seeming spell bg3 wiki guide 150px


Level 5 Illusion Spell

Disguise up to 4 members of your adventuring party.

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px 18m

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 5 Spell Slot  

Seeming is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Seeming is a Lvl 5 Spell from the Illusion school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.


Seeming Information

  • Description: Disguise up to 4 members of your adventuring party.
  • Level: Lvl 5 spell
  • School: Illusion School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px 18m
  • Requires Concentration: No
  • Saving Throw: N/A


 How to Acquire Seeming

  • Seeming can be acquired by the following classes:
  • Seeming can be cast by using the following Items:
    • ???


Seeming Tips & Notes

  • Has the same uses as Disguise Self.
  • To dispel Seeming, use the Dispel Disguise ability in the Common tab (icon: broken light-blue mask). It also appears on the far right of your hotbar while Seeming is active. Cast it to remove the disguise.
  • Seeming appears to bug out Hirelings, causing you to be unable to talk to them. You have to Dispel it to get the hireling to speak to you.


Lvl 5 Spells
Banishing Smite  ♦  Cloudkill  ♦  Cone of Cold  ♦  Conjure Elemental  ♦  Contagion  ♦  Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War  ♦  Danse Macabre  ♦  Destructive Wave  ♦  Dethrone  ♦  Dispel Evil and Good  ♦  Dominate Person  ♦  Flame Strike  ♦  Greater Restoration  ♦  Hold Monster  ♦  Insect Plague  ♦  Mass Cure Wounds  ♦  Planar Binding  ♦  Telekinesis  ♦  Wall of Stone


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    • Anonymous

      I always think this is a trash spell for a long time.
      but for now
      this is the most OP spell for me.
      if you know what I mean , we can be friend lol.

      • Anonymous

        I murdered Gortash in his audience chamber before he was officially inaugurated, I then escaped combat via dimension door to the rooftops and leaving to camp. This spell does not prevent any enemies in that area from recognizing me when I go back to it.

        • If they at least made this a Ritual spell so you could use it out of combat without it costing a spell slot.
          Right now it would be a bad spell even if it was just a level 1 spell... but its level 5...

          • Anonymous

            If I'm not mistaken, you can commit crimes while disguised with witnesses (that DON'T start combat immediately), find cover to shed disguises, then be able to absolve yourself.

            Or at least... that's how it'd work in tabletop at the DM's discretion with appropriate skill checks.

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