glyph of warding spells bg3 wiki guide150px

Glyph of Warding

Level 3 Abjuration Spell

Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. When stepped on by an enemy, the selected magical effect will trigger.

alert icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxOnly one glyph can be active at a time.

icon range bg3 wiki guide9m con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 3 Spell Slot  

Glyph of Warding is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Glyph of Warding is a Lvl 3 Spell from the Abjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.

Baldur's Gate 3 Glyph of Warding Information

  • Description: Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. When stepped on by an enemy, the selected magical effect will trigger.
  • alert icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxOnly one glyph can be active at a time.
  • Level: Lvl 3 spell
  • School: Abjuration School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: icon range bg3 wiki guide9m radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
  • Requires Concentration: No
  • Saving Throw: con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48px Dexterity


Glyph of Warding Variants Comparison Table

Glyph of Warding has up to 7 different variants to choose from affording the caster more tools at their disposal when combating different types of enemies.


glyph of warding sleep abjuration spell bg3 wiki 150px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding sleep abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
sleeping status effect baldursgate3 wiki guide 64px2 Turns
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save

The glyphs emit a soothing magic that puts everyone within range to Sleep when stepped on by an enemy.

glyph of warding detonation abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding detonation abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save

The glyphs emit a gust of wind that pushes back everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.

glyph of warding thunder abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding thunder abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save
5d8 thunder icon bg3 wiki 48px5d8damage thunder icon bg3 wiki guideThunder
The glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

glyph of warding fire abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding fire abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save
5d8 fire icon bg3 wiki 48px5d8damage fire icon bg3 wiki guideFire
The glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

glyph of warding cold abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding cold abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save
5d8 cold icon bg3 wiki 48px5d8damage cold icon bg3 wiki guideCold
The glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

glyph of warding lightning abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding: Lightning

glyph of warding lightning abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save

5d8 lightning icon bg3 wiki 48px5d8damage lightning icon bg3 wiki guideLightning
The glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

glyph of warding acid abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64px
Glyph of Warding:

glyph of warding lightning abjuration spell bg3 wiki 64pxUntil Long Rest
icon range bg3 wiki guide9m
radius icon action bg3 wiki 48px4m
con icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 48pxDEX Save
5d8 acid icon bg3 wiki 48px5d8damage acid icon bg3 wiki guideAcid
The glyphs explode and hurt everyone within range when stepped on by an enemy.
On Save: Targets still take half damage.

How to Acquire Glyph of Warding for BG 3

  • Glyph of Warding can be acquired by the following classes:
  • Glyph of Warding can be cast by using the following Items:
    • ???


Glyph of Warding Tips & Notes in BG 3

  • Upcast: Casting this spell with a higher spell slot level doesn't grant any additional benefits.
  • A target with the Wet status is vulnerable to cold/lightning damage and will sustain double damage from cold and lightning variants of this spell.


Lvl 3 Spells
Animate Dead  ♦  Beacon of Hope  ♦  Bestow curse  ♦  Blinding Smite  ♦  Blink  ♦  Call Lightning  ♦  Celestial Haste  ♦  Conjure Barrage  ♦  Counterspell  ♦  Crusader's Mantle  ♦  Daylight  ♦  Elemental Weapon  ♦  Fear  ♦  Feign Death  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Fly  ♦  Gaseous Form  ♦  Grant Flight  ♦  Haste  ♦  Hunger of Hadar  ♦  Hypnotic Pattern  ♦  Lightning Arrow  ♦  Lightning Bolt  ♦  Mass Healing Word  ♦  Paralyzing Ray  ♦  Plant Growth  ♦  Protection from Energy  ♦  Remove Curse  ♦  Revivify  ♦  Scorching Ray Shot  ♦  Sleet Storm  ♦  Slow  ♦  Speak with Dead  ♦  Spirit Guardians  ♦  Stinking Cloud  ♦  Vampiric Touch


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    • Anonymous

      Same exact radius as Fireball, 4 meters.
      Before battle summon mage hand to help you throw some water bottles (No need to place water bottles before battle, it doesn't use any action in battle).

      • Amazing spell! Especially for a class like bard with a limited number of spells the flexibility of this one is great! AOE cc without concentration is super strong, and it feels like enemies' dex saves are often lower than their wis saves. If you want damage instead this has bigger area and more damage than shatter cast at the same level.
        Only con is the short range.

        • Anonymous

          If youre like me and doing honor mode and methodically planning out fights. I wanted a scroll of this spell to put the Spectator in the Underdark to sleep during the fight. I couldn't find anywhere online on where to find a scroll.

          Go down the water well in Blighted Village. Remember, you have the phase spiders and those other gross enemies in the first room. Follow the left wall from the water well and youll come across another small room. I found a scroll for this spell in a chest.

          Or you can get level 5 with a bard, cleric or wizard but for me, I want to kill the Spectator at level 4.

          • Anonymous

            Bugged with Tempest Cleric. Casting the thunder/lightning glyphs prompts you to use your channel divine charge to maximize damage, but it doesn't actually maximize.

            • Worse than you think. Only 9m range, that make you cast it melee. Sleep only on dex save fail and like bonus enemies can awake teammates just by pushing them. Less damage, less radius, less situations where it better than fireball even with abjuration subclass.

              • Anonymous

                so how does Sleep saving throw work with this spell?
                it says Dex save, does this means enemies that get hit always sleep?

                • Anonymous

                  Notes. This spell doesn't count as the caster attack.
                  Though it does use their DC.
                  What this effects are gear that has on hit effects.
                  Like cover in ice debuff.
                  Using the cold glyph won't activate these kind of effect. Where it says the users spell.
                  Which is why In that same ruling. It won't end sanctuary.

                  • Anonymous

                    So, have fighter drop potion of haste on herself and cleric, then water bottle on enemy pack, they still have 2 attack to make under speed buff for stragglers. SH then first cast bane on enemy and then target group with glyph of cold/lighting with her two actions for x2 damage under save penalty. Thats how you cook it?

                    • Anonymous

                      Crazy good offensive option for a tanky Abjuration Wizard. It refuels 3+ Arcane Ward stacks while dealing good damage. Subclass with Cleric and/or Sorcerer for Heavy Armor Proficiency + other really good abjuration spells such as Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, and Armor of Agathys.

                      • Anonymous

                        Initially I thought its bad, because its not like you ever get multiple enemies walk into it at once, but... Then you realize this has no detonation cooldown, so it's basically a shorter range fireball of any element and couple extra effects. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it's certainly one of the strongest caster aoe options

                        • Anonymous

                          jesus who updates these pages? so many typos and completely wrong information
                          ..bestow curse..? glyph of warding cold doing lightning damage? I understand its new but atleast proofread before publishing

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