ContagionLevel 5 Necromancy Spell Poison a target and possibly afflict them with a disease of your choice. Until Long Rest Melee CON Save |
Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Contagion is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Contagion is a Lvl 5 Spell from the Necromancy school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
Contagion Information
- Description: Poison a target and possibly afflict them with a disease of your choice.
- Level: Lvl 5 spell
- School: Necromancy School
- Casting Time: Action
- Range:
- Requires Concentration: No
- Saving Throw:
How to Acquire Contagion
Contagion can be acquired by the following classes:
- Cleric
- Circle of the Spores (Druid Subclass)
- Druid
Contagion can be cast by using the following Items:
- ???
Contagion Tips & Notes
- Notes & Tips go here
- Anonymous
The only time you'll ever see the secondary effects of this spell are if you brought 3 other casters with you and literally can't do enough damage to kill the target before the contagion worsens. Assuming they didn't save on cast immediately, of course - with you in melee range.
Despite being a potentially really cool and fun spell, it is sadly never useful, or at least never more useful than some other spell your casters could also use.
- Anonymous
read in wiki , wows this is cool , lv5 spell make any boss invulnerable is on par with Ilithid spell (but Ilitid spell require long rest per cast).
real use that wiki don't said , required at least 3 turns to activate second effect.
thanks , the boss is already dies I dont care this anymore
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
By the time you get it everyone gets pretty high resistances to it. So you're either save scumming 15% on hit, or loosing a turn and lvl5 spell slot for nothing.
- Anonymous
Upcasting grants no additional benefits.
Contagion: Blinding Sickness
Target receives Disadvantage on Wisdom Checks and Saving Throws, and is Blinded.
Contagion: Filth Fever
Target receives Disadvantage on Strength Checks, Saving Throws, and Attack Rolls that use Strength
Contagion: Flesh Rot
Target receives Disadvantage on Charisma Checks and is afflicted with Vulnerability to all damage.
Contagion: Mindfire
Target receives Disadvantage on Intelligence Checks and Saving Throws, and is Befuddled.
Contagion: Seizure
Target receives Disadvantage on Dexterity Checks, Saving Throws, and Attack Rolls.
Contagion: Slimy Doom
Target receives Disadvantage on Constitution Checks and Saving Throws. Whenever they are hit, they get Stunned.
- Anonymous
Is this spell a non-concentration substitute for Bestow Curse, or does the wait for the 3 saves makes it worse on boss fights?
- Anonymous
Melee touch attack spell, target takes 3 constitution saves to contract effect. 3 saves clears, 3 failures contracts long-rest duration effect.
After you click the spell you select one of 6 options that attacks an ability score Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. It seems to use the Spell Attack roll to hit, then the target makes 3 CON saves (stage 1, 2, 3, like Petrification in PnP rules) and 3 failures inflicts the disease (disadvantage on chosen Ability checks and another chosen effect: ie. for Charisma Contagion the target is vulnerable to all damage.)
While the target is undergoing the initial 3 stages of contagion it receives disadvantage on all Saves and Ability checks of the caster's chosen Ability (so CON would be very good on this). After 3 failures, there is a long-rest disadvantage on chosen ability and another effect depending on what you chose: Selecting Constitution Contagion means after 3 failures every time the target gets hit they are stunned, and this one is unusual in that the Strength ability checks are disadvantage (b/c there are no Constitution ability checks).
- Anonymous
This spell is more good than people know. There is a right way to use it.
You can use this spell with a high stealth caster, use it on a strong being. Boss/strong one who you want to deal with.
After you cast you can just exit that place or wait for it became vulnerable.
REMEMBER, the spell have no time. After he became vunerable is for ever. I think is even after long rest.
So you having problems with some dude, grab a good DC stealthy caster and do it.
Is not a battle spell, the way it works is more like the assassin/gloom stalker. You deal and exit.