Intoxicating Strike

Class Actions

Hit a creature with your bare fists and possibly get them Drunk.

attack roll iconAttack Roll

icon weapon type bg3 wiki guideMelee

action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction + ki icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px Ki Point  

Intoxicating Strike is a Class Action in Baldur's Gate 3Actions can be used in both exploration and combat to maneuver across the battlefield or to harm or aid Characters. The actions that a Character can perform are based on their Class and Equipment.


Intoxicating Strike Information

Hit a creature with your bare fists and possibly get them Drunk.

  • Type: Class Action
  • attack roll iconAttack Roll
  • icon weapon type bg3 wiki guideMelee
  • Condition: Drunk (5 turns) - Has Disadvantage on Dexterity and Charisma Checks.


How to unlock Intoxicating Strike

Intoxicating Strike can be unlocked by the following classes:


Intoxicating Strike Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here
All Actions in Baldur's Gate 3
Aberrant Shape  ♦  Abjure Enemy  ♦  Absolute Power  ♦  Absorb Elements (Reaction)  ♦  Absorb Intellect  ♦  Action Surge  ♦  Arcane Recovery  ♦  Aspect of the Elk  ♦  Aspect of the Wolf  ♦  Astral Knowledge  ♦  Aura of Courage  ♦  Aura of Protection: (Action)  ♦  Aura of Warding  ♦  Backbreaker  ♦  Bardic Inspiration  ♦  Bear Companion (Action)  ♦  Bend Luck (Action)  ♦  Bend Luck (Reaction)  ♦  Benign Transposition: Teleport  ♦  Bibberbang Spores  ♦  Bind Pact Weapon  ♦  Bite  ♦  Black Hole  ♦  Blade of Rime  ♦  Blazing Retaliation  ♦  Blessing of the Trickster  ♦  Blinding Shot  ♦  Bloodrender  ♦  Boar Charge  ♦  Boar Companion (Action)  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Boon  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot  ♦  Bolt of Celestial Light  ♦  Brace  ♦  Brace (Melee)  ♦  Brace (Ranged)  ♦  Bull Rush  ♦  Burrow  ♦  Caitiff's Restoration  ♦  Champion Challenge  ♦  Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows  ♦  Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts  ♦  Charge  ♦  Charm Animals and Plants  ♦  Chill of the Mountain  ♦  Cinderous Swipe  ♦  Claws  ♦  Cleave  ♦  Clench of the North Wind  ♦  Click Heels (Class Actions)  ♦  Cloak of Shadows (Action)  ♦  Colossal Onslaught  ♦  Combat Inspiration  ♦  Commander's Strike (Action)  ♦  Concentrated Blast  ♦  Concussive Smash  ♦  Control Undead  ♦  Controlled Chaos (Reaction)  ♦  Corrosive Spit  ♦  Countercharm  ♦  Counterspell (Reaction)  ♦  Create Sorcery Points  ♦  Create Spell Slot  ♦  Crippling Strike  ♦  Crowning Strike  ♦  Cunning Action: Dash  ♦  Cunning Action: Disengage  ♦  Cunning Action: Hide  ♦  Cutting Words  ♦  Cutting Words (Reaction)  ♦  Darkness Cloak  ♦  Dash  ♦  Dawnburst Strike  ♦  Dazzling Ray  ♦  Defensive Duellist (Reaction)  ♦  Defensive Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Defensive Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Deflect Missiles (Reaction)  ♦  Destructive Wrath (Reaction)  ♦  Dip  ♦  Dire Raven Companion  ♦  Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist  ♦  Dirty Trick: Sand Toss  ♦  Disarming Attack (Melee)  ♦  Disarming Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Disarming Strike  ♦  Disengage  ♦  Dismiss Summons  ♦  Displacer Beast Shape  ♦  Distracting Strike (Melee)  ♦  Distracting Strike (Ranged)  ♦  Divine Intervention (Action)  ♦  Divine Sense  ♦  Divine Smite (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Smite Critical Hit  ♦  Divine Smite Critical Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite on Critical Hit (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Smite Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Smite: Reaction Weapon Damage  ♦  Divine Strike: Brightsoul Bash (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Brutish Slam (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Death From Afar (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Doom Bolts (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Elemental Fury  ♦  Divine Strike: Frigid Depths (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Honour Shining Bright (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Life  ♦  Divine Strike: Molten Flame (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Nightshade Poison (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Poison  ♦  Divine Strike: Radiant  ♦  Divine Strike: Scything Bolts (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Thunder  ♦  Divine Strike: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Divine Strike: Weapon  ♦  Diving Strike  ♦  Dread Ambusher (Melee)  ♦  Dread Ambusher (Ranged)  ♦  Dread Ambusher: Hide  ♦  Dreadful Aspect  ♦  Dueller's Enthusiasm  ♦  Edge of Darkness  ♦  Electrified Flail  ♦  Elemental Affinity: Resistance (Reaction)  ♦  Embrace of the Inferno  ♦  End Rage  ♦  Endless Rage  ♦  Enrage  ♦  Enraged Throw  ♦  Entropic Ward (Reaction)  ♦  Evasive Footwork (Action)  ♦  Explosive Icicle  ♦  Exposing Bite  ♦  Fangs of the Fire Snake  ♦  Fear Ray  ♦  Feinting Attack (Action)  ♦  Fiendish Resilience  ♦  Fist of Four Thunders  ♦  Fist of Unbroken Air  ♦  Flames of the Phoenix  ♦  Flourish  ♦  Flurry of Blows  ♦  Flurry of Blows Stagger  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Push  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Stagger  ♦  Flurry of Blows: Topple  ♦  Force Tunnel  ♦  Forced Manoeuvre  ♦  Fracture Psyche  ♦  Frenzied Strike  ♦  Frenzy  ♦  Frigid Blade  ♦  Galvanic Currents  ♦  Giant Killer (Reaction)  ♦  Githyanki Parry  ♦  Goad  ♦  Goading Attack (Melee)  ♦  Goading Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Goading Roar  ♦  Gong of the Summit  ♦  Grand Slam  ♦  Guided Strike  ♦  Guided Strike (Reaction)  ♦  Halo of Spores  ♦  Halo of Spores (Reaction)  ♦  Hamstring Shot  ♦  Hamstring Shot Action  ♦  Harmony of Fire and Water  ♦  Healing Incense Aura  ♦  Healing Radiance  ♦  Healing Vapours  ♦  Heart of the Storm: Lightning (Reaction)  ♦  Heart of the Storm: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Heartstopper  ♦  Hellcrawler  ♦  Hellish Rebuke (Reaction)  ♦  Help  ♦  Hide  ♦  Hide in Plain Sight  ♦  Hiemal Strike  ♦  Holy Rebuke  ♦  Horde Breaker (Melee)  ♦  Horde Breaker (Ranged)  ♦  Horrific Visage  ♦  Hypnotic Gaze  ♦  Illuminating Shot  ♦  Illusory Self (Reaction)  ♦  Improved Warding Flare (Reaction)  ♦  Improvised Melee Weapon  ♦  Inciting Howl  ♦  Indomitable (Reaction)  ♦  Infiltration Expertise  ♦  Inkblot  ♦  Inquisitor's Might  ♦  Instinctive Charm (Reaction)  ♦  Intimidating Presence  ♦  Invoke Duplicity  ♦  Jump Action  ♦  Ki Resonation: Blast  ♦  Ki Resonation: Punch  ♦  Ki Resonation: Punch (Bonus Action)  ♦  Knowledge of the Ages  ♦  Lacerate  ♦  Lay on Hands  ♦  Lay on Hands: Cure  ♦  Lay on Hands: Greater Healing  ♦  Lay on Hands: Lesser Healing  ♦  Lightning Aura  ♦  Lightning Blast  ♦  Lunging Bite  ♦  Mage Slayer (Reaction)  ♦  Magic Awareness  ♦  Maiming Strike  ♦  Main Hand Attack  ♦  Maintain Hypnotic Gaze  ♦  Maintain Intimidating Presence  ♦  Manoeuvring Attack (Melee)  ♦  Manoeuvring Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Menacing Attack (Melee)  ♦  Menacing Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Meow  ♦  Mind Blast  ♦  Mind Sanctuary  ♦  Minor Conjuration: Create Water  ♦  Missile Snaring (Reaction)  ♦  Mist Stance  ♦  Misty Escape (Reaction)  ♦  Mobile Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Mobile Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Mobile Shot  ♦  Moonlight Butterflies  ♦  Moonmote  ♦  Muck to Metal  ♦  Myrmidon's Immolation  ♦  Natural Recovery  ♦  Nature's Wrath  ♦  Offhand Attack (Melee)  ♦  One with Shadows  ♦  Opportunity Attack  ♦  Pact of the Blade (Action)  ♦  Panache  ♦  Part the Flesh  ♦  Patient Defence  ♦  Pearlescent Restoration  ♦  Perfectly Balanced Strike  ♦  Perform  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Melody  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Shriek  ♦  Phalar Aluve: Sing  ♦  Pickpocket  ♦  Piercing Shot  ♦  Piercing Strike  ♦  Pin Down  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Polearm Master: Opportunity Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Polymorph: Dire Raven  ♦  Pommel Strike  ♦  Portent Die: 11  ♦  Portent Die: 11 (Reaction)  ♦  Portent Die: 19 (Reaction)  ♦  Portent Die: 2  ♦  Portent Die: 2 (Reaction)  ♦  Precision Attack (Action)  ♦  