Death Domain |
Initial Death Domain Features |
Inherited Cleric Features |
Death Domain is a Subclass of Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. Death Domain is a new subclass that can utilize necrotic attacks and cast effects such as exploding nearby corpses that can damage nearby enemies. The primary ability of the Cleric class is Wisdom, their saving throw proficiencies are Wisdom and Charisma, and they have a Hit Dice of 1d8 per Cleric level. They have proficiency with All Simple Weapons and with Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Official Description
BG3 Cleric Class Progression
- Level 1 - Choose a Cleric Domain (Life, Light, Knowledge, Trickery, Nature, Tempest, War)
- Level 1 - Choose a Deity (Class Feature)
- Level 2 - Channel Divinity Charges (Feature)
- Level 2 - Turn Undead (Action)
- Level 4 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 5 - Destroy Undead (Class Feature)
- Level 6 - Channel Divinity Charges (Class Feature)
- Level 8 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 10 - Divine Intervention (Class Feature)
- Level 12 - Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
BG3 Death Domain Progression
BG3 Death Domain Spell Slots
A table for the Spell Slots of the Death Domain subclass will be added soon.
Death Domain Tips & Builds
- The Death Domain subclass will be added in Patch 8.
- Notes, Builds, and other tips go here.
All Cleric Spells in Baldurs Gate 3
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Name | Level | School | Casting time | Description |
Cantrip | Divination | Action | The target gains a +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks 10 turns |
Cantrip | Abjuration | Action | Take only half of the damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing attacks 2 Turns |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action |
Infuse an object with an aura of light. Until Long Rest Only affects one target at a time. Melee DEX Save |
Cantrip | Conjuration | Action |
1d12 Poison Project a puff of noxious gas. 3m CON Save |
Cantrip | Conjuration | Action |
A flickering flame appears in your hand. It sheds bright light in a 9m radius and deals 1d8 Fire damage when thrown. Throwing the flame immediately after you conjure it does not cost an action. Extinguishing or throwing it on subsequent turns costs an action. Until Long Rest |
Cantrip | Abjuration | Action |
Make a target more resistant to spell effects and conditions: it receives a +1d4 bonus to Saving Throws. 10 turns Melee Concentration |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action |
1d8 Radiant Engulf a target in a flame-like radiance 18m DEX Save |
Cantrip | Transmutation | Bonus Action |
Your staff or club becomes magical: it deals 4
Cantrip | Transmutation | Action |
Gain Advantage on Intimidation and Performance Checks. |
Cantrip | Transmutation | Action |
1d6Piercing Strike at a creature with a thorny, vine-like whip and pull it 3m closer to you. The target can't be pulled if it is Huge in size. 9m |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Convince a beast not to attack you. The creature must have an Intelligence of 3 or below 18m WIS Save |
Lv 1 | Abjuration | Bonus Action |
You or an ally cannot be target until you attack or harm a creature. You can still take damage from area spells. 10 Turns 18m |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Up to 3 creatures receive a -1d4 penalty to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws 10 Turns 9mCHA Save Concentration |
Lv 1 | Enchantment |
Bless up to 3 creatures. They gain a +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
3d6Fire |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Charm a humanoid to prevent in from attacking you. You gain Advantage on Charisma Checks in dialogue and prevent it from attacking. Enemies have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed. When the spell ends, the target might accuse you of Charming them. |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop their weapon. 1 Turn |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | Action |
Call forth rain or destroy a water-based surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation |
1d8+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points Heal a creature you can touch. No effects on undead and constructs Melee |
Lv 1 | Illusion | Action |
Magically change all aspects of your appearance. Until Long Rest |
Lv 1 | Evocation |
Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1∼4 Radiant Damage. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
All targets within the light turn visible, and Attack Rolls against them have Advantage. 10 Turns |
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action | The cloud Blinds and Heavily Oscures creatures within it. 5m18m Concentration |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
4d6Radiant 18m/60ft |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Bonus Action |
1d4+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points Heal a creature you can see No effect on undead and constructs. 18m |
Lv 1 | Necromancy | Action |
3d10 Necrotic Putrefy a creature with the nectrotic energy filling your hands. Melee |
Lv 1 | Abjuration | Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
Protect an ally against the attacks and powers of aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Melee Concentration |
Lv 1 | Abjuration | Bonus Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
Protect a creature from attacks increase: Increase its Armour Class by 2 Until Long Rest 18m/60ft Concentration |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action | Put creatures into a magical slumber. Select targets up to a combined 24 hit points. 2 Turns The condition ends upon taking damage. 18m |
Lv 1 | Divination Spell | Action |
Gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action | 2d8 Thunder |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
5 Healing Heal your allies and increase their hit point maximum by 5 hit points Until Long Rest 9m 9m |
Lv 2 | Necromancy | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Limit a foes sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. 10 turns Range: 18m CON Save |
Lv 2 | Enchantment | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Humanoids can't be Charmed, Frightened, or become enraged. 10 turns Range: 18m Radius: 6m Concentration |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Bestow a magical enhancement upon an ally. They gain Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability. |
Lv 2 | Conjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
2~12 Damage Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects. You can move the sphere. It emits a bright light. |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action | Summon a strong wind that clears all sounds and pushes creatures back 5m, forcing them Off Balance. 1 turn 12m STR Save |
Lv 2 | Enchantment | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't move, act or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits. 10 turns |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Cure a creature from disease, poison, paralysis or blindness. |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls. Until Long RestMelee Concentration |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action | Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3. Always Prepared |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Call forth a veil of shadows and silence that gives you and all nearby companions a +10 bonus to Stealth checks. Until Long Rest Concentration Always Prepared |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
2d8+[Spellcasting Modifier] Can only be used outside of combat |
Lv 2 | Abjuration |
Touch a creature to neutraise all poisons affecting it, and grants it protection against poisonous influences. Grants Advantage on Saving Throws against being Poisoned, and grant it Resistance to Poison damage. Until Long Rest Melee |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
6d6 Fire 10 Turns Always Prepared |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action |
Damages all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic material such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw. On Save: Targets still take half damage. |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action |
2D4Piercing Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4 Piercing damage for every 1.5m it moves. 18m 6m Concentration |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Summons a floating, spectral weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you. 1d8+Spellcasting Ability ModifierForce Range: 18m |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and Immune to Thunder damage. 100 turns Range: 18m Radius: 6m Concentration |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Create an undead servant from a corpse. The target must be a Medium or Small corpse. |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Your allies will regain the maximum hit points possible when headed. They also gain Advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws and Death Saving Throws. 10 Turns |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action |
Curse a creature with your touch. The curse either bestows Disadvantage on checks and Saving Throws or attacks, lets you deal additional damage to the target, or robs ot of its actions. 10 Turns Melee WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action | 3d10Lightning Call down lightning to hit all targets within range. Each turn, can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot. 10 Turns 18m 2m DEX Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Action | Radiate a holy power that emboldens nearby allies. Their weapons attacks deal an additional 1 - 4 Radiant damage. Concentration |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Enchant an item to shine like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that dispels all darkness around it. 18m 15m |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action |
Put an ally in a protective coma. They become Resistant to all damage except Physic Damage. Disease and poison have no effect. 10 Turns Melee |
Lv 3 | Illusion | Action |
Project an image so frightening it makes targets drop everything and become Fearful. They will be easier to hit and cannot move. 3 Turns 1 Turn 9m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
8d6Fire Shoot a bright flame from your fingers that explodes upon contact, torching everything in the vicinity. On Save: Targets still take half damage. |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground that trigger a magical effect when stepped on by an enemy. When stepped on by an enemy, the selected magical effect will trigger. Ony one glyph can be active at a time 3m 8m Dex Save |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Bonus Action |
4-7 Healing Heal up to 6 allies. No effect on undead and constructs. 18m 18m |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action |
Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered. 10 turns 6m 18m |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action |
Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage. Melee Concentration |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Warlock Spell Slot |
Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses and Hexes affecting it. Melee |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action |
Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 hit point. 9m 9m Always Prepared |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action |
Call forth spirits to protect the area around you. On Save: Targets still take half damage. Caster can't become Invisible while concentrating on this spell |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action |
Alter time around up to 6 enemies to Slow them. They won't get far, they can't do much, and they're easier to hit. 10 Turns 18m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action |
Call forth a storm that disrupts the Concentration of spellcasters, douses fires, and creates an ice surface. 18m 9m Concentration |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action |
Grant a semblance of life to a humanoid corpse, allowing it to answer up to 5 questions. 9m |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action |
Call forth spirits to protect you. Nearby enemies take 3-24 Radiant damage or 3-24 Necrotic damage per turn, and their movement speed is halved. On Save: Targets still take half damage |
Lv 4 | Abjuration | Action |
Temporarily Banish your target to another plane of existence. 18m CHASave Concentration |
Lv 4 | Enchantment | Action |
Befuddle a group of creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 4 | Abjuration | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Protect a creature from death. The next time damage would reduce it to 0 hit points, it remains conscious with 1 hit point left. Melee |
Lv 4 | Enchantment | Action | Make a beast fight alongside you. Every time the beast takes damage, it makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your domination. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 4 | Conjuration | Action | Teleport yourself and up to 1 adjacent ally to a place you can see. The ally cannot be larger than medium. Melee |
Lv 4 | Abjuration | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Snap an ally out of any Stun. Difficult Terrain can't slow them down, and they can't be magically Paralyzed or Restrained. Melee |
Lv 4 | Conjuration | Bonus Action | Summon a giant vine capable of dragging creatures toward itself. 9m Concentration |
Lv 4 | Conjuration | Action | Call forth a divine guardian that attacks nearby enemies. Every time it deals damage, the guardian loses an equal amount of hit points. 9m |
Lv 4 | Evocation | Action | 6-40 Damage Impel a storm of hail and ice to crash from the sky, covering the ground and striking all objects and creatures within range. 2 Turns |
Lv 4 | Evocation | Action | Enclose a target in a sphere of shimmering force, reducing its movement speed by half, and blocking all incoming and outgoing damage. 3 Turns 9m DEX SaveConcentration |
Lv 4 | Transmutation | Action | Transform a creature into a harmless sheep. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 4 | Abjuration | Action | Turn a creature's flesh hard as stone. It takes only half the damage of all non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing. and Slashing damage. Until Long Rest Melee Concentration |
Lv 4 | Evocation | Action | 5-40 Damage 5d8 Fire Create a blazing wall of fire, burning anyone who dares stand too close. |
Lv 5 | Necromancy | Action | Poison a target and possibly afflict them with a disease of your choice. Melee CON Save |
Lv 5 | Abjuration | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Aberration, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you. Concentration |
Lv 5 | Evocation |
10 - 60 Damage 5d6Thunder Create a shockwave of either divine or malevolent thunder that damages nearby creatures and possibly knocks them Prone. 1 Turn On Save: Targets still take half damage 9m CON Save |
Lv 5 | Enchantment | Action | Make a humanoid fight alongside you. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Evocation | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
10-60 Damage 5d6 Fire Make a pillar of divine fire roar down from the heavens like the wrath of affronted angels. On Save: Targets still take half damage. 18m DEX Save |
Lv 5 | Abjuration | Action | Touch a creature and negate any Charm, Petrification, Stun, or curse afflicting it. Melee |
Lv 5 | Enchantment | Action | Paralyse a creature. It can't move, act or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits. 10 turns No effect on undead 18m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 5 | Conjuration | Action | 4 ~ 40 Damage 4d10 Piercing Locust attack everyone within range, make the area Difficult Terrain, and impose Disadvantage on Perception Checks. 10 Turns On save: Targets still take half damage. 18m CON Save Concentration |
Lv 5 | Evocation | Action | 6-7 Healing 3d8+3 No effect on undead and constructs. 18m |
Lv 5 | Abjuration | Action | Target an otherworldly creature and attach its consciousness to your own. It will follow and fight for you as an ally. Target must be a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Illusion | Action | Disguise up to 4 memebers of your adventuring party. 18m |
Lv 5 | Transmutation | Action | Throw a creature or object up to 18m with a thought. Once per turn, yhou can use Telekinesis again without expending a spell slot. STR SaveConcentration |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action | 6-60 Damage Summons a wall of razor-sharp blades that turns the area into Difficult Terrain and damages anyone foolish enough to come close. 1 Turn 18m DEX SaveConcentration |
Lv 6 | Necromancy | Action | Raise a corpse as a heinous mummy that fights by your sde. Until Long Rest The target must be a Medium or Small corpse. 3m |
Lv 6 | Necromancy | Action | 14-84 Damage 14d6 Necrotic Reduce a target's maximum hit points, but never below 1. Until Long Rest On Save: Targets still take half damage 18m CON Save |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action | 70 Healing Heal a target's wounds and remove Blindness and any diseases. No effect on undead and constructs. Melee |
Lv 6 | Conjuration | Action | You and everyone around can't be poisoned, diseased, or frightened. Your HP increases, and you make Wisdom Saves with Advantage. Until Long Rest 18m |
Lv 6 | Conjuration | Action | Beseech one of these otherworldly entities for aid. 18m |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Ward an ally. They gain Resistance to all damage, and a +1 bonus to their Armour Class and Saving Throws Until Long Rest Melee |
Lv 5 | Evocation | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Raise a wall of non-magical, solid stone. 18m Concentration |
All Cleric Spells Gallery
Cleric Lvl 1 Spells
Cleric Lvl 2 Spells
Cleric Level 3 Spells
Cleric Level 4 Spells
Cleric Level 5 Spells
Cleric Level 6 Spells