send goblin after goblin to meet Jesus.