Prepare  ♦  Preserve Life  ♦  Primal Stampede  ♦  Profane Scourge  ♦  Projected Ward (Reaction)  ♦  Protection (Reaction)  ♦  Prowl  ♦  Psionic Overload  ♦  Psionic Pull  ♦  Punish Divinity  ♦  Pushing Attack (Melee)  ♦  Pushing Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Radiance of the Dawn  ♦  Rage: Bear Heart  ♦  Rage: Eagle Heart  ♦  Rage: Elk Heart  ♦  Rage: Tiger Heart  ♦  Rage: Wild Magic  ♦  Rage: Wolf Heart  ♦  Raging Vortex  ♦  Rally  ♦  Ranged Attack  ♦  Ranger's Companion  ♦  Reckless Attack  ♦  Reckless Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Reflective Shell  ♦  Reflective Spell  ♦  Rend Vision  ♦  Reposition Malefactor  ♦  Repulsor  ♦  Restore Bardic Inspiration  ♦  Retributive Brainquake  ♦  Revitalising Strike  ♦  Ride the Wind  ♦  Righteous Clarity  ♦  Riposte (Reaction)  ♦  Rupture  ♦  Rush  ♦  Rush Attack  ♦  Rush of the Gale Spirits  ♦  Sacred Munitions  ♦  Sacred Weapon  ♦  Scorching Strike  ♦  Sentinel (Reaction)  ♦  Shadow Arts: Darkness  ♦  Shadow Arts: Darkvision  ♦  Shadow Arts: Hide  ♦  Shadow Arts: Pass Without Trace  ♦  Shadow Arts: Silence  ♦  Shadow Strike  ♦  Shadow Strike: Unarmed  ♦  Shadowsoaked Blow  ♦  Shapechanger  ♦  Shaping of the Ice  ♦  Shield (Reaction)  ♦  Shield Bash  ♦  Shield Master: Block (Reaction)  ♦  Shove  ♦  Shred Armour  ♦  Shrouded in Shadow  ♦  Slash  ♦  Slashing Flourish (Melee)  ♦  Slashing Flourish (Ranged)  ♦  Slayer  ♦  Sludgy Sling  ♦  Smash  ♦  Sneak Attack (Critical Hit)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Melee)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Sneak Attack (Reaction)  ♦  Sneak Attack Critical Hit (Reaction)  ♦  Song of Rest  ♦  Soulbreaker  ♦  Spell Slot Restoration  ♦  Sphere of Elemental Balance  ♦  Spiteful Suffering  ♦  Spreading Spores (Action)  ♦  Sprint (Action)  ♦  Stage Fright  ♦  Step of the Wind Dash  ♦  Step of the Wind Disengage  ♦  Sting  ♦  Storm's Fury (Reaction)  ♦  Stunning Strike (Melee)  ♦  Stunning Strike (Unarmed)  ♦  Summon Companion  ♦  Supernatural Attraction  ♦  Supreme Githyanki Parry  ♦  Supreme Sneak  ♦  Survival Instinct  ♦  Sweeping Attack (Action)  ♦  Sweeping Cinder Strike  ♦  Tenacity (Reaction)  ♦  Third Eye: Darkvision  ♦  Third Eye: See Invisibility  ♦  Throw  ♦  Tides of Chaos (Reaction)  ♦  Tiger's Bloodlust  ♦  Toggle Non-Lethal Attacks  ♦  Topple  ♦  Topple the Big Folk  ♦  Touch of the Storm  ♦  Transfuse Health  ♦  Transmuter's Stone  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Acid Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Cold Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Constitution  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Fire Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Lightning Resistance  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Movement Speed  ♦  Transmuter's Stone: Thunder Resistance  ♦  Trip Attack (Melee)  ♦  Trip Attack (Ranged)  ♦  Turn the Faithless  ♦  Turn the Tide  ♦  Turn the Unholy  ♦  Turn Undead  ♦  Umbral Shroud  ♦  Unrelenting Ferocity  ♦  Unshackling Strike  ♦  Unstable Backlash (Reaction)  ♦  Vampire Bite  ♦  Venomous Bite  ♦  Volley  ♦  Vow of Enmity  ♦  War Caster: Opportunity Spell (Reaction)  ♦  War God's Blessing  ♦  War God's Blessing (Reaction)  ♦  Warding Flare (Reaction)  ♦  Water Whip  ♦  Weakening Strike  ♦  Weapon Bond  ♦  Web (Action)  ♦  Whirlwind Attack  ♦  Wild Shape Action  ♦  Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Badger  ♦  Wild Shape: Bear  ♦  Wild Shape: Cat  ♦  Wild Shape: Deep Rothé  ♦  Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus  ♦  Wild Shape: Dire Raven  ♦  Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Panther  ♦  Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger  ♦  Wild Shape: Spider  ♦  Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon  ♦  Wild Shape: Wolf  ♦  Wolf Companion (Action)  ♦  Wolf Spider Companion  ♦  Wounding Ray  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Lightning  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Lightning (Reaction)  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Thunder  ♦  Wrath of the Storm: Thunder (Reaction)  ♦  Zephyr Flash

